Beautiful Liar (The Reed Rivers Trilogy Book 2)

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Beautiful Liar (The Reed Rivers Trilogy Book 2) Page 8

by Lauren Rowe

  Amalia’s face lights up. “I have some wonderful recipes I’d be happy to teach you.”

  “I’d love that.” I hug Amalia goodbye, and then sprint upstairs to my room, where I flip open my laptop and hop online. Obviously, there’s a whole lot about Reed’s life he doesn’t want to talk about. Which is perfectly fine. But that’s not going to stop me from digging a little deeper... to try to get to know the man behind The Man with the Midas Touch... whether he wants me to... or not.

  Chapter 11


  I lean back in my chair, my phone pressed against my ear, looking out the window of my home office.

  “Hi, boss,” Owen says, answering my call. “Did the bike arrive?”

  “It did. Right on time. Thank you.”

  “Did she like it?”

  “She went apeshit for it.” I smile to myself, remembering Georgie’s jiggling happy dance this morning when she found out that second Peloton bike was hers. “Actually, her reaction made me want to give her even more gifts, just to see her lose her shit like that again and again. I was thinking of maybe getting her a car. I’d want to get her something cute and fun and reliable—a little convertible, maybe—but nothing too crazy in terms of pricing.”

  Owen pauses. “So, his and hers Bugattis are out of the question, then?”

  I ignore the obvious snark. “I want something to bowl her over, but not something that will make me look like a madman. If the car is too extravagant, she’ll think it implies some sort of commitment past the summer. And that wouldn’t be good.”

  “As opposed to a commitment within the summer?”

  “Oh. Yeah. Change of plans. Georgina’s not staying at my house for a week anymore. I asked her this morning to stay for the entire summer, and she said yes.”

  He’s quiet for a moment. And then, “Wow. That’s quite a ‘purely professional relationship’ you’re having with her, Reed.”

  I smile to myself. “Just do some research for me on cute little convertibles, would you? Tell me what you recommend.”

  “I already know exactly what I recommend: lay off the blow, Reed.”

  “I’m not high, Owen. At least, not on coke. Georgina doesn’t own a car. Not even a shitty one. Who the hell doesn’t own a car in LA? She needs one.”

  “You don’t think maybe any car would be too extravagant a gift that makes you look like a madman? It’s still really early days, Reed.”

  My spirit falls. I say nothing.

  “You gave her a Peloton on day one. Maybe that’s enough for now?”

  My heart is thundering. He’s right. I’ve let myself get swept away. I’m moving way too fast and I need to slow down. “A Pilates machine, then. She said she taught spin and Pilates classes. I don’t know anything about Pilates. Isn’t there a machine for that?”

  “Yes, it’s called a reformer. But, Reed. I’m not kidding this time. Do I need to call Promises and see if they’ve got a bed for you? Are you back on the blow?”

  “I don’t need rehab, Owen. I’m fine. I’m just... “

  In a flash, my mind wanders to Georgie. In rapid-fire succession, I see her happy dance again. And then her floating naked in my moonlit pool. I see her standing naked underneath my bedroom window. And the look on her face when that orgasm in the sex swing shattered her. And, finally, I see the beautiful look of contrition on her face when she apologized to me this morning. The look that grabbed my heart in its iron fist.

  And it suddenly occurs to me...

  Holy shit.

  Georgina isn’t the one who’s the junkie here. She’s the drug!

  “Reed?” Owen says. “You’re just... what?”

  I scrub my palm over my stubble. “Fucked.” I shake it off. “Moving on. No car. Look into Pilates machines for me, okay? Now, tell me about the party. You’ve got everything cooking?”

  Owen rattles off a brief update. He tells me invitations went out an hour ago. And that everyone who’s not on tour knows it’s mandatory they come. He says, “And I got your note about us having a stage filled with musical instruments, in addition to a DJ—so musicians can hop up there in random combinations and jam together. Great idea.”

  I thank him and give him my notes for Watch Party’s upcoming album, which I finished listening to this morning while making breakfast, and we end the call.

