Loves Me NOT: A Small Town, Second-Chance Romance (Slade Brothers Book 4)

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Loves Me NOT: A Small Town, Second-Chance Romance (Slade Brothers Book 4) Page 20

by Alexis Winter

  I shake my head. “Nope, that’s not me. That’s my dad and his anger issues. Better keep the whiskey away from him or we’re doomed for sure.”

  “Stop joking and help me,” Destiny says, exasperated.

  I move closer but have no idea how to help get a baby on a boob. Finally, he latches on and forgets all about the fuss he was making. The room grows silent once again. I finally feel like I can breathe and think. It looks like it’s going to be a long night ahead of us. Actually, I’m not sure how we’re going to manage without that magic call button.

  We’re in the hospital for a few days and the nurses help us with every little task. They show us how to bathe him, how to care for his umbilical cord, and how to get him to latch on correctly, plus they help with so much more. They get us anything we ask for. It makes me want to bring them home with us.

  But the day finally comes when it’s time for us to leave. As I put him in the car seat, worry suddenly falls over me. I can’t believe they’re just going to let us walk out of here with him. I mean, don’t they know we have no idea what we’re doing? But on the other hand, all my brothers are doing it just fine. I’m sure we’ll figure out this whole parenting thing. We just need time and practice.

  Walking into the house feels surreal. Destiny isn’t allowed to do much of anything, so I try to take care of everything that’s asked of me. I change his diapers and clothing. I make our dinner and clean up. I’m ready to fall over when I finally climb into bed beside her. Ethan is sound asleep in the bassinet beside the bed. I take a deep breath and sleep starts to take me. However, I hear that little warning signal and my eyes pop open.

  Destiny is still sound asleep. If I could, I’d feed the baby now just so I wouldn’t have to hear the loud scream that follows that whimper. But unfortunately, I don’t have breasts. He lets out a loud scream and her eyes pop open.

  “You need anything?” I ask as she sits up and picks up the baby. It’s only now I realize she doesn’t have a shirt or bra on. My eyes widen when I see her bare breasts and the way they’ve doubled in size since having Ethan.

  She shrugs. “Figured I’d save myself the trouble and just sleep topless.”

  I nod, understanding. But now I’m wide awake and wound tight, needing a release she can’t provide in her current state.

  “I’m going to take as shower real quick.” I kiss her head and move toward the bathroom where I shower off. When I walk back into the room, they’re both sound asleep.

  I breathe a sigh of relief as I take my spot beside her. I slide my arm up under her pillow and lie on my side, watching both of them sleep. Everything is perfect right now, in this moment. I have the love of my life and the most perfect son I could ever ask for. It’s crazy to think that all of this started with a single car ride. It’s crazy that all of this almost ended after a drunken mistake at senior prom. But now I know that it was all a part of our journey. It’s like God wanted to make sure we could handle everything thrown at us before granting us the best gifts of all: love, family, home.

  I always hated the thought of home before. When I thought of home, I thought of losing my mom as a child. I thought of an alcoholic father. I thought about losing the love of my life. But now I know that this, right here—her, him—they’re my home now. Home will forever be a place I crave and yearn for every time I have to leave. Home is now held close to my heart instead of being pushed to the back of my mind. Home is finally forever, and there’s no way I’m ever running again. Not unless I’m running toward it—toward her, them.

  Looking back now, it’s easy to put all the dots together. Looking forward back then, I knew what I wanted, but had no idea how to get it. But looking back, it all makes sense. We were placed here separately. Our path was to find each other, love each other, and overcome everything thrown our way. Once we did that, we were set.

  We finally have everything we wanted—everything we were born for. It’s been a long journey, but I’d do it 100 times over to get to where I am now. Destiny has always been the only woman I’ve ever loved, and now she’s mine to love forever. I don’t know what else the future holds for us, but I know that since we’ve made it through so much already, we can make it through anything. Together. In love. With this little family we’ve already started creating. Home.

