Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1 Page 63

by L. J. Swallow

  I’d pictured somewhere similar to the Petrescu building, with gothic fittings and furniture, not the deceptively ordinary. The spotlights above pick out the visitors, including kids from school, but also older people I don’t recognise. I laugh at myself. Older by a lot of years.

  Andrei stands at the bar and waves us over with enthusiasm and his eyes light up as we approach. "You’re late. I never thought you’d come."

  The music plays low and chatter fills the air. Others waiting to be served bump us, and Andrei holds his hand out to catch my arm and stop me fully falling into him.

  Jamie chews his lips and looks around, touching his throat as he does. Is he worried a vampire will attack? But his fingers move downwards to touch his shirt.

  Andrei wastes no time in ordering from the bar, a seasoned visitor who the barman recognises enough to serve his usual order. Jamie guides me to a table and I drag a chair to sit.

  "Do mostly academy students come here?" I ask as Andrei joins us with the drinks.

  "On a Friday, it’s mostly us, yeah," says Andrei.

  "I told Tobias," blurts Jamie. "Just in case."

  Andrei groans. "I hope he won't charge in after us again."

  "I wouldn’t be surprised," I mumble.

  "Nah. Tobias knows we're pretty safe here. No hunters or Dominion ever get inside."

  I take another look at the visitors around us. In many ways, this could be a normal club—perhaps an exclusive and pricey one where the young and beautiful attend, since the majority are alluring vampires. A handful of shifters are tucked in a corner, and a witch nearby has conjured a crown of brightly lit flowers to sit on his delighted date's head.

  Another, a tall slender guy but without the vampire-flawless looks, moves from group to group and most refuse to talk to him. The shifters scowl and turn away. He finally finds someone who’ll talk to him, but seconds later he edges away, head down. His new friend follows, glancing at the security guys as he passes to the back of the club.

  "Do people deal drugs here?" I ask, staring after him.

  "Potions and powders, yeah." Andrei cranes his head. "Who's dealing?"

  I shudder at the memory what happened last time I experienced mind-altering magical powder. "Surely you don't want anything, Andrei."

  He cocks his head. "Are you judging me, Maeve?"

  "No. Just... No."

  Jamie huffs. "Be careful what you take."

  "I agree. I worry about you."

  He arches a brow and looks at where Jamie’s hand rests on my knee. "Do you?"

  Is he jealous? The guy told me to back off. "If you're in our gang, someone will target you," says Jamie. I snap my head around. Is he serious? "We're dangerous people to hang with."

  Andrei wraps an arm around a horrified Jamie's shoulder. "Then I fit right in, since I’m the academy's resident Dominion traitor."

  "Andrei," I warn. "Voice down. You can’t mouth off in front of a room full of people."

  He snorts. "I told you before, I don't give a shit."

  The dealer slinks back into the room and Andrei perks up as he catches the guy’s eye. "Catch you downstairs."

  My stomach lurches as he walks away and Jamie touches my arm as I stare after him. "Don't worry about Andrei. He can look after himself."

  "What drugs... potions do they take?" I ask.

  "Euphoria Elixir is the most popular—Lix. It’s like human drugs but without any side effects or withdrawal."

  "They don't hurt anybody?"

  "No. No worse than alcohol. Probably not as bad."

  "Then why do they need to deal it?" I ask.

  Jamie drains his glass. "The drugs are a rare commodity controlled by gangs who make a shitload from dealing.”

  I take a drink and pull a face at the vodka. "Do you want to sit down or head downstairs?" interrupts Jamie.

  "What’s downstairs?"

  "There’s a band playing tonight. If Andrei want to go off on his own, I’m not hanging around for him."

  My spirits sink. So much for him wanting a night out with us.

  Nobody pays attention to me and Jamie as we weave through the tables to stairs at the back of the room. Posters on the wall either side feature the band name and music strains beneath the closed doors at the bottom of the steps.

