Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1 Page 10

by L. J. Swallow

  I’m not sure what Ash’s issue is with Maeve, as he welcomed her when she first arrived. A prejudice against witches? Ash was standoffish to anybody outside of Gilgamesh in his early days, but recently he’s fine.

  I deliberately walk over to him first, with the nervous Maeve following, and tap him on the shoulder. The guy is a typical shifter, built like a mountain with arms I swear could crush a man's skull if he locked them around their head. Is this part of his popularity? People's reluctance to tangle with the captain of the rugby team whose physical prowess grows by the day?

  He has a natural charisma that attracts people as readily as the lamia vamp nearby who has Clive in her thrall. Neither need to try. I’d hate being the focus of attention, but some thrive on it.

  The group Ash stands with wear their blue and black rugby shirts, identifying their tribe. They celebrate the match win today; some drink from bottles, others hold plastic cups filled with beer. They’ve been drinking for a while, judging by the empties standing on tables.

  Ash casts a glance over his shoulder, and he graces Maeve with one of his signature smiles that always affects girls. How does he do that? Maybe I should get him to teach me. I snort to myself. As if I have any hope of reaching his league.

  "Maeve! I’m glad you decided to come." Ash nods a hello at me then gestures at a guy beside him. "Rami—find a drink for Maeve. What do you like?"

  "I don’t drink."

  The crowd around Ash stare as if she’s a butcher at a vegetarian restaurant.

  "Not even one as a welcome to the academy?" he cajoles.

  "No." She's emphatic; there's no trying peer pressure on this girl. Maeve looks to Rami, the short and stocky shifter with Ash. "I'd like a water, please."

  The staring continues. Rami glances at Ash as if he's the one with the final say on what Maeve drinks. She scowls.

  "Or I'll find a glass myself." Maeve stands on tiptoes and looks around the room. Like Walcott common room, Gilgamesh's has a small kitchen area to the rear, and Rami heads there.

  "We should catch up for a chat, Maeve." Ash takes a long drink from his bottle. "Let me finish up with these guys first and I'll be right with you."

  He punctuates his words with another of those smiles, but Maeve appears unmoved this time.

  "Please, don't trouble yourself on my account." She gives a tight smile and then moves closer to me. "I don't have Amelia here to fill me in on the gossip. I hope you know some."

  Her sweet scent tickles my nostrils and her blonde hair touches my face as she whispers the words.

  I can't help feeling smug when Ash looks at me in confused shock.

  Maybe he doesn't always get the girl.

  Interested eyes watch us as we cross the room, and once we have our drinks we find a group from our house who sit on and around a couple of armchairs. Maeve sips from a glass of water and quietly takes in the room and people.

  I point at her glass. "Do you drink at all, or just not tonight?"

  "Rarely." She chews her bottom lip. "If I drink too much, I trigger visions, and they're more confusing than usual."

  Visions. Maeve looks away and asks a random girl a question before I can resurrect our conversation from earlier. I’m uncomfortable, not because I think she's hiding something—because I'm sure she is—but because I'm worried exactly what she isn’t telling me. How can I get Maeve to open up to me? I was bloody stupid to tell her I could see peoples' thoughts through touch, because she's kept her distance since.

  My stomach sinks.

  She doesn't want to be near me. That display a few moments ago was Maeve thumbing her nose at Ash.

  I watch as she chats, and my hackles rise as some in the room stare and whisper. Since Maeve discovered who she was, she's continued her low profile. She may be unaware exactly what her power means, or how some harbour jealousy or fear, but I'm sure she senses the distrust.

  Amelia once told me she wanted to wrap Maeve in her arms and hug her all better. But she knows as well as I do that Maeve isn't the hugging type. She's spent life confused and frightened by her powers, and built up defences. I’m not surprised she avoids getting close to people.

  Katherine sits close by on Clive's lap, which raises eyebrows in the way she enjoys. The lamia and the shifter royalty—the guy with the wealth and her with the power. It's an unspoken certainty that when head boy and girl are announced in the final year, it will be them. Clive can be unpredictable, but Katherine will coach Clive to success.

