Holding on to Forever

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Holding on to Forever Page 5

by Davis, Siobhan

  Wes’s jaw tenses, and he murmurs something under his breath. Plastering the fakest smile on his face, he turns to the girl, winding one hand into her hair. “Changed my mind, babe.” He pecks her lips. “I was just asking if anyone had seen you.” She notices us for the first time, blatantly eyeing Scar, and then me, from head to toe. A satisfied grin slips over her mouth as she instantly dismisses us as competition, and I release the breath I’d been holding.

  Maybe I can get rid of the asshole without publicly challenging him. Blondie showing up like this has done me a huge favor.

  Scar flinches, steam practically billowing out of her ears at Blondie’s quick dismissal, and her claws reappear. I brace myself for it. “Aw, how cute,” she deadpans, planting her hands on her hips. “Barbie’s finally found her Ken.”

  Blondie narrows her eyes to slits. “And has the junkie slut found a loser boyfriend yet, or has every guy here already used your skank ass?”

  Wes chuckles. “Play nice, darling. It’s not Scarlett’s fault she came out of the womb with her legs automatically open.”

  “Is that the excuse you use every time you open your mouth and shit spills out?” I snap, pissed on my friend’s behalf.

  “Wow, Emily. I wonder what your parents would think of your foul mouth?” It’s a veiled threat, and it should force me to back down, but the alcohol in my system is making me recklessly brave.

  I step up to him. “I wonder what yours would think of your blackmailing ways, asshole.” I pin my eyes on the blonde clinging to his side. “Or maybe I should have a private conversation with your girlfriend.”

  Wes’s fists clench at his sides, and his eyes flash with dark warning as he leans in close to my ear. “Careful, slut. I like your fire, but push me too hard, and I’ll push back even harder. It won’t be pretty.”

  Adam’s body tenses, his intense green eyes shooting daggers at Wes, and I wonder how much of that he overheard. “It’s time for you to leave. Both of you.”

  Wes snarls, ready to spit venom at Adam, because he doesn’t like being told what to do. He pushes his face all up in Adam’s personal space. They are not quite eye to eye, because Wes is a few inches shorter than Adam, something I’m sure pisses him off.

  Scar is fuming, nostrils flaring, and she’s got a familiar manic look in her eye. She obviously overheard him threatening me too, and she won’t forget his insult on her character in a hurry either. She steps forward. “You fucking—”

  Zach appears out of nowhere, clamping his hand over Scar’s mouth. “Take your piece of ass and get lost, Wes.”

  Wes looks Zach up and down with obvious derision. “What the fuck happened to you McCartney? You might still dress the part, but you look like fucking shit, man.”

  “Think what you like. I’ve zero shits to give, Blakely.” His sharp glare dares Wes to challenge him. “Just fuck off and leave the girls alone.”

  “You heard the guy,” Adam says through gritted teeth.

  Wes pins me with a menacing look, one that promises retribution. “We were just leaving.” He slings his arm around Blondie’s shoulder, keeping his gaze locked on mine, ensuring I understand there will be payback for this. A shiver works its way through me, and Adam wraps his other arm around my waist, repositioning me, so I’m encased in his protective embrace with my back to his front. I shouldn’t allow him to hold me like this, but it’s been a long time since anyone has made me feel safe in their arms, and I’m not immune.

  Wes casts one final derogatory look our way before sauntering off with his girl. My entire body slumps in relief, and Adam’s hold tightens.

  “What the fuck was all that about?” Zach asks. “And what the hell are you doing here?” He eyeballs Adam.

  Shifting his eyes around the room, Adam’s strong jaw becomes stone. “Partying like you,” he says in a low tone, conducting another sweep of the room.

  Zach regards him cautiously, unsure what to make of him.

  A tall muscular blond struts up, cautiously assessing the stare down between Adam and Zach. “Hey, hoss. Everything okay?” He directs his question at Adam.

  Scarlett and I exchange a wide-eyed look, realizing he’s one of the guys we were ogling from behind.

  Adam nods once to his friend. “Zach and I are cool, right?” Adam is strung tight as a violin string as he drills a look at Zach.

