When The Rains Came (The Chinese Russian Invasion Book 1)

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When The Rains Came (The Chinese Russian Invasion Book 1) Page 1

by Malik Pierce


  I dedicated this book to my mother Sadie who has been there for me all throughout my life.

  I dedicate this book to my son Justin who embodies the best values of men.

  I dedicate this book to my spouse Jenn who has somehow managed to put up with me through the years.

  Last, but not least, I dedicate this book to my fellow countrymen who have volunteered to serve in The Armed Forces to Preserve and Protect, life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

  When the Rains Came

  It was 12:00 midnight pacific standard time on Dec 26th, when I heard the first sonic boom. I had been asleep for about 90 minutes when I heard the loud boom sound that had awaken me. It sounded like an explosive you might hear watching a fireworks show, but later I would learn that it was just one of many EMP explosions to be heard that early morning over of the skies of every major metropolitan area throughout the United States. I’m told the first was actually detonated over NORAD in Colorado Springs Colorado, where all United States Air Traffic is monitored. Apparently, a single missile using stealth and invisibility technology launched from a submarine submerged in deep water 25 miles off the coast of Washington State was able to avoid radar detection, detonate; and destroy all power and electronic circuitry in and around the surrounding neighborhoods of Colorado Springs including those used by the mountain embedded NORAD. If this had been a punch to America, it was one that would put America on the ropes. NORAD was now blind, deaf, and mute. It was now limited to monitoring air traffic by having its staff look out of windows. It could not detect air traffic either foreign or domestic; nor could it receive or transmit incoming messages to the United States Northern Command or the Department of Defense who is tasked with organizing an aerospace defensive response. This single missile detonated over NORAD would ultimately light the fuse that would set the world ablaze, and mark the beginning of the End of The United States of America.

  After the first missile, many were to follow. In short order, they targeted every metropolitan area that hosted TV, internet, and Cell phone Broadcast Towers. Those in El Paso, Spokane, San Francisco, New York, Atlanta, Houston, Boston, and DC were all hit. Even Satellites hovering high above the continental United States that transmitted TV, Cell Phone, and Internet signals were not immune, and were the next to go. From West Coast to East Coast darkness pervaded the land - and as most Americans continued their drunken sleep from enjoying their Christmas Day activities just hours earlier - that’s when the rains came.

  That’s when thousands of foreign cargo planes began dropping their pay load over hundreds of the most populated cities in the United States. Eye witnesses who were outside congregating in their residential communities pondering about their lack of power said the parachutes filled the clear brisk blue night time sky like rain. But that intrigue soon turned to fear and horror, and before the first fully equipped Chinese soldier landed, people had already run back inside their homes making vain attempts to call 911, or get their guns. Whatever was happening, the message was clear, this was just the beginning.

  The Working Leadership

  In Washington DC, the president and his family were awaken and evacuated to an underground bunker at 4:30am when 1 remote controlled soft ball sized drone was spotted pointing an infrared laser at second story residence of the White House. A missile would quickly follow. Unfortunately all those occupying the house would not find safety in time. The bunker busting laser guided missile would make certain of that.

  And so it was, throughout Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland, politicians of all stripes and variety serving in the upper echelons of power attempted to run and get to a political holocaust bunker at the Greenbrier in West Virginia, but it was not to be. The Chinese and Russians had played out every possible scenario. Cars, trucks, vans, and motorcycles simply did not start. And those politicians that did run, in at least some instance, were greeted outside by Chinese Death Squads who had taken up residence nearby long before that morning. Among those trying to flee and were killed, were the Vice President, Speaker of the House, Senate Pro tempore, and the 15 members making up the Secretariat. Their body guards were simply outnumbered and caught off guard, and as a result, all members of the presidential line of succession were vanquished one by one. With just 19 political leaders dead including the President and Vice President, the working leadership of the United States had been decapitated.

  Wars are Inevitable

  By 4:45 am EST, nearly all US Military Air force Bases were destroyed. Unable to get off the ground, waves of Chinese Combat Jets destroyed 100 million dollar US Combat jets with little effort. The Russian’s would finish the job by using their own Combat Jets by first neutralizing, and then destroying US Battle Ships such as the USS Cole who were clueless to what was happening on the Homeland. By noon time, the US Navy had been cut to ribbons. Russian technology prevented any possible counter attack by Naval Battle ships, air craft carriers, or any other vessel in the fleet. The US Navy had been decimated. And the last vestiges of the US Navy, US Submarines, would soon receive presents dropped from the sky when their positions were revealed by US Admirals Kidnapped at Zero Dark Thirty, and fillet before the onset of the invasion.

