Falling In Maths

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Falling In Maths Page 8

by Melissa Bender

  Boo! - Wow, that was random of me.

  I was walking back home when my music cut out and my phone vibrated a new message. – Hey miss ghost, what’s up?

  I chuckled and replied. – Walking home, went for a run, you?

  Getting pizza, where are you? I’ll come pick you up for a drive? – Noah sent back.

  My heart started pounding a little faster, the nerves of excitement coursing through my skin had my typing back fast but messing up my words. Finally, I was able to reply properly and sent him the address as to where I was standing.

  Five minutes and Mr Wade’s BMW pulled up, I climbed in the front seat and breathed in the scent of his aftershave. “Hi,” I smiled as I kept my eyes ahead.

  He pulled out on the road, “So what’s up? You just out for an evening stroll?”

  I nodded, I couldn’t tell him about Dad messing up again with his drinking, “Yeah, just felt like running,” I said trying to make my voice sound normal.

  “Fair enough, have you eaten yet?” He asked.

  I shook my head, “No, I only woke up like an hour ago from when you dropped me home,” I said finally looking over at him, damn what a mistake that was. He looked cuter than ever, his hair a little damp and his shirt clinging to his body. Wow, he was cute.

  “Do you want to grab some dinner?” Mr Wade asked.

  I went to say yes but I then remembered I needed to put some distance between us. Oh my gosh Mia, that went out the window the moment you text him and got into his car. Silly girl, how could I keep away from him though? Especially when he was so sweet, he was kind and just so nice. I didn’t want to seem mean.

  So I looked at him and smiled again, “Ok, but no slimy foods.”

  “Slimy?” he asked grinning.

  I nodded, “Yep, you know like mushrooms, anchovies and those sorts of things.”

  “I don’t eat those, so no need to worry my dear,” he smiled, “Do you want to know what I’ve been doing all afternoon?”

  I nodded, “Sure.”

  “Marking maths equations, fractions and algebra, does that sound boring to you?” He asked, looking over at me quickly and flashing another grin.

  I shook my head, “I enjoy math, I like solving the problems and that’s probably why I am such a loner at school,” that had to be part of the reason.

  “You’re not a loner Mia, and math’s is cool. I am glad my awesome teaching skills are getting through to someone,” He smiled and pulled over to the side of the road, parking the car across the road from the pizza parlour.

  “Go, I’ll sit here and wait for you,” I said turning in the seat to face him.

  He smiled again before getting out of the car, I swear every time he smiled my heart melted a little bit more. I was so crushing on this man hard, and it was wrong but damn it was impossible not to.

  Ten minutes and Mr Wade walked over with two pizzas and put them on my lap, I groaned as the warmth burnt my skin through my sweats a little. “I want to take you somewhere, it’s a cool place and I think you’ll like it,” he grinned.

  I just nodded, not speaking as I held the pizzas while he drove us to an unknown destination. I was just about to ask where we were until he turned down a dusty gravel road and then parked in an empty parking lot.

  “Where is this?” I asked him looking confused.

  “I found it one night when I was driving around,” he said. My mind wondering if he had brought other women up here to go parking, that thought brought out a sick jealously feeling.

  I looked at my phone, Dad sent one message saying I love you, while James had sent the other, I keep screwing up with you, I’m sorry.

  It didn’t matter. They both were in my bad books.

  “You ok?” Mr Wade asked, noticing me tossing my phone in his centre console.

  I nodded, “Sure, so this is it huh?” I asked looking around more at the bush land, I spotted a small clearing and a pathway that must be where we were going to go.

  “This is it, come one. We’ll eat down there,” He said unclipping his own belt. He came around and opened my door, taking the pizzas from my hands.

  I walked behind him, trying to make random small talk about the place we were going too, turns out he’d been here once. We better not get lost or we’d be spending the night huddled up in the car to keep warm.

  Coming to a stop once we were at the ocean. I hadn’t been to a beach in years, it was strange being here again. The last time I was swimming was with Mum. She loved the water, collecting seashells were a favourite thing of hers to do. I missed that.

