Just Roommates

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Just Roommates Page 14

by Charity Ferrell

  I reclaim my seat and slide my plate to my side.

  “You’re good with kids,” I say, popping a chip in my mouth.

  Maliki raises his brow in question. “Did you expect me to be awful with them?”

  “No … just some guys aren’t.”

  “Kids are cool. My niece and Liz lived with me before she moved in with her husband.”

  I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth. “Do you want kids someday?”

  “Possibly. It’s complicated, having a family with the lifestyle and career I live. My father proved that.”

  “Then, why did you go into that occupation?”

  “It’s what I’ve always known, and I wanted to be a business owner.” He shrugs. “But eventually, I’ll entertain the idea. I want to make certain I can give them a stable home.”

  “That means, you’ll have to settle down long enough to have a child with someone.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “Do you ever see yourself … you know … doing that? You’re not exactly young.”

  “Nor am I exactly old.” He laughs. “According to Noah, I have up to ninety-two hundred years before I start turning gray.”

  I toss a chip at him. “Shut up.”

  We’re interrupted by Georgia calling our names.

  “All right, you two lovers, time for me to beat your asses in cornhole. It’s you two against Archer and me.”

  “Archer is playing cornhole?” Maliki asks with shock.

  She lifts her chin, fighting back a smile. “I’m forcing him.” She snaps her fingers. “Now, chop-chop, before he changes his mind.”

  I lean across the table. “I’ve never played cornhole.”

  “It’s easy,” Maliki says. “Just follow my lead.”

  “Prepare for us to lose.”

  “Your friends are nice,” I say during our ride home.

  Spending the day with Maliki wiped out all my family and divorce worries. I didn’t think about Devin or my dad or what the hell my future holds. I’m struggling to mask the happiness from tonight rolling through me. I want to savor these moments with Maliki and never forget them—in case the day comes when they stop.

  The day will come when they stop.

  So, for now, I’m going to stay on this ride with him before he kicks me off.

  We lost at cornhole … all four games, even when we played against Noah and Cohen. That’s right. My ass couldn’t even beat a five-year-old at the game. Our night ended with a bonfire and smores. I’ve never enjoyed myself so much at a barbeque.

  Maliki’s eyes stay on the road. “They are.”

  “Georgia invited me to the next one. Hopefully, you’ll be in attendance, too.”

  He chuckles and parks in the rear parking lot, cutting the ignition. “Oh, it’s like that now, huh? Hopefully, I’ll be there?”

  “Damn straight.”

  “Come anytime, and consider Georgia’s invite a big deal. She’s normally not as receiving to women brought to our barbeques as she was with you.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “She’s protective of the people she cares about.”

  We get out of the car and step into the night, the bright security light glowing above us. I unlock the door, head up the stairs, and flip on lights with Maliki trailing behind me.

  “Have you and her ever …”

  He shakes his head. “I see her as a little sister. Cohen is a brother to me, and even if I were attracted to her romantically, I’d never touch her. He practically raised Georgia. Hell, he waited a year until introducing us to her—post threatening to rip our balls out one by one if we touched her.”

  I bite my lips to hide my smile. “And none of the others have?”

  He tosses his keys onto the island. “Nope.”

  “Has she tried with any of them?”

  “Don’t know. Not my business, and if you learn any different, don’t tell me. I refuse to be swept up in that shitstorm.”

  “Gotcha. I like her and the girls.”

  “Watch it though. They’re quite the troublemakers.”

  I open the fridge for a bottle of water, my back facing him. “They’re convinced we’re going to have sex.”

  “Oh, really?” There’s no difference in his tone, and I’m too scared to face him.

  “Really,” I say around a gulp.

  “Do you agree?”

  My back straightens, chills running up my spine, and I return the water to the fridge. Hell, I need something stronger. I go to snag a bottle of wine but stop when he keeps talking.

  “Look at me, Sierra.” His voice has pivoted, now controlled, deep, and demanding.

  I do as I was told, shutting the fridge and leaning back against it. His brown eyes are fixated on me, his face hardened, jaw clenched. I’ve never felt so on display, nor has my pulse been so strong.

  “Would you have sex with me?” His smirk is loaded with confidence. He knows my answer. “Answer me straight up.”

  Act cool.

  Act normal.

  I gape at him while pulling myself together. “I mean … if you wanted to have sex with me.”

  “You think I wouldn’t want to have sex with you?”

  There’s no doubt we’re attracted to each other.

  That we want each other.

  I shrug, struggling to answer him without a shaky voice. “You’ve never seemed interested in my advances, and it’d make our relationship … complicated. It could ruin it, and I never want that to happen.” I sigh. “You don’t do relationships, and I’m not sure I can have sex and not want more.”

  The smirk hasn’t left his face. “Anything else?”

  “Nope. That’s it.”

  He circles the island, invading my space, and stops a few steps away. “Interesting.”

  “What does interesting mean?” I blow out a long breath, my face flushing. “See! I’ve made it awkward now! Exactly what I didn’t want!” I’d love to have his lips on mine again, to feel his body pressed against mine, but it’s not worth losing him.

