Loves Me NOT: A Small Town, Second-Chance Romance (Slade Brothers Book 4)

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Loves Me NOT: A Small Town, Second-Chance Romance (Slade Brothers Book 4) Page 16

by Alexis Winter

  I hate myself even more for screwing up on prom night. I’ve always hated that night and myself, but now, that hate has doubled knowing that if that one single mistake hadn’t happened, I would’ve been there with her, waiting nervously on a stick to change color, driving her to the hospital, and letting her cry on my shoulder when it was all over. And then helping her heal and move on—getting married and trying again. We really have come full circle.

  The alarm goes off and my heart starts pounding even harder.

  “Okay, it’s time,” she says, shutting off the alarm and setting the phone on the bed. “Ready?”

  I nod. “Let’s do this.” I smile, excitement pumping through me.

  We stand, hand in hand, and walk toward the bathroom. She picks up the stick and the box with the directions. I watch as she looks from the stick, to the box, and back. She takes a deep breath and her eyes meet mine.



  I’m only 18. I can’t be pregnant. What kind of future will I have now? No time for college—not that I really wanted to go anyway. Of course, I’ve applied like every other high school senior, but that was just to have options. More than anything, I just want to marry Wyatt, have his baby, and grow old together. What kind of 18-year-old girl wants that life? I mean, shouldn’t I want to go to college, move away, and find a life for myself? All I can think about is raising this baby with Wyatt.

  I reach for the phone to call him, but fear consumes me. Even though we’ve talked about our future many times before, I’m scared that something has changed. Will he want this? So soon? I set the phone back down. Maybe I should wait to tell him. Maybe I should think about this a little more—make sure it’s something I want. I have to give myself a time limit or I’ll chicken out for sure. I’ll tell him on prom night. That gives me three days. Three days to make up my mind and work up the courage.

  I pick up the stick and wrap it in toilet paper before throwing it in the trash. Then I tie the bag and take it directly outside to the garbage can already out on the curb. This is a small town and a secret doesn’t stay secret for very long. As I walk back up the drive, I can’t help but think about how happy I feel now that I’ve learned the truth. I already love this baby, even if I am too young. Who sets these rules anyway? I love Wyatt. We’re going to get married one day. He talks about it all the time. Who says I can’t have a baby at 18? For now, this is my little secret. And I’m going to allow myself to feel happy.

  Standing in the bathroom now, holding this pregnancy test, and reading the results can’t help but remind me of the last time. Only this time, I’m even more nervous. How can that be? I’m an adult now. I won’t be looked at as another failed teenager. Now, I can actually take care of a baby and support it. So why am I more nervous? Because I’m afraid that if this test is negative, I’ll be letting Wyatt down. He missed this the first time and that was my fault. I was so scared he’d react badly that I took this away from him. All I want is to make him happy. I want to be his wife. I want to start our family.

  “Well? What’s it say?” he asks.

  “It’s negative,” I say, feeling a little let down myself.

  I see his shoulders visibly fall. We take a minute to wrap our heads around this. Then he pulls me against his chest. “It’s okay. I mean, you’ve only just stopped your pills. We have plenty of time,” he assures me.

  I didn’t consider until now that maybe my period is out of whack from stopping my pills. I nod my head. “I know. It’s not bad news. I was just . . . I don’t know.” I shake my head clear.

  “You’re let down?”

  I shrug. “Are you?”

  “No, you didn’t let me down. We will have a baby. When the time is right. Until then, we’ll plan our wedding. We’ll spend every day together, only falling more in love. A baby can wait. What can’t wait . . . is us getting married.”

  I look up at him and wrap my arms around his neck. “Let’s start planning it. We can do it this summer, though that only gives us a few months.”

  “I don’t care if we go to the courthouse. I just want you to be mine. I want you in my house—in my bed—every night.”

  “Well, now that Daddy is better, I could move in,” I offer as he walks me backward toward the bed.