  “So, we’re at the beach,” I said standing beside him.

  “We are, but come sit over here,” he gestured towards a picnic table.

  The waves rolled in as we sat and ate, it was actually peaceful here. A place that I’d love to come back to again. Both of us talking, Mr Wade told me about previous football games and injuries that he’d gotten, he’d broke his arm twice, fractured four ribs and dislocated his shoulder.

  “That would hurt,” I shuddered after he explained how the popped the shoulder back in.

  “It did,” he grinned, closing the pizza box. “Let’s get you home.”

  Home. A place I was dreading, it was half hour past when I told dad I’d be back. I’d never been home later than what I’d say to him. I was hoping he didn’t yell, but he may be sucking up since he was caught drinking.

  When Mr Wade pulled up out my driveway all the house lights were off. “Dad’s probably asleep,” I whispered.

  “That’s a good thing,” he smiled, “do you think he’ll be mad you were out so late? It’s my fault so you can blame me.”

  I looked at him and just smiled, “Sweet of you to say, but no it’s ok.”

  Mr Wade just stared at me and suddenly the air around us became thick. I was finding it increasingly harder to breathe as Mr Wade, or I should really say Noah looked at me. “Mia,” he whispered softly.

  I kept my eyes to his, my heart thudding loudly. “Yes,” I breathed out quietly.

  He leant in, slowly getting closer to my unmoving face, his breath blowing across my skin, I was trying not to breathe, and I was so nervous right now. He stopped moving. His hand startled me a little as it moved, gently touching mine, I felt goose bumps over my skin starting to appear.

  “Thanks for a great forth date,” he smiled. His eyes smiling also.

  I frowned a little, “forth?” I asked, my voice nervously shaking.

  Noah nodded, “Movie at mine, lunch at yours, football and party, then tonight. Dinner at the beach,” he replied, his voice was still low.

  I was confused, what was he meaning by all of this. “Mr Wade,” I spoke, his brows shot up and I corrected myself, “Noah.”

  “Better,” he replied.

  “I didn’t know they were dates,” I said, fake dates were more like it.

  He smiled, giving my hand a slight squeeze, “Goodnight Mia,” he then leaned and closed the distance between us. His lips were gently against mine as his other hand cupped my cheek.

  Holy elephants!! He was kissing me. Noah Wade was kissing me, well his lips were just pressed to mine and not moving, but still he was kissing me!

  I’d like to say there were butterflies but there wasn’t. The whole damn zoo was stampeding around my stomach.

  As he pulled away I felt cold, I wanted to feel him kiss me again, and I wanted to kiss him back. But I couldn’t believe that had just happened. How did such a bad day turn into an amazing one, a day I’d never ever forget!

  I couldn’t speak as I blushed hard, undoing my belt and getting out of the car. All I did was smile like an idiot and wave. Noah waved back, I could see the smile over his face as he backed out of the drive.

  I made my way inside the house. Everything quiet as I walked to my room and climbed into bed. I then did an extremely girly, and silly thing. I let out an excited squeal of shrieks as I kicked and waved my arms around excitedly.

  After the excitement waved off a li
ttle and died down I had to wonder, would he regret the kiss or wished it never happened?

  I guessed I’d find out in the morning when I had his class first up, I just hoped things weren’t too awkward between us.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I was eating breakfast when Dad walked in, dressed in his navy uniform and sat his gun on the counter beside me. “You came home past curfew,” he said, giving me a raised brow.

  I nodded, not answering back to him due to the mouthful of food I was currently eating. He stared at me, and I knew I was going to have to answer him. “Yes,” I finally managed to say.

  “A text next time would be appreciated Mia, just because you get all pissy at me doesn’t mean you can take off,” He said, pouring himself a coffee.

  I was really bothered, I never yelled or complained much. To him I was a perfect child to deal with, easy and a good girl. If only he knew what I really go up too on the weekend and last night.

