Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1 Page 57

by L. J. Swallow

  Jamie scotches his cheek. "Where?"

  "Demon’s Lair."

  "Whoa." Ash straightens. "We can't get in there. Demon’s Lair is exclusive."

  Andrei coughs. "Uh. My cousin’s dad owns the club. I'll get us in, no problem."

  I look between them all; again, I’m out of the loop.

  I snap my head back. "A vampire club?"

  "I’m not sure," says Jamie. "Not my scene. I hear dubious stuff happens there."

  "No more dubious than human clubs." Andrei nudges me. "What do you say? A little more immersion into your new world?"

  I do miss my weekends out with Tessa. The small taste of freedom I had at the Halloween party wasn’t enough, the evening stressful.

  "When?" asks Jamie.

  "I already spoke to my cousin. He reckons we can get in within a couple of weeks."

  "There’s a waiting list? Is Demon’s Lair that exclusive?"

  Jamie nods at my question. "Because Dominion members are mostly vampires, the place is strictly controlled to keep them out. Invite only."

  "They’ve learned to stay away," says Andrei stiffly. "Last time any Dominion tried to get in, there was a mysterious death."

  I watch Jamie. This would be his cue to make a snide comment about Andrei and ‘mysterious deaths’, but he remains quiet. Is he finally accepting our mismatched friendships?

  Instead, Jamie runs his tongue along his teeth. "I bet I know what someone will say next."

  Silence. But we're all thinking the same, I’m sure.

  "‘You can't go, Jamie. It’s too dangerous’," Jamie adds in a mocking tone. "Right?"

  "Nobody said that, dude," says Andrei.

  "Are you sure Jamie will be safe?"

  "His choice," says Andrei and shrugs.

  "I'll be fine," he says. "No problem."

  Amelia’s eyes fill with alarm. "You don't even like vampires!"

  "No, I don't like them, but witches go to Demon’s Lair too."

  "Uh. Cough, cough, vamp sitting here," retorts Andrei, but he’s smiling wryly. "Helpful vamp with something interesting to tell you."

  He tips his head to the side towards Katherine’s group. I glance at Clive's swollen face and focus on not meeting his eyes. What if the magic wears off and he remembers?

  "Cool. I'll ask Vincent to come with us. He could do with some time out," adds Ash.

  The atmosphere chills several degrees and Jamie shifts in his chair, briefly meeting my eyes.

  "Anyway!" Andrei slaps his hands on the table and the icy atmosphere snaps. "The other news I have is about Katherine’s plans."

  "What now?" Ash sighs and slumps back in her seat.

  "She's planning to cheat in the mental magic challenge."

  Jamie purses his lips. "How? Nobody knows what the task will be until the day."

  "I heard Katherine talking to Clive about creating a potion to help her get ‘an advantage’ in the game. Katherine shut up when she noticed me nearby."

  "She'll be detected. Not possible," says Amelia.

  "Katherine can always hide what she does," says Andrei with a snort. "Clive already tried to cheat in the first game. I’m not surprised she is too."

  "I can report her to Vince?" suggests Ash.

  Andrei shakes his head. "No. Not without proof. We'll figure out a way to counteract what she's doing."

  "What potion?" asks Jamie. "I'll make one to counteract the effects."

  "I didn't hear that part. I bet it’s something to confuse her partner. Maybe send them to sleep? I don't know."

  "This is dangerous," says Jamie with a frown. "All the potions I know that affect the mind could do serious damage."

  "Katherine wouldn't risk that," I say.

  Amelia snorts. "Believe me, Katherine doesn't care if someone gets hurt, if they get in her way. I know."

  She exchanges a look with Andrei, who rubs his hand across his mouth and says nothing. "Yeah, well I thought I’d tell you."

  Andrei’s decision to confide in us reinforces what I keep telling the others—that we’re a group. Mismatched, but united. Jamie rests against the wall close to Andrei, but without his usual guardedness. Ash stands arms crossed, face drawn into displeasure. Amelia’s not quite with us still, and her reddened eyes worry me—what happened when she spoke to Matt?

