Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1 Page 18

by L. J. Swallow

  I've lost sight of Andrei.

  Then I spot him in a corner, drinking from a plastic cup. He's watching everybody as Ash and I are, but are his motives different to ours?

  My unease shifts to panic when I look back to the group of girls and Tessa can’t see Tessa. She reappears from behind a cloud of dry ice, half-choking on the cloud, and drags someone behind her. They approach and I straighten to alert.

  Tessa criticised Andrei earlier, but the guy whose hand she's gripping isn't in costume, unless you count the black and white Scream-style mask. I take a sly look at Andrei. Still more of an effort than him, I suppose.

  "This is Bradley." She smiles proudly, then leans closer to say, "He's mine."

  A whiff of stale vodka joins her words.

  "What year is he in?" I ask.

  "Oh. No. He's a car mechanic. Works at the garage on the edge of town. My car broke down and he came out to help me. We clicked and..." She waves a hand. "Here we are."

  I'm distracted by him, but not because I'm checking him out. Is he the guy from my vision? I swallow and ready myself. "I can't see Bradley properly," I whisper. "Is he hot?"

  She nudges the guy. "Bradley. Mask."

  It's as if I'm rubbing away the silver on a scratch card, hoping to win the lottery, as I watch. Bradley pulls the latex from his face and his brown hair sticks up on his head. The guy wipes perspiration from his forehead.

  "I need to keep the mask on, or people will see I'm not supposed to be here," he says gruffly.

  No scar. Not the guy I predicted. I give Bradley a wide, relieved smile, thankful I'm wrong. Should I be disappointed that he isn't the guy, though? At least we'd have located him. "Hey, Bradley. Why can't you come here?"

  "He's like you," puts in Tessa. "Bradley was expelled too."

  I choke a laugh. "Whoa. Thanks, Tessa." I'm keeping a low profile and hoping the wig and heavy make-up helps keep me disguised. Poor lighting and a smoky atmosphere assist me, thank god.

  But it also helps the guy I'm looking for stay hidden.

  Amelia watches our exchange and then looks at me expectantly. She steps closer and attempts to talk over the music. "Is that him?"

  "No," I call back.

  "Is Ash still on the lookout?"

  I nod. This conversation is pointless in this noise. Amelia gestures at the dance floor. "Can I dance if he is?" she calls.

  I'd chastise her that we're here to help Tessa and discover what I saw, but she's desperate to join in. "Sure, if you stick with Tessa."

  I stumble back in surprise as she gives me a tight hug then skips into the dancers to join two of Tessa's friends. They welcome her like an old acquaintance, arms outstretched. Judging by their exuberant moves, they've enjoyed Tessa's vodka too. Tessa and Bradley now chat, his hand on her backside and hers on his chest, faces close.

  Aware I'm about to become a third wheel, I head back to the table for more punch.

  The cupcakes over there looked good.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Cake wrapper in one hand and an empty cup in another, I spy on my surroundings from the vantage point on a chair in a dark corner. Several people accosted me at the drinks table and interrupted my dancefloor view. Some asked clever questions, ready to twist my answers and use as gossip. Becky, the school's equivalent to Katherine, grilled me for five minutes. In the end, I told her I'd moved to a school with vampires, witches, and werewolves.

  This gave enough ammunition for Becky to take and confirm that my mental state is still a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

  I toy with the idea of speaking to Ash or returning to Amelia, who's still giddily dancing with Tessa’s new friends. Tessa dances along with her, so she's under watch. Ash remains in his sentry post by the doorway. Between us, we've the hall and Tessa under a watchful eye.

  And Andrei?

  Adrenaline spikes as I stand and look into the hall, now almost at capacity. Would Andrei dance? Probably not. I check anyway, weaving through the dancers and apologising as I bump into some. The dry ice smells sweet and the loud music assaults my ears, confusing my senses.

  Couples lurk in darkened corners and I surreptitiously pass them, staring too long, and stop checking once someone looks at me like I'm a perverted weirdo.

  No Andrei.

  Double crap.

