Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1 Page 12

by L. J. Swallow

  Amelia chuckles and hands me her bag. "Take this. I’ll be back in five."

  She heads off and I hold her bag against my chest as I take in my surroundings. Feeling conspicuous in the room’s centre, I head to the one part of the library I know. The dark wood table with the wide legs is always the first place I’ll go if I’m looking for Jamie, but the area is vacant today.

  Why do I feel the need to hide? Because I’m sick of scrutiny. If I’d arrived as a mere witch, I’d be interesting for five minutes before people moved on. But I’m the future-sighted rare witch who’s given special treatment. Not the best way to become popular.

  I position myself between two bookshelves in order to spot Amelia when she returns, and then pull my phone from my pocket. My stomach sinks when there aren’t any messages from Tessa. She no doubt thinks I’m a needy friend, texting her all the time, but I can’t stop thinking about what I saw.

  Low voices come from the gap between the shelves behind me, male and female. I peek through the books. The other side, a guy and a girl are huddled together in a corner. I don't look long enough to see what’s happening, as this isn’t my business, but I smile to myself. The academy has a lot of nooks and crannies and secret places to meet up, but the library is warmer this time of year.

  I stare up at the huge domed skylight above and try to forget last night's events. What will happen the next time I come across Tobias? I don’t know how much of last night was a secret, but I’m guessing a lot. In his classes, I’ll have my head down and mouth shut. I don't want to attract any more attention or give him a reason to call me to one side, alone.

  Footsteps and voices echo as people cross from one end of the room to another. The couple behind the shelves step out—one by one—and my amusement switches to intrigue as Jamie passes, followed by Katherine. I immediately turn my back and shuffle closer into the space between the shelves.

  Jamie and Katherine? The two words together sound wrong. Not as wrong as Jamie’s face would look if Clive found out. I’ve seen him ‘have a quiet word’ with a guy he thought was hitting on Katherine before. I peek over my shoulder again. Jamie and Katherine? No. Surely not.

  The two head to different exits at opposite ends of the library.

  "Got it." Amelia waves a book in front of my face. "What are you staring at?"

  "Nothing." I link an arm through hers. "I thought I saw someone I knew, that’s all. Let’s get to class."

  Tobias stands in the hallway outside the library, talking to Sofia, and he pauses to stare at me. Sofia looks over her shoulder, lips slightly pursed, before they resume their conversation. I walk by but give the pair a wide berth. They're head teachers for two of the houses, of course they'd talk, but I’m unnerved by the way they both look at me.

  "Good evening, Maeve."

  I'm forced to stop and return Tobias's greeting. The first time I met this guy, I saw why other girls at the academy were attracted to him. That was until I discovered he's over a hundred and fifty years old and can trick people into doing what he wants by controlling their mind. Not the most attractive qualities in a guy.

  Now I know he can see into my mind, I'm warier than ever.

  "I'd like to catch up with you tomorrow," says Sofia with a warm smile. "A chat to see how you're settling in, and to work on your divination."

  I nod and walk away but am hyperaware of Tobias's quiet scrutiny.

  "Do we have mental magics today?" I ask Amelia, my walking timetable.


  I silently cheer.

  "We have divination, potions, literature, and science."

  "A mixed bag," I say with a laugh. "Are we studying more Macbeth? I understand the witch jokes now."

  "No, Dracula."

  My mouth drops open. "Really?"

  Amelia's eyes turn skyward. "No. Not really. Professor Kendal wanted us to read some locally written literature. I think the book is called Wuthering Heights."

  I splutter in laughter and a perturbed Amelia stares at me. "Why's that funny?"

  "Have you read it?"

  "A couple of chapters."

  "I have." Ash waves a book at me as he approaches. "Weird book."

  "Sure is." I smile at him. "I studied it at my last school."

  "Professor Kendal wants to take us on an excursion to the locations that inspired the book."

  "Ugh. Really?" complains Amelia. "I don't want dragging across the moors through the cold."

  "Maybe you could stop the rain?" suggests Ash with a smirk.

