Silver’s Triad

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Silver’s Triad Page 5

by Cooper McKenzie

  Good, because she was obviously experienced, and on the same page as they were. Bad, because he and Max had already discussed it and wanted a lot more than a single night of play with the pretty little submissive.

  * * * *

  Annie worked to keep her breathing slow and even despite the arousal that was heating her from the pussy out in every direction. By the time they reached the couch in the corner, her brain had shifted. Instead of turning from overthinking independent woman to submissive focused solely on her Master and how to please him, her brain did a left turn and started replaying memories, and she once again became Master Eric’s grieving submissive widow.

  Silver wasn’t her Master. He was just a man, a Dominant with his own slave boy, who wanted to check out the local club. The fact that he wanted to include her in an evening of play with him and Max was fine, but memories of her Master gone for three years rolled through her.

  “What the fuck am I doing here?” she whispered softly.

  In response, Silver lifted his hand from her breast, which set her spinning.

  Her breath caught. Suddenly, she was sucked into a time long past. A time when no one in the club touched her except her Master. Tears filled her eyes as she remembered all the evenings they had come to play and visit with their friends. Friends she had drifted away from after his death because it was too painful to be around them when she no longer felt comfortable taking part in a lifestyle without him.

  Silver’s big, warm, heavy hands settled on her shoulders. He forced her to turn so she faced him squarely. Instead of looking at him, she dropped her gaze to the floor. She did not want him to see the tears that filled her eyes.

  “Annie, what’s wrong? Talk to me, girl.”

  Silver’s rough voice flowed over her, tapping directly into her need to submit. After a moment of internal debate, Annie lifted her gaze. As she did, a tear rolled out of each eye and tracked down her cheeks. She did not know what to expect, but it wasn’t for Silver to transform in the next three heartbeats.

  Gone was the big, bad Dom who had just volunteered to beat his slave as a demonstration for the club’s new owner. In his place stood a gentle man, a big cuddly teddy bear who looked like he was going to cry with her.

  Annie did not fight when he bent and scooped her off her feet and into his arms. Almost before she could process that she was being carried, he had moved over and sat down on the couch. She settled herself across his lap so that she leaned against his chest. In the next moment, Max appeared on her other side. His hands gently stroked over her arm, leg, and wherever he could reach in a soothing, nonsexual manner.

  Their gentle loving ripped away the last bit of strength holding her together. The loneliness and depression that had pushed her to the point of contemplating ending it all bubbled up and out. Being here, with these men instead of Eric, had severed an emotional artery, and she could not stop the flow of pain.

  Though Silver once again asked for answers, she could not answer. All she could do was sob against his chest. His gentle tone and the big, muscular arms holding her securely were so different from Eric’s embrace. Her husband had been a lean, slender, almost catlike man, while Silver was big and bulky with a bearlike build. Silver showed her the same loving care she had witnessed over the years between every committed couple and triad in the club. The kind of care she had missed so fervently since Eric’s passing.

  When the emotional firestorm played itself out, she was too wrung out to be embarrassed. She lay across Silver’s lap like a ragdoll, completely played out and boneless. The men talked over her body, but she remained so mentally disconnected she could not make sense of their murmured words.

  Finally, long minutes later, her brain and body reconnected with a snap she was sure Jackson could hear at the bar in the center of the big room. With the returned awareness came the embarrassment. She stiffened and fought the urge to run. What must Silver and Max think of her to fall apart out of nowhere just when things were starting to get good between the three of them?

  “Shhhh, girl, you’re safe,” Silver crooned in his deep bass voice as he held her while Max continued stroking her, loving on her.

  Pulling in a slow, deep breath, Annie relaxed again and finally tilted her head back to look into Silver’s eyes that reminded her of dark chocolate. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, blinking fast to keep new tears at bay.

  “Feel better?” the men asked in unison.

  She nodded her head up and down, then side to side, then shrugged. “I have no idea,” she said with a huff she hoped would pass for laughter.

  Chapter Seven

  Though strongly tempted to pull her from Silver’s lap onto his own so he could comfort Annie, Max held himself perfectly still. In this place above all others, his Master would not tolerate him breaking out of his slave mode and becoming the psychologist he had been in their previous life. He might understand, but he wasn’t sure the man would give up the woman without a fight. And fighting Silver was something Max would never do. They had come too far in their relationship to butt heads over a woman.

  Staring at Silver, Max hoped the man would read his need to comfort the woman while he worked a little of what Silver always called his psychological magic. Silver studied him for a long moment before nodding and loosening his hold on Annie.

  Max reached up and eased Annie from Silver’s lap onto his own. He knew the next few minutes were vital for the future of their relationship with her. He also knew that she was holding on to some serious pain from the past and needed it purged before they could build their future.

  Hugging her close, he brushed a kiss on her forehead before working his hand under her curls. Threading his fingers up the back of her head, he fisted her hair and pulled her head back so she was looking straight into his face.

  “Sweetheart, why were you at the park last night?”