  When I had heard that our submarines had been taken out, it didn’t take me long to realize that this was the end goal of the many years of news articles about Chinese and Russian hacking into the IRS, the Government Office of Personnel Managements, and West Wing of the White House. They needed to know exactly who was in charge of what for the United States Government. They needed to know their names, education, experience, medical conditions, addresses, income status, names of family members, etc. This information allowed the Chinese to know exactly who could be bribed, who could be coerced, and who had to be killed. And during all that time, during all those many years of hacking, the once popular President never took a strong stand on the issue. He knew that war was a certainty but like Neville Chamberlain the first WWII Prime Minster of England, he was simply to afraid to bring the fight to the enemy. He was no war time president, and he secretly hoped that his presidency would have come to an end, and someone more capable would assume the presidency before an all-out conflict began between the great nations. What he didn’t understand was that wars are inevitable, and that they are only delayed to someone else’s advantage. He gambled that his term would be over before a war erupted, but he was wrong. Now dead wrong.

  The New Pompeii

  But one man doesn’t compose the United States, neither does a relatively small group of commanders; and the assets, and secrets of the United States are numerous and diverse. And although the United States had suffered some serious damage, it was not down,.. it was not out. Retaliation would be swift. Missile silos opened up in South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and India. China was surrounded and would feel the heat. Whereas China sough to keep it’s enemy’s infrastructure intact, the United States sought total annihilation. A 1.6 billion Chinese population would quickly be cut in half to 800 million. Hundreds of millions of people would be replaced by mounds of ash and chard black bones. Beijing would become the new Pompeii. Survivors would suffer the pain and grief of cancers for generations.

  Shipping Containers

  Who gave the order to strike back is not known. Perhaps the strike had been issued by a dying president, or a preordained leader in the event of such as catastrophe. Perhaps lower ranking members of the armed forces realized what was going on, stepped up, and organized a response. But with Chinese on the ground in the most populated States in America, it would take more than just then a strike on enemy
territory to stop the invasion. Chinese soldiers were already here – en mass. They had strategically purchased and maintained storage facilities, trucking companies, and large commercial shipping containers. They had been shipping soldiers in Shipping Containers, transporting them via their over the road 18 wheeler trucks, and housing them in huge storage facilities for months. They had weapons, food, first aid supplies, toiletries and 3D Manufacturing capability. They had everything they needed to sustain an occupation until the transition was made permanent.

  They also maintained fully equipped military bases just south of Texas USA in Mexico with the knowledge and consent of the Mexican Government. The areas occupied were of course off limits to all Mexican’s but occasionally a Mexican would accidently take a wrong turn and end it at one of them. He would be turned away, and later gossip about his tale of finding a Chinese military Base in a dessert in Mexico, but what he saw would fall on deaf ears, and not traction would be gained from his allegations. The powers in Mexico had been serenaded by the allure of having some of her original territory back. So there was never any mentioned in the Mexican media by the deal made. They saw nothing wrong with making a deal. After all, Texas, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming had been hers in the first place. The United States had taken them in War. Well now, it was time for payback. Mexico saw a new world order on the horizon, and had a chip in the big game. Refusing or even discussing the base would have made the powers in Mexico dead men by morning. Besides they had grown tired of The United States shoving its massive crime fighting initiatives down its throat, and….consistently portraying Mexicans as gang bangers, drug dealers, and food stamp cheats. It also hogged all the wealth being created in North America and gave Mexico mere crumbs through its free trade agreements. But the most humiliating part of the relationship was watching poor hunger Mexicans yearning to be free of poverty risking their lives to get into the United States only to be captured at gun point, jailed, and then deported from states that were formerly Mexico’s. The Chinese deal with Mexico promised a lucrative trade deal, limited time looting rights of Southern States, and an end to poverty in Mexico. This was a good deal for the country, but best of all, America would be the one who would have to swallow the loss of war and of land.

  Divide and Conquer

  The United States of America has been the dominant world power since 1945. Its strength was derived not only by its ability to develop the atomic bomb first, but also by building and maintaining alliances with other nations. In 2013, that ability would be smashed into a thousand pieces when a computer hacker working for the CIA, stole America’s secrets, and began leaking the information to various news sources. He had stolen his cougar’s panties, and now held them up to the world to see. The most damaging of these dirty secrets implicated America in and unprecedented level of espionage against its strongest allies. America had been listening in on the private cell phone calls of its best friends. America had become an official douche bag, and the hacker, and his Russian sponsors would make sure that the world knew. The Russians were playing chess looking many steps ahead. Perhaps when the Chinese-Russian invasion began in the years to come, America’s allies would not come running to her aid. It was a game of divide and conquer; and it was game played masterfully by the Russians.

  For Sale: US Presidency

  In 2002, President George W Bush raised $100 million dollars while campaigning for President of the United States. At that time, it was the largest amount raised by any US Presidential candidate in American History. His father had been president, his grandfather had been a US Senator, he had a brother who was a governor, and he was a member of the ultra-elite secrete society, Skull and Bones, whose members held positions of power and influence throughout the world. It was easy to see how George W Bush could raise this extraordinary sum. The next president, however, came from a fatherless home, from a lower middle class blended family, and had no family members in positions of authority. That, however, didn’t stop him from raising 6 times more than the previous Presidential Candidate, George W Bush. He obviously had some help. The Chinese made the correlation that the man with the most money running for the US Presidency - is the Man that Wins. And so it was, the Chinese would use some of the money earned from interest and dividends they received from US Treasuries to buy the US Presidency itself. Suddenly a poor weak underdog presidential candidate was swamped with cash. The Chinese used American cash, to weaken America, and get the weakest candidate elected. While Americans celebrated his victory, so did the Chinese. They got a man elected who had no military background, no proven management skills, and only limited experience in International Diplomacy. What most American’s didn’t realize during the campaign is that US Federal Law allows candidates to accept contributions up to $200 without any verification that the contributor was in fact an American Citizen, or an enemy country propping up a weak candidate. We American people would pay for our ignorance.

