Holding on to Forever

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Holding on to Forever Page 27

by Davis, Siobhan

  But my relief is short-lived when one of our guys tackles the linebacker.

  One minute to go with the ball on the forty-yard line. Our opponents can run the play or attempt a field goal, which is three points, to tie the game.

  I leave the field as our defensive line goes in.

  Coach sends me a glare, but I ignore him as I drop down on the bench. All I can do now is wait. If our opponents score a touchdown and win the game, then I’m off the hook, knowing I didn’t get sacked intentionally. Still, I feel like a loser.

  But the minute proves to be nail-biting when the team decides to go for the touchdown, and just as the clock ticks down to zero, the quarterback launches the ball.

  The entire stadium is on pins and needles, watching, waiting, and not breathing.

  Our bench of guys is on their feet as the quarterback throws, the ball spiraling down toward the end zone where their wide receiver is open.

  As the ball starts to drop, one of our guys comes out of nowhere and dives for the wide receiver and tackles him before he can catch the ball.

  The crowd lets out an audible sigh before the Cypress U fans start cheering and shouting.

  I drop my head in my hands, and it’s the first time in my life I’m gutted we won a game.



  I keep my smile plastered on my face as I watch my father cross the visitor’s room toward me, hiding my disappointment. We are only allowed one monthly visit, and as this is my first one, I was hoping Adam would come too. But Dad is alone, and I’m trying not to read too much into that.

  Shutting off the outside world is part of my recovery plan, so my cell was taken the minute I stepped foot in the facility, and I haven’t spoken to Adam since the day I left. I have no clue what’s going on with him. He promised me he’d wait, but what if he’s already decided I’m too much trouble? What if he’s already found someone else? Thoughts of his strong arms around me is the only thing keeping me going some days, and the notion I might lose him eats away at me on lonely nights.

  “Hey, princess.” Dad bundles me into his arms. “How are you?” He holds me at arm’s length, examining me closely.

  “I’m okay,” I admit, tugging on his arm and bringing him out to the sunroom. We claim seats in the far corner where it’s quieter and more private. “It was really rough the first couple weeks but it’s getting better.” Going cold turkey is never easy, but this isn’t my first rodeo. Besides, I can handle the physical symptoms.

  The emotional ones are harder to deal with.

  Especially now I’m openly talking about the rape and how it made me feel. My relationship with my parents, in particular Mom, is also a hot topic of discussion as it’s all tied up together. Not that I’m blaming them, but if they’d been more present in my life, I might have told them about the rape when it happened. The fact I felt I couldn’t only added to my pain, and I’m trying to work through all my feelings retrospectively.

  I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve cried myself to sleep or woken up in a cold sweat after hideous nightmares.

  “Your psychologist called me. She wants me to attend a therapy session with you next week.”

  I nod, knotting my hands in my lap. “She wanted a family session, but I explained about Mom.” I peer into his hazel eyes. “I assume she’s still missing.”

  Dad nods, crossing one leg over the other. “They were spotted in Europe, and Interpol went after them, but they managed to escape before they caught up to them. But, it’s only a matter of time. They can’t run forever.”

  “I can’t believe she chose him over me,” I admit, hating that a small part of me hurts. You’d think I’d be used to her rejection by now.

  “Your mother has always been a vain, self-obsessed, selfish bitch. I thought I was doing the right thing marrying her when she got pregnant, but I would’ve been better taking full custody of you and raising you myself.”

  I lean forward, taking his large hands in mine. “Don’t do that, Dad. It’s not your fault. And I’m learning that there’s no point continuously looking back except to examine any important lessons. To ensure we don’t make the same mistakes.”

  A wide smile graces his mouth as he tweaks my nose. “There she is. My smart, insightful, compassionate, beautiful daughter.”

  I wrap my arms around him in a hug. Just because I feel like it and I can.

  He clears his throat after a bit, straightening up, and I sit back in my chair, quirking a brow in silent question.