  We agreed that Ash would stop Andrei leaving, and I check with him and Amelia. Neither have seen him. Ash steps towards the crowds then looks back to the doorway.

  "Stay here, I’ll look for Andrei," I tell him.

  I ask Amelia to look out for Andrei too, as I rack my brain for places he could go. Allowing him to join us was dumb enough. Allowing him with us and not keeping him supervised is a mistake we could regret for a long time.

  There's an area backstage, behind the school hall, that leads to changing rooms and a small kitchen area, for those involved in the termly musical performances. The metal doors to these are normally locked, but tonight people carry drinks and snacks from the kitchen into the hall.

  Wiping a hand across my forehead to dry the growing perspiration, I head over to a door where bright light filters through into the darkened hallway. A mum helping with the evening smiles at me and offers the tray she's carrying. "Cupcake?"

  The middle-aged woman's witch's hat sits skew-whiff on her head, and her cape reaches the floor.

  "I'm good. I ate one." Or maybe three. I rush by her before halting to take in the surroundings.

  Voices carry from the brightly lit kitchen, women chatting happily and not screaming because they're under attack by a vampire.

  As if Andrei would be dumb enough to attack more than one person, and publicly.

  I edge down the hallway to the rehearsal and changing rooms, trying each door handle as I do. Locked. The place smells of stage makeup and stale perspiration, evoking memories of my awful singing on stage.

  The last door I try opens into a cupboard-sized room. I squint into the dark as I reach for the light switch. A bare bulb shines down, revealing mop buckets, vacuums, and a shelf filled with bottles of cleaning products.

  No vampire.

  Cursing, I switch the light off and back out.

  I'm about to change my search elsewhere when I spot a couple huddled against a wall at the far end of the hallway. Breath shortening, I edge towards them, squinting. Please don't be Andrei.

  The guy leans against the wall, legs stretched forward so he's equal height to the girl facing him. He has his hands in his jeans pockets and watches with an amused quirk to his lips as the girl speaks enthusiastically. I cringe as she giggles and adjusts the top of her dress lower.

  He may have more colour tonight, but the pale face and dark hair are undoubtedly Andrei. I march over and my footsteps echo through the quiet hallway. Andrei rests his head against the wall, which he turns when he hears me. His expression doesn't change.

  "What are you doing here?" I snap at him. "You weren't supposed to leave my sight."

  The girl looks around at me and steps back from Andrei. She readjusts her clothes and folds her arms across her chest.

  "Chatting." He gives me a lazy smile. "Aren't we, uh... um..."

  "Emily." She pulls an apologetic face at me. "Sorry."

  I could laugh at the situation, if I weren't freaked out what he might've done, because she's yet another girl dressed as a vampire temptress. Or a human version of one, not a Katherine version. Her slinky, low-cut dress reaches her ankles and her ample breasts swell above the tight black material. The girl's long brown hair is swept over one shoulder. What is it with girls using Halloween parties as an excuse to sexualise themselves?

  I step forward and examine Emily's neck. She self-consciously touches her throat and frowns at me.

  "Have you touched her?" I demand.

  "Sorry, I didn't realise he was with you," stutters the girl, eyes widening with alarm as I glare at Andrei.

  "Neither did I." Andrei pulls himself from the wall. "Maeve invited me ton
ight and then spent her whole time looking for another guy. Don't you think that's rude?"

  I bristle. "I did not invite you."

  Andrei holds a palm over his heart and sighs. "I told you, didn’t I, Emily. So you see what I mean? "

  She nods sympathetically. "I do."

  "Told her what?" I push hair from my face.

  "Emily is a lovely girl. Very friendly, but I was just explaining that I came here with another girl. One who never notices me, but who I care about intensely." His hand remains on his chest and he turns his mouth down as if upset. "Do you know that I saved her life once, Emily?"

  The girl looks at me as if I'm a cruel-hearted girl who friend-zoned a caring guy. "Did you? Wow. What happened?"

  Omigod. I turn my eyes upward. "You're not my type, Andrei."

  "You know, she told me she liked bad boys, but isn't interested in how deeply I hurt underneath. Emily understands. She listened to me."