  This was not the first time that a U.S. President or candidate danced with the Chinese. In fact, two presidents earlier, President William J Clinton signed documents transferring sensitive missile technology to the Chinese in exchange for lofty campaign contributions. This missile technology was the very same technology used to develop long range missiles that paralyzed NORAD and destroyed communication broadcast stations on day of the invasion. In essence, Clinton with a stroke of his pen gave satisfaction a nation who was preparing to conquer us.

  Why the Chinese Invaded the USA

  In 2015, the Chinese had 1.3 billion people strong. They comprised roughly 19% of the world’s population. In short, the Chinese had managed to successfully procreate more than any other people in world history. But while their population grew, their land did not. The massive size of their population had in fact surpassed their land’s ability to support them. Overtime their huge population exhausted more and more resources faster and faster. The Chinese leadership was faced with essentially 3 choices, or a combination of choices. Implementing an aggressively population control program by prohibiting births, enabling mass casualties, or acquiring land. The first of these choices was implemented but failed. Families were prohibited from having more than two children but in many cases did so anyway. The government was simply unable to monitor and manage conception and child birth. The population continued to expand. Enabling events for mass casualty would be unpopular but could be successful implemented under the right conditions. The best answer to slow the gradual exhaustion of resources would be to acquire more land while simultaneously allowing for mass casualties. America long considered to be occupied by stupid, inferior, arrogant, hypocritical Caucasian’s would make the perfect target. America had an abundance of land and resources. Chinese leaders regarded America as a blond whore who would turn around, bent over and welcome anyone with big money. And the Chinese had big money. But if the right American leaders couldn’t be bribed, at least one could be bought. The Presidential candidates huge burden of campaign fund raising open the door for that.

  Why the Russians Invaded the USA

  In 1991 when the Soviet Union fell apart, it was because Russia could not afford to hold its satellite nations together, and pay its extensive military. This was a direct result of the United States Strategy under the President Reagan Administration to invest in an Arms race against the Soviet Union. Reagan moved billions of dollars away from domestic programs and into his Defense Strategic Initiative which compelled the Soviet Union to increase its own defense spending. The insecure Soviet Union simply over paid for its defense, and paid the price. They went bankrupt. They couldn’t afford to pay their bills. Their Satellite nations broke off due to not having financial support, investors moved their money to other countries, the value of the currency plummeted, unemployment sky rocketed, soldiers without pay defected, organized crime proliferated, husband abused their wives, fathers abandoned their families, and the hopeless found solace in bottles.

  A generation later, a proud essential insecure Pr
esident of the remnants of the Soviet Union, Russia, would remember this, and make as his life’s purpose the reintegration of the Soviet Union even if it meant conquering all those who would deny this feat. And so it was, the plan to invade the United States was born in the mind of The Russian President, President Vladimir Putin. It would be he who would meet with the Chinese to discuss their common foe. It would be he who would draft the invasion strategy against the United States, and it would be he who would receive the glory of resurrecting the Soviet Union.

  It took no time for Putin and China to find common ground. China needed land, and Russia wanted its satellite nations back. Only one nation could stop them. That was the United States. A nation the two regarded as Religious loving hypocritical cowards unworthy of their land and the status they possessed in the world. China and Russia would spend years, defining, and refining their strategy, researching every aspect of America’s weaknesses, its strengths, and it’s secrets, all while conducting joint military exercises. And when the time came, they would strike without fear and without mercy.

  The Invasion Strategy

  The plan was simple. Russia would systematically began taking back her former satellite nations by sneaking troops into a target country, taking over government buildings, and then having it’s way with the population. The former satellite nation would call the US for help, Americans troops would be deployed, and American troops would become involved in a protracted war overseas. While American troops were fighting battles overseas, China would invade, and attack the American Homeland in the dead of night when it was most vulnerable. The attack would take place during a holiday evening, when most abled body adults in America were drunk from holiday festivities including those in law enforcement, Armed forces, and government. Chinese would storm America en mass from land, sea, and air. American troops recalled home from overseas to help fight the invasion would be met with a devastating Russian surprise attack and cut to ribbons. Russia military components would then take Alaska and Canada while the Chinese continued the onslaught in America. In subsequent months, other former satellite nations and later other European countries would fall like dominos. Some Russia military components would march into countries just like the Nazi’s did into France. European leaders would flee their capitals, militaries would disband, and civilians would hide in their homes. The rape of Europe would give birth to a new world order. An order in which the Russians would become the masters and all others would become their servants. Evil prevailed because good men failed to act.


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