  “Your psychologist said it was okay to talk to you about this. That it’s better to be open than to continue to keep secrets. She believes you are strong enough to handle what I have to say.”

  Now, I’m curious. “Okay. Let’s hear it.”

  He runs a finger along the collar of his shirt, looking decidedly uncomfortable.

  “Dad.” I place my hand on his knee. “No judgment. Just support. Remember?” I pat his knee. “It works both ways, so spit it out.”

  “I’m gay,” he blurts, and I almost fall off my chair.

  “Uh, I wasn’t expecting that,” I truthfully admit. “But it’s cool.” It’s not a lie. I mean, I’m shocked as shit, but I’ve always been a firm believer you should stay true to yourself. “Have you always known?”

  “Yes, but it took me a long time to accept it. I spent a lot of years in denial.”

  “So how did you end up with Mom?”

  He sighs, rubbing a spot between his brows. “I dated a lot of women while I was in denial. Your mom was like no other woman I’d met, and she intrigued me. Of course, I didn’t realize she was a cold, calculating bitch until it was far too late.” He leans forward a little. “But I don’t regret it, because she gave me you, and you’re the most precious thing in my life.”

  “I love you too, Dad,” I choke out. “And I want you to be happy. You’ve spent years miserable with Carole. You deserve some love in your life. And I don’t care if that’s with a man. I honestly don’t.”

  Tears well in his eyes. “You mean that, honey?”

  I pat his knee again. “One hundred percent, Dad.” I wet my dry lips. “So, eh, is there someone you love?”

  He nods, and his eyes light up. “It’s Tom. Tom Price.”

  “Coach Price?” I squeak.

  “Yes.” He shuffles nervously on his seat. “Your mother wasn’t the only cheater in our relationship.” At least he has the decency to look ashamed. “I’ve been involved with Tom, on and off, for the last two years. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been so distracted. Why I didn’t notice what was going on with you.” Remorse is etched upon his face. “But I promise that’s not going to happen again.” He cups my face. “You come first, Emily. You will always come first.”

  “It’s okay, Dad. I can share you.” Tears prick my eyes as a giggle travels up my throat.

  “You’re genuinely okay with it?” His hopeful expression warms my heart.

  “Absolutely, and I look forward to getting to know him better.” Tom attended a couple of my mother’s stuffy dinner parties the last couple years, and he always went out of his way to talk with me. Guess now I understand the interest. “He’s pretty hot,” I add, grinning. “Way to go, Dad.”

  “Okay, now, I’m uncomfortable.” He says it, but he’s grinning too, so I don’t think he’s that uncomfortable.

  “Where’s Adam?” I ask, unable to hold the question in any longer. “I hoped he’d be with you.”

  “He had planned to come, but there’s been some developments with Ray Diaz, and he’s helping the cops with their investigation.”

  My jaw drops to the floor. “Come again?”

  He scrubs a hand along his smooth jaw. “Ray tried to blackmail Adam into throwing the game last weekend, and he almost succeeded.” His jaw tenses. “He threatened you and Phoebe and Adam’s mom.”

  A shocked gasp leaves my mouth, and my stomach churns unpleasantly.

  “But Sam rode to the rescue. He trapped Ray into admitting
his plan, and he recorded it on his cell. Turns out, he’d already hacked into Ray’s computers and was building a case file. Sam wanted to wait until he had enough to destroy him.” Dad laces his fingers in mine. “But Adam couldn’t wait any longer. Not after Ray threatened the lives of his loved ones, so he took the evidence Sam had collected and went to the cops, making a full confession.”

  “Oh my God.” I pull my hand to my mouth, and terror has a vise grip on my heart. “But they’ll arrest him for selling drugs!”

  Dad shakes his head. “Honey, relax. It’s not like that. Although they’ve asked him not to leave town while they investigate, they aren’t going to arrest him. He’ll get off with a warning in exchange for testifying against Ray.”