  This time, we walk into a smaller room with a short bar close to the door and a tiny stage a few metres away. The music’s volume hits and excitement surges. This is the type of place I’d love on a Friday night. The room is crammed full as people watch the band, but the stage is too low to see them. Strip-lights line the low ceilings along with narrow pipes and concrete pillars. The industrial look continues with dark walls and metal tables topping barrels, all lined with drinks that others watch over for their dancing friends.

  "It’s busy!" I call to Jamie as he guides me, arm around me so that I can work my way through the crowd untouched.

  "They’re a popular band. Want to dance?"


  I set my drink onto a round metal table and plunge into the crowd after Jamie, keeping an eye on his tall figure so that I can’t lose him. Moments later, I lose myself in the music and the moment, barely aware of the people jostling as the performance creates a spell that winds around my senses and pulls me away from where I am. All I can sense is the music, and Jamie beside me.

  I wrap my arms around Jamie’s neck and half-shout in his ear. "I'm glad you came tonight. I wish everybody else had." Drawing back, I smile, but his tugged brow and pursed lips unsettle me. "What’s wrong?"

  With a sigh, he slips his arms around my waist. "We only touch when we dance, Maeve."

  I abruptly stop moving to the music. "Oh. I don't mean anything by this."

  His brow tugs further. "Dancing with me means nothing?"

  "No." I press my fingers into the back of his hand. "With everything happening, I don't spend enough time with you. I’m sorry. I’m not pushing you away."

  Jamie points at his ears. "I can't hear you properly."

  He takes my hand and leads me from the dance floor to corner close to the bar.

  "I’m not avoiding you," I repeat in the quiet space.

  "I know." He sighs. "I’m preoccupied too."

  Catching his hand between both of mine, I rub my fingers across the back. "Sometimes I think you’re closed off from me."

  He wrinkles his nose. "Yeah. I thought about that. I don't like getting in the way of you, Ash, and Andrei."

  I blink. "Andrei?"

  "Don't pretend I can't see how Andrei behaves around you. You're more than friends now, aren't you?"

  I swallow. "Does that bother you?"

  He pulls on his bottom lip. "To be honest, yes. I understand you and Ash, because what girl wouldn’t want his attention? But Andrei's dangerous to you." I open my mouth to protest. "Yes, I trust Andrei, but not the hemia who’s programmed to crave witch blood. I'm scared he'll lose control."

  "I'm sure he won't." But the fear follows me after the way he withdrew the other day. "Andrei told me something yesterday and I don't know what to think."

  Jamie straightens. "What happened?"

  "Calm down. This is about Vincent." I lower my voice. "Andrei thinks Vincent is a thing created by a necromancer. He touched Vincent and didn't detect anything. Like his mind was blank."

  Jamie’s mouth falls open. "He thinks Vincent's a construct? The guy is delusional. I mean, I don't believe Vincent is the real deal, but seriously?"

  "He seemed pretty convinced, Jamie."

  "Necromancers were wiped out years ago. Their existence is an unspoken chapter in our history, because the witch council killed them all."

  "But one could've survived?"

  "Possibly, but 200 years is a crazy amount of time to stay hidden. Nearly impossible."

  "But we can't rule this out."

  Jamie sighs and takes my hands. "This is far-fetched. Have you spoken to Tobias?"

  "Andrei’s agreed to speak to him."

  Jamie chews
the edge of his mouth. "If you believe this, why aren't you worried about Ash heading out with Vincent tonight?"

  "I am a little, but if Vincent is working for the Dominion in some way, I think he has bigger plans than killing a bunch of shifters." My heart rate spikes as I say the words. "Ash wouldn't listen to me anyway."

  Jamie huffs. "Typical."

  "Jamie!" I look around as a guy calls his name, and a delighted Dane stands with his girlfriend Jade and two witches I vaguely recognise from the common room, as they’re not in my classes. "I didn't know you came here."

  "I don't often," he says.

  I move away from Jamie and turn to the group. Jade’s intrigued look drops and she gives a wide, slightly false smile. All four hold half-full glasses. Most here are dressed expensively, but Jade and friends are casual like us--their black dresses neutral amongst those standing out around us.