  "We only have until tomorrow afternoon to figure out what she’s planning," says Amelia, chewing on her lip.

  "Tomorrow afternoon? So soon?" I ask.

  "Apparently Sofia needs to attend an urgent meeting at the witches' council later this week. The challenge has been brought forward, because all house heads need to be present."

  Jamie tips his head at Ash. "How do you know this?"

  "Vincent." He grins. "You guys have an advantage thanks to my insider info."

  "Good." Jamie crosses his arms. "This gives Katherine less time to work on her cheating."

  "She’ll know too," says Amelia. "Nothing happens here without her knowledge."

  The fact the challenge has been brought forward doesn't concern me as much as Sofia’s summons to the witches' council.

  "Did Vincent mention why Sofia needed to go?"

  He shrugs. "Witch business, I guess. Ask her?"

  "I will."

  Andrei jumps down from the desk. "I’ll try to find more info from Katherine, but she’s cagey around me."

  "The best we can do is be alert to what she does on the day," says Amelia. "If we don't know the potion, we don't know how to counteract it, but we can stop her. Her victim would need to drink shortly before, for her to be sure the potion has an effect."

  "If that’s what she’s choosing to use," puts in Jamie. "She could use a balm or powdered herbs."

  Ash swears. "Then this is impossible for us to stop. Someone should tell Tobias."

  "And what? He can’t disqualify Katherine based on a rumour from a group who don't like her. Plus, we’re on opposing teams. Even if Tobias believes us, I doubt the other professors would." Amelia’s face sours.

  "I’ll talk to him anyway," says Andrei.

  "Or I could?" I suggest.

  "I'm not comfortable with you and him alone," says Ash, and Andrei's expression reflects the same opinion.

  "He won't hurt me."

  "That's not what I'm worried about." Andrei's eyes meet mine.

  "He’s on our side too," puts in Amelia, and everybody looks at her in surprise. I’ve never heard Amelia defend Tobias before, but she’s never voiced her suspicions as loudly as the others.

  "She’s right," says Andrei in a begrudging tone.

  Ash says nothing. Is Tobias somebody else Vincent told Ash to keep away from?

  Amelia tugs my arm. "I’m tired. Tomorrow, we can practice our mental magic in case one of us is paired with Katherine."

  Something in the pit of my stomach tells me to expect that honour.

  Ash pulls himself from the wall. "I need to talk to Maeve first."

  The group drops into another awkward silence as the conversation abruptly ends.

  "Yeah, well, I’m headed off too." Without pausing for goodbyes, Andrei lopes away.

  "Abrupt," says Amelia with a chuckle.

  I’m disappointed he cut us dead and left as suddenly, but that’s Andrei. "I’m glad he decided to tell us."

  Ash rubs his temples and glances around. "Maeve?"

  I don't know what Ash wants to talk to me about, but the vibe I get is this won't be good.

  My walk with Ash takes us away from the building and towards the rugby pitches. Each step we take, my hopes sink further into my shoes. Ash keeps looking back at the academy and his hands remain in his pockets. The spring sunshine touching and warming my face can’t reach my heart growing cold. I hate seeing Ash subdued and unhappy like this.

  Ash finally wraps an arm around my shoulders and I rest my head against his chest as we walk in rhythm.

  "Sorry I haven’t had a chance to speak to you since the party," he says.

  "All good. I know you
’re busy with other things apart from me." I nudge him in the ribs with an elbow. "Looks like Vincent demands a lot of your time."


  We stop by the goal posts and Ash rests against one. He shuffles down to my height, which is nice but his legs create a barrier between us. "Was Christmas difficult? Getting to know each other again."

  He hunches his shoulders. "I hope you're not hinting he isn't Vincent."

  "No," I protest. "I just mean the experience must’ve affected him and how he responds to you all."

  "Everybody’s changed." Ash pauses as he takes both my hands again. "I missed you over the holidays."

  The tenderness on his face, the way his eyes brighten when he looks at me sends the familiar fluttering into my chest.

  "Me too," I whisper.

  "Are you okay with people spreading the news we’re together?"

  I blink. "Aren’t you?"