  I bark a laugh. "You're full of it, Andrei. Is this what you usually do? Give a girl a sob story and then sink your fangs into her?"

  The girl rubs her neck again and this time I move towards her and hold my face close enough for a good look. She recoils and mutters something about psychos.

  He gasps. "Maeve. What has got into you?"

  "I guess I arrived in time to stop you."

  "Honestly, if you're not interested in me, please don't get jealous when I spend time with another girl."

  I grab Andrei's arm in exasperation. "Come with me. I'm not leaving you alone with her."

  He runs his tongue along his bottom lip. "As long as you tell me the truth about how you feel. I can't deal with you playing with my emotions anymore."

  "Seriously?" I hiss. "Move your backside, now."

  Footsteps echo down the hallways as the girl hurries away while we're distracted. Andrei steps back and doubles over with laughter, sliding his hands down his knees as he does.

  "Your face!" he gasps out.

  "What the hell was that performance for?"

  Andrei gazes up at me from beneath his fringe. "Didn't you think it was funny, Maeve?"


  Andrei straightens and shifts his focus to me with that look—the one that always sets my heart racing because I don't know what he's capable of. The wall touches my back, and Andrei stands over me with his arm stretched above and palm on the wall. He's sideways on so I'm only half trapped, but I can't summon up the ability to move.

  "Do you think I'm a good actor?" His eyes sear my skin. Does he do this to make my heart pump faster because he enjoys listening to my blood?

  "Very impressive," I say hoarsely.

  He looks at my mouth and when his long fingers reach out for my lips my breath hitches. A finger touches the corner and he drags his thumb downwards. I'm frozen. Unsure what to do—what he'll do. If he couldn't hear my heart before, I swear he will now.

  The annoying grin pulls one corner of his mouth up and he holds his finger in front of my face. "You know, it's hard to be an intimidating, jealous girlfriend with icing smeared around your face like a five-year-old."

  Heat floods my cheeks as he wipes his thumb, covered in orange icing, on his jeans.

  "Don't be embarrassed."

  "I'm not." I wipe the back of my hand across my mouth in case there's more.

  "Why the pink cheeks, then? Unless there's another reason?" His gaze dips to my lips again and then back to my eyes.

  "Are you suggesting I'm attracted to you?" I retort and break free from his control.


  "Wow. Arrogant much?"

  "Wow. Indecisive much?"

  I blink at him. "What the hell does that mean?"

  He shrugs. "I don't mind sharing with the other guys. Have you kissed one yet?"

  He focuses on my mouth again and bites his lip.

  "Omigod! I am not having this conversation with you. Come with me. Now." I attempt an assertive tone as I turn and walk away from him but curse myself as my voice wavers.

  "Yes, ma'am." He snickers.

  As I storm away, my head spins and blood runs hot. What does Andrei mean? I'm not teasing anybody. Ash and Jamie are friends, and I don’t feel any different about them than I do with Amelia.

  Which is a lie. The undercurrents are there, but I'm not the one holding back. Am I? They blow hot and cold with me, especially Jamie at the moment. If I allowed myself to get physically closer to one guy, would I lose the other's friendship?

  I don't hear Andrei pad along behind me and catch up. "What if the story I told her was true?" he whispers.

  His words arrest me, but Andrei keeps on walking.

  "I'm headed outside for some fresh air," he calls. "Join me, if you like."

  The door back to the party bangs closed behind him.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I follow but refuse to waste any more breath on Andrei. I'm confident he's not planning to attack anybody; he had the perfect chance before I arrived and left the girl alone. Plus, I'd rather not have any more conversation with Andrei. He's poked a sore spot and he'll win in a verbal sparring match because I'm disarmed.

  Besides, I've more important concerns than an arrogant vampire.

  I approach Ash who's still in his sentry position by the double doors between the main hall and entrance hallway. People must think he's security, because Ash looks and acts as if he is. A small group of girls I pass whisper and some steal glances at him. If only the music were quieter, and I could hear what they said.

  "Have you seen anybody who could be him?" I ask.

