Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1 Page 65

by L. J. Swallow

  "What the fuck?" The guy steps towards me and my reactions are too slow to dodge him. He snatches my shirt by the front and buttons fly from the shirt between us.

  Tugging me close, he pulls an arm back to punch me again, landing a blow straight in my face. I barely feel it, and I’m fascinated by how his nose shifts and blood leaks down to his mouth. He reels again.

  "Are you fucking kidding me?" His voice is muffled by the hand across his nose and mouth, and I chuckle.

  With a frustrated snarl, he reaches out and seizes me by the neck. As his fingers touch me, he yells louder before releasing me and holding his hand in the air. "You fucking witch bastard. Look at my hand."

  We’ve drawn attention from several onlookers who’ve shifted from bored to intrigued, especially now the shifter's seared hand glows red.

  Whoa. That’s new.

  "Get him out of here! Before I knock the fucker into next week and we both get banned," he shouts.

  Another shifter appears at his shoulder, head and shoulders above me like his friend, and storms towards me.

  "He’ll hurt you." The guy spits the words with the vehemence of someone who wants to squash me beneath his large boot.

  "Him?" The guy laughs and looks down at me as if I’m pathetic.

  I breathe heavily, steadying myself on the wall as if I’m the one knocked by an assailant. My shirt hangs half open.

  "Fucking magic." The first guy swipes a sleeve across his nose.

  Doesn’t he know when to give up?

  A dark figure looms behind them and a guy dressed in a smart suit with an earpiece glares at us. He steps between me and the injured shifter and slams a hand in each shifter’s chest.

  "Leave the shifter dog-fights at the door," he growls. "Or you’re both banned."

  "Wasn’t me! Him!" protests my attacker’s friend and he jabs a finger my way. "Tell him, Shane."

  "A witch hit you?" The security guard peers at me. "You sure?"

  I stare at the floor and bite back a smile.

  "What’s happening, Jamie?"

  Andrei’s face appears in my line of vision as he ducks down to look into my eyes.

  I glare back at him. "Was gonna ask you the same question," I slur.

  Andrei straightens and glares back. "Don’t judge me."

  I swallow. Don’t tell him you saw. But I’ll bloody tell Maeve and Ash.

  I shrug.

  "What are you doing in the middle of a shifter fight?" Andrei’s eyes go to my ripped shirt and his mouth parts. "Is that—?"

  The pendant.


  I curl my hand around the metal and narrow my eyes. "What?"

  "Is that... Shit, Jamie. Maeve and Amelia would rip your balls off if they knew."

  "If Maeve knew what?" asks a girl’s voice.

  Maeve’s distinctive blonde hair appears as she pushes her way through the gathered crowd. Andrei leans forward and yanks at the chain around my neck. It breaks and he shoves the pendant into his pocket.

  "I saw that!" she exclaims. "Is that—"

  Someone jostles her from behind and the bleeding shifter shouts over her. "Are you going to kick out the witch bastard or not?"

  The club passes by in a haze as we’re roughly escorted from the premises. I trip over my own feet and slump back to the ground outside.

  "Is that the Blackwood pendant?" Maeve snaps at Andrei.

  "Don’t know what you’re talking about." I stare as Maeve grabs at Andrei’s arm. He lifts his hands from his jacket, outstretched, palms outwards.

  "Empty your pockets," she demands.

  "No. Frisk me if you like, Maeve. You know I’d like that."

  The two stare at each other in challenge.

  "Fine!" she says in exasperation. "Jamie? Did the pendant protect you again?"

  With amazing and disgusting timing, I throw up at their feet.

  Chapter Forty-One


  Jamie is incoherent on our trip home, and I’m lost at what to say to Andrei. He sits in the front and his avoiding me grates on my nerves. The Uber driver almost refused to take us, thanks to Jamie’s drunkenness, but good old vampire mental magic helped with that one.

  As we travelled from the city, I call Amelia to ask if she’ll help with Jamie and there’s no response. I’ve felt her unhappiness grow stronger over the last few weeks, and I’m increasingly worried about her.