  Zach bobs his head, knowing it’s in our best interest to keep Adam’s identity secret.

  The blond dude lets out a sigh. “Good, because Coach Parker would have our asses if we got into a brawl.” With the threat of a potential fight gone, he regards Scarlett with interest. “Hi, I’m Carter.” He flashes her a blinding smile, but she ignores him, because she’s too busy watching me.

  It takes me a second to register the name Coach Parker, and I glance up at Adam, catching my first proper look. He’s the other guy who was standing next to the blond dude in the corner. These are the guys I’d correctly guessed are footballers.

  I can usually spot them from a mile away.

  Immediately, I wriggle out of his embrace, and he frowns as he lets me go.

  A petite brunette sashays up with wide brown eyes only for Carter. “There you are.”

  Carter drapes his arm around her, and she snuggles into his embrace. “Don’t leave without me, hoss.” He dips his chin at Adam, and salutes Scar and me, before disappearing in the direction of the bar with the brunette on his arm.

  “Emily, could we go somewhere quieter to talk?” Adam asks, in a husky voice that reaches hidden parts of me.

  “We can talk here.” We need to have a convo to ensure we’re both on the same page, but I’m not keen on leaving with him.

  I don’t know him.

  Don’t know his agenda.

  And while he seems like an okay guy, and he’s on my dad’s team, I’ve learned to be on my guard when it comes to strange men.

  He addressed me by my first name, so one of his football buddies must’ve recognized me and told Adam before he made his approach. Or maybe he knew who I was last night but didn’t say anything. Or he has no clue I’m the coach’s daughter, and he just wants to ensure my discretion. Whatever the reason, we need to agree to keep the details of our dealings a secret.

  “It’s too open here,” he replies. “I promise you’re safe with me.”

  “Says the serial killer to his next victim.” I fold my arms around my waist, thrusting my chest up in the process, noticing how his eyes automatically lower to my tits. “And ogling my tits doesn’t help your case.”

  He has the decency to look ashamed. “I apologize.” He clears his throat. “But you are safe with me. Zach has my number, and as Carter pointed out, I play for Coach Parker. Would I be so forthcoming if I meant you any harm?”

  “Okay,” I eventually concede, because he’s made some good points, and we need to discuss how we’re going to handle things going forward.

  “Em.” Zach’s worried tone is clear in the extreme. “Are you sure you want to go off with him?”

  “We need to talk.” I pin him with a knowing look. “Besides, my dad is his coach.” I mention that on purpose to gauge Adam’s reaction. His wide-eyed shell-shocked look tells me he didn’t know I was Coach’s daughter. Carter didn’t give me the vibe that he knew either, or if he does, he wears a great poker face. “I appreciate your concern, Zach, but I’ve got this.”

  Scar clutches onto Zach’s arm. “You know I’m a good judge of character,” she says, eyeing Adam circumspectly. “She’ll be fine.”

  Zach levels Adam with a menacing glare. “Hurt her and you’ll have me to deal with.”

  “Your boyfriend can come too,” Adam coolly replies, looking directly at me.

  “He’s not my boyfriend. Just a friend,” I admit although I’m unsure why. It might’ve been smarter to let him think that.

  Zach’s mouth tugs up at the corners, and I sense he’s going to say something I won’t like. I send pointed ”shut up” vibes in his direction, and he chuck
les. He kisses the top of my head, sneaking a cheeky feel of my ass. “Call me later, and we can hang out.”

  That’s code for get high and fuck our brains out.

  After the way Wes hijacked tonight, I desperately need both, so I give him a curt nod before I let Adam lead me outside, pretending I don’t see the confused expression on his handsome face.



  My head is swimming as I usher Emily through the throng of bodies, packed in the frat house like sardines, with one hand on her lower back.

  What the fuck is on repeat in my head as I replay the last ten minutes, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. First, I spotted Zach grabbing her ass. He was trying to be subtle, but I notice everything. He may not be her boyfriend, but they have something going on.

  Second, I’ve just discovered Emily is Coach Parker’s daughter.

  Again, what the fuck?

