Falling In Maths

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Falling In Maths Page 24

by Melissa Bender

  Noah just laughed, his contagious laugher filled the car. “You are so freaking gorgeous, and yes there is still plenty we can do. Like last night and this morning, both were amazing.”

  I blushed, unable to stop my cheeks from heating up. “Yes I agree.”

  Noah kept laughing, teasing me for getting so embarrassed about some things we had been doing, I just laid back in the seat and tried ignoring him until he stopped, he didn’t stop and I couldn’t stop getting embarrassed.

  “You play safe Noah, and I will see you in here after the game ok?” I said smiling at him.

  “Ok baby, if you feel unwell then tell the coach and he will come get me ok?” he said sternly as he kissed me.

  I nodded, “Ok baby, good luck.”

  Noah ran out onto the field, my eyes watching his tanned long legs and then they travelled up to his short shorts. Yes being pregnant had turned me into a sexual monster at times. Noah wasn’t the only one wanting it constantly.

  I walked back to our car and took a seat in the passenger side, my belly prevented me from sitting comfortably behind the wheel. I had the basket of food in that spot anyway.

  The back door opened and Dad slid in, “Mia, how’s he feeling?” He asked looking out at the field.

  “Nervous, but he won’t say that,” I said and turned, handing him over some sausage rolls. I packed extra so I wasn’t eating in front of them.

  “Thanks, so how is this baby doing? Not long to go now,” he was so excited about the baby arriving, I couldn’t wait until we revealed there were actually two and not one.

  I rubbed my stomach, “Keeping me up and awake all night, but good otherwise.”

  The other side of the door opened and Louise slid in, “Oh I am so nervous, Noah sure knows how to worry me,” she chuckled.

  Noah and I had often wondered if our parents would get together at some stage, but I don’t think it was going to happen. They both just seemed to enjoy each other’s company, and were a great support for one another if they ever felt like they were having a rough day. How they both went through the same thing brought them closer, even if it was just friendly.

  I held my breath as my stomach tightened a little, I wasn’t used to those Braxton hicks contractions yet and they had decided to come and bother me today.

  “Mia you ok?” Louise asked, obviously noticing my discomfort.

  I nodded, “Yes, those false contractions that prepare you for the real thing. They are painful at times.”

  She sat back, “You should time them Mia, you never know. Could be real labour pains.”

  I smiled, “I will do,” I had downloaded an app on my phone with a contraction timer. I just touched the screen every time a pain came on and then tapped again when it stopped.

  “Oh did you see that!” Dad shouted, scaring the life out of both Louise and I.

  “No, what?” we both asked at once, looking around to see what he seen.

  Dad chuckled. “I think we should head up to the rooms, this is a close game and I dare say Noah will get that last goal.”

  The time was flying so fast, I left my phone in the car as we made our way over to room where others were drinking and eating. I kept my eyes on the field, watching Noah as he ran and jumped, marking the ball which gave him a free kick. The final kick.

  My heart was thudding, but it was also not beating or so it felt like as Noah ran with the ball. Dropping it down and slamming his boot into it, the ball flying through the air and going straight between the goal posts, two seconds before the buzzer rang then loud cheering erupted.

  I could have burst into tears, I was so proud of him right now. They won. I couldn’t wait to wrap my arms around him and tell him he was amazing.

  “We’re just going in here, you wait out here for him,” Dad said, giving my cheek a kiss as he walked into the room with Louise. I was proud that they both could go into a room filled with alcohol and temptation and both order something non-alcoholic. That was a great achievement for both of them.

  Finally after getting a medal around his neck and bottles of alcohol sprayed over him and the others Noah made him way over towards me. I couldn’t stop smiling as he finally reached me, he didn’t speak. Instead he smashed his mouth against mine and kissed me in a deep passionate embrace.

  Catching our breaths as he received pats on the back from his mates, I smiled. “I am so proud of you baby, that was such a close game.”

  “Thank you, I know, I didn’t think I was going to get that last goal,” he ran his hand through my hair and smiled, “you right to sit in there while I shower quickly?”