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  If you LOVED Loves Me Not, be sure to check out Best Friend’s Sister HERE!

  * * *

  Get ready for Hudson's story! He's a good military man...wants to do what's right until he realizes his oh so tempting one night stand is his best friend's little sister...and she's far from done with him! Get ready for some off-limits fun!

  Best Friend’s Sister SNEAK PEEK

  Get ready for Hudson's story! He's a good military man...wants to do what's right until he realizes his oh so tempting one night stand is his best friend's little sister...and she's far from done with him! Get ready for some off-limits fun!

  Chapter 1


  “It’s good to see ya,” Drake says as he pulls me in for a hug.

  “Thanks for picking me up,” I reply, smacking him on the back as we pull apart.

  He’s wearing a wide smile, dark eyes shining with the bright summer sun. “Of course. You didn’t think I’d leave my little brother stranded at the airport, did ya?” He picks up my military-issued duffle and tosses it into the back of his truck.

  “Well, it was short notice.” I climb into the passenger seat.

  He gets behind the wheel and twists the key in the ignition. “What’s your plans now that you’ve been honorably discharged?”

  I take a deep breath and shrug. “No idea. I’ve been thinking about trying to get a job with the police or fire department.”

  “You know you always have a place at the brewery,” he offers.

  I nod. “I know, and I do plan on putting in some time there, but I need something with a little more…”

  “Danger?” He laughs out.

  I smirk. “I was thinking adventure.”

  He laughs. “Oh, right, right.” He nods along in agreement. “So, where ya staying?”

  Again, I have absolutely nothing planned out. “I figured I’d just crash at the motel or something.”

  “What? No way! You can stay at the house with me and Celeste.”

  “You got the room?”

  He nods. “Well, the spare bedroom is now Ty’s, but he usually sleeps in the bassinet in our room anyway. We can blow up an air mattress and throw it down on the floor.”

  “How is my little nephew?” I ask, suddenly realizing how much I’ve missed. I’m the only single guy in the family now, and if it’s up to me, it will stay that way for a while. I need to learn to be on my own. I went from living at home with Dad to the military. I’ve never gotten the chance to be an adult.

  “He’s good. Growing like a weed. In fact, you have a lot of new family to meet.”

  “I know. I mean, I’m gone for a couple of years and the next thing I know, every single one of my brothers is reproducing. Even Wyatt. I never saw that coming.”

  Drake laughs. “Yeah, neither did we. He was off the rails for a long time. But Destiny, she knows how to reel him in. So, you’ll stay with us?”

  I nod. “Yeah, for a little while. Just until I find a place of my own.”

  “You know, you could be like the rest of us and take your plot of land. Build something all your own.”

  “I plan to…one of these days. Right now, I just want to relax, unwind, and enjoy catching up with some friends. I want to make sure I want to stay here. I mean, Wyatt went out and traveled the world. I haven’t seen anything worth seeing.” I saw a lot of shit I wish I didn’t though. Most of it still gives me nightmares. Hopefully, I can keep them at bay.

  He reaches over and pats my shoulder. “You can stay as long as you’d like. And Colton insisted on fixing up this old truck for Celeste, but she won’t drive the thing. You can use it until you find something else, if you want.”

  I smile over at him. “Thanks, man. This was all so spur of the moment that I really haven’t had time to plan anything.”

  “No need to thank me. I’m just glad to finally have you back home.”

  The rest of the drive to his house is quiet. We talk here and there, but mostly, I just gaze out the window, noticing how much everything has changed since the last time I’ve been home. It seems like forever ago, even though it’s only been a few years.