  After disconnecting with Owen, I get a text from Henn, telling me he just heard about the party on Saturday. But rather than text him back, I decide to call him, since I’ve got a few minutes before I have to head out to my meeting with Leonard.

  “Hello, brother,” Henn says. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing much. I’m busy conquering the world. You?”

  “Oh, I’m just, you know, living the thug life. Hannah had a big project due at work and the nanny called in sick, so I’m trying to bang out some code for a client while Hazel is taking her morning nap. She’s in her crib right now, sleeping butts-up coconut.”

  I chuckle. “I’m afraid to ask.”

  “That’s what Hannah calls it when Hazel’s sleeping with her bottom straight in the air. She smashes her cheek into the mattress and curls her little legs up underneath her, and points her butt straight up. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Send me a pic.”

  “Reed, Hazel is my baby.”

  I laugh. “I want to see.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  “I’m just in a good mood. Now, send me a fucking photo of your baby doing butts up coconut before I beat your scrawny ass. My time is valuable, man. I don’t beg.”

  He laughs.

  My phone pings.

  “I sent it.”

  “Aw. You’re right. That is adorable.”

  “I can’t get enough. I’ve got like nine hundred photos of the same basic shot on my phone.” He chuckles happily. “But, surely, you didn’t call to hear me gush about Hazel. I’m guessing you’re calling about your party? I RSVP’d right before you called. It’s perfect timing. Hannah’s mom and my parents were already coming into town for the weekend for Hazel’s birthday party on Sunday, so we’ve got overnight babysitting. Same with Josh and Kat.”

  “Oh, you’ve talked to Josh? He’s coming, for sure?”

  “Yeah, he texted both of us. You didn’t see? He and Kat changed their flight to come to LA on Friday now.”

  “Awesome. You guys will have to pre-party at my house on Saturday afternoon.”

  “Count us in.” He pauses. “So, you haven’t said a word about Hazel’s birthday party being the next day.”

  “Yeah, I totally forgot about that. Does it start before two?”

  “No. It starts at three.”

  “And you’ll be serving booze, I hope—preferably Bloody Marys?”

  “Yes, to booze. I’ll add Bloody Marys to the menu, specifically.”

  “Then I’ll be there.”

  Henn pauses. “That’s it? You’re not going to complain the guest of honor has no idea it’s her fucking birthday? Or that we’ll be partying till dawn at your place, and that getting up for a baby’s birthday party the next day is the last thing you want to do?”

  I laugh. “Nope. I’m looking forward to Hazel’s birthday bash. My party will be one for the record books, but it’ll be crazy and hectic. It’ll be nice to hang out with everyone the next day in a chill environment where we can actually talk. Just don’t let me down on those Bloody Marys, and we’re good.”

  “Wow. You’re in a shockingly good mood.”

  I can’t help smiling from ear to ear. “Yes, I am.”

  “Is there a specific reason?”

  My smile broadens. I bite my lower lip. “Remember that hot bartender from Bernie’s the other night?”

  “No. Remind me what she looks like.”

  He’s being sarcastic. Georgina is unforgettable.

  “She’s here. She stayed the night.”



  He makes a sound like he’s blow
n away. “Well, that’s a twist I didn’t see coming. I thought you said she hated your guts. You said she told you to fuck off and die in front of your gate and then took off in an Uber.”

  “She did.” I chuckle. “But I happened to see her at the RCR show last night, and one thing led to another... And now she’s here. I just made her breakfast, Henny.”

  “She’s breakfast-worthy?” He whistles. “Wow. That was fast. Okay, back up. How did you ‘happen’ to run into her at the RCR concert? You pulled strings, didn’t you? You made her think she’d won backstage tickets in a contest or something.”

  I smirk to myself. “You think I’m so Machiavellian, so sneaky and diabolical, I’d pull strings behind the scenes to create a situation where I could have a second bite at the apple with a woman who’d rejected me, without her even realizing I’d played God?”

  “That’s precisely what I think of you.”