  I nodded, “Ok, I will go order you a beer and meet you in there,” I smiled, giving him one last kiss before he walked away.

  I sat up with Dad and Louise, both them discussing something to do with the climate and I zoned that out. Looking around as I sipped on my lemonade and rubbed my stomach.

  “Here he is,” Dad grinned, “a game well played son,” he stood, giving Noah a hug.

  Noah grinned, patting him on the back. “Thanks, was close that’s for sure but we pulled through in the end.”

  “Yes you did,” His Mum smiled, leaning and kissing his cheek. “You were excellent out there, and no injuries which made me happy.”

  I laughed, leaning into his side and agreeing with her, “Yes, very happy.”

  Dad and Noah talked, a few of his friends came over and chatted with them also, I had been beginning to feel slightly sick. My stomach tightening on and off and I mentally kicked myself for not bringing my phone with me.

  “Are you ok? You look pale,” Noah whispered against my ear as we stood up at the bar.

  “Yeah,” I said and bit my lip, grabbing his arm hard as I leant against him more. “Oh god Noah.”

  “What?” he asked as he looked at me with worry across his face.

  I gave his hands a squeeze again, “I think I’m in labour, these pains are getting stronger and coming on quicker.”

  “No way, you’re kidding me?” he grinned, “Oh this is turning out to be a great day.”

  “Noah don’t make me laugh, it hurts,” I grumbled and grasped him tightly as a stronger pain hit. “Noah that one was only two minutes from the last, we need to get to the hospital.”

  “Shit, ok. Umm follow me,” he said, taking my hand and leading us towards where our parents sat. “Ok so Mia is in labour, we’ve got to leave now.”

  “What!” Dad said as his face paled.

  Louise stood up, taking Dad by the arm. “Try not to panic, she’s going to be fine.”

  I felt another sharp pain coming on and I groaned, holding my stomach. “Noah, they’re getting worse.”

  “Shit, ok let’s go. Want me to carry you?” He asked.

  I shook my head, “No, I can walk for now. Let’s just get to the hospital.”

  Noah almost ran to the car, I waddled and our parents were both looking pale, excited and sick. I thought that was quite funny. As I sat in the car on a towel Noah placed down, he wasted no time in pulling out and driving off quickly, probably quicker than he should have done.

  “Breathe baby, just nice and slow,” he said rubbing my stomach, which actually felt really nice.

  I put my hand over his, “We don’t have names, the bags are in the boot though,” I said, leaning back into the seat and groaning in agony.

  “We do baby, I have the two perfect names for us. Just try relax and think at the end of all this, we’ll have two beautiful babies,” he said, leaning over and kissing my cheek as he pulled up at a red light.

  I nodded, he was right. Through all this pain, at the end we were going to be holding out twin babies, who I hoped had nice names and not some of the crazy ones Noah had suggested earlier in the week. I squeezed his hand tightly, “I love you Noah,” I said lifting it and kissing it hard.

  He flashed me a grin, if he was worried then I couldn’t tell. “I love you too Mia, you’re so strong baby. I know you can do this.”

  I nodded in
agreement with him, “So can I, but my water just broke and I don’t really want to give birth in your car,” I somehow found a way to laugh.

  Noah scrunched up his face, “I knew I should have packed more towel this morning, don’t worry baby. I’ll get you there on time,” he said and put his foot down, driving through every red light we came across until we were at the hospital.

  As Noah helped me out of the car, he smiled and took my hand. “When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers and remember, that's where mine fit perfectly and they will be there this whole time. I love you more than anything Mia, I’m right by your side with this.”

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  “Get your damn head back up here now!!” I snapped at Noah, trying my hardest not to laugh.

  “Mia, come on. I want to watch and learn for the next one,” He flashed me a charming grin, as if that was going to work at a time like this.

  “Noah you spend enough time as it is looking at it, now get your head up and out of the sheet please,” I hissed loudly, groaning at the same time again in pain as I clutched my stomach, pushing my head back into pillows as another contraction hit.