  Tears spill down my cheeks. “I can’t believe he turned himself in like that. What about football? And school? He’ll lose everything.”

  Dad cocks his head to the side. “Not necessarily. He’s suspended from the team, which may or may not be permanent. I’ve put in a good word for him, and we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. But even if he loses his place on the team and his scholarship, he still has the things that are most important.” He cups my face again. “His health. And you and his mom and sister.” He presses his forehead to mine. “It took me a long time to realize that the people in your life are the only things that matter in this world.” He smooths a hand down the back of my hair. “Adam is smarter, because he’s already figured that out.”

  A sob bubbles up my throat.

  “Everything will work out, Emily. I have one of the best attorneys working with Adam, and I’ll do everything in my power to help him. For now, you concentrate on you, because he’s going to need you to support him, and I know you want to be there for him.”

  “I do, Dad.” I sit back. “I love him, and I’m not going to let him down.”

  * * *

  It’s two days before Christmas, and I’m going home. The doctors are delighted with my progress, and they’ve agreed to release me provided I continue the program on an outpatient basis at a treatment center closer to home. I’m standing in the lobby, waiting for Dad to arrive, when the most beautiful sight appears in my line of vision. Tears immediately sting the backs of my retinas, and I drop my bag, blinking repeatedly, wondering if my eyes are deceiving me.

  His happy smile sends a rush of butterflies racing around my chest, and my legs are on the move before I’ve even registered the motion. Adam runs toward me, and we collide in a tangle of arms and lips and tongues, and I could happily die in his arms and not regret a single thing.

  We kiss and kiss, over and over, and I’m sure we’re drawing attention, but I have zero fucks to give. Since Dad’s last visit, two weeks ago, when he came for the family therapy session, I’ve been on edge, worrying obsessively about my boyfriend. Dad told me his attorney was negotiating a deal, but I’ve had no word since, and I didn’t know if it was successful.

  “I love you,” I rasp when we finally pull our mouths apart. “And I’ve been so worried.” I clutch onto his beefy arms, loving the feel of his muscles under my fingertips. “What happened?”

  He reels me into a mammoth hug. “I love you too, and I’ll tell you in the car. Just let me hug you. I’ve missed holding you.”

  We hug it out for ages, and I relish every single, delicious second of being back in his loving embrace.

  When we break apart this time, he takes my hand, walking over to where I left my bag and my case, lifting them one-handed as if they weigh nothing. “You need to sign anything or say goodbye to anyone?” he asks.

  I snuggle into his side. “Nope. I’m all done.”

  “Let’s get the hell out of here then.”

  “So, tell me what’s going on?” I ask, a few minutes later when we’re situated in Adam’s truck en route home.

  “Tell me about you first,” he says, reaching across the console to brush my cheek. He hasn’t stopped touching me, and I love it. “Are you doing okay? You sure you’re ready to come home now? I don’t want you rushing the decision because of me.”

  I lean up on my knees, tracing my fingers over the velvety-soft hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m doing really good.” I smile at him. “I’ve still a long way to go, and I’m going to need regular therapy, probably for the rest of my life, but for the first time in years, I feel hopeful for the future. Hopeful that I’ve turned a corner and put the past in the past.”

  I rest my head on his shoulder. “You’re a big part of that, but I’ve got to do this for myself, so the answer to your question is yes, I’m ready, and no, I’m not rushing it on your behalf.” I lift my head, pressing my lips to the underside of his neck, closing my eyes and inhaling his masculine scent. “I can’t believe you turned yourself in,” I admit. “Why did you do it?”

  He chews on his lip for a second, and I watch absently out the window as we join the line of traffic in the left lane of the highway.

  “I did it to protect everyone I love,” he finally admits, pressing a kiss to the top of my head when I turn around to face him. The traffic is at a standstill, so he puts the truck in park. “Even if I had thrown the game, Ray would never have stopped. He would’ve always been a threat.”

  “And?” Because I’m sensing there’s more.