  Drake points out Colton’s new house as we drive by, and he makes sure to show me the new addition to the brewery he’d built. He tells me about some of the goings-on at the brewery, but to be honest, that never interested me much. Growing up and being the youngest, I spent a lot of my time at the brewery with Dad. The other guys had already chased off most of the babysitters that Dad had hired, so when it came to me and Wyatt, there wasn’t anyone around. Dad had no other option but to take us to work with him. I think I spent more time at that brewery than I did our house. The day I was finally old enough to be trusted to stay home alone was a day I celebrated. I never had the heart to argue with Dad about going to the brewery. It was his life’s work. He worked so hard and he was so proud of the company’s growth. And whether I like to admit it or not, I’ve always been the type of person who kept my feelings inside. I’m not into sharing my emotions. I’ve always wanted to do what’s been asked of me and do the right thing. My brothers have always called me a suck-up when it came to Dad and a pushover when it came to everyone else. I just don’t have it in me to fight and argue. You’ll win every time simply because I don’t have any interest in being right or winning.

  When we pull into the drive, Celeste comes out holding a baby in her arms. She’s wearing a wide smile and waving, her blonde hair blowing in the light summer breeze. I’ve only met Celeste one time, but I remember her being kind and welcoming.

  “Are you sure she’s not going to have a problem with this?” I ask, opening my door to climb out.

  “Yes, it was her idea,” he says, stepping out and moving toward the back to get my bag.

  The two of us walk up to the porch. Celeste quickly kisses Drake before moving over to me. She gives me a one-armed hug as she holds the baby with the other.

  “It’s good to see you again,” she says, squeezing me tightly.

  I hug her gently, afraid of hurting the baby in her arms. “It’s nice to see you again too. How have you been? How’s this little guy?” I take his small hand in mine and shake it gently back and forth. He offers up a toothless grin.

  “Good, getting bigger every day. You guys hungry? Dinner is ready,” she says, looking between the two of us.

  I nod. “I’m starving. I haven’t eaten real food all day.”

  We all move into the house where the kitchen table is already set for three. In the center is a platter that holds grilled chicken that looks to be smothered in garlic butter. The chicken sits on a bed of mushrooms and onions. There’s mashed potatoes, some fresh vegetables, and dinner rolls. Just smelling the food makes my mouth water. I can’t tell you the last time I was able to just sit down and eat good food with good company.

  Celeste goes to lay the baby down while Drake and I start making our plates.

  “This all smells delicious,” I say, scooping out a big portion of mashed potatoes.

  He laughs as he watches me. “Been a while since you ate real food, huh?”

  “That’s okay, Hudson. You eat all that you can handle,” Celeste says, taking her seat between Drake and me.

  I offer her a kind smile. “Thank you, Celeste.” I shoot Drake a look that causes him to laugh.

  Once I have my plate made, I sit down and start eating. Being in the military, I’m used to scarfing it down. I’ve done it so long now that I don’t know how to eat at a normal pace anymore. When I look up, Celeste and Drake are both starting at me.

  “What?” I ask, mouth full of food as I look down at my nearly empty plate and then to their full ones. “Oh, I forgot I’m not in the mess hall. Sorry.” I forced myself to swallow the food in my mouth.

  Celeste, being the sweet, kindhearted woman she is, offers a smile. “You’re just fine, Hudson. I’m sure all you need is just time to adjust to this new life. What do you plan on doing next?” She places the smallest bit of chicken in her mouth.

  I wipe my mouth with the cloth napkin on my lap and take a drink of the beer I was given. I shrug. “I honestly have no idea just yet. I wasn’t exactly planning this. I mean, in a weird way, it feels like I just got out of high school and I’m trying to pick a path all over again. I never thought I’d be out of the military this early in my life.”

  She nods, understanding. “Well, I’m sure Drake has something for you down at the brewery,” she offers.

  Drake speaks up. “I already offered. Hudson needs something a little more, what word did you use? Adventurous,” he says, the corners of his mouth lifting upward.

  Celeste lets out a giggle. “I’m sure sitting behind a desk doesn’t seem like much fun compared to dodging bullets as they whiz by your head.”

  “I’m just…very active. I’m not good when it comes to sitting down for a long period of time and having to concentrate on paperwork. In fact, I think I’m going to go for a jog. That was a long ride home. I can’t remember the last time I sat still this long. Thanks for dinner, Celeste. It was delicious,” I say, standing and pushing my chair back.

