Royal Target

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Royal Target Page 4

by Traci Hunter Abramson

  Director Palmer leaned back in his seat. Just a hint of humor laced his voice. “I reviewed your personnel file for the first time today. I have to admit that it’s quite colorful, considering that you’ve only been with us for three years.”

  “The incident in Caracas was simply a misunderstanding. I’m sure that if I had been allowed to stay I could have worked it out.”

  He held up a hand to stop her explanation. “As I looked over your incidents, I noticed that all the explanations have a common thread. It seems your religious beliefs were somehow insulted each time.” He paused and closed the file. “In fact, it appears that when it comes to your religious beliefs, you tend to act first and think later.”

  Janessa remained silent, unsure how to respond.

  “I made a call to the president of your church.”

  “You called the prophet?” Janessa’s eyes widened.

  “The president wasn’t available, but I spoke to someone at your church headquarters.” He continued, drumming his fingers on the file in front of him. “I was concerned that your beliefs might cause a problem during your next assignment.” He lifted up an identical copy of the privacy agreement that had accompanied her invitation to Meridia. “The man I spoke to assured me that while you will undoubtedly remain true to the teachings of your church, there should be no conflicts that would prevent you from accomplishing your duties in Meridia.”

  “You want me to go to the gala?” Surprise crossed Janessa’s face.

  “Are you aware that our government has been negotiating for some time with the king of Meridia to build a naval base in his country?”

  Janessa shook her head.

  “While King Eduard does not oppose the presence of our armed forces in his country, finding a suitable location has caused some significant roadblocks. The bombing yesterday will undoubtedly throw up a few more,” Director Palmer told her. He tapped a finger on her file as he added, “I was also informed by the man at your church headquarters that they are about to break ground for a temple in Meridia.”

  “Really?” Her eyebrows lifted at the news that yet another temple would be built in Europe.

  “Apparently so. If only we could be so lucky in our own negotiations for land.”

  “Um . . . I still don’t understand how all of this affects me,” Janessa admitted, fiddling with the silver CTR ring on her right pinkie. “I certainly wouldn’t have any effect on these negotiations just by attending a party.”

  “You would hardly just be attending a party. Since neither Prince Stefano nor Prince Garrett is married, the only hostess in the royal family is Queen Marta. In the weeks prior to the event, she would normally

  be making plans and arrangements on-site at the chateau in Bellamo. Understandably, King Eduard does not want his wife anywhere near Bellamo until her safety can be guaranteed.”

  “So if I understand what you’re saying, you want me to secure the chateau and also throw in some hostessing duties?” she said dubiously.

  “That’s right. But there’s more.”


  “You are going to be engaged to Prince Garrett.”

  “What?” Janessa leaned forward, her jaw dropping. “You can’t be serious!”

  “It’s just for show,” he assured her. “You wouldn’t have to do anything more on that front than a few public displays of affection, an interview or two with the press, and the usual social functions. The reason for the charade is that as his fiancée, you would have complete access to the grounds and the staff of the chateau. You would also be privy to all of the security arrangements being made. Basically, you would be our inside man.”

  “So you want me to go undercover,” Janessa said, finally seeing some logic behind the request. “Let me ask you one thing. Why me?”

  “The king didn’t name names, but he asked that we send the woman best suited for the job, and I believe that’s you. The fact that Prince Garrett requested you to continue on his security detail in Caracas weighed in. Besides that, you have integrity, and you speak the language.” He shifted the file on his desk before his eyes met hers once more. “You need to understand that in essence you are this team’s leader. From this moment on, everything you do has to be consistent with your cover story.”

  Director Palmer stood now, and Janessa followed his lead. “You have your first briefing in the morning on Meridia’s culture, the royal family, and the plans for the naval base. My secretary will give you the details.”

  Janessa nodded and followed him to the door. When he opened it, she turned back to face him. “Well, it was nice meeting you, sir.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” Director Palmer said, the corners of his mouth quirking up into a smile. “Rogers, try to stay out of trouble.”

  Her smile was instant. “Sir, I always try.”

  Chapter 5

  “I still can’t believe I was chosen for this job,” Janessa said as she followed Levi Marin into the conference room where they would receive the first of several briefings.

  “I wish I could see Donald’s face when he sees pictures of you and Prince Garrett plastered all over the tabloids.” Levi grinned as he sat down at the conference table across from her. “The security on this assignment is so tight, not many people are going to know your engagement isn’t real.”

  A sense of unease settled over Janessa as she considered the enormity of the difficulties she was about to face. “I don’t know if I can really pull this off, especially once the press gets wind of the engagement.”

  “That’s why I’m coming too,” Levi pointed out. “I’ll work the technical end of the chateau’s security, and you size up the people we’re dealing with. The US ambassador to Meridia has been instructed to give us any assistance we need.”

  Janessa gave a reluctant nod. “Will anybody else know who I really am, besides the ambassador and the royal family?”