  “You were dealing with your demons, so it was time I dealt with mine.”

  “But football and your scholarship…”

  He shrugs. “It’s all still up in the air, but they don’t matter in the bigger picture. Maybe I was never meant for the NFL.” He kicks the engine into gear as the traffic starts moving. “The choices I’ve made have led me here so I can’t blame anyone but myself.”

  “I’m sorry.” I lift my head, palming one side of his face. I’m having a hard time not touching him too.

  “Don’t be, babe. It’s all good. Ray is going down, and I won’t have to do any time.” He kisses my temple. “As long as Phoebe is healthy, Mom isn’t stressing out, and I’ve got you by my side, I can conquer mountains.”

  I beam at him, reaching around to peck his lips quickly. “You have me, Adam. You’re stuck with me now.” I laugh, and he grins. “Nothing or no one is taking me away from you again.”


  Adam - Epilogue

  Breathing in the salt air, I stand on the balcony of our condo and watch the waves crash along the shore. The sun is barely up, but I love this time of morning when the world is still asleep and it’s peaceful and quiet. I often get up before Em and come out here and let my mind wander.

  It’s been a year since I lost my scholarship and left Cypress University behind. Mom was proud I did the right thing in turning myself in, but I scared her out of her mind at the same time. Since I cooperated with the police and testified against Ray, I didn’t do any jail time. Ray Diaz wasn’t so lucky. Sam had compiled a bunch of evidence on him, and the cops dug up a ton more, so he’s now serving twenty-five years for trafficking Molly.

  I take in another dose of salt air when soft hands come around me from behind as Emily presses her body flush with mine.

  “Mornin’,” she says in a sleepy voice. “You’re up early again.”

  I cover my hands over hers. “You know I love it out here.”

  Emily and I now live together in a small beach town on the Gulf Coast of Florida with the ocean outside our building. After the scandal involving President Parker and then the news about my arrest, we were the main topic of conversation around campus. It was clear we couldn’t stay there, and we both wanted a new start.

  “You know what I love in the morning.” Her hand slides down to grab hold of my cock. “I want the pleasure machine.” She starts rubbing her hand up and down my growing erection.

  “You just had the pleasure machine a few hours ago.” I tease, remembering our marathon session last night when we fell into bed. I’m certainly not complaining. I can stay in bed with Emily all day or all week and not come up for air.

  She lets go of me, and I spin around and free

  She’s shimmying out of her thong with a sultry grin as her big blue eyes hold me prisoner. When her thong is on the floor, she peels off her tank top until her beautiful naked body is on full display. No one can see her. We own a corner unit, and a tall stone wall separates our balcony from our neighbor’s.

  I drink her in inch by inch as my cock becomes painfully hard behind my board shorts.

  Holding her bottom lip hostage between her teeth, she crooks her finger. “It’s time you kissed me good morning.” Her hand slips down to cup her pussy. “Here.” She dashes inside, giggling.

  Fuck me.

  I chase after her to find her sprawled out on the bed with her legs open and her finger circling her clit.

  I shake my head, pouting. “That’s mine.” I growl, crawling onto the bed and hovering over her.

  She giggles again. “Well, take what you own then.”

  I chuckle. When Emily wants something, she wants it now. Who am I to disappoint her?

  Flicking her hand out of the way, I trail my tongue along her inner thigh, licking a path along her slit before my mouth closes over her swollen clit.

  She moans loudly, a sound that sends an electrical charge to grip my balls. I will never get tired of hearing her moan or seeing her squirm or listening to her screaming my name.

  She buries her hands in my hair, tugging me closer as though she can’t get enough. I flatten my tongue, licking then sucking, and settle into a rhythm.

  Her breathing grows shallow, her moans louder, and her hold on my hair tightens until the muscles in her legs spasm, and she comes apart, her body quaking.

  I move over her until my hands are on either side of her head, and I pepper kisses along her neck, jaw, and then her mouth. “Good morning, gorgeous.”


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