  I gasp when he wipes out the space separating us, captures my waist with his strong hands, and tugs me into him. I lose a breath when the erection straining against his jeans rubs against my core.

  He cradles my face in his hands. “I can’t believe you’d doubt me wanting you.”

  And his mouth meets mine.



  Sierra tastes fucking sweet.

  Sweet but not as innocent as I imagined.

  Spending time with her today was incredible.

  She met my friends. They loved her. She loved them. Maybe she does fit in my world.

  I kiss her roughly, lacking the restraint I should have but don’t.

  We’ve delayed this for too long.

  She tastes like sweet chocolate and marshmallows when my tongue slips into her mouth, devouring her. My dick stirs when she moans into my mouth.

  I’ve never been so turned on, just making out with a woman.

  I need more.

  My lips stay on hers while she stays pressed against the fridge. Goose bumps run up her skin when I turn her to rest her back against a wall. My hand nearly shakes when it eases up her tank. Her skin is soft, so damn soft.

  “Maliki.” My name releases from her lips in a moan, and Jesus fuck, the things that does to me … to my dick.

  I cup her breast, thrill rippling through me, and grind against her, rotating my hips.

  As a mood killer, a reminder she’s married zips through me, urging my dick to calm down, but I shove the thought away.

  Fuck that.

  She’s mine.

  Has been since the day her young ass walked into my bar, drinking a goddamn strawberry daiquiri.

  “I need you,” she breathes out, attempting to wedge her hand between the tight space of our bodies.

  I swoop my hand down, snatching her wrist, and stop her.

  “Not yet.” I fasten her arms above her head and sweep my ton
gue over her lower lip.

  I get to play first.

  “Oh my God,” she hisses as I drop kisses along her neck, sucking on her soft skin as if it’s my favorite snack.

  I need more.

  “Sierra.” My voice is so strained; I hardly recognize it.

  “What?” She parts her legs and hooks one around my waist. “I need you, Maliki.”

  “The first time I fuck you won’t be against a wall.”

  “Why not?” She rubs against me. “Sounds like the perfect plan to me.”

  “I want to do so many things to your body, and this wall will fuck with my plans. We’ll save wall sex for later.”

  She groans in annoyance.

  I chuckle, loving how desperate she is for me. “Do you know what happens now?”

  “You pull down your pants and shove your cock inside me?”

  “I’m unpinning you, and you’re going to strut your sexy ass to my bedroom.”

  “And you’ll join me?”

  I unhand her and caress her cheek. “Is that even a goddamn question?” I fall back a step, giving her space, and clench my fists to stop myself from touching her.

  She stares at me with confidence as she passes, her hand lightly brushing against my cock, a smirk hitting her lips.


  “Goddamn, that ass.” I dart my finger over my lips and catch my breath.

  She stops mid-step to glance back at me. “Imagine the things you could do with it.”

  I’m behind her, my eyes roaming every inch of the back of her—her ass, her thighs, her back, her hair. I can’t wait to wrap my fist around those blonde strands.

  I adjust myself in my jeans, my dick throbbing so hard and pleading to be freed. It’s never suffered through so much foreplay hell, and damn, we haven’t even reached the good shit yet—only making out and dry-humping like two teenagers after a homecoming dance.

  I flip on the light to find her standing at the foot of my bed with a wicked smile on her lips.

  I stay in the doorway. “Have you thought about this before?”

  She nods.

  “You, in my bedroom?”

  She nods again, sweeping her eyes down my body. Her smile grows when she stops at my erection straining against my jeans.

  My dick screams at me to quit playing games.

  I advance closer. “What did we do?”

  “Fucked.” The word pops from her full lips with no delay.


  I crowd her. “Is that the best you have for me? We fucked?”

  She shivers when I stop in front of her. Not another word leaves my mouth as I glide my hands up her shirt and cup her breasts. My cock thickens at the sight of her nipples peeking through the thin fabric.

  I tug at the bottom of her top. “This has to go.”

  She raises her arms with no hesitancy, allowing me to drag it over her head, and I drop it at our feet. Next, I unhook her bra, her breasts spilling out.

  “You’re beautiful,” I comment, stroking a hand over her nipple.

  She shuts her eyes, exhaling a deep breath.

  “More beautiful than I imagined, baby.” I tilt my head down and blow against her nipple, capturing it in my mouth and sucking hard.

  I move to her other nipple, peeking up at her when she suppresses a moan, and softly bite the tip. I suck and bite each of her breasts. They’re on the small side, and I tend to be a boob man, but I’ve never seen breasts so perfect.

  I can’t wait to put my hands and tongue on every inch of her.

  “Now, tell me about your thoughts … about us fucking. What did I do with you?” I sink to my knees without granting her the chance to respond. “Did I do this?”

  She curses my name as I pop the button of her shorts open and unzip them.

  “Please, fuck me,” she begs.

  I trace my finger along the edge of her panties. “Mmm … such filthy words spilling from a pageant queen’s mouth.”

  She grasps my hair when I yank her panties down and kicks them off her feet. “Not a pageant queen, and trust me, this mouth isn’t sweet.”

  I brush my finger along her thigh. “I can’t wait to find out how dirty that mouth is.”