  “Well, you’re absolutely right. Thank you for knowing me so well.”

  I tell Henn the whole story. Georgina’s internship, and how it came about. I tell him about the grant and that Georgina has no idea I’m the one who funded it. And, finally, I tell him about the interview I had to throw into the pot to get CeeCee to agree to doing the special issue.

  “Wow, that’s going to be one hell of a thorough interview when she’s through with you,” Henn says. “Considering she’s got the entire summer to gather information.”

  “Yeah, especially since Georgina will be staying here at my place the entire summer.”

  “You’re shitting me.”

  “Nope. I invited her this morning. And she said yes.”

  He’s quiet for a beat. “I’m sorry. Could you hand the phone back to Reed, please?”

  I laugh. “I know. It’s crazy.”

  “You invited her for the summer... for the article?”

  Anxiety flashes through me. Did I jump the gun? Inviting Georgie for the whole summer was a spur of the minute decision. Seeing her with Amalia, for some reason... it felt so natural and right. Plus, I knew she’d be in my life throughout the summer, regardless, working on the special issue... And, suddenly, I couldn’t stand the thought of Georgina staying in a hotel throughout the summer, when she could be under my roof... “No, I asked her to stay for purely personal reasons,” I admit.

  “That’s awesome, Reed. Wow. Plus, the incidental benefit is her interview of you is going to be amazing.”

  “I’m sure it will be. Unfortunately for Georgie, however, most of what she writes won’t see the light of day.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Georgie made a rookie error. She gave me full editorial control over whatever she ultimately writes about me. Of course, I’ll green light some of it. Whatever’s on-brand for Rock ‘n’ Roll, plus a little extra something to give her an exclusive scoop. But beyond that, whatever she might write about my childhood and my family, that shit is coming out.”

  He sighs. “I know you hate talking about that stuff. But I think you should keep an open mind here, Reed. You never know. You might really like her article. The truth shall set you free, my brother.”

  “My truth is nobody’s fucking business, Henn.”

  He sighs. “Yeah, I know. But let’s think this through for a minute. Imagine she works all summer long on some epic article about you, something she’s really proud of and excited to submit to her boss, and you nix ninety percent of it. She’ll be crushed. Not to mention she’ll hate you.”

  “She’s the one who fucked up and gave me full editorial control. It’ll be a life lesson for her.”

  “A life lesson about not trusting the asshole she’s slept with all summer? Reed, implicit in your agreement with her was that she can trust you with her baby. She trusts that you’ll give due consideration to whatever she ultimately writes.”

  I say nothing.

  “I’m just saying you sound like you’re walking on air today. You made her breakfast, for fuck’s sake, and invited her to stay for the summer, just for the fun of it. And you’re not even grouchy about Hazel’s birthday party on Sunday. Whatever spell she’s cast on you, don’t fuck it up by sending her on a wild-goose chase this entire summer that will end in her hating you.”

  He’s right.

  Georgina’s going to hate me at the end of this.


  My mind is racing. Calculating. Seeking a solution. And, finally, I’ve got it. Georgina can’t hate me if I’ve already given her something even better than an in-depth interview of me. Something that equally accomplishes her goal. At the end of the day, Georgie doesn’t even want an interview of me, specifically. She wants to impress CeeCee enough to get hired onto the writing staff of Dig a Little Deeper, and my interview is merely a means to an end. Which means I know exactly what to do.

  “She won’t hate me if I get her an even better interview than mine,” I say. “All I’ve got to do is get her an A-list interview, with someone way better than me, and all will be forgiven.”

  “I’m not sure it works that way.”

  “Sure, it does. I’ve invited a shit-ton of A-listers to my party on Saturday, and I’ll tell Owen to invite a shit-ton more. I’ll introduce Georgie around on Saturday night, and see who she clicks with and make it happen for her.” I smile. “This is actually a great plan. Georgie clicks with everyone she meets. It’s like the girl has magical powers. She’ll have her pick of the litter on Saturday night.”

  “If you say so,” Henn says half-heartedly.