  "Hey, Maeve," says Jade. "Is Ash with you?"

  I shake my head.

  "A night out alone with Jamie?" asks her friend and I catch a hint of snideness.

  "Andrei’s with us," I reply. "Ash and Amelia are busy."

  Why am I justifying myself to these people?

  "How are you feeling, Maeve?" asks Dane.

  "I’d rather not talk about that."

  "Yeah, Maeve’s here for a night away from all that," butts in Jamie. He looks at me. "Another drink?"

  "Did you finish already?" I ask and look at his empty glass.

  "And?" He frowns at me as if I’m his mother telling him what to do. "Who wants another? Drinks are on me."

  I groan. Jamie just guaranteed these people will hang around us, when I’d rather spend time with him and Andrei.

  Wherever the hell Andrei went.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  We assemble in Gilgamesh common room and wait for Vince. Clive and Remi are pumped, ready to go—I swear they hero-worship my brother. Vincent, the shifter who survived incarceration by the Dominion. The one who escaped with his life. But how?

  Vince encourages their attention regularly with stories how strong they could all be. Has he given them his rallying speech about shifters versus vampires and witches?

  Others from the rugby team sit with me, conversation bouncing between the latest matches and what Vincent has in store for us.

  I join in but currently don't care about the match. I want to know what Vince has in store tonight.

  Vince steps into the room, and I can't help but shake my head at how his presence immediately draws everybody's attention. Conversation drops and eager eyes watch him, watching and waiting.

  "Hey, guys," he says laconically. "I'm glad to see so many of you here."

  So many guys. Not one girl. Earlier, I asked Crystal if she was interested and she muttered something about the 'boys club' and walked off.

  His gaze lands on me, and he gives a small nod. He thinks his obedient Ash is here. Right now, I'd rather be with Maeve and the others on a night out. Relaxing. Enjoying Maeve's company somewhere Vince can't see.

  But I need to be here.

  My conversation with Maeve earlier worried me—not enough that I'm ready to admit I'm wrong about my brother, but enough for me to need reassurance I'm right.

  "Where we headed, man?" asks Clive.

  "To meet my friends." He grins. "We have a little party house."


  "Which friends?" I ask.

  His eyes narrow for a moment. "Friends from years back. We're reconnecting, and some young blood would be awesome."

  "You a secret society or something?" asks Seamus with a laugh.

  Vince smirks at the gangly shifter. "Not quite. But we're tight. Reckon you guys have what it takes to join us?"

  My stomach lurches. With every word, I'm positive Vince is about to lead me into a shifter underworld.

  No. That’s a shitty thing to think. Vince isn’t capable of leading an army. He's known for physical prowess and coasted through classes at the academy, but he isn’t the smartest. Vince had special treatment for being so bloody good at sports and winning competitions for the academy.

  "I hope we're not taking part in an initiation ceremony." I say the words with a straight face, but others around me laugh.

  "Nah." Vince's eyes fix on mine. "You guys can't shift yet. That would come later if you want to be part of this."

  Holy crap. I don't hear the rest of the conversation as Vince talks up our planned night of beers and fun. I'm half-inclined to make a break for the hallway and hope Maeve hasn’t left yet.

  Vince hangs back as the rest of the guys file from the room. "You okay, little bro?"

  "Does Theodora know about your secret society?" I ask as we walk behind the group.

  "Pfft. Ashley. No secret society. Just a group of friends banding together. We can teach you some tricks to help win the games."

  "This feels like a recruitment drive."

  He grabs my arm to stop me. "Why are you weird about this?"

  "What? I'm not?"

  "Rather be with your witches?"

  I shrug him off and keep walking. "You're supposed to be impartial, Vince."

  "Doesn't matter what happens. The students are screwing this up on their own." He points at Clive and Remi. "Though I'd like to know what happened to them in the woods that night of the first competition.”

  I sense his suspicion. "Those two? Not the first time they've smacked each other about."