  I grab my bag out of the living room floor, and Drake points me in the direction of my room. I walk into the room and close the door behind me, breathing in a deep breath of relief. I look around the room to find everything set up for a nursery. There’s a crib, changing table, rocking chair, and more stuffed animals than any one kid needs. Looking around this room only confirms my thoughts. I shouldn’t be here. This is Drake’s life, his family. I need to find my own place, my own life.

  I quickly change into a pair of basketball shorts and tennis shoes. I hook up my wireless earbuds and slip my phone into my pocket with loud music blaring. On the porch, I take a minute to stretch before pushing myself forward.

  As I jog down the old gravel road, I start to relax. As my lungs work for oxygen, my heart beats faster and faster. This is how I like to live my life. Fast. Alone. Nothing is standing in my way, and I’m not standing in anyone else’s way. There’s no one to answer to. No one to worry about. It’s just me, the road, and the sound of my heart.

  My first order of business will be to find myself a place to live. I don’t like bumming off my brothers. I don’t like feeling like I’m interrupting their lives. I need to find my own place, my own way.

  A car speeds past me, and I don’t think anything of it until I see the car stop up ahead. I continue on with my jog until I come to a stop at the open passenger side window. I bend down, wondering if whoever is driving is okay.

  “Hudson?” a guy’s voice asks.

  My eyes lock with Brad Olsen, an old pal of mine. I smile wide. “Hey, man! What have you been up to?”

  He laughs as he throws the car in park and gets out. He heads around the front of the car where we meet for a handshake and a hug.

  “I can’t believe you’re back here! Where ya been? How’a been?” He runs his hand through his dark hair, pushing it away from his forehead.

  I nod. “I’m good. I was just discharged, so I came back home to pick up where I left off. How’a bout you? Last I heard from you, your mom was moving your family upstate.” That was when we were still in high school. I had no idea he’d moved back.

  “I’m good,” he says, nodding his head. “I moved back a few months ago. Got a job at the brewery. I got an apartment in town. Where you staying?”

  “I just got back today, so I’m crashing with my brother until I find a place.”

  “I got an extra room if you want it. I’ve been looking for a roommate, but most of the guys I work with already have a place. I don’t know many people in town anymore.” He slides his hands into his jean pockets. The action only draws
my attention to the fresh ink on his tanned arms.

  I want to ask about them, but figure now isn’t the time. It seems that Brad has changed quite a bit over the years. The Brad I knew was a straight-A student. He didn’t have many friends and never got in trouble. He was in charge of all the academic clubs and always made honor roll. I thought he would’ve gone to college and been sitting at the top of a skyscraper by now, not standing in this small town, working for my brother, and covered in ink.

  “Yeah? You care if I swing by tomorrow? Check it out?”

  “Yeah, man. Absolutely. I work the midnight shift at the brewery, so you could swing by around three in the afternoon after I wake up?”

  I smile and nod. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

  “Let me get your number and I’ll text you the address.”

  We quickly exchange numbers before we go our separate ways. I turn around and jog back to Drake’s as he climbs behind the wheel and heads toward town.

  It’s going on eight when I make it back. The house is quiet, with the two of them cuddled up on the couch. Drake asks if I want to join them to watch TV, but I turn them down, opting to take a shower to get out of the house for a little while. As long as I’m staying here, I’m going to try to be as scarce as possible. I don’t want to cramp their style. The less they see of me, the better.

  I shower quickly, then pull on a pair of jeans, my boots, and an old fitted T-shirt before climbing behind the wheel of the beat-up truck. The engine turns over with the first try, the roar cutting through the silence of the evening. I pray that the loud motor doesn’t wake the baby, so I back out of the drive as fast as possible.

  I roll the windows down and let the country air blow through the cab of the truck. With every bump of the gravel road, the body squeaks and squeals. The scent of honeysuckle fills my nose, mixing with the smell of the dry earth and sunbaked asphalt.


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