  An idea pings me. “But it certainly wouldn’t hurt to get myself some insurance—some proverbial belts and suspenders. I need a favor, Henny.”

  I tell Henn about Georgie’s father—specifically, about his recent cancer battle and the financial troubles he’s having because of it. “So, will you do me a favor and hack his bank or whatever, and find out how much he owes on his condo? And while you’re at it, you might as well find out how much Georgina owes in student loans. Just find out Georgie’s and her father’s complete financial situations for me, if you would.”

  The line is silent.

  “Are you still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here,” Henn says.

  “Can you do all that for me?”

  “It should be easy to do. But why, exactly, do you want to know this stuff?”

  “Just in case I want to play Fairy Godfather at some point.”

  “In other words, you’re worried you’re going to piss her off with the article, so you want to have her ‘price’ ready to go, just in case?”

  I frown. My two best friends know me, inside and out. It’s a blessing and a curse.

  “Reed, listen to me,” Henn says. “In all the time I’ve known you, I’ve never once heard you sound this jacked up about a woman. You sound like I did when I met Hannah—like you’ve been struck by a lightning bolt.”

  I roll my eyes. It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

  Henn says, “For fuck’s sake, Reed, if you break her trust, you won’t be able to buy your way out of it. Instead, how about not doing anything to make her hate you? How about opening up and telling her about your life and letting her write the article and get to know you. How about enjoying the summer with an open mind and seeing where that takes you. Take a chance on this girl. Take a chance on what might happen if you let down your guard a bit.”

  “Are you done?”

  He sighs. “Yes.”

  “Thank you for the TED Talk, Peter. It was inspiring. But let me remind you, she’s writing an article about me. She’s not here to ‘get to know me’ in a vacuum. She’s a shark, this girl. It’s my favorite thing about her. Don’t get me wrong. But we’re not just two people shacking up. She wants something from me. So, ‘letting down my guard’ completely, as you’ve suggested, would be a felony stupid thing for me to do.”

  He sighs. “If you say so.”

  “I do. So, will you get me the financials I’ve asked for, or not?”

  “Of course, I
will. Just send me the names and whatever information, and I’ll get it to you in a couple days.”

  “Thank you. I’ll send you a text after we hang up.”

  “So, will you be bringing this breakfast-worthy girl with you on Sunday to Hazel’s party?”

  To my surprise, my heart leaps at the idea. I never bring dates to personal events with my good friends. Hardly ever to work events, either. And yet, here I am, eager to bring Georgina to my best friend’s house and introduce her to pretty much everyone I care about, all in one fell swoop... Indeed, I can’t wait to sit back and smile with amusement as Georgina casts her uniquely powerful spell on every last one of them.

  “Yeah, I’ll bring her,” I say, trying to sound nonchalant.

  But Henn’s not a fool. He knows this is totally outside the box for me. “Holy shit, Reed,” he says. Which is exactly what I was expecting him to say. But then, he goes on to say something I’m not. “For a smart man, you’re dumb as dirt sometimes.”


  “Don’t fuck this up!” he booms. “Be completely honest with this girl. Let her know the real you. In fact, why all the secrecy about you funding her grant? Tell her so she knows what a generous guy you are. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to find out you’re the reason her internship is a paid one.”

  “Are you insane? Henn, when I came up with the idea to donate to the cancer charity, my main motivation was to arrange things behind the scenes so I could get her into bed. You think she won’t realize that in two seconds flat? The last thing I need is for her to doubt she got her job on her merits. Which she totally did, by the way. CeeCee was going to hire her, regardless.”

  “You truly don’t think Georgina would be grateful to you for helping her?”

  My stomach clenches fiercely. “She’s proud, Henn. It means the world to her to be a ‘professional writer.’ I don’t want her to doubt herself.”

  “But if she finds out you’re the source of the grant, later, it’ll be ten times worse than if you’d told her on your own, up front. You not telling her makes it seem like you did something nefarious and creepy, rather than something generous and kind.”

  “She won’t find out.”


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