  He inhales and then sighs. "This sounds shitty, but things are complicated. I mean, there’s something between us, but..."

  He trails off as I try to hide the hurt with words that mean nothing. "Oh. Sure, okay."

  The nausea I’ve fought since we walked away from dinner builds. Is Ash rejecting me? Since we returned to the academy, he’s been attentive, as if I’m more to him than I was.

  Vincent changed that the moment he arrived on campus.

  "We can still spend time together, but I think ‘official’ would be full on for you. I know you don’t like being the focus of attention, and if you’re with me—"

  His words hit a raw nerve. "I’m not good enough for the school’s most popular boy?" I retort.

  "No. Maeve, I want us to be together. Just not public yet."

  "Wow." I’m speechless for a moment as I pull my hand from his. "I think I’ll head back now."

  He strides to catch up as I walk away across the vast, empty pitches. "Maeve. Don’t take this the wrong way. I’m not saying this because I want to play around with other girls."

  If that bothers you, you’re a hypocrite, Maeve. You practically kissed Andrei. I spin around. "Look. It’s okay. We only kissed once. Hardly a big deal."

  "But it must be. You’re upset."

  "I’m not," I lie. "Like you said, students don't ‘do’ exclusive here."

  I ready myself to tell Ash I saw what Vincent did to him at the party, but what do I say? Ash is beginning to distance himself from me and this could make things worse. I’ve no doubt Ash’s pride would cause a bad reaction and he’s already struggling.

  "I care about you a hell of a lot, Maeve. I’ll still protect you. I’d do anything you asked."

  I want to let go of the emotions he’s provoked and tell him he’s hurt me, cause a fight, but Tobias’s words come to me. Vincent is trying to pull us apart and in Ash’s small way, he’s trying to stop that. There’s no all or nothing for me and Ash. We have to work with what we can. A terrible part of me wants Vincent to be an imposter, so Ash can be freed from his influence. The part of me terrified he may be the real Vincent after all.

  Please let Tobias be right.

  Ash wraps his fingers around mine. If I were childish, I’d pull away, but I appreciate his honesty even though I wish he’d not said any of this.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  One night, I’ll manage to sleep without lying awake while Amelia snores. Every day recently, the days' events swirl around my tired mind and today is no different. But as I pull my thick coat on over my pyjamas and slip on my boots, ready to take a walk, I question my motives. Is this more than head clearing?

  I know where to find Andrei, if I want to.

  He’s sitting on his bench, hunched over his phone as ever. I pause. Do I talk to him, or will that prompt more inside me? I watch him for a few moments, debating what to do. No. Tonight isn’t a good time to talk to him, considering what happened last time we sat on that bench and my current emotional state. I pull my coat closer around myself and take another circuit of the cloisters.

  Once more before I try to sleep again.

  I’m halfway around when shoes scuff behind me. On immediate alert, I spin around. Andrei stands a few feet away, hands in pockets.

  "I know you’re watching me again, Maeve. Why is that?" Instead of anger, there’s amusement in his tone. "Don’t try to sneak around after a vampire. Even with your skills, it’s impossible."

  The way he looks at me when we’re alone adds to my confusion. The defensive scowl that intrigued me early on is replaced by openness. Hell, he even smiles at me.

  "I’m not sneaking," I say with a frown.

  He shakes hair from his face. "I’m teasing. Why aren’t you in bed?"

  "Couldn’t sleep. Visions on my mind. I also wanted to talk to you." He raises a questioning brow. "I haven't had a chance to thank you for helping with Clive."

  Andrei shrugs. "I didn’t want you in trouble."

  "I appreciate it."

  His smile slips. "But I never knew about your ‘special skill’, Maeve. I’m hurt that you didn’t tell me you can control minds." He’s half serious. "I suppose the rest of our little gang knows."

  "Yes. Sorry, I didn't think. You—"

  "I’m not part of the group? Yeah."

  "No. But you weren’t close. We weren’t. You’re part of us now."

  He laughs with disbelief. "Right. Well, now I know I can watch out for you trying to control my mind."

  I laugh at him and move towards him to touch his forehead. "I doubt I’d be able to find my way in there, even if I wanted to."