  Coach will have my balls skewered, grilled, and diced if he discovers I sold Molly to his little girl. And let’s not mention the fact I haven’t been able to get her out of my mind since I met her. Coach doesn’t talk about his family much, but I knew he had a kid. But not one who attends Cypress, and sure as fuck, not one who is beautiful, sexy, and downright breathtaking.

  Suddenly, I’m picturing her and me naked.

  And my cock is straining against my zipper again.

  I don’t know what it is about this girl, but one look, one visual, and I’m hard as a brick for her.

  The scent of rain lingers in the air as we step outside onto the massive porch of the plantation style frat house.

  Emily purposely moves away from me, and my hand drops to my side, the loss of contact breaking me out of the spell she has me under.

  “So, let’s hear it.” Her voice is sultry, lyrical, and it only intensifies the lust already flooding my body. Add that to the way she’s standing with her hands on her hips, eyes narrowed, and chin up, oozing ”don’t mess with me” vibes, and I’m pretty much a lost cause.

  “Coach’s daughter, huh?” My tone is even as I study those ocean-blue eyes. Up close they’re even more mesmerizing, and I could easily get lost in her gaze. She strikes me as the sort of girl who isn’t aware of how captivating she is. Not like a lot of pretty girls on this campus who flaunt it excessively any chance they get. And don’t get me started on the jersey chasers who make a beeline for athletes on this campus. I can usually spot them a mile away, and I always steer clear.

  She casually lifts a bare shoulder, quietly assessing me. The way her black dress is clinging to her curves isn’t helping me tame the beast raging to get free in my jeans.

  “We both have a vested interest in keeping our dealings secret.” She’s ballsy. I like that.

  I have my own concerns for sure. I flick my head at the street ahead. “Let’s take a walk?” We don’t need prying eyes or big ears.

  And I need to do something to distract myself from what you’re doing to me.

  I can’t afford to have someone discover I’m dealing drugs. Coach will kick me off the team, I’ll lose my scholarship, and my chances to get drafted in the NFL will be shot to shit.

  I’m sure she doesn’t want anyone knowing she’s into drugs. Especially not her parents, so we’ve a mutual interest in keeping it a secret.

  She sashays her sweet hips down the porch steps, and I’m trapped in her snare again. My attention is riveted on her until I remember that fuckwad, Wes. It didn’t seem like he wanted to take no for an answer. I subtly scan the area, because I wouldn’t put it past that fucker to hide in the shadows.

  It was Garrett—our wide receiver—who pointed out what was going down between Wes and Emily. As soon as I turned around and saw it was her, I wasted no time shoving my way through the crowd, ready to throttle the asshole. I usually don’t get involved in other people’s business, but one thing I can’t stand is when guys think they can push around a girl. Fucking drives me insane. And Wes has a rep around campus that isn’t pleasant. Can’t understand how girls fall at his feet the way they do, knowing the rumors, but some girls will deliberately turn a blind eye for the enhanced social standing. Can’t say I understand that mind-set, but it’s the way the world works around here.

  Emily doesn’t have that mentality. She clearly didn’t want to go with him, and my instincts are working overtime trying to figure out what’s going on there.

  I was semi-stoked when Zach stepped in. Not that I have a problem ramming my fist into Wes’s nose, but I can’t make a big scene. Coach would go ballistic if any of the guys on the team got into a fight, and at a frat party no less. But I wasn’t about to let Emily or her friend get hurt, and I was prepared to suffer the consequences, if it came down to it. Surely, Coach would understand since Emily is his daughter.

  Several partygoers are hanging around outside as we walk away from the house. Chatter pierces the night air. A couple making out is panting like they’re two seconds away from stripping their clothes off and fucking right here on the front lawn, and two girls leaning against the far wall are giggling over something their guy friend is saying.

  But none of them are Wes.

  And I don’t spot the blonde he left with either, so hopefully that means they’re gone.

  Emily is about ten feet ahead when she tosses a sexy smile over her shoulder. “You coming or what, big guy?”

  I don’t think she’s being flirtatious on purpose, but I’m taking the wins where I can get them. Heat blossoms in my chest, and my legs kick into gear. I’m about to catch up to her when Carter shouts my name.