  “The chateau manager, Martino, and the chauffeur, Enrico, are aware of your true identity,” Levi told her. “Both have been with the royal family for years and are trusted.”

  “Will they both know about you?”

  “Martino knows who I work for, because he made the arrangements for me to work with the chateau’s security staff,” Levi said. “Everyone else will only know that I have been hired to help improve the security for the gala.”

  Levi slid a paper across the table to her. “Here’s the latest report on the embassy bombing. So far neither government has managed to find any solid leads as to who is behind it. All we know is that the attack is consistent with the MO of several known terrorist groups.”

  “But we have no idea which one,” Janessa finished for him.

  “The staff at the embassy will continue to work on the investigation.” Levi shifted some papers in front of him and then passed a stack to Janessa. “Here’s what we are more concerned about. Threats against the royal family have been arriving with some regularity over the past several months. These are the ones that have been received over the past few weeks.”

  Janessa looked at the top page and was shaken when she saw the computer generated image of Prince Stefano and Prince Garrett hanging from a tree. The next one was directed at the queen. A picture of a gun was aimed at the queen’s head. Nearly a dozen threats were in the stack, all of them threatening that one or more members of the royal family would die.

  “I’ll never understand what drives someone to even think up this kind of stuff, much less follow through.” Janessa flipped through the threats again. “Do you think these are from the same person who bombed our embassy?”

  “There’s no way to be sure.” Levi shrugged. “But one way or another, it’s our job to make sure no one gets the chance to follow through.”

  * * *

  “Father, you can’t be serious.” Garrett paced across his father’s office.

  “I am serious. The invitation has already been sent.” Eduard leaned back in his massive chair and watched his son pace.

  Garrett dr
agged a hand through his dark hair. “Doesn’t it seem ridiculous to you for me to get engaged to a woman I’ve never met before?”

  “This is the only way she will have full access to the chateau,” Eduard insisted. “I can’t let your mother go to Bellamo until we’re sure it’s safe. Someone has to oversee the caterers and their employees to make sure that whoever is behind these latest threats doesn’t try to get someone inside during the gala.”

  “Can’t she go undercover as a servant or a guest?”

  “As a servant she would not be able to interact on an equal basis with those who will provide services for the gala, and guests don’t have full access to the chateau.” The king shook his head. “The only way she will be able to take over your mother’s duties is if she is considered part of the royal family.”

  “But won’t my engagement to an American aggravate the anti-American sentiment here in Meridia?”

  “We are hoping that the union will actually have the opposite effect.”

  Garrett’s mind whirled as he tried to come up with another alternative, any alternative. “Surely you know that the attention we’ll get from the press will make security even more difficult.”

  “We’ve considered that, but your brother feels that this will help pull the attention away from the embassy bombing and let the press focus on something more positive.”

  “So I’m a distraction.” Garrett shook his head in frustration.

  “You know that publicity is only one factor that has been considered. I realize you are not always comfortable in the spotlight, and I’m sure the press will thrive on the story both when your engagement is announced as well as when it is broken. Regardless, I am concerned with the safety of this family, and I believe this is the best way to fortify our defenses at the chateau.”

  Garrett sighed with resignation. “Who is she, and when do I meet her?”

  “She should be arriving on Tuesday. Since your duties will likely keep you here at the palace until then, the driver from the chateau will pick her up from the airport and take her to Bellamo to get settled in,” Eduard told him. “We will officially announce the engagement here at the palace the following Monday.”

  “Why wait?”

  “Stefano thought it would be more believable if you were seen with her a few times before we made the announcement.” He held a photograph out to Garrett. “Her name is Janessa Rogers. She was handpicked by the director of the CIA.”

  Garrett snatched the photograph from his father’s hand, his eyes widening as recognition dawned. “She was on our security detail in Caracas.”

  “Good, then she will be familiar with our security procedures.”

  Garrett took a step toward the door, his attention still on the photograph. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to make some phone calls.”

  “Garrett . . .” Eduard waited for his son to turn back to him before continuing. “I appreciate the sacrifices you are willing to make for the family.”

  Somewhat mollified, Garrett nodded and slipped out the door.

  * * *

  Garrett stood on the balcony of his room, looking out into the darkness. A crisp ocean breeze ruffled his hair as he dialed the phone number.

  He wasn’t sure why he was calling except for the simple reason that he wanted to talk to her. His confidence suffered a blow when a man answered the phone.

  “May I speak with Janessa Rogers, please,” Garrett asked formally.

  “Just a minute,” the man on the other end said.

  A moment later Janessa picked up the phone. “Hello?”

  “Janessa? This is Garrett Fortier.”

  She hesitated for the briefest moment before responding. “Your Highness, what can I do for you?”

  “I hope that wasn’t a jealous boyfriend who answered the phone,” Garrett started, half seriously.

  As he had hoped, Janessa laughed. “No, that was my brother-in-law, Kevin. I’ve been staying with my sister since I came back to Washington.”

  “That’s a relief. I would hate to find out my fiancée was dating someone else already.”