  I took my bowl to the dishwasher and placed it in there, coming back I grabbed my bag off the floor and slung it over my shoulder, “I’ve got work after school and all this week, try think about me before you take another drink.”

  I never gave him a chance to reply, I closed the front door and started walking out the drive when a black Audi pulled up. James lowered his window and took his sunglasses off, “get in, you’re not walking when it’s about to rain.”

  I looked up at the sky, I hadn’t noticed the grey clouds forming over, “Fine,” I agreed and slid in beside him.

  The ride was silent, and not a comfortable silence. It was more not knowing what to say to him after what had happened this past week and last night. It wasn’t until he pulled up at a traffic light he spoke.

  “I’m sorry about last night, can we forget that happened?” he asked.

  I shrugged, “Guess so, I’m over it anyway,” I had better things to worry and think about, like the fact I had barely slept a wink. All I could think about was Noah and I sharing a kiss. He was my first ever kiss.

  My first kiss was with my maths teacher, I know it was a peck but it was a really long peck. I still couldn’t believe he counted those times we hung out as dates. I’d had four dates with Mr Wade, all had been within a week.

  “So how’s your Dad?” he asked.

  I bit my lip, shrugging again. “Drinking,” I said quietly.

  “What? Mia he needs to see someone,” James said, his voice pained and slightly angry.

  I shook my head, “He’s not an alcoholic James, he just slipped,” why I was defending my father I had no idea.

  “Whatever you say, but if he starts drinking again then he needs to get some help,” he said and changed the subject, “So still got a crush on the teacher?”

  My throat dried up, I had more than a crush on him, “and I do not have a crush on him for the hundredth time but so what if I did, everyone does!”

  He chuckled, “Why are you blushing for? Mia, he’s a teacher and no offence but you don’t have a shot with someone like him, guys like him don’t go for girls like you.”

  I felt all my confidence slip out the window after James had said that, “What was that meant to mean? Girls like me?” I was not going to cry but my mind drifted back to those girls at the party, who claimed to have dated Mr Wade, they were beautiful and well I just me. Boring me.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, I’m just saying that he’d want someone who gives it up, you’re still a virgin Mia, have you even been kissed?” he asked parking in the school lot.

  I was really mad now, I was biting my cheeks to stop myself from yelling out that yes I had been kissed and it was by Mr Wade himself, but I didn’t. I didn’t because I was too polite to flip out on him so I simply said, “No and that’s not a big deal to me.”

  I left James at the vending machines and headed to homeroom, I was so anxious and nervous to see Mr Wade, and I had no idea what was going to happen now. Was we going to act normal, I mean how on earth was I not going to stare at him all during class and not blush over the kiss that played in my mind constantly?

  When I reached his classroom I stopped, hesitating to open the door. I finally worked up enough courage to open it, when I did I realised it wasn’t empty. A group of girls in my year were standing around him as he leant on his desk, his long legs wearing fitted Hurley charcoal suit pants with a white v neck top. Damn he looked fine.

  Our gaze met, he was still speaking but his eyes went past Tamara’s head and straight to mine, a smile twitching on the corner of his mouth as he stopped speaking and spoke to me, “Morning Mia, how was your weekend?”

  I smiled, “Fine thankyou Mr Wade, it was interesting.”

  “I’d like to hear more about your interesting weekend,” he smirked and then went back to answering Tamara’s question on why people need to use maths anyway. She was being serious.

  I blushed and went to my seat, keeping my head down to ignore anyone’s gaze. I needed to focus. I felt so jealous at hearing him laughing and talking but I needed to remind myself that he and I weren’t a couple or anything, we were just, well I had no idea what we were.

  “Mia, what’d you get up to for the long weekend? We didn’t see you at Tristian’s party, were you there?” Elinor asked sitting down next to me.

  I looked up and into her brown eyes, shaking my head as I answered her, “Nope, I wasn’t.”

  “Well it was amazing, so many cute guys who were single, we need to get you a boyfriend,” Tamara came over and sat in the seat in front of my desk.