  She stiffened in his arms, as if trying to run away. But trapped between his body, Silver’s legs, and the couch, there was nowhere for her to go. He watched her closely as she blinked and swallowed hard. Tears once again filled her eyes. After swallowing once more, she said softly, “I was going to try and swim across the river. I knew I’d never make it, but it didn’t matter. I wanted to die.”

  Silver’s gasp and soft growl was expected, but caused Annie to stiffen even further. “Shhhh, sweetheart. We’re not judging you. We just want to know what made you so unhappy you would be willing to give up on life.”

  Annie’s eyes cleared, and a pained, resigned expression replaced the fear. “I didn’t think there was anything left to live for. I’ve buried my husband. My son is raised and gone, only getting in touch when he needs something. I volunteer for a few organizations to fill my days, but the future felt empty and endless. I didn’t see a reason to continue taking up space.”

  Then she blinked and gave him a tiny smile. “And then these two strong men ran into my life and refused to let me follow through on my plan.”

  Max could not help but smile down at the pretty lady in his arms. “And just now? What memories caused you such pain?”

  Annie blinked and snuggled closer as her normally open expression closed down. If she was going to open up her body to these men, she needed to open up her emotions, as well. Then the ball would be in their court as to whether or not they would want to continue down this road toward a triad.

  “It was memories of being here with my husband, who was my Master for nearly fifteen years. It hit me once again that he was gone and would never return. He’s been dead for three years, and I feel like I’m still waiting for him to walk into view. I haven’t been able to have an orgasm since. I guess being here broke down the wall I’d put around the pain, and everything just bubbled up.”

  She looked from Max to Silver and whispered, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your evening.”

  “Shhhh, pet. You’re not in trouble. Not at all. We’re not upset, or angry. But we’re also not going to walk away unless you tell us to. W
e’re very interested in building a relationship, both here and out there in the vanilla world.” Silver reached down and stroked a hand over her hair. “Now, you have a choice to make. We can continue talking and setting boundaries, and maybe do a little scene. Or we can go over to the bar, have a drink, after which we will walk you to your car and never bother you again. At this moment, it’s entirely up to you.”

  Max was impressed with how totally in control of the situation Silver appeared to be, even though the two men knew the true control lay in Annie’s hands. Their future with this woman rested completely in the hands of this pretty, emotionally damaged woman, who needed them in her life.

  Their hugs.

  Their loving.

  Their steady control.

  Their kinky play.

  She needed them.

  He only hoped Annie realized it and did not kick them to the curb before they could show her how well they would treat her. He barely breathed as she mulled over Silver’s offer.

  It seemed to take forever before she looked from him to Silver with a small smile. “I’d like to see if what I’m feeling is real, please. I’d like to see if I can submit to you, Sir. I’d like to see if we could build something more than just play partners. That is, if that’s what you want?”

  Max’s breath whooshed out of him in relief as he met Silver’s gaze. He gave a small nod so the man would know that he would go along with whatever his Master decided. Silver gave him a smile that set Max’s entire being on fire with his growing excitement. Then his Master took a deep breath, and as he released it, Max saw his Master persona pushed forward.

  “Girl, I want you to give my boy a kiss to show him how much you want to be with us,” Silver ordered, his voice soft and gentle but with a thread of power in it that always had Max’s cock stiffen in response. This time was no different.

  Annie turned to look into his eyes. She blinked slowly as she pulled in a deep breath. He watched as something shifted in her being, and she relaxed deeper into his embrace. She lifted one hand, stroking down his cheek before sliding it around the back of his neck. He cooperated as she pulled his head down.

  He pulled a breath in through his nose as she brushed her lips over his. In the next moment, she tilted her head slightly and planted her lips on his for a pair of speeding heartbeats before her lips parted and her tongue traced across the seam of his. With a sigh, he parted his lips and welcomed her with a flick of the tip of his tongue against hers.

  Tilting his head further, Max brought a hand up to hold her head still, much in the same manner she was holding his. Their tongues explored thoroughly, though he could not be sure if they were dueling for dominance or just working to drive their need for each other higher and higher.

  Needing more than a kiss, Max pulled Annie even closer, until all that separated them was the thin silk of her chemise. The hard tips of her nipples pressing into his chest proved she was fully involved in the kiss. Needing more, he pulled his fingers from her hair and slowly worked his way down her back until his palm cupped one ass cheek.

  Before he could take things even further, he felt Silver’s fingers in his hair. A moment later, they closed on the strands and pulled until Max broke the kiss. Looking at his Master, he could not help grinning as he said, “Thank you, Master.”

  Silver smirked at him before looking at their woman. “Now crawl up here and give me a kiss that will convince me you want to be a part of my family.”

  Though his cock was screaming for release, Max helped the woman crawl up onto the couch. He then shifted into the kneeling slave position that Silver preferred. As Annie settled on Silver’s lap, he reached down and adjusted his cock to a more comfortable position. That movement drew Master’s gaze on him. One eyebrow raised along with two fingers, telling Max without words that he would be receiving two extra strokes when they finally got to his punishment.