  "You know I can't stop it raining!" she retorts. "I can create a downpour, as you know, but I'm still working on controlling the elements."

  "Is it just water your magic is linked to?" I ask.

  "I think so. I'm unsure yet but that’s where my natural affinity developed."

  "And it's useful for her fiery boyfriend." Ash nods at her. "Have you told Maeve the stories?"

  Boyfriend? Amelia never mentioned one.

  "No." Her mouth tightens. "That wasn't his fault. We can't control our powers at first, just like you won't be able to control yourself when you first shift."

  Ash's face darkens. "That's why I'm learning to control my strength."

  I touch Ash's arm as the two glare at each other, shocked how they clashed so readily. "Tell me what happened."

  "Nothing much," says Amelia as she throws Ash a warning look. "Matt is connected to the fire elements. He couldn't control the fire he conjured in class one day. I managed to summon water to stop the classroom burning down."

  "Wow," I say.

  "Yeah. If you go into Professor York's classroom you can still see the scorch marks." Ash's amusement doesn't drop.

  "Why is this funny? People could've been hurt."

  He shrugs. "Only witches take that class."

  I blink at him. Not Ash too—why do they hold prejudice against each other when they’re all in the same boat?

  "That’s one reason Amelia’s boyfriend was transferred to another academy," adds Ash.

  Jamie appears at his shoulder and peers at us. "I sense some tension here. What's going on?"

  "We were talking about Wuthering Heights," I say quickly, not wanting more tension by Jamie drawing himself into the clashing.

  He pulls a face. "Literature is such a waste of time. We should spend our time studying things relevant to our lives."

  "At least English class is something I'm used to," I say. "I'm hoping we do read Dracula too."

  Ash's eyes shine. "Ask Andrei about Dracula."

  "I don't think I'm at the chatting about books stage with him," I mutter.

  Ash's smile grows. "No. Ask him about Dracula."

  "The vampire?"

  "Yeah. Come on. Class."

  He wanders away, and I catch a glimpse of Andrei watching us as Katherine and her girls chat around him. He looks away, face sullen, back to the usual Andrei. But on Saturday night, I saw his panic and fear before he pulled on his bad attitude.

  I don't want anything to do with Andrei, but I'm torn because he intrigues me. Andrei doesn't realise this, but he won't need mesmerising powers to pull me back into his life.

  Then I look between Katherine and Jamie, still struggling to connect the two in my head. They’re skilled at deflection, because nobody would guess they were involved with each other. They’re rarely polite in public.

  How could Jamie be interested in this girl? Something odd flutters in my chest as I look at the preened, false, nastiness I saw with Jamie earlier.

  Am I jealous?

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The week passes quickly as I struggle to catch up on the lessons and new subjects. I only missed a week before I started, but it feels like an eternity. Potions class still involves endless research. Including one strange lesson where Professor Turlington produced plants and asked us to catalogue and store them. I hated chemistry and biology class at my old school; potions sounded exciting but is so far a boring combination of the two. Amelia and
Jamie insist I'll have fun once we start creating from the recipes. I hope that's soon.

  Sofia complained I was distracted and less focused when I caught up with her earlier in the week, and I became frustrated too, because I couldn't see anything when scrying. I'm desperate to unravel what I'm seeing in Tessa’s future, to summon images and focus on the detail. I try half a dozen times and I don't even catch a glimpse. Did Tobias do something when he searched my mind that has interrupted my abilities?

  In the end, Sofia suggested we leave any further attempts for the day, and to catch up with her after divination class.

  Divination is one of the few classes that includes all three houses, though many from Gilgamesh house quietly mock the idea. I've come to the conclusion that 'brawn over brains' should be their house motto, but don’t voice my opinion. Most shifters have no interest in anything but the physical classes led by Professor O'Reilly, who's also the rugby trainer.

  Each house has classes specific to their race—witches are magic-focused, shifters have physical training, and vampires... I'm unsure.

  I sit in Divination between Jamie and Amelia. Other witches sit close by, and the vampire group opposite. Most teachers ignore the segregation the students impose, but Sofia stops any attempts to stay separated in her class.