  I felt my cheeks flush hard, about to respond until Mr Wade’s voice startled us all, I don’t think I had ever heard him yell quite so loudly before. “Tamara! Elinor! Out of my classroom now, no gossiping in mine!”

  They both groaned and stood up, muttering about him being a drag and that they’d catch up with me at lunch time. I looked up to see Mr Wade staring at me. I didn’t know if I should speak or not, I didn’t want to get yelled at either.

  “How are you?” he asked me, walking and closing the classroom door.

  I checked my watch, ten minutes until the first bell sounded. I looked back towards him and said, “I’m good, thankyou Sir.”

  “Mia,” he sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. Nothing could mess those locks up.

  “Yes Mr Wade?” I asked, leaning forward.

  He walked over, taking a spot in front of my desk, “What did I tell you to call me?”

  “Noah,” I blushed, giving him a coy smile.

  “Nervous Mia?” He chuckled and I nodded slightly, “You do know there is no reason to be right?”

  I nodded again, “I know,” I said, I couldn’t make eye contact with him. If I did, I know I’d swoon over him immediately.

  He cleared his throat, leaning closer, “I didn’t get you in any trouble last night, did I?”

  My head snapped up, “No, Dad was asleep and I went straight to bed,” I said.

  A smile broke out over his face, “Good,” he paused, “Are you ok? I mean you seem a little off, sad even, I haven’t upset you in anyway have I?” he asked.

  My gaze met his, I had been thinking about what James had said to me in the car. “No just James said some things to me, it’s no big deal.”

  “Tell me,” the command was stern as he stared into my eyes.

  I sighed, “It’s nothing,” heck I couldn’t tell him that I had a major crush on him and that James told me I had no shot in hell with him. That would be humiliating.

  Mr Wade spoke again, this time his tone was soft and caring, “Mia, tell me.”

  I felt tears coming involuntary, just great. That was the last thing I wanted to happen. “Please don’t make me say it,” I said quietly.

  Mr Wade stood, walking over towards the door and looking through the clear glass then coming back and taking my hand, pulling me up out of the chair was in and leading me towards the supply closet with all the maths tools we used for outdoor use.

  Closing the door behind him he then
cupped both my cheeks, our bodies closer together as he stroked a tear that came down over my cheek, “Please tell me what’s got you this upset, I want to help.”

  “It’s embarrassing,” I croaked out, swallowing hard.

  Mr Wade’s breathing was picking up slightly, the air around us was becoming hotter and heavier as I tried to focus, but then I looked up at met his gaze. I broke, giving in to him.

  “I’ve had a crush on you since forever and James teases me over it, he said this morning that I’d have no shot in hell with you because I’m just an average girl who doesn’t spread her legs and that’s the type of girl you go for,” I couldn’t believe I had just told him that.

  By the look across his face he couldn’t either. “Mia,” he started, looking around the room then back to me.

  I bit down over my lower lip, holding in the cries I wanted to make. The cries of a rejection, a rejection where I knew I had no chance with this guy, he was too cute for a girl like me.

  “Don’t say it,” I said looking away, feeling the rejection sting getting ready to burn me.

  “Say what?” he asked frowning slightly, “Say that you do have a shot in hell with me? Because if I didn’t like you so damn much then I wouldn’t do this,” He said his voice husky, seriously sexy.

  I went to ask wouldn’t do what but I didn’t the chance too.

  He slammed his lips against mine, making me lose my balance and stumbling backwards, his arms shot out around my waist as mine went to his chest, fisting his shirt as I found myself pushed into the door. Oh god, the way he was kissing me was better than last nights, it was hard yet soft, fast but somehow slow. It was just amazing.

  Our kiss heating up, his cool tongue swept over mine and I moaned a little as I followed his lead. Kissing him back with a hungry and desperate passion. Something came over me, like I was desperately needing him.

  His hands roaming up and down my body, goose bumps forming underneath my clothing as my skin became burning hot, I reached up, one hand tangling through his hair which lead to a deep, sexy groan from the back of his throat.


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