  The driver drops us at the academy gates and our walk to the building takes twice as long thanks to Jamie. We reach the Walcott building and Andrei helps me haul Jamie back upstairs to his room.

  I’m not dumb. I heard the shifter shouting about magic with his nose squashed against his face. Andrei took something from around Jamie’s neck. The Blackwood pendant.

  I place Jamie in the recovery position and leave Andrei with him while I search for his roommate. Kyle reluctantly returns from the common room, complaining I interrupted his movie.

  "Has he puked on himself?" asks Kyle and wrinkles his nose.

  Jamie has dragged himself up and sits on the floor, back resting against his bed. "Mostly on the ground," he mumbles.

  "Where did Andrei go?" I ask sharply. "He told me he'd wait with you."

  Jamie looks up at me through bleary eyes. "Dunno." He's ashen and makes a gagging sound. I grab a nearby wastepaper bin to put close to him.

  Kyle groans. "Dude..."

  "You do this too," he mumbles out. "Helped you before."

  "I’m never as bad as you," he retorts.

  Has Andrei snuck off to his room?

  Since I saw him with the Dominion, the sick feeling has grown. What upsets me most? His betrayal or that I let my guard down and trusted him?

  Jamie's ripped shirt exposes the top of his naked chest. "I need to talk to you about how the shifter broke his nose."

  He lies back and holds his arm over his eyes. "Whatever."

  Kyle watches and I choose my words carefully. "You used certain magic on him, didn't you?"

  Jamie mutters something and keels over to rest his head on the floor. This conversation is useless.

  I push both hands into my hair, confused what to do next. Or what if Andrei went to Tobias and the pair run? If Andrei’s involved with the Dominion, Tobias could be too.

  My head hurts. Why is nothing straightforward?

  "I need to go," I say to Kyle. "Can you stay with Jamie?"

  "Yeah." He nods at me. "Dumb bastard will be okay. Apart from tomorrow morning; then he won't be."

  With a grateful goodbye, I close the door and debate what to do.

  There's only one choice.

  Pulling my jacket closer around myself, I stride along the hallway before anybody sees me leave.

  The grounds are quiet as I cross towards the Petrescu building. The bench I sit on with Andrei is empty, and I picture us there. How could he lie to me?

  A shiver runs through me as I step into the Petrescu building. I haven’t walked in here since the day I followed Andrei. The place creeps me out. Why? I should laugh at the cliché décor, but there's an uncomfortable vibe to the place. Some prejudices are hard to drop—especially when I'm told witches tempt them to the point they lose control. I shiver as if one stands behind me and runs cold fingers along my back.

  But my discomfort isn't only from the students who live here—there’s an eeriness, as if the place is haunted.

  My heart hammers as I creep up the stairs and pass rooms. Chatter and music come from behind doors and I pray nobody sees me walk by. My hasty decision to come here might be a waste of time, since I don't know where Andrei's room is. No way do I want to ask anybody; I don't even want to see anybody.

  I chew my lip as I walk along the carpeted hallway. The doors to dorm rooms are identical to Walcott and I peer at a few. Some have name plaques the way ours do too.

  Which means the common room isn't far. Hesitating, I watch the doorway that I need to pass and hope nobody leaves. The double doorways are open and a couple of girls intent on
their conversation walk out. They block the doorway long enough for me to sidle past with my head down.

  "Maeve Foster."

  I halt.


  "Have you come to visit our common room?" continues the dulcet female voice. "I do hope you were invited."

  Turning, I startle as I’m face to face with Katherine. I haven't seen her since the mental magic challenge, and behind the haughty tone I sense wariness. Does she think I’m here to find her?

  "I'm looking for somebody."

  She wrinkles her nose. "You know Tobias is a professor and doesn't live here, right?"

  "Yes," I retort. "I'm aware Tobias lives with the other staff. I’m not looking for him."

  "Andrei, then?" She arches a brow. "Did you know he threatened the girl who helped me with my practical joke? Upset her a lot. Rather uncalled for, in my opinion."

  "You mean when you cheated?" I keep my tone light. Standing with a predator in the midst of her territory isn't a place I can show fear.