  I'm telling the truth, but Vince's expression stays doubtful. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, and I stumble as he leads me away. "Tell me about your witch's visions."

  "Nothing to tell," I say lightly.

  He cocks a brow. "Liar."

  "Just the usual," I say. "Maeve sees people dying, and it freaks her out."


  I chew my lip. I'm managing half-truths here, but I don't like him pushing me. "I didn't think you believed witches' visions."

  "Others pay her a lot of attention. I'm just curious why."

  "I've nothing to tell you, Vince." I hold his annoyed gaze. He needs to realise I'm not his kid brother who will follow him blindly.

  Am I already blinded by him?

  We head to the edge of the academy grounds, where I expect to see vehicles to take the six of us to the ‘party house’.


  "Taking a long walk, are we?" I ask Vince and nudge him.

  "Yeah. We are." He's deadpan serious.

  Beside me, Remi's face falls. "Where're we headed, Vincent?" he asks.

  Vince smirks. "For a nice walk across the moors."

  His confusion turns to horror. "In the dark?"

  "What's up with that?" Vincent slaps him on the back. "Your family are big cat shifters. Your night vision must be above average already.

  "Yeah, But…" He trails off. "How far are we walking?"

  "A few miles."

  "Define a few," I interject.

  Vince winks. "Shifter miles."

  As Vince walks away to chat with two of the other guys, Clive approaches. "Do you know where we're headed?" he asks.


  "All good as long as there're beers once we get there, am I right?" Remi nudges him.

  I'm relieved to see things are resolved between Clive and Remi after Maeve's slip up, but the five of us worry that they'll remember the truth.

  "I'll ask Vince," I say.

  Using this as an excuse, I approach Vincent and pull his arm. "Promise me this isn't a crazy initiation ceremony."

  He chuckles, and I stagger as he claps me on the back. "Nah. My friends have a place they can go to hang out. Middle of nowhere. No dramas with shifting. Some of us don't like to keep that part of us under wraps."

  I bite my lip but can't avoid asking the question. "Do you feel up to shifting again?"

  "Do you?" His eyes shine as he studies me.

  "No. I can't yet. I don't want to end up as a Mid."

  Vince snorts. "Yeah. Can't see a permanent dragon t
ail would suit you."

  His humour adds to my discomfort. Or is he deflecting from the question whether he'll shift?

  "Ashley, dude, don't look so stressed." My shoulders sink under the weight of his arm around them. "Tonight I’ll show you what I was part of before the witch ruined my life. Have you ever wondered what will happen once the hunted become the hunters?"

  Vince jogs away, towards the group gathered close to the academy gates. I glance back at the building as I debate what to do. The words echo in my head.

  The hunted become the hunters.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Maeve’s easygoing attitude around Jamie is the opposite to how I’m sure she feels around me. I'd be jealous, but honestly this is my own fault for pushing her away. Again. I’m ridiculous, but scared of myself. Anyone who makes Maeve smile is good by me.

  Does Jamie know about me and Maeve, or am I her dirty little secret? The way she kissed me left me hanging on the edge—confused how I'd managed to stop myself taking Maeve's blood. A different desire took over—for her wanting me. To give in to her truth: acknowledge that I feel. I crave the euphoria from the snatched moments, something I won't find from Maeve tonight, so I'll find something else.

  I know this dealer, Jay, and after five minutes searching, I can't find him in the club. Gritting my teeth in frustration, I step outside into the night. The sharp human scents carry towards me on the breeze, along the street lined with shops and clubs. You'd think the supernatural owners would hide or glamour the place, but no. As with many things, blending in plain sight is the key to surviving in their world. That makes life tough. Maeve asks about drugs, but humans are the real addiction.

  I’m learning to keep away.

  Once, I went to a nearby human club. Big fucking mistake. That was the day the naïve Andrei Tepes sealed his reputation as someone who attacks humans. How was I to bloody know the human chick wasn't serious when she believed I’m a vampire? I've heard humans like to pretend vampires exist and offer themselves up. The girl got cold feet at the last minute.


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