  He nods his head as his lips meet mine. “I want to be wrapped up in you every single night for the rest of my life.”

  I giggle as his hands tickle my ribs and his lips find my neck.

  Suddenly, I’m no longer feeling let down. Now, I’m happy and excited about the future. We didn’t lose anything today. We gained.

  Wyatt and I talk to my parents about us getting married and how I’m going to go ahead and move in with him now that Daddy is up on his feet. Neither one of them has a negative thing to say. They’re both happy we’re finally taking the first step to spending the rest of our lives together. Wyatt helps me pack my clothes and the few bathroom items I have. Then we load everything into our cars and make the journey to his place—our place. Once inside, he sets down a box as I drop a bag of clothes onto the living room floor.

  “You officially live here,” he says, pulling me against him.

  I smile a wide grin I can’t hold back. “I do. We’re finally here.” I jump up, wrapping my legs around his hips, at which point he lays me down on the couch, covering my body with his.

  “What do you say we get to practicing?”

  “Practicing?” I ask.

  He nods. “We need to practice starting our family.”

  I laugh and smack his chest. “You’re so cheesy.”

  He kisses me with a smile in place.

  “Why don’t I go unpack and you can start dinner? Let’s unwind a little. Maybe after dinner, we can soak in the tub and share a bottle of wine. Make a whole evening out of it?”

  He scoffs. “Already making me work for it. I’ve heard married guys complain about their wives making them work for sex. It was free before,” he teases.

  I laugh. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet. I think I may need a pool out there. That would really score you some brownie points,” I tease.

  He swats at my ass as I run back outside to grab another load of stuff.

  I spend the rest of the day moving in. I hang my clothes in half the closet and spilt the drawer space. The bathroom counter is also divided. It seems Wyatt doesn’t have a lot of personal belongings anyway, so nearly everything was already half-empty. It’s like it’s been here this whole time, just waiting for me to fill it up. When I go downstairs, Wyatt is standing outside at the grill. I open the door and step out onto the patio. The smell of grilled meat hits me and my stomach does a flop. I quickly cover my mouth as a wave of nausea washes over me.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, suddenly alarmed.

  “I don’t know. I just feel kind of . . . sick.” I sit down on the patio chair and he comes to sit next to me.

  “Have you eaten today?”

  I shake my head. “I was too nervous this morning, and then we were busy packing and moving all afternoon.”

  “Maybe you just need to eat. The steaks are done and there’s salad in the house. Let’s try getting some food in your stomach.”

  I nod in agreement, but deep down, I wonder if that test was somehow wrong.

  We sit down in the kitchen and begin eating. I pick at my steak, but it doesn’t help my stomach. The grease just feels too heavy. I try nibbling on my roll and salad. While I eat, I can’t help but wonder about that test. Maybe it had expired? Maybe it was too early to take it? I mean, I am only a couple days late.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Wyatt asks, taking a sip of tea.

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I don’t feel great and I just have this persistent thought in the back of my mind—wondering if, in spite of the test, I really am pregnant. I mean, a lot of things can affect a pregnancy test. It said to use your first pee of the morning, and I didn’t do that. Or maybe it was just too early. Maybe I should give it a few d
ays and repeat the test again. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s worth a shot,” he agrees. “After we eat, I’ll go back and buy a couple more.”

  I nod, feeling nervous and scared all over again.

  “Oh, and Brennan had the baby!” he says, pulling out his phone and showing me the picture.

  The baby is adorable. He has Colton’s dark hair and dark eyes, but her pale skin, lips, and nose. It’s the perfect mix of the two of them. “He’s adorable,” I gush.

  He nods. “I bet ours will be cuter.”

  I laugh. “You’re horrible.” I shake my head.