  Max nodded his agreement. He deserved them, and even more than that, he wanted the strokes. It had been too long since they had done a full scene, and Max was sorely in need of the mental release that subspace would give him. And the fastest, easiest way for Master to drop him into his happy place was a good, hard flogging and caning.

  Bringing his attention back to the present, Max watched as Annie wrapped both arms around Silver’s shoulders before lifting her lips to brush over his much as she had done to him just moments before.

  * * * *

  Now that her emotions had settled from the wild roller coaster they had taken her on, Annie found herself fully in the moment, needing to prove to these men, and herself, that she could be what they all needed. She could be submissive to them, and accepting of what they wanted to do to her. Though she had met these men only a few hours before, she knew deep in her gut that she could trust them. To care for her and protect her, and even show her things Eric had been hesitant to try.

  Shifting even closer to Silver, she lifted her face and brushed her lips across his. He held her securely even as he tilted her body back so she was fully reliant upon him for her safety.

  Without hesitation or instruction, Annie wrapped her arms around his shoulders and then kissed him. After brushing her lips across his, she licked at his bottom lip, savoring his flavor that was similar and yet so different from Max’s. Both men tasted of peppermint and coffee, but Silver had a wilder, spicier hint of danger to his essence.

  As soon as her tongue pressed between his lips, he took over the kiss. He controlled everything about her, from the way she kissed him to the way she sat across his lap so that his long, thick erection pressed into her hip, letting her know that he was as aroused as she was.

  When a large, warm hand settled on the inside of her thigh about halfway between her knee and her pussy, she moaned softly. Another wall of independence and strength that she had built after Eric’s death crumbled into dust at his feet. Arching her back, she tried to press her breasts into his chest. She was so aroused that a little pressure on her nipples or a single stroke over her clit would send her soaring over the edge into an orgasm that would break the dry spell that had begun before Eric’s death.

  Silver’s hand slid up her thigh, then a little more, until his thumb was less than an inch from her clit. Her arousal wound tighter in her middle, until she wasn’t sure she would be able to stand another minute without the single touch that would shoot her to the stars.

  “Please, Sir. I. Need,” she whimpered against his lips.

  At her words, the fingers on her thigh pressed deeper into her flesh, massaging the muscle which started her pussy muscles spasming. She could feel her orgasm gathering in an ever-expanding ball of fire deep in her pelvis. Her hips began to pulse, trying to get his hand to where she needed it to be.

  Silver eased the intensity of their kiss back until his lips were just resting against hers. Then he lifted his head. When she tried to follow, the hand at her neck pressed her face into his chest.

  “Shhhh, relax, baby girl. Breathe,” he said as his hand shifted until his palm covered her mound. Two fingertips brushed back and forth over her wet opening, teasing her further but not entering her pussy.

  She began panting, trying to do as he ordered, but she was too close. Too close to an edge she had been nowhere near in years. But Silver did not do anything further. With one hand holding her pussy, and the other wrapped around her neck, she jolted when two other hands touched her shoulders, brushing the spaghetti straps of her chemise over her shoulders and down her arms to her elbows.

  “Shhhh, it’s just boy making you a little more accessible,” Silver said, as he moved her so her shoulder blades rested on the top of the arm of the couch. “Close your eyes, let your head drop back, and just feel. We’re going to make you feel good.”

  Silver moved his hand to her right breast while a warm, wet mouth settled over her left. Max began suckling at the hard tip of her nipple while Silver rolled the other one between two fingers as he massaged the flesh of her breast. She began panting as her need spiraled hig
her and higher. Her body began to undulate on Silver’s lap, unable to stay still any longer.

  And then Silver shoved two fingers into her pussy. Shifting his hand, the pad of his thumb settled over the knotted-up flesh of her clit. As his fingers fucked in and out of her, his thumb pressed against her clit and made circles with it.

  “Come, baby girl. Give us that orgasm that you’ve been holding on to for so long.”

  With that order, Max nibbled on one nipple while Silver pinched the other hard. That pain combined with Silver’s continued manipulation of her clit sent her flying over her peak.

  She screamed as her orgasm exploded from her pussy out to the rest of her body. The release sent her into convulsions as her muscles tensed and every nerve fired at once. But they did not let up once she had crossed the threshold. Instead, they played her body and kept her orgasm rolling over and through her until every cell in her body had relaxed. Only then, after one last kiss to her stiffened nipple, did Max release her breast and sit back.

  At the same time, Silver released her nipple as his fingers slid from her pussy, and his hand once again cupped her, keeping her entire mound warm. A thick arm sliding behind her shoulders lifted her so she was once again cuddled against Silver’s chest with both men pressing close, kissing her face and shoulders as they murmured praises for her ability to trust them.

  She could not help as the men rearranged her dress to cover all her bits.

  “Feeling better now?” Silver’s chest rumbled under her ear with his words.

  “Ask me again when I can feel my body,” she replied lazily, her words soft and slurring together as her entire body trembled in his arms.


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