  He shakes his head. "Everybody is in costume. You said the man you saw wore normal clothes. I think he'll stand out if he does walk in."

  I look behind Ash. The table where the tickets were sold is clear and only stragglers remain out here now the evening is in full swing. What if the guy doesn't come here? But I swear I saw him. I've never seen anything that didn't come true.

  He scrunches his face up. "When you have a vision, do the events always happen?"

  "Apart from the one I stopped, that's why I'm here."

  Ash guides me back into the hallway and the music drops away as we move to one side. "No, I mean do the situations always come true. Will you definitely see him?"

  I frown. "Are you asking me if my visions can be wrong?"

  "Yes. No. I don't know, Maeve. You never actually saw anything happen to her. Maybe you wanted to be here, and that's why you imagined tonight?"

  He says the words with softness and sympathy in his eyes, and my neck prickles with irritation. "Why did you come if you thought this was nothing?"

  "I didn't think about it before, but now I'm here, I'm unsure. Maeve, I've waited here most of the evening, and I've not seen anybody matching his description." He huffs. "I don't mind standing around all night if it's for a reason, but I'd rather have spent time over there." Ash nods at the crowds.

  I've enjoyed the evening, but hated that Ash felt the need to stay by the door all night. Even when Amelia offered to take his place, Ash refused. I've walked over to take him a drink and to chat several times and he didn't complain. Instead he was all smiles and jokes, looking at me in the confusing way he does sometimes. How does he feel about me? Andrei's words creep back in. Twice tonight he's hinted that I'm playing the two guys. I can't be. I'm not.

  Look at Ash. Sometimes we seem close, others he seems to hold me at arm’s length and focus on his sport and team mates. If I saw him with other girls, I'd understand, but I don't. He laps up the attention when they flirt with him, but I've never seen him respond with more than a few jokes.

  The guy doesn't need to. He has his pick but doesn't choose. I attempt to talk to Ash about his trips home or his brother, but he won't speak to me. Ash refuses to move on from everyday conversation to anything deeper. Does he with anybody? One thing is sure—Ash is an enigma I want to crack.

  At least Jamie’s open and transparent. I'm positive that day at the cottage he was about to tell m
e how he feels, and I screwed up by blurting about the vision. Will he get over the shock and help?

  "I'm not leaving," I tell Ash.

  He sighs. "I know. I can see you're enjoying yourself. Who's the guy you were talking to earlier?"

  His eyes darken as they hold my gaze and we're in another of those moments I find confusing. He talks as if he's jealous, as if I'm his date. I'm suddenly aware how close we're standing, the way personal space shrinks without either person noticing. Until we do.

  The heat radiates from his body in a way I've never come across. He once told me the high body temperature is a shifter thing, and most are the same. I've never been close enough to another to notice.

  Shifter thing.

  The guy who weaves a spell around me as readily as if he were a witch, the one whose arms I fantasise about being around me and encompassing me in safety. Who I imagine kissing? One day I'll see him in an animal form. How will I react? The only shifter I've seen is the one who lured me around the corner, the day I swore allegiance to Walcott.

  The evening the supernatural people around me tonight saved my backside.

  I almost reach out to him but stop myself. "Bradley. He's Tessa's boyfriend and not the one we're looking for."

  Ash raises an eyebrow. "And a flirt. If I were a girl, I wouldn't put up with that."

  I chuckle. Bradley has been friendly to all the girls, not only Tessa. "No. I wouldn't want a guy who spreads himself thin."

  Ash cocks his head. "Is that a pointed comment?"

  The awareness how close he is grows and butterflies flutter in my tummy. "I don't understand what you mean."

  "About me, Maeve. Do I spread myself too thin? I don’t spend much time with other girls, so that’s not true."

  The fluttering grows and a hope my stupid fantasy might come true. "You can spend time with whoever you want, Ash. I think it's necessary for you to hold the position you love—popular guy who's cream of the crop but still has time for others. Some in your position would be arrogant jerks."

  He steps back and my breath rushes in. "Is that what you think? That I abuse my position as the guy everybody wants to be friends with?"


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