Chasing Bad Boys 7_A Bad Boy Romance Series

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Chasing Bad Boys 7_A Bad Boy Romance Series Page 12

by Kylie Parker

  When Carson returned to the table, Stephanie stood up to use the restroom herself. She crossed the restaurant and showed herself into the restroom. She went immediately into a stall and relieved herself. Then, she stepped over to the sink and reveled in the fine smell of the hand soap that she was using.

  She looked up into the mirror and looked into her own eyes. She wondered how she had even gotten into this kind of situation. She was only here in the first place because of her love of politics, and now she was part of a love scandal. She had never imagined getting romantically involved with her boss, and it seemed to her that was the only thing she had managed to accomplish at all.

  Stephanie felt a tear tickle in her eye, and she quickly blinked it away. She had likely ruined any chance she had at making a name for herself in politics. She had such a bright future, and she had gotten carried away and thrown it all into the trash.

  She lingered in the restroom for a few more moments, and then finally left. She knew that Carson would begin to suspect she was up to something if she delayed her return for much longer.

  Stephanie left the restroom and once again crossed the restaurant back to her table. Carson gave her a small smile as she sat down in front of him. Stephanie vaguely noted that their dessert dishes had arrived, and she immediately turned her attention to the decadent piece of cake in front of her seat.

  “Everything alright?” Carson asked her after she had taken a couple of bites.

  “Fine,” Stephanie said softly, putting another forkful into her mouth.

  “That wasn’t very convincing,” Carson noted, taking a bit of his own cake, and Stephanie sighed, leaning back.

  “What can I say,” she shrugged, looking own into her lap. “This whole job… it was nothing like I expected it would be.”

  Carson laughed loudly, even to the point that other people in the restaurant turned their attention to the table they were sharing. Stephanie blushed violently at the unwanted attention.

  “Welcome to politics,” Carson smirked at her.

  “Thank you,” Stephanie snapped at him, rolling her eyes in irritation.

  “I mean come on, what did you expect?” Carson pressed. “That you would somehow be the first and only female assistant who didn’t have to sleep with her boss in order to advance her career?”

  Stephanie frowned. When he put it that way, it did seem rather foolish.

  “I don’t know,” Stephanie sighed. “I just feel like I may have made a mistake.”

  “Now that’s where you’re wrong,” Carson countered, his tone much more serious.

  Stephanie was slightly confused.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, hoping that he would elaborate.

  “I mean,” Carson said. “That you are exactly where you should be. There are plenty of women in politics, and plenty of them started out in situations just like yours, giving their bosses scandals to distract them from the work that the system won’t allow them to do.”

  Stephanie processed his words, and she began to protest, but Carson held up his hand to stop her.

  “Stephanie,” he said, his voice firm. “You may well have the most important job in the United States government. You keep the wheels turning. If Chris didn’t have you, he wouldn’t be happy, and if he wasn’t happy, he wouldn’t be doing a good job of playing his role to keep the country rolling. You hear me?”

  Carson looked sternly at Stephanie. What he was saying made a lot of sense, and Stephanie had to admit that he was making a lot of sense. Still, she had hoped not to be some stress ball.

  “I guess I just expected something…” Stephanie searched for the word.

  “More?” Carson supplied the word for her, and she nodded. “All in good time. I assure you. Before you know it, you’ll have an office, and a handsome young assistant of your own who will be more than eager to serve you in whatever ways you could possibly imagine.”

  Stephanie blushed at the idea, but she could not deny the rush of excitement the image of having her own office gave her.

  “Just be patient,” Carson counseled her. “You’re smart. Things will start to work out quicker than you think.”

  With that, Carson turned back to his plate, and Stephanie did the same. She was slightly comforted by his words, but she had to admit that she still wished there was a more legitimate way for a woman to establish herself in the business. After all, it was the twenty-first century. The more she thought about it, in fact, the more irritated she became with the whole institution.

  Stephanie kept her irritation on reserve, though, so that she could finish out her evening with Carson. In spite of his motives, he had really treated her to a nice meal, and she didn’t deserve his irritation.

  Soon, they were both finished with their dessert, and Carson looked up across the table at her with a smile.

  “Well,” he said with a short smile. “Shall we?”

  “Please,” Stephanie answered, relieved that this whole ordeal was finally coming to a close. Carson stood from his seat and then moved over to Stephanie. He offered her his arm, and she took it, allowing him to help her up out of her chair, and then lead her back out of the restaurant from where they had come in.

  Carson led her out to the car and helped her into the passenger’s side before taking his own seat at the wheel and starting the car. He pulled out of the parking space and then drove out into the street, headed back to Stephanie’s apartment.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Carson was silent as he drove, and Stephanie, too, was quiet. She looked out at the buildings around her and the various monuments across the Capitol. She had worked so hard to get there, and now it seemed that she had entirely lost all her purpose in the wake of her relationship with Chris.