  Noah let out a sigh, “Ok beautiful, I won't try and see if your dilating or whatever it's called,” He rolled his eyes and came back up to my side, taking hold on my hands and rubbing lightly “Where does it hurt?" He asked and then realised what he had said, his lips forming a perfect O shape as he rubbed my stomach, “Sorry babe.”

  “Ask me that one more time and I will hurt you,” I narrowed my eyes at him, in return he just smiled at me, he wasn't worried about the threats I had been making since we’d arrived at the hospital.

  “Can I just look, I promise that will be it afterwards, just one quick peek?” He went to walk back to my feet and I grabbed his arm tightly, keeping him to the spot.

  I made a circle with both hands joining together and held it up, “This is what my thing is going to look like, a baby’s head is going to come out of there, imagine pissing out a baby Noah twice,” I then grabbed his groin area, “A baby coming out of that, or better yet since you’re so familiar with one, a football.”

  He cringed, rubbing his crotch slightly when I let go. “Ok, I'm sorry. I won't try play doctor anymore.”

  I rolled my eyes but let out a sarcastic laugh, “You'll never want to play doctor with me again if you watch both our babies coming out of me.”

  “Maybe,” He muttered and I narrowed my eyes back on him. “I mean, maybe that's what you think, but I will definitely want to play doctor again, you’re beautiful Mia,” Noah rubbed his hand over my stomach and smiled, showing off his charming smile.

  “Better,” I groaned and grabbed the sheets as another contraction came on.

  We had been here not even an hour and Noah was already bouncing up and down like an eager child on Christmas morning. He just wanted the babies in his arms and he wanted it to happen now. He wasn't a patient man, but Noah telling my vagina to open wide so the first baby could just slip out wasn't helping. He was determined to see them coming out, he wanted to know exactly what was going to happen for the next one. Yeah, my husband was talking about having more already.

  “Are you thirsty? Do you want me to rub your back? Or maybe your feet?” Noah asked as he sat down beside me.

  I shook my head, “Can you kiss me instead? Then tell me you love me?”

  “You don't need to ask me to do that Mia, I love you,” and then he lent forwards, pressing his lips against mine.

  “I love you too Noah, I feel so exhausted and I haven't even done anything yet,” I looked up at him and gave a slight smile. “I want them out now, make them come out,” I pouted and he started laughing, the tables had turned and now I was getting desperate to hold our little babies.

  “Soon baby, it’ll all be worth it. You’re doing great baby and I’m so proud of you,” Noah said softly, giving me another smile as he stroked the hair from my face. “I feel so awful that you’re in pain, god Mia I just want to take it all away from you. I hate seeing you hurting.”

  I smiled, tears slowly leaking out the corners of my eyes, “I love you so much Noah, just keep doing what you’re doing. I promise that helps me.”

  Like his word he gave me, Noah was right by my side the entire time and without him, I don’t think I could have gone through with the painful labour. I was scared, excited and nervous but with him here beside me. I knew everything would be alright.

  “They’re perfect,” Noah entered the room again whispering, as he looked over at his son who was fast asleep in my arms after being fed.

  I couldn’t agree more, “I know. They’re so gorgeous and tiny,” I smiled up at him as he lifted him up and placed him beside his sister in their little rocking swings for them to sleep in.

  Parker Noah Wade, born 8:23pm and weighing 7 pound 4.

  Georgia Mia Wade, born 8:24pm and weighing 7 pound 3.

  They were utterly beautiful, both Noah and I fell instantly in love with them once they were in our arms.

  I was in labour for almost eight hours, they were going to prep me for a caesarean but in the end little Parker was coming whether anyone was ready or not, his sister definitely in a rush to follow her brother. I couldn’t get over how alike they looked, both had a light spray of dark brown hair, Georgia’s slightly longer but she was a little smaller than Parker in size and length, but I could definitely see Noah in them, well a good mix of us both.