  I pick at the rest of my dinner. I manage to get it down but it doesn’t settle well. It does help ease some of the sickness in my belly though. After we clean up, he grabs a glass of whiskey and I opt for some water, afraid that having a glass of wine will only upset my stomach more. Then we head upstairs. Wyatt fills the Jacuzzi tub with hot water and bath salts while I light a dozen candles and spread them around the room. Within minutes, the whole bathroom smells of lilac and jasmine. It’s comforting and soothing. Sliding down into the deep tub warms me and eases my sore, tired muscles. He slides in behind me and I rest my back against his chest. His strong arms wrap around me, his hands locking with mine.

  “Where do you want to go for our honeymoon?” he asks, his voice cutting through the silence and nearly making me jump.

  I giggle. “Is there someplace you haven’t been yet?”

  He laughs. “I’m not sure. Why?”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere that might result in us running into any of your old hookups. We’ve had enough of that drama with Ashely.”

  He lets out a deep laugh. “I don’t think you have to worry. Most of those girls were tourists and don’t actually live in those places.”

  “I want to go skiing. Some Hawaiian beach resort where we can spend all day on the slopes, and our nights cozied up by the fire.”

  “Mmm, that sounds good,” he says, pressing his lips to my shoulder.

  Wyatt and I spend the night in the Jacuzzi tub, holding each other, talking about our future, and laughing about old times. By the time we get out, I’m so relaxed that my body feels like jello. I dry off and he picks me up against him, carrying me to bed, where I curl myself around him and drift off into a deep sleep.

  The next week is painfully slow. My period still hasn’t started and I’ve had waves of nausea off and on. Wyatt begs me to take a test every day, but I always push it off another day—hoping that when I do eventually take it, the test will be positive.

  As Wyatt spends his days at the office, it leaves me with a lot of free time on my hands. My help isn’t needed as much at my parents’ house, and I quit the cleaning job when Daddy fell ill. I find I need something to do to keep my mind and hands busy. I try to keep myself occupied with housework and laundry, but that only lasts so long. I visit with Mama and help her in the garden. I talk with Daddy as we take our evening ride through the countryside. More than anything, I find that I need to get back to work—at least until Wyatt and I actually have a family.

  As I’m driving through town on my way to see Julie at the bakery, I notice a FOR SALE sign stuck in a store window. I pull the car to the side and climb out, peeking inside. I’ve always wanted my own store—a place where I could handpick every item. An idea hits me: I could open my own little boutique. I could sell women’s clothing, shoes, jewelry, and handbags. As I look into the store, the idea comes to life in front of my eyes. I head back to the car as my heart races with excitement.

  Sure, I’d need some money. Opening a store isn’t free and I’m not about to take money from Wyatt. But I happen to know that Mama and Daddy have had a stash hidden away for my wedding day. It was something they always wanted to do: pay for my wedding. Wyatt and I have talked many times and we don’t plan on having a big wedding. It probably won’t cost more than $500. That would leave me with enough for a down payment on the building. If I plan on staying here with Wyatt, I’m going to need something that occupies my time.

  When I pull up to the bakery, Julie is behind the counter. I rush up to her with a big smile. “I know what I’m going to do.”

  Her eyes are wide. “What?” She has no idea what I’m talking about.

  “I’m going to open a boutique here in town!”

  Her mouth drops as the corners turn upward into a smile. “That’s great!”

  I nod. “I can’t wait to tell Wyatt!” I lean against the counter as another wave of sickness washes over me. “Can I get a toasted bagel with butter and jelly, please?” I ask, needing something in my stomach.

  “Of course. You don’t look so good. Go sit down and I’ll bring it over,” Julie insists.

  I take a seat at one of the small wooden tables and will my stomach to stop doing flips. Minutes later, she places a bagel and a bottle of water in front of me, then sits down across from me.

  “What’s going on, Des?” Concern paints her face.

  “I may be pregnant,” I confess.

  “What?” she asks in a gasp, leaning forward as her eyes stretch wide and her mouth hangs open.

  I nod. “I took the test and it was negative, but I think it was too early or something. I haven’t repeated it yet.”