  She wondered if she had not gotten the job as his assistant if she would be there at all. She would have likely started as someone’s assistant, no matter what, that was inevitable. And she knew it would look good on her resume to have worked for Senator Chris Skii. Above all, though, she wished there was another way that she, as a woman, could make a name for herself in the world.

  She was certainly distressed about her situation as a female in the workplace, but she was also concerned with her relationship with Chris. Did he really view her as an office assistant to use for his pleasure, or was it something more? The only way she would likely know was by asking, and even then he could lie. It seemed that Carson believed there was something more between them, but she wasn’t sure if she could trust him just yet either.

  Stephanie was pulled out of her thoughts when the car came to a stop, and she realized they were on the street outside of her apartments. She watched as Carson got out of the car, and she waited for him to get the door for her. When the door swung open, she took his offered hand and allowed him to help her onto the sidewalk.

  “Well, here we are again,” Carson smiled down at her. “Thank you very much for a truly wonderful evening. I am glad you agreed to come.”

  “So am I,” Stephanie smiled up at him, and she was surprised that she was honest. Carson smiled down at her and bent to give her a soft, friendly kiss on the cheek.

  “Keep your head up,” he advised her. “You’re on a good path. Stay the course.”

  “Thanks,” Stephanie said softly, offering him a small smile. “I will. Thank you so much for the dinner.”

  “Anytime,” Carson gave her a wink. “And I mean it- I’d never waste an opportunity to get under my brother’s skin.”

  Stephanie rolled her eyes and laughed.

  “Goodnight,” Carson said easily and gave her a smooth smile.

  “Goodnight,” Stephanie responded. She waited until Carson had gotten back in his car and the engine had turned over before she turned back and headed into her building.

  As she took the elevator up to her floor, her head spun with thoughts. She was glad that she was no longer feeling the hints of attraction for Carson. Sure, he looked like Chris, but he was a wholly different person. He seemed
more calm and calculating and cold than Chris was, and she was not sure she wanted to get any closer to a person like that.

  On the other hand, she was also having serious doubts about the legitimacy of her relationship with Chris. She frowned even at the thought of him. Even as she arrived at the floor of her apartment and unlocked her door, she frowned as she contemplated her relationship with the senator.

  He was eager to cover up this scandal for more than one reason. Carson had seemed convinced that it was because of her, but then again it could easily just be because the nominations for presidential candidates were coming up, and he wanted to be beyond contempt.

  Another matter that concerned her was her worth to him, and her role in his life. She thought back to all the times they had been together before, and she tried to imagine what had led to them. Alcohol seemed to be a key factor, or jealousy. He had assured her that he didn’t want to abuse her, but then again he probably said that to all the girls he made love to.

  He was certainly a good lover, and she had enjoyed each of her encounters with him immensely. She did have to admit, though, that she had thought he was actually having feelings for her in the midst of these encounters. She hated to admit it, but she certainly had feelings for him.

  In the end, Stephanie could only shake her head and sigh. She tossed her purse onto the couch and headed into her room. She stepped out of her dress and hung it back up in the closet. She removed her fancy underwear in favor of a pair of cotton panties. Then, she put on a large, soft shirt. She released a sigh, feeling much more comfortable.

  As she curled up in her bed to finally go to sleep for the evening, she set an alarm on her phone and set it on her nightstand. She was not surprised to see a few missed calls from Chris, but she was resolved already to ignore them. She had a lot to talk about with him the next morning, and she knew it could certainly wait until then.

  With that, she settled down into her bed, allowing her head to rest on her soft pillows. Her eyes closed, and she let her mind drift until she finally fell asleep.

  The next morning, Stephanie woke to feeling refreshed and happy to be alive. She knew that she was going to have to have a confrontation with Chris, but she knew that it was necessary for them to continue their working relationship or any kind of relationship. But before that, she needed to go for her run. She dressed in her running pants and a tank top and headed out the door.

  Stephanie felt her head clear, and her body regulate itself as her feet pounded the concrete. Her heart was pounding, and her blood was racing, and fresh air was flowing through her lungs. She felt alive, and she felt powerful and capable. By the time she had circled back to her apartment, she knew that there was nothing in she couldn’t do if she wanted it.

  She got into the shower and cleaned herself off, and then dressed in a nice black skirt and a simple white blouse with a blue blazer. She looked fresh and professional. She let her hair flow freely around her shoulders as it dried into easy waves. She applied some makeup and deodorant, and gathered up her purse, ready to take on the task she had set up for herself.

  She went out to the parking garage, and she felt her resolve falter a little as she saw the car that Chris had given to her as a gift. She was reminded that he was a much more powerful man and a much richer man than many other men in the world. If this conversation with him didn’t go well, she would lose everything that he had given her and more.

  Stephanie took a deep breath and resumed her course. She knew that if she handled this conversation well, nothing bad was going to happen to her. She knew that Chris was a reasonable man and that likely the worst thing that would happen to her was she leave the job and find another, likely with his help.