  Shit. Emily has my brain on overdrive in more ways than one, because I forgot about Carter. I’m surprised he’s looking for me when he’s with the brunette. She’s the same girl he eye-fucked at practice and the same one who got escorted out by security, but she’s nowhere in sight now, so he obviously left her inside.

  “You need a minute?” Emily asks.

  “I won’t be long.”

  “’Kay.” She takes her phone out of her purse and ambles down to the sidewalk.

  My gaze lingers on her for a long minute and then I do another quick sweep of the area, to ensure it’s safe for her to stand by herself. We’re surrounded by frat houses with another party going on across the street, and I don’t spot any threats.

  Carter settles in front of me. “I told you not to leave without me. What’s going on, man?” He peeks around me, shaking his head. “Leaving with Coach’s daughter is not a good idea.”

  No shit, Sherlock.

  “Did you know who she was when we were inside?”

  “Nah, man. Rachel told me when we went to the bar. That’s one of the reasons I’m chasing your ass.”

  I shove my fingers through my hair. “Well, did you know he had a daughter at Cypress?”

  Carter pushes out a shoulder. “Coach only talks about football. His private life is off-limits. You know that, but the gossip mill is alive and well, and I’d heard rumors he had a daughter here.”

  Private, I can understand. I still question why he doesn’t have pictures of his family in his office, as it’s usually the norm. I keep a picture of Mom and Phoebe on my desk in my dorm room.

  “Interesting.” I lift my head, checking on Emily. She’s talking on her phone but looking up at me, and I can’t help smiling.

  Carter shakes his head again, groaning. “You hardly go to parties, and when you do, you capture the attention of the hottest chick south of the Mason-Dixon line.”

  I chuckle. “You’re jealous.”

  He bites his lip. “Maybe. Or maybe I realize it’s a shitshow in the making, and I’m glad I’m nowhere near it.” He sends me a pointed look. “She’s as off-limits as they come, dude. Besides, the night is still young, and we’re celebrating our big win today.”

  It was a fan-fucking-tastic win. The score came down to the last second when Garrett caught the ball in the end zone. That put a smile on Coach’s face and mine too. After that loss last weekend, we needed this

  “I’m not feeling it. Sorry, dude.”

  “Aw, c’mon.” He thumps me in the shoulder. “You can’t fuck off now. Bring Emily with. I’ll get Rachel, and Garrett is hooking up with a redhead.”

  I blow out a breath. My body is saying hell yeah, but my brain isn’t. She and I need to talk. I don’t think she will go for it either. She squirmed out of my hold so darn fast when she realized I played for her old man.

  “Don’t wait on me. Go and get laid.”

  He waggles his eyebrows. “I intend to. You have condoms?”

  “This isn’t my first rodeo, hoss.” I level him with an amused grin. Does he think I’m inexperienced because I don’t screw every female with a pulse? I know what I’m doing. I’m just a lot less vocal about my sexcapades than Carter is. “And we’re only talking.” I don’t want him believing I’m about to fuck the coach’s daughter. Rumors spread like wildfire on campus, and I need that rumor like a hole in the head.

  He angles his head, and strands of his blond hair fall forward. “Talk? You can talk at the party.”

  Eh, no. But I’m not about to tell him Emily’s a client of mine and this conversation has to happen in private.

  “I’m sure Rachel is looking for you,” I say as I start to walk away. “I’ll text you in a bit.”

  Carter doesn’t argue, grinning as he walks backward with a shit-eating grin on his face. Maybe the part about Rachel looking for him, or the fact Emily just called my name, is the reason he doesn’t give me any more flak.

  Or he thinks I’m full of shit, which is probably more like it.

  I strut up to Emily as she drops her phone back in her purse.

  “You up for an ice cream? I know this small shop that stays open late. My sister loves the place.” Whenever Mom and Phoebe come down to see me, I take them to Charlie’s Sprinkles and Cream. Phoebe loves the sprinkles, which consist of gummy bears and Swedish fish, which happen to be two of her favorites.

  She shoots me a funny look. “This isn’t a date.”


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