  She snorts. "People overreacted. You're such a drama queen, Maeve."

  I choke out a sound of disbelief. The girls who stepped from the common room pass, and scrutinise me from head to toe as they do.

  "Fine. I'm looking for Andrei. Tell me where his room is and go spread your rumours."

  She arches a brow. "Well, I am impressed, Maeve. I didn't think you had it in you. I mean, hooking up in guys' rooms doesn't seem like your style."

  "I am not hooking up."

  "Oh? Then why come here in the early hours to find him?"

  My head twinges and I shove her intrusion away. "You can't read my mind, Katherine. That's why you needed to cheat, remember?"

  "I did not cheat."

  "Sure," I scoff.

  With a deliberate yawn, Katherine pats her mouth with a palm and points into the dim. "Andrei's room is at the end of the hallway. You'll be pleased to hear he doesn't share. Those of us from the more important families have that privilege."

  "Thanks." I step away and make my way down the hallway before our 'chat' descends into a bitchfest.

  "Do be careful, Maeve," she calls with false concern. "We all know Andrei can be a bit... bitey."

  Her laughter irritates me but I refuse to rise to her taunt.

  A heavy-looking door painted black is the last in the hallway. There's no name on the wall beside. Andrei's? I can't see any other room doors set into the wood-panelled walls, so I knock.

  No response.

  I knock harder. Shit. Has Andrei left? One more time and then I’m headed to Tobias’s rooms instead. Maybe I should've headed straight there.

  My knuckles rap on the door.

  "Shut the fuck up," yells Andrei. "And piss off."

  I pause, fist in the air. Judging by his tone, Andrei's mood isn't good.

  Neither is mine.

  "Andrei," I call. "It’s Maeve."

  Silence greets me.

  "I'm not leaving until you talk to me."

  I close my eyes and hope he won't be childish.

  The door opens. He's dressed and has the glassy look in his eyes from earlier. His face is strained and brows pulled into a deep frown. "What are you doing here?"

  "I need to talk to you. Now." I pull myself straight and fix him with a determined stare.

  He pushes hair from his eyes and blinks at me. "If this is about the Blackwood pendant, yes, I have the necklace. I’ll hand it to Tobias tomorrow."

  "Did you know Jamie had the pendant?" I ask, incredulous he'd hide this from us.

  "No! I would've said something to Amelia, wouldn't I? Or you."

  I hold my hand out. "I’ll take it."

  He pauses. "Don't take offence, but I'm not giving the pendant to another witch."

  "Oh? Are you saving it to give to the Dominion?"

  His grip on the door tightens. "What?"

  "The Dominion. They're the reason you took us to Demon’s Lair tonight."

  Andrei grabs my arm and before I can catch up to what's happening, he pulls me into his room and slams the door.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  The place is a mess. Clothes are strewn across the floor and the bed is unmade. I can't see his desk beneath the books and paper piled on top, and a laptop charges on the floor in a corner.

  The candle burning on a small shelf gives off a scent that reminds me of him—subtle and woody.

  "What the fuck are you talking about?" He drags his hair back and panic edges his features.

  "I saw you tonight, Andrei. I recognised your sister from Sofia's book—she looks like you and your mother."

  For an eternal moment, Andrei doesn't speak and my heart thuds harder.

  "Is that what you believe, Maeve? That I'm a spy for the Dominion?" His voice is harsh and dark anger replaces the drugged look.

  "You were the one who insisted we all went to Devil’s Lair tonight. Planned our ‘night out’. Now, coincidentally, the Dominion were there. What would’ve happened if Jamie’s behaviour hadn't forced us to leave?"

  He shakes his head as I speak. "No. How can you think this?"

  "Because I saw you with your sister!" I say, voice rising.

  "I didn't know she'd be there and I think you should ask the club owners why, not me. Ione accosted me." He pushes both hands into his hair and holds his arms above his head. "I don't believe this. After all the support I've given you."

  I waver. Am I paranoid? My friends' lives are under threat here.

  "Is Tobias involved?" I demand.

  "What the fuck are you talking about, Maeve? He's here to help. Why would Tobias pursue Vincent, convinced he’s a Dominion sympathiser, if he were one too?"