  Stephanie got in the car feeling much less shaken and headed for the office. She parked the car and then made her way over to the office door, and headed to the office to Chris’s door. She unlocked it with her key, and she was slightly relieved to see that Chris was not there yet. She went through her usual routine and set her things down, and then set the coffee to brew.

  No sooner had the coffee finished than Stephanie heard the door open, and she stiffened as Chris walked through the door. She looked over at him, and he stopped in his tracks, his blue eyes locking onto her. They both stood stock still, simply looking at one another.

  After what felt like ages, Chris cleared his throat, and compulsively straightened his tie.

  “Good morning,” he said softly, moving slowly toward his desk.

  “Good morning,” Stephanie returned simply. Her heart pounded as she made her way over to the coffee machine and made up his cup the way he liked it.

  She was silent as she crossed the room to his desk and set it down in front of him.

  “Thank you,” he said quietly, and Stephanie nodded.

  Stephanie stood still by his desk as he took a drink of his coffee. Neither of them spoke or looked at one another.

  “So,” Chris finally spoke, and Stephanie could hear the steely edge in his tone. “Did you enjoy your date last night?”

  Stephanie bristled but calmed herself. There was bitterness in his voice, but there was also anxiety and hurt and also hope. He looked up at her with his blue eyes, and Stephanie felt her heart melt. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t seem to make herself be cruel to him.

  “I did,” she said honestly. “Your brother showed me a very nice time.”

  Stephanie saw Chris ball his hand into a fist on the desktop.

  “I see,” he said through gritted teeth. “Did he… take you somewhere nice?”

  Stephanie could tell that was not the question he wanted to ask, but she decided to simply answer what had actually been asked.

  “He did,” Stephanie nodded. “We had a lovely meal together.”

  Chris nodded, but Stephanie could see that he was struggling to maintain his composure.

  “And then?” he asked. He looked up at her, and his eyes seemed to search her face for the answer rather than waiting for her to answer him with her words.

  “And then nothing,” she said, gently cupping his face with her hand. “He took me home, and I went to bed. Alone.”

  Chris released a shuddering sigh, and he pressed his lips to her palm. Stephanie felt a surge of warmth through her at his reaction, and then a bit of anxiety. Was this an act of affection, or an act of possession? She certainly couldn’t tell anymore. She withdrew her hand slowly, and Chris looked up at her in some confusion.

  “Stephanie?” he asked softly. “Are you alright? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  She heard the edge of panic in his voice, and she promptly shook his head and was glad when he visibly relaxed.

  “There’s nothing I’m not telling you,” she said slowly. “But… there are a few things that I need you to tell me.”

  Chris frowned and tilted his head in confusion.

  “Like what?” he asked, leaning back in his chair and looking up at her. “If it’s about what’s been going on around here, I promise that I’m going to take care of it…”

  “No, no,” Stephanie shook her head and held her hand up. “It’s not about that. I know all about the picture. And the blackmail.”

  “Oh,” Chris said and blinked. “Carson told you.”

  Stephanie nodded, and Chris shook his head, his jaw clenched.

  “I was trying to keep you out of it,” Chris said softly. “I’m sorry, I should have told you…”

  “Chris, it’s fine,” Stephanie said, cutting him off. “This isn’t about that either.”

  Chris blinked again and frowned in confusion.

  “Well, what is it then?” he asked, standing from his chair and moving around the desk to be near her, but Stephanie backed away to maintain their distance. Chris stopped short and looked a little hurt.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, holding up his hands in a gesture of innocence. “I’m a little lost here…”

  Stephanie swallowed and took a breath before she articulated the first
words of what she thought would likely turn into an argument.

  “This is going to sound ridiculous,” Stephanie warned with a small laugh. “But… we need to talk about us…”

  “Okay,” Chris said, his voice actually more relieved than anything else. “Like, what about us?”

  “What are we?” Stephanie said simply. “I mean, I’m your assistant, of course. And that’s all I wanted. But then we slept together, and now I just don’t know what to think. I mean, I’m sure you’ve slept with your assistants before, and I’m probably stupid for thinking what we had was special. And that was probably just a misconception on my part. So I just need to set the record straight. If you want me as your assistant, that’s fine, and if you want to have sex with me every now and again, that’s fine too. I know you have a history of women and gambling, and I’m not trying to take any of that away from you. But I don’t want to keep my feelings on the line anymore. So I just need us to come to an agreement of terms.”

  Stephanie let out a deep breath as she finished. She felt elated that she had managed to get out all that had been weighing on her. She watched Chris as he processed her words, and she tried to figure out his facial expression as he seemed to think over her words. He finally looked up at her, and there was sadness in his blue eyes.

  “Stephanie…” he started with a sigh, shaking his head. “I just have to say I’m sorry.”

  Stephanie was slightly surprised by his words, but she stayed quiet as she allowed him to gather his thoughts and carefully choose his words, for both their sakes.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “You’re right,” he said. “I have slept with my assistants before. I have a weakness for beautiful women. I do recognize that this creates a problem when it comes to having a working relationship, and I realize that it can blur a lot of lines.”


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