  Maeve turns back to me, leaning close to whisper again, causing the same lurching in my chest. Her soft hair against my cheek begs to be touched.

  "Are Clive and Katherine an item?" She moves away and looks at me searchingly. I arch a brow at her. "Okay, they obviously are but... isn't that weird?"

  "You think that's the weirdest thing about this academy?" I ask with a laugh.

  Maeve studies those in the room, some chatting, others flirting, others on laps hugging or kissing. "No, but other couples seem to be the same species."

  I shush her. "Race, not species, Maeve."

  "Right." She points at herself. "Not all up on etiquette. Never knew you existed until last week."

  "But you're right, the lamia and shifter are an odd match. They're a power couple who each has something the other wants. They'd make strong Confederacy leaders."

  "Better than if they chose to be Dominion leaders, I guess."

  A guy nearby catches the word and narrows his eyes at us. I guide Maeve to one side by the arm, hurt when she pulls away the minute I stop. "It's best not to mention Dominion in here—they're our equivalent of terrorists. You'll either scare people or make them suspicious."

  "Is that why their attack is a big secret?" she whispers.

  Where the hell is this Confederacy representative with his information and assurances we’re safe? Until I see one, I won’t feel that I am. "Maybe we shouldn't think about that. Relax. Get to meet more people."

  I'm happy when friendlier members of our house take time to chat to Maeve, and watch cautiously when anybody close to Katherine approaches. I crane my head. Where is Andrei? It's unlike him to miss a party—unless he's fallen off the wagon again and is hunting for blood.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I'm skilled in hiding. My thoughts, my emotions—and myself, if necessary. I wanted to avoid the party, but I've two reasons to attend. I need to figure out the academy’s social dynamics and learn more about what these people are and how they operate.

  Clive and Katherine worry me as much as intrigue me, and I make a mental note to avoid them at all costs. At least Ash is pleasant to me tonight, even if it’s because he's had a beer or two. Katherine's offsiders are practically hanging off his arm too. Are they blood drinking vampires, or something else?

  That's one big, disturbing question I've yet to ask. Amelia told me hemia drink animal blood that the academy stocks. I've witnessed vamps heading back from the farm area at the edge of the grounds, which I find gross but reassuring. Although, I struggle to name one horror movie or book where a vampire doesn't drink human blood, however hard they try not to.

  And folklore tales are always based on truths.

  "Looking thoughtful." I don't need to look around to know who's speaking. Ash's voice has a smoothness that instantly attracts my attention.

  He holds another beer, and I've transitioned to Coke. I often avoid caffeine late at night because I hate lying awake and worrying what I might dream about. Although usually my dreams are just that—dreams. I hope that doesn't change now I'm accessing deeper parts of my power.

  "Are you enjoying the party?" he asks, and his expectant look amuses me, as if my approval matters.

  "I'm enjoying meeting a few people outside of class. Some are introducing themselves and saying who they are, and others..."

  "Are suspicious of you?" he suggests when I trail off.

  "I can't blame them." I give a half smile. "The feeling's mutual, especially around Petrescu

  Ash grunts in agreement. "There're good and bad in every house, Maeve. It's the house professors’ job to keep everything under control. We don't have a lot of trouble."

  As he speaks, he appraises my face intently. I lift a hand to touch my cheek. "Do I have something here?"

  He blinks. "No. Sorry. Was I staring?"

  As if to demonstrate, his eyes fix on mine and my stomach swarms with butterflies.

  "I didn't think you liked me, Ash."

  Ash drinks slowly, still refusing to drop his scrutiny. "I never said that."

  "You've avoided me since the night I was attacked. Why?"

  Finally, the scrutiny breaks as he switches focus to his beer. "I haven't."

  "You have."

  Judging by his stony expression, people don't argue with Ash much. "I've been busy."

  "Even after class," I continue. "You were friendly to me on my first days. I thought I'd upset you somehow."

  Oh crap, how pathetic do I sound?