  Andrei steps back, tensing. He pats his jeans pockets, eyes filled with consternation. "Shit."

  "What have you lost?" I ask.

  "Don’t come any closer, Maeve," he whispers. "Please."

  I halt. "Okay, fine, you were the one who approached me." I swallow down the hurt at his rejection. How could I think our intimacy would go any further than a chat and hand holding? "You know, if you were friendlier to people, I think others would accept you more."

  "I don’t give a crap if they accept me or not." He continues to search his pockets. "Shit. Maeve, please step back."

  "What’s your problem?" He grimaces at me and inhales. Is he holding his breath? "Do I smell bad or something? Jeez..."

  Andrei swallows down a laugh. "You have no idea."

  I stare at him in disbelief. "Wow. Okay."

  He shifts to look over my shoulder, and I swear he’s about to run. "I can't talk to you right now, Maeve."

  I take a deep breath. "You hurt me, do you know that?"

  "What?" He jerks his head back to me. "How?"

  "This probably sounds stupid to you, but I feel you understand me and you always help me out, but then you push me away."

  "You have enough friends. You don’t need another."

  "I need one who watches my back the way you do," I say softly. "Who cares about me. Who I care about."

  Andrei blinks at me as if I slapped him. "You hate me and my blood-drinking evilness." His sarcasm hides more—a hurt he lets slip around me. "I killed someone, remember?"

  I push onwards with words I need to say because they tumble around my mind constantly. "I had a vision and you were there, Andrei, and I can’t stop thinking about what I saw."

  "Vision?" he asks sharply. "Of my death?"

  "No. I do see more than deaths in my visions, you know." I chew my lip. "You’re a friend and I’ve decided not to hide anything from friends."

  "I’m not your friend, Maeve," he mutters. "Not like the others."

  I push on. "My aunt has weird hallucinations. She gets confused between the present and the future, and last term that happened to me. I saw you. I was with you. In the future."

  "I don’t understand. What do you mean 'with me'?" Andrei tips his head and the sensation someone stroked my scalp tingles through. His face fills with horror and he steps back. "Maeve."


  "You kissed me." He speaks the words as if I’d murdered som

  "No." My protest is too quick. Too vehement.

  "I catch flashes of memories in your mind. You know that."

  My heart rate picks up. "Oh." My mouth dries as I relive the moment that plays over and over, at how tenderly he kissed me. How his lips felt. "Stop looking in my head. I don't know why I saw us, Andrei, but I did."

  "Any good?"

  "Are you asking if it was a good kiss?"

  A smile plays at the edge of his lips. "Yeah."

  "I don't know. I pushed you away. Why is this funny?"

  "It’s not, Maeve. This really isn't funny. Is this something you want to do?" I’d expect a teasing tone, smug smirk, but no. Andrei’s face is a picture of confusion. "Maeve?"

  This was supposed to be a light conversation, but suddenly an imaginary kiss becomes the focus. Why do I want Andrei’s attention so much when I have other guys who care? Am I foolishly convinced I’ll fix the broken boy?

  "I don't know," I admit.

  "Shit." Andrei holds his palm against his forehead. "I wish your answer was no."

  "No, you don’t."

  He folds his arms around himself. "I want to be around you without being overwhelmed physically, and I’m trying to, but I can’t block out the effect your blood has on me. That’s why I wish you’d said no."

  I tense at his admitting what we both know. Witch and hemia vampire. Incompatible.

  "I understand."

  "Did you know that’s why I always chew gum around you? So I keep control. The mint dulls my senses. Stops me wanting you."

  I burst out laughing at the most ridiculous excuse I've ever heard from a guy.

  But his stony face cuts my laughter dead.

  Wow. He’s serious.

  Andrei closes the distance he put between us. "I want to connect with you as Maeve and Andrei, not vampire and witch." His eyes shine in the moonlight.

  "I don’t believe you’ll hurt me."

  I tense as his hand slides into the back of my hair. "You radiate something I crave more than blood, and when we’re close, that worries me. Not because I think I’ll hurt you, but because this is more than obsessing about your witch blood."


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