  "Mix it up." She gestures between us all. "Jamie and Maeve—sit with Andrei and Dominic." She continues instructing others to group, but I don't hear. I knew I couldn't avoid Andrei for long. At least Sofia didn't include Queen Vampire in our group.

  Jamie crosses to the table they sit around, and I mutely follow. Andrei regards me impassively but long enough to illicit a shiver along my spine. He annoyed me with his words about girls loving the bad boys, because I can't help my attraction to his type. The bad boy, not the blood drinker. Tobias mentioned vampires are designed to attract. I guess this helps with the mind control.

  I shift in my seat and meet Jamie's eyes. He's troubled too, and I recognise the nervous habit he has of shoving his fringe back with one hand.

  "Are you okay?" I whisper.

  "Divination freaks me out. I never know what I might see."

  "You don't see anything half the time," says Dominic with disdain.

  "That's because I can 'see' the most from touching objects," he retorts.

  Two packs of cards appear face down on the table between us as Sofia places them there. Andrei gives a derisive snort. "Tarot? Well that's one step up from tea leaves."

  "Have you memorised any more of the card interpretations yet?" she asks.

  He takes the black cards covered in thin gold foil and shuffles them. "I haven't had time."

  Sofia fixes him with a withering look. "Andrei. I will help where I can, but if you want to pass this year and move on to the next, then you must study—even the subjects you dislike."

  "I have three terms until the exams. I'll be fine." He shuffles faster, his long fingers sorting them deftly.

  "You mean you won't fail this year and need to repeat it again?" asks Jamie.

  Andrei slams the cards on the table. "Right. Witchy boy? I'll read your future first."

  Jamie looks up at Sofia. "Could I practice my object divination instead of fortune telling? I felt like I was making progress last week."

  "Not this time. I'd like everybody working together. We need to foster a little harmony."

  Dominic chokes a laugh. Shaking her head, Sofia walks away.

  I regard the two vampires and cross my arms. Dominic's eyes are a strange blue to match Katherine's. He isn't as pale as Andrei and doesn't try to rock the emo look. Instead, he dresses like many in Walcott house. His shirtsleeves are rolled up, revealing forearms with a dusting of hair, and his build reminds me of Jamie.

  Although, Jamie doesn't flirt with every girl he meets—or work his way through the girls like Dominic does. I’ve seen them, drawn in by his lamia nature. The day after the party, I spotted him arguing with Millie, one of the witches in my dorm, who had reddened eyes. Hours later, he was with a young shifter girl.

  Mental note: stay away from all lamia vampires.

  "Would you like to work with me, Maeve?" he asks in a soft voice.

  "No. I'll read your cards," puts in Jamie sharply.

  "He's so protective," purrs Katherine from the adjacent group; a mixed bag as uncomfortable as we are. "Tarot cards can't hurt her, sweetie."

  Jamie ignores her.

  "I'm waiting for the day the witch and the shifter fight over her. We're laying bets already, aren't we?" She looks to her friends, who whisper and giggle.

  Omigod, how old are they? Twelve?

  "Nobody is fighting over anybody," puts in Jamie.

  "Amelia rejected you. Do you think Maeve will too?"

  I look at Jamie in surprise. Is that true?

  "You know nothing," he snaps backs. "And at least I don't have to throw myself at the nearest guy to feed myself."

  "Jamie," I whisper. "Stop."

  She tips her chin. "You're the nearest to me now, but I doubt you'd satisfy anybody's hunger."

  Andrei chuckles to himself as he cuts the cards in front of him, and Dominic leans back in his chair to join in the laughter. I side-glance Jamie, whose face reddens with anger, not embarrassment.

  "Next time you need help passing an assignment, don't ask," he says harshly.

  She straightens. "I do not ask you for help."

  Jamie gives her a tight smile. "Your talents won't get you better grades. How lucky that you're a rich bitch and can buy anything you want. Including completed assignments."

  He turns to Andrei and shifts so his back is turned to her. Katherine gapes, and I can't believe he called her a bitch. Half the academy thinks she is, but few dare speak against her. I'd never expect Jamie to be the one to speak up.