  "To deflect attention?" I suggest.

  Andrei drops his hands and shakes his head. "I'm not talking to you about this paranoid bullshit. Where's your proof? Did you take photos?"

  I blink. "No."

  "Have I done one single thing that makes you suspect me, before tonight?"

  Resting against his bedroom wall, I rub my temples. Andrei's convincing—genuinely shocked.

  He wraps his arms around himself, every muscle tensing. "Are you buying into the 'Andrei is a Tepes, so he must support Dominion' bullshit? I thought you were better than that."

  "You have to understand why I'd have doubts after what I saw, Andrei."

  "No, I don't!" He half-shouts and I shrink back as he steps closer. "You said you knew me. Believed me. You fucking accepted me and now what? You throw all that back in my face?"

  His chest rises and falls rapidly, his blue eyes glittering with fury. My breathing speeds too, with fear he'll hurt me.

  "No. But—"

  "But what?" he gives a harsh laugh. "Maeve Foster, the prejudiced human, doesn't think for herself after all."

  "I do!"

  "Sure, you do. Sofia's in your ear about me. Witches don't trust me—and I bet bloody Ash doubts me too."

  "Ash has nothing to do with this."

  Andrei tips his head to look at the ceiling and mutters under his breath. Sizing up my chance, I side-step towards the door.

  Andrei's arm shoots out and he slams a palm on the wall above my head, blocking my escape.

  "So, Ash siding with Vincent and rejecting you is okay, but because I'm a vampire, everything I've done to protect you doesn't count?"

  "I said, this isn't about Ash. Stop changing the subject, Andrei."

  He taps the side of his head with a forefinger. "Ash is in trouble. Vincent's brainwashing him. He's torn you and Ash apart and this affects us all."

  "Because a witch is responsible for what happened to him."

  We're close, both breathing heavily through our frustration. "You're blinded by him. Just like I'm blinded by you."

  I take a ragged breath. "What the hell does that mean?"

  His face moves closer and I sense his emotions too readily. "You've kissed me. You've seen into my head. You know how I feel about you." His jaw sets hard. "I've never done anything
to hurt you, and I never will. No bastard could tell me to abandon you. I'm not Ash."

  I shake as his emotions flow over me. At the truth radiating into the tiny space left between us.

  "You told me you had to keep away. The witch blood..." I trail off, unsure what to say.

  He moistens his lips. "Being close to you like this drives my instincts fucking nuts, but I won't hurt you."

  "I want to trust you, Andrei. I just—"

  He slams a hand on the wall again and steps away, leaving me shaking. "Fine. Go. Believe what you want. Tell Theodora you saw me plotting with my sister and watch her expel me. Wave goodbye when they send me to Ravenhold."

  "I wouldn't do that." I rub my head. I’m jumping to conclusions. Again. "This is confusing, Andrei."

  "No. It's not. You believe me or you don't. If you don't, I guess I'll see Matt in Ravenhold."

  "No! I don't want you to go there."

  "Why? If I'm a danger to the academy and the Confederacy, isn't that where I should be?" He tips his head. "Don't tell me you care about me."

  "I do."

  Andrei moves closer again and I shrink away, but he reaches for the door instead. "Just go, Maeve." His voice drops into low weariness as he yanks it open. He stares ahead without looking at me. "Thanks for reminding me nobody will trust me because of my mother. Not even the girl who knows me better than anyone."

  I reach out to shut the door and place my hand over his on the handle. "Let me stay."

  "What's the point?"

  I gently close the door and rest against it. "I'm sorry. Tell me the story. What happened tonight?"

  He looks down at my hand over his. "Do you know what's difficult right now? The way you screw around with my emotions."

  I tense. "That's bullshit. Half the time you lie about how you feel."

  "I'm not the one who only wants to meet in dark corners for sordid moments."

  "There's nothing sordid about us."

  "Isn't there?"


  He drags my hand away from the handle and pulls me towards him. My arm is trapped between his chest and my mouth parches in fear. "Half the time I think you're incredible, Maeve, and the other half you piss me off because of how you treat me."


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