  “How long ago was that?”

  “About a week,” I answer, taking a sip of water.

  “How long are you going to wait?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I’m afraid it will be negative again. I just want to give it plenty of time.” I pick up half a bagel and take a bite.

  “You should take one every week.”

  “You think so?”

  She nods.

  As I eat my bagel, we talk about the boutique idea and all the things I’ll sell. Just the thought of running my own boutique excites me. It would finally give all the women in this town a local place to get cute outfits instead of having to drive an hour to the city, or wait for our slow mailman to deliver something. I’m not going to lie, it was rough growing up here and not having a shop stocked with chic things. By the end of high school, I felt like everyone had seen me in everything I owned. I know this boutique will be a hit and I can’t stop thinking about it as I head home.

  Wyatt is still at work when I arrive. I’m amped up and excited with thoughts of the future. I can’t sit still. I decide to listen to Julie and take another test. I know I said I’d wait for Wyatt, but maybe he won’t mind all that much. If it’s negative again, he won’t even know I took it, which takes a lot of the pressure off. And if it’s positive, then I get to surprise him with the news. He’ll be so happy, he won’t even care I took it without him. I head upstairs to the bathroom. With shaking hands, I grab the test out of the drawer and open the box.



  When I get home from work, I find Destiny in the kitchen, moving around and preparing dinner. I give her a kiss before running upstairs to shower and get into some comfier clothes. I wash off quickly and pull on a pair of basketball shorts and a T-shirt before heading back down to the kitchen. She’s just putting dinner on the table.

  She looks over at me with a smile. “How was work?”

  “Good,” I answer, walking toward her. I can’t resist the pull she has on me. I cup her face in my hands and pull her lips to mine, kissing her deeply. This is something I could get used to—coming home from work and finding her here, waiting for me.

  She pulls away. “Let’s sit down and eat. I have something to tell you.”

  Excitement fills me as I take a seat at the table. She comes over and starts making both our plates. I watch as she scoops out a big serving of spaghetti and places it onto my plate with a small salad and a slice of garlic bread. She takes her seat across from me.

  “So I was driving through town today and happened to notice that a small store on Main Street is up for sale.”

  I nod. “Oh yeah, I saw that. The old ice cream shop is finally being sold.” I roll my eyes. “About time. It hasn’
t been open since we were in kindergarten. What about it?”

  “I want to buy it!”

  I feel my brows pull together. “For what?”

  “Well, now that Daddy is back on his feet, I’ve been going crazy with boredom. I need something to fill my time. So I was thinking I could open a little boutique. I could sell women’s clothing, shoes, and accessories. I’m telling you, it would be great for this town. There’s no place for women to get a stunning outfit for a date or special occasion. Plus, it would probably make a killing with all the tourists Autumn’s B&B is bringing in.”

  I smile at how excited she is. This was always my plan. I always thought I’d be working away at the brewery and she’d be running her own business. I never saw her as someone who would sit behind a desk. I always knew she’d need her own place.

  I smile. “That’s a good idea.”

  Her eyes sparkle brightly. “Really? You think so?”

  I nod. “I do. I’ll have to look into how much the building is.”

  She smiles. “I already did. And I had it inspected.” She hands over a paper. “It’s old and has been closed down for a long time, but the owners always took care of repairs. Up until their passing a couple weeks ago, that is.”

  “Wow, you’ve really done your research,” I say, looking over the paper.

  “I have an appointment at the bank in the morning to see about getting a business loan.” She tears off a bit of bread and pops it into her mouth.

  “A business loan? Why would you need a loan? I have more than enough.”

  She tilts her head to the side. “I don’t want your money, Wyatt.”

  “We’re about to be married. It’s our money. And I’m more than happy to pay if it’ll make you happy. Plus, it’s highly unlikely the bank will give you a big enough loan. I’m always investing anyway. Consider this my investment in you—in our future.” I reach out and take her hand in mine.


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