  I also can’t wait to get my tongue inside her.

  My mouth waters.

  I have to taste her.

  She trembles, her legs weakening at my first lick, and I grip her ass to prevent her from falling.

  “I want you inside me,” she pleads. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?”

  Does she know how long I’ve waited to get my tongue between her legs?

  I flick her clit with my tongue and hook her leg over my shoulder.

  “Every part of you is beautiful.” I glide my finger through her folds, back and forth. “You are soaked, baby.”

  I suck on her clit, drawing a path through her slit with my tongue, and plunge it inside her. She gasps my name, her heels digging into my back.

  It’s the greatest sound I’ve ever heard.

  I skim my hands up her legs, resting them on her ass. I rise onto my feet, confirming she’s steady, and take a step back to admire her.

  She’s perfection.

  I’m impressed at my willpower of not shoving her on the floor and fucking her right here, hard and raw.

  She deserves better than wall-fucking and floor-fucking our first time.

  She deserves my bed, me taking it slow and worshipping her body.

  “Now that you’ve tasted me, it’s only fair I do the same,” she says, setting her sharp eyes on me.

  I wipe my bottom lip and stand. “How about you lie down and let me have my way with you?”

  “Fine, undress then.”

  She sits on the edge of the bed, her gaze fastened on me, as I shed my shirt and then lower my hands to my belt.

  “Jesus, you’re slow.” She slaps my hand away and reaches for my buckle, and her hands are quick as she undoes it, shoving my jeans and boxer briefs down. “You’re, uh … huge,” she rasps.

  I chuckle. “That’s what every man likes to hear. Way to boost my ego before I give you my cock.”

  She bites into her lip.

  “Lie down. I’ll get you ready.”

  She scoots her ass up the bed and drops to her back when I crawl over her.

  I slide a finger inside her, not wasting a second. “How many times have you gotten wet, thinking about my cock inside you?”

  “You have no idea.” She arches her back when I slip another finger in.

  I rub her clit. “Trust me, I do.” My number is much higher than hers.

  “How many times have you jacked off, thinking about me?”

  “Too many fucking times to count.”

  She leans forward, reaching for my cock, and I draw my fingers out of her to fall back against the bed, allowing her to stroke my throbbing cock. She grips it tight, her manicured fingers looking perfect around my cock as she jerks me.

  “We’ve waited too long, Maliki,” she says, squeezing the tip.

  I pull back, my cock twitching at the loss of her touch, and open my nightstand for a condom, putting it on. I stare down at her—her eyes filled with longing, a small smile on her lips—and my heart rages in my chest. Her legs part wider as I settle myself between them, and she quivers when I drop a kiss to her soft lips.

  I swipe my finger across her jaw and grin when her stomach muscles clench. I skim my hand down her neck, between her breasts, and stop at her clit, slowly rubbing it.

  We drag in a breath when I position myself at her opening.

  The first time I slide inside her is fucking bliss.

  She’s tight. Perfect. Too perfect for me.

  “You feel amazing,” I grind out, taking my time as I move in and out of her.

  I’ll stay inside her for as long as she’ll let me.

  “No, you feel incredible,” she moans out. “I never knew sex could feel this good.”

  Her words give me chills, and I fight back the impu
lse to pound into her.

  If I fuck her as hard as I’m craving to, I’m bound to bust quick.

  I maintain a steady pace, my balls smacking against her ass each time I edge in deeper.

  “Please,” she begs. “Please, fuck me harder.”

  I grin. “There’s that dirty mouth.”

  “Do you know how long I’ve wondered about what it’d be like to sleep with you?”

  I slow my thrusts more. “How long?”

  “Since you kicked me out the first time. I wished you had taken me to your office and let me seduce you.”

  And slower.

  Our words release between pants.

  “Seduce me at eighteen?”

  Her hips tilt up and grind against my cock. “Just because I was a teenager didn’t mean I was a virgin … didn’t mean I wasn’t attracted to you. I imagined you fucking me better than this.”

  “Oh, really?” I fuck her harder.

  Her arms shoot up. “Yes, just like that.”

  “Always getting your way.”

  Satisfaction lights up her gorgeous face.

  I quicken my thrusts while struggling to last as long as possible, but her dirty talk isn’t helping.

  “Yes, just like that.” She moans. “Oh my God. Don’t stop.”

  With every word, I pound harder.

  With every moan, I grow closer.

  The bed creaks, hitting the wall, and our moans are so loud. I wouldn’t be surprised if the people downstairs hear us.

  Let them know who she belongs to.

  All I care about is the beautiful woman underneath me—pleasing her, making her happy, making her mine if for only one night.

  I flick her clit with the tip of my finger.

  “I’m close,” she breathes out.

  Seconds later, her back arches as she screams out my name.

  Four thrusts later, I’m spent, spilling out into the condom, and, “Fuck, baby,” leaves my lips as they meet hers.

  “I was going to call off my wedding,” Sierra says the moment we drop to our backs.


  She couldn’t even give a man a minute to catch his breath before throwing that bomb on him.

  I still. “What?”

  “The night before my wedding, when I came to the bar, it was to tell you I was calling it off.”


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