  "No. Sorry. I've shit going on at home, that's all."

  Even though I feel he's telling me the truth, there's a lie in there too. "I'm sorry to hear that."

  He shrugs. "Parents, huh?"

  "Do you live far?" I ask. "You have a local accent."

  "Yeah. Half hour away."

  "Then why board at the academy?"

  "Part of the schooling. Plus, I prefer being here anyway."

  Someone winds an arm across Ash's shoulders. He's Jamie's height with hair as white blonde as mine and Katherine’s and shares her bone structure and eye colour. In contrast, his expression has a friendly warmth as his smile crinkles the corners of his eyes.

  "Did he tell you his parents own a pub?" He claps Ash on the back. "I think that's where his love of beer comes from."

  Ash steps away. "Funny, Nikolai."

  "He keeps promising to take us for a weekend, but his parents don't like supes in the vicinity, apparently."

  "Yeah, because your vamp gang draw attention."

  "A bunch of shifters own the local pub!" Nikolai throws out a laugh. "What's a few vamps for an evening? We won't hurt anybody."

  "Until someone does. I live in a small town who don't like 'strange goings on' as my neighbour calls it. We attracted the attention of hunters last month, and I'm sure they're still hanging around."

  Nikolai's brows shoot up. "Hunters? How do you know?"

  "I can't be certain, but the last few times I went home, there were strangers in the pub asking questions."

  "You mean tourists? You're paranoid."

  "Seriously?" snaps Ash. "Hunters killed my brother and you don't think I'm paranoid they'll come for me too?"

  His voice rises above the music and the conversation around stops. He stares at the floor, face thunderous. I glance over at Jamie, who pulls a face.

  Ash gulps down the beer and slams the bottle on the table. "Back off, Nikolai." His temper unravels in front of my eyes, as his face takes on a danger that scares me, even though his anger isn't directed my way.

  Nikolai steps aside. "Okay, dude. I wasn't trying to push the issue."

  "I was talking to Maeve," he says pointedly. "And you interrupted."

  Nikolai and Ash stare at each other and then Nikolai lifts his hands up, palms outwards. "I'll leave."

  With a shake of his head, Nikolai heads back to Katherine and the group from Petrescu. The segregation at the party confuses me—why do other houses come here if they don't mingle much?

  "I'm sorry for your loss, Ash," I say in a soft voice.

  Ash rubs his forehead. "How are you, Maeve? And please don't ask any questions about my brother."

  I’m half-glad he doesn’t want me to because I’ve no clue what to say. I've never encountered this situation. "I'm okay. Trying to figure everything out."

  "I hear you have special tutoring to get on top of the vision thing." I smile at his words. Vision thing. "Have you had more similar to the day by the rugby pitches?"

  My pulse picks up and I shake my head. Ash tips his chin. "You can talk to me if you don't want to talk to your witch buddies about this. I can keep secrets."

  "I'd rather not think about the visions, but thanks." His offer surprises me and I relax at seeing his kinder side again.

  For a moment, I think he's about to reach out to me, even though we're in the centre of the room. "I know how hard it can be not fitting in. A few of us are misfits here." He doesn't elaborate but surveys the room, which has returned to party mode, although some still watch warily. He chews his lip. "I haven't ignored you, Maeve. You frighten me, that's all."

  This powerhouse of a guy is scared of me? My powers must be stronger than anybody has told me. "Really? I'm one of the only people here who don't bite," I joke.

  He doesn't smile. "Hidden dangers are worse than obvious ones. That's why I’m scared of a future-sighted witch who has visions she won't tell anyone about."

  His words trigger anxiety and the control over my mind that I cling to slips. No. Not now. I focus on the music, on the thud of the bass and voices around, to wipe out the whispering in my mind. I concentrate on the pattern in the girl's dress beside me, following the white spirals.


  Ash's voice grows distant and I set my plastic cup on the nearby table. "Bathroom," I say breezily.

  "Are you okay?" His face swims before me.

  "I'll be back in five."