  Is Jamie implying Katherine pays him for help? This sheds a new light on seeing them together at the library.

  Andrei watches the exchange with a quizzical smile but doesn't intervene. I'd almost say he looks impressed. "Go ahead, Jamie," he says and waves a hand at the cards. "Shuffle and lay them out."

  Jamie chooses six cards and arranges them in a cross shape, face down. As he turns over each one, he reveals tarot symbols I recognise as cups and staves. Each card is illustrated in delicate watercolours with bright ink detail highlighting the text.

  Andrei huffs. "These are all minor cards. I only know the major arcana."

  Dominic peers at the cards before flicking through notes in a book in front of him. "Tarot is just vague bullshit anyway. There's nothing exciting ahead for the witch."

  Jamie turns the final one over and slaps it on the table. Finally, he upturns a picture card.

  "Whoa-ho!" calls out Andrei in glee. "Look at the card he chose."

  Jamie's card reveals a detailed painting of a man astride a white horse with a black cloak falling across his face. Around him, skeletons litter the ground, the bones highlighted in silver. The card name and number are written in a gothic script beneath.

  "Death. Ha!" Dominic joins in the amusement.

  "When's he going to die, Maeve?" Andrei's eyes flash with glee. I moisten my dry lips and pretend not to hear. "Where's your future sight when you need it? You need to help your boyfriend out, you know."

  Waves of emotion crash over me as I stare at the card and try to ignore Andrei's gloating amusement. Jamie. Death. I inhale and dig my fingernails into my palms. This is a sick joke.

  An unwanted image flashes into my mind, but I shove it away and grit my teeth.

  When we were fourteen, Tessa went through a tarot-reading phase, and I'd flick through the instruction book as she pored over cards and tried to interpret them. "That's not what the Death card means," I say firmly. "He's not going to die. Maybe if you bothered studying, you'd know that."

  Jamie pushes hair from his face again—once, twice. "She's right."

  No, no, no. Why does Jamie's voice have to echo, as if he's slipping from my grasp? I swallow and grip the edge of the table.
Andrei's amused expression drops away as his eyes meet mine.


  I suck in a breath and grip the table harder. This won't happen. Not now. I've spent time with Sofia talking about how the visions manage to slip into my mind. We deduced that one trigger is when I drift into thoughts about people in them. But that makes no sense here, because the first time I had this vision I didn't know Jamie.

  I do now, and the mention of Jamie and death conspires against me—Jamie, who stares back at me in wide-eyed understanding.

  He can't see directly into my mind, but he knows I’m witnessing something bad.

  I scramble to my feet. I can't stay. What if I start crying out or faint? Sofia stands at the opposite end of the room, watching a group, and I've not made enough noise or fuss to alert anybody yet.

  I have time.

  The classroom door is several feet away, and I sneak towards it, not looking back. Focusing on not losing myself, I leave and quietly close the door. I'm fighting something that doesn't want to be fought. Something I can't face.

  Somebody grabs my arm and familiar, strong fingers grip me. "Maeve."

  I whip my head around and see Andrei, and wince as he pulls on my arm as if trying to yank me away from the spiralling thoughts.

  "Maeve," he repeats. "Look at me."

  I focus on his eyes, and on the strange colour that fascinates me. I concentrate on how his hands hold my arm and warm my bare skin.

  But still the images come.

  My eyes blur with tears and Andrei reaches out to touch my face, placing his cool hand against my cheek. The gesture snaps me back from the brink for a second time. "Maeve. I can't change your thoughts, but I can try to help."

  I shake my head, trying to tell him he isn't causing the tears, and gulp in a breath.

  "Are you alright?"

  I nod. Then the pain hits and I stumble. Andrei holds my face in both hands and whispers at me to look at him. I'm powerless against the visions and need to reach out to the guy I don't trust. As his hands remain on me, I feel as if I'm spinning in the opposite direction to before and back to reality. The noise around returns, and I become aware of my surroundings again.


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