  “Your Highness . . .”

  Garrett cut her off before she could continue. “Call me Garrett. After all, we are going to be engaged soon.”

  “Okay, Garrett,” she managed. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do you always work this fast?” Humor filled her voice. “After all, a week and a half ago I went from a woman you’d just met to a jealous girlfriend in a matter of minutes. And now we’re talking about getting engaged.”

  “It’s amazing what can happen after one date. You obviously made quite an impression on me.” He smiled and felt some of his anxiety easing. He was glad he hadn’t been saddled with a harsh, business-only woman for this imaginary engagement. As nice as Janessa was, though, he wondered whether she really could do much to help augment the chateau’s security. But at least he would be relieved of the duties typically carried out by his mother. “I actually called to see if you have any questions about where you will be staying here or what you need to bring.”

  “I probably have more questions than you have time to answer.” Janessa laughed. “I’ve only had one day of briefings, but I don’t have any real information about what my duties will be there.”

  “During the day you will have a number of business meetings to help arrange for various services for the gala, and I’m afraid you can expect a lot of formal dinners in the evenings.”

  A sigh came over the line. “So you’re telling me I need to bring business suits and evening gowns.”

  “Basically.” Garrett grinned. “It wouldn’t hurt to bring a swimming suit along too. Our beaches are beautiful.”

  “I’m looking forward to that part of the assignment,” Janessa admitted.

  “A driver is scheduled to meet you at the airport when you arrive. Let me give you my cell phone number in case you have any questions before then.” Garrett rattled off his phone number and then, as an afterthought, gave her his private numbers at the palace and the chateau.

  He had planned on ending the call then, but when she jokingly asked how things had gone with Monique after she left Caracas, he found himself telling her the highlights of the trade summit. They chatted for nearly an hour before he finally hung up.

  Moving back into his bedroom, Garrett set down his phone and thought back to the night he had first met Janessa. More than once during that evening he had nearly forgotten that she was assigned to his security detail, especially with the way she was so easy to talk to. Tonight’s phone conversation hadn’t been any different.

  He could only wonder if she would still be the same down-to-earth girl after her photograph was splashed all over the world and her name was linked with his.

  Chapter 6

  Janessa stepped off the turboprop airplane onto the tarmac. She had decided to treat her soon-to-be-announced engagement as just another assignment. One that would be overridden with press and annoying inconveniences. The phone conversations she had had with Garrett over the past several days confirmed what she already suspected—the press was going to be intrusive and at times would likely be an obstacle to overcome in performing her duties.

  She still couldn’t believe that a prince had been calling her so casually, but she had talked to him a dozen times as she prepared for her trip. On a few occasions she’d had to remind him that she had work to do to prepare for her trip, but when they spoke each evening she felt like she was talking to a friend rather than an assignment. In fact, they had spent nearly two hours on the phone the night before while she packed. She smiled as she thought of his last request—a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. She glanced down at the two boxes she carried.

  Her smile stayed in place as her gaze fell on the nearby village. White buildings with red tiled roofs lined the hillside in no apparent order. Lush, green flora fought its way out of the craggy gray cliffs that dropped off into the Mediterranean. The airport itself was a mode
rn structure made of steel and glass, an anomaly amid the fairy-tale setting.

  Janessa lifted the handle of her carry-on bag and fell into step with the other passengers as they deplaned and headed inside. Nerves fluttered in her stomach as she worried about seeing Garrett in person again. Despite their lengthy phone conversations, she still wasn’t sure how she was supposed to act in public. She also wasn’t sure how Garrett felt about this whole façade. Though he often joked about her being his fiancée, he never really said anything about how all this was going to impact his life for the foreseeable future.

  Levi Marin had arrived at the chateau the day before and was already working with the chateau manager and the security staff to identify where they needed to augment the current system with new safety measures. From their briefings earlier in the week, Janessa expected that she wouldn’t see much of Levi unless she sought him out.

  As she stepped inside the airport, she spotted a uniformed chauffeur near the entrance holding a sign with her name on it. He was not terribly tall, and his build was comfortably rounded. His otherwise dark hair was peppered with gray, and his dark eyes were scanning the crowd.

  “Signore, I am Janessa Rogers,” she said as she stepped in front of him, automatically speaking in the country’s native Italian.

  He lifted an eyebrow at her use of Italian. “You are American?”

  “That’s right.”

  He nodded his approval. “I am Enrico Saldera.” Before she could object, he took her carry-on bag, leaving her with only the doughnuts to carry. Ten minutes later, they walked out of the airport to the waiting limousine. A porter followed behind with her luggage and efficiently loaded it into the trunk.

  Enrico opened the door to the back of the limousine. Janessa glimpsed the plush inside but turned to Enrico rather than getting in. “Would you mind terribly if I rode up front with you? I’ll feel silly sitting back there by myself.”

  The initial surprise that passed over his face was quickly replaced with a genuine smile. “Of course, signorina.”


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