  Please don't let me collapse before I leave the room. If I stagger, Ash will follow because he'll guess what's happening. I switch my focus to one foot in front of the other relieved that the ground stays stable as I reach the door. A couple in the hallway outside look up from the tiled floor, where they sit holding hands, talking.

  Dropping a hello, I continue my focused walk along the hallway. I'm not staying in the building. Fresh air. Back to my dorm.

  The stone stairs spiral down to the ground floor and I carefully negotiate them, holding onto the stair rail, until I reach the building exit. As I step out, I bump into a tall figure who's passing in front of the door.


  I step back from where my chest hit his and wait for his snipe, but he says nothing. Before I can take a proper look at Andrei, he grabs his hood and pulls the black material over his head, low across his face. Without a word, he hurries away.

  Distracted by him, I lose focus and my vision hits again. I double over as the voices grow and the fog surrounding Jamie thickens. Is the fog in my mind or in the place I'm witnessing? As always, the fog clears and Jamie stands in the middle of the scene, staring back, mouth open as blood pours from wounds in his chest and stomach.

  I scream out at the horrific sight and place a hand on the cool wall. You're here. You're not there. This won't happen.

  Footsteps approach, and I blink over and over, willing the vision to let me go. Someone grabs me by the shoulders, and the strong grip snaps me back to the real world. Andrei's shrouded face comes into view.

  "What happened?" he asks urgently. "Why are you screaming? Is someone attacking again?"

  His hands remain on my shoulders as he turns his head from side to side. The tension in the vice-like grip on me travels along his outstretched arms, and he stands straight. Alert.

  As he turns his face, light from a nearby window catches him and what I see beneath his hood pulls me from one nightmare into another.

  Blood smears his mouth.

  I attempt to hide my reaction, but I choke back a shocked sound.

  Andrei swears and wipes the back of his hand across his mouth. The fear crossing his face matches that bubbling in my chest.

  "I screwed up, Maeve."

  Chapter Nineteen


  Andrei releases his grip on me and steps back. I slump against the wall in relief and instinctively know I've seen something I shouldn't.

  "That isn't animal blood, is it?" I ask in a hoarse voice. "If it was, you wouldn't panic."

  He chews hard on a fingernail, eyes bright bene
ath his swept forward fringe. "Can you forget what you saw?"

  "Are you trying to mesmerise me?" I ask, mouth twisting into disgust.

  "No. Yes. Crap." He cocks his head, looking to the direction he ran from, as if listening. "I don't have time for this."

  Before I can reply, Andrei disappears, his figure crossing the cloisters in seconds as he effortlessly jumps a wall. My head reels. Andrei all but admitted he attacked a human, and the fresh blood on his mouth glistened.

  My head lurches. Someone could be on campus and injured. For a split second, I consider heading back to the party and telling Jamie or Ash what I've seen. But I don't want to be the one sending shockwaves through campus. Instead, I could find Andrei's victim and help. Take him or her to a professor. Right?


  My heart beats faster than when the vision started earlier as I retrace what I think are Andrei's steps through the campus grounds. Did he kill? What happens to students who injure humans? The vampires can't be the only ones who step out of line.

  I refuse to head into the darkness, remembering what lurked there last time, as I follow the cloister's rectangular walkway. Who am I kidding? Andrei wouldn't be stupid enough to leave a body lying around.

  Reaching the path leading to Petrescu's separate building, I look upwards. I've not set foot into Andrei's house before—never invited and would be uneasy if I were.

  If Andrei were going to lure somebody, he'd either pull them into the dark or into his house.

  Look at me, Detective Maeve. How ironic that a death leads me away from a vision of one.

  Hurrying along the pathway, eager to escape the night, I reach the building. The door creaks as I cautiously push on the wood and step inside.

  I'd laugh at the clichés inside if I weren't terrified. Gold-framed portraits on the wall depict beautiful people in centuries-old dress. The walls are painted deep reds with anaglypta wallpaper creating a border of black shapes along the middle. Candelabras on the wall drip with wax and I shudder. I've stepped into a horror movie.


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