  “How are you feeling?” Noah asked as he sat down beside me.

  I shrugged, “I don’t know. This doesn’t seem real, I mean we have two babies but it feels like I’m dreaming.”

  He chuckled, “I know the feeling. I could just sit and watch them for hours, little time wasters.”

  I had been home for almost three days, our babies were one week old tomorrow and the time was going by so fast. Our parents hadn’t been around since the first day, both wanting to give us time to settle in and find a routine. Noah and I soon found that this was a little easier than either of us had assumed. We expected to be up all night, looking like hell and walking zombies. But these two slept all night, woke for a feed around 7am and then went back to sleep for another three hours.

  Both of our parent’s reactions were hilarious when they found. Dad walked in the room after Louise and the look that crossed their faces before they both started crying was a look I don’t think I had ever seen before, my Dad looked ready to have a heart attack and Louise looked utterly speechless as she pointed to both babies as Noah and I held one each. It took them both a good ten minutes to form words and stop their sobbing.

  I could tell they were taken aback when we told them we’d names our babies after Noah’s Dad and my Mum. Noah chose good names, and they fitted our babies perfectly.

  I had no idea he picked them out, and I cried when he told me.

  Georgia let out a little sleepy yawn as she opened her eyes, sucking on her lower plump lip and then closing her eyes again. I looked across at Noah, giving him a sleepy smile, “They’re going to have your green eyes.”

  “They have your nose, cute little button nose,” he said softly as his fingertip ran down my nose and back up again.

  I wiggled my nose underneath his finger and leant against him, his arm pulling me down against his side as we lay on the large plush couch.

  I should be sleeping while my babies were, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to take my sight off them. I slowly stood up, Noah watching me as I walked over and turned their swings to a lower setting. I felt like a very new mother, a mother who was too afraid to take her eyes off her newborns. I looked at Noah who was just smiling at me, he was just the same as I was.

  “Do you want to go take a shower?” He asked me.

  I sighed, “I need to take one, but I don’t want to.”

  He laughed, “Baby you go and shower. Unless you want to take one together?”

  I shook my head, “Oh no, my stomach is all weird and I feel awful.”
br />   “Mia,” Noah stood up. He wrapped his arms around me and gave a pout. “I love the way you look, but now I don’t have anything to hold onto anymore.”

  “Lease your arms fit around my waist,” I laughed, wrapping mine around his neck.

  “True, but I did like your pregnant belly. It was very cute and you looked beautiful knocked up,” He lowered his head down closer towards mine.

  I tilted my head back, getting a better glimpse of his face. “I know, I liked being pregnant too.”

  Noah and I had discussed having more babies, and we both were in no rush. We wanted to enjoy Parker and Georgia, which to me sounded perfect. I was happy with our family of four.

  Finally after a few moments, I agreed to go and shower. “Alright then, I will shower and then you can.”

  “If they cry I will come and get you,” he chuckled as I began walking off to our bedroom.

  Enjoying the shower until I needed to sit down again, I walked out and found Noah holding Georgia. I smiled, leaning against the door as he spoke to her softly. Telling her how much he loved her and that she was just as beautiful as her Mummy.

  He looked up, noticing I was there and smiled. “I can’t believe we have two babies, I don’t want to go back to work.”

  “You still have four weeks off,” I walked into the room and sat back on the couch, wearing my pyjama bottoms and a maternity top. I

  “I know, Daddy gets to spend four more weeks with you and your brother little princess,” he whispered, kissing her head softly.

  Parker stirred in his sleep, letting out a little cry as he opened his eyes. His small mouth opening and shutting like a fish as he looked for food, I leant down and picked him up. Tiny hands fisting my top as he shook his head against my chest, searching for milk.

  “He is so funny when he does this,” I laughed quietly as he began to feed.

  “He’s always hungry,” Noah grinned and sat beside us, I moved and Noah lifted my feet. Placing them over his lap as Georgia snuggled into his chest. “I love you Mia.”

  I looked up, smiling back at him. “I love you, so much.”


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