Wintertime Love: A Christmas Billionaire Small Town Romance (Holiday Series Book 2)

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Wintertime Love: A Christmas Billionaire Small Town Romance (Holiday Series Book 2) Page 2

by Emelia Blair

  “Could be the accent,” I comment, recklessly, and then proceed to drain my bottle. “We don’t usually get a lot of Irish up here. Elliot, hit me up.”

  Elliot gives me a disapproving look as he puts a bottle in front of me. “I’m not letting you crash on my couch again.”

  I make a face at him. “That was one time, two years ago. Let it go.”

  The man next to me gives me a quizzical look. “So, are you the town alcoholic?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I’d watch that tone if I were you, pretty boy. I can drink you under the table any day.”

  My companion gives me a slow smile that makes my heart flutter. “Darlin’, I’m Irish. You couldn’t drink me under the table even if you tried.”

  My competitive streak fires up. “You’re on. Elliot, a round of shots for me and my friend here! What’s your name again?”

  The man’s smile broadens and he almost looks charmed by my uncouth behavior. “Finn McCarthy at your service, pretty lady.” He even takes my hand and presses his lips to the back of it.

  Who does that? Even as I think this, I have to wonder why that name sounds so familiar. The over the top gentlemanly behavior still makes me blush.

  “And what would your name be?” he asks those amber eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “C-Clara Winter.” I don’t know why I’m stuttering but the way his eyes are looking at me is making me quiver inside. It’s like I’m being watched by a docile beast, who’s just toying with me.

  Just then, Elliot puts down the shots in front of us.

  I shake off this weird attraction to this stranger and grin. “You ready?”

  Finn’s lips curve.

  It takes a whole of fifteen minutes for me to realize that I’m no match for this man. I’m well on my way to drunk while he’s not even tipsy. He’s giving me an amused look and I reach over and grab his jaw, scowling. “What’re you grinning about?”

  He laughs, seeming to be delighted. “I think I’ve found somebody very interesting in this little town. You’re a strange little thing, aren’t you?”

  I growl at him.

  Suddenly, he puts a hand on my waist and drags me forward till our faces are mere inches apart.

  I’m now standing between his legs, my chest pressed against his. His hand feels large on my waist, and wherever he’s touching me is burning. I’ve never felt such a desire to jump a man’s bones like I do right now.

  My mouth is dry as his eyes trace my lips and then he looks up at me with wicked intent in those dastardly green eyes of his.

  I don’t wait.

  Too drunk to care that he’s a stranger, I slam my mouth on his, aggressive, wanting to taste him, to understand why this man’s scent is making me crazed with desire. I want to wipe that arrogant smirk off his face, to put him in his place.

  Clara Winter is not a woman to be underestimated.

  But this man isn’t like the men I’m accustomed to. He loops one arm around my waist and the other slides up my back in a feather like touch that makes me arch into him. He pulls out the pin that is holding up my hair and then grips a large fistful in a masterful manner, keeping me in place.

  And the tables turn for me.

  No longer am I the one in control. He’s wrenched it from me as easily as breathing. And I can’t do anything but moan into his mouth, my skin on fire as heat and electricity race over it, my panties getting wet by how skillfully he’s using his mouth on mine. I’ve never been kissed like this, so much dominance in it, making me feel small and fragile in his arms. I want to fight back, to win back some control but even I know that’s not possible.

  Finn licks into my mouth in a filthy way and I rub my legs together, shivering from desire. My nipples are hard and I want his mouth on them, suckling them, biting them. I want his cock inside of me, pounding me till this restless ache between my legs disappears.

  The urge to drag him into the bar’s washroom is so strong that it hits me. I’m a little too drunk. I try to pull away but he’s kissing my neck, sucking on it, forcefully, making my lips part as my breathing turns ragged.

  My heart is beating so fast that I’m scared it will burst. Does he mean to devour me, this beast in a man’s clothing?

  Then just as suddenly, he’s releasing me.

  I stumble back onto the stool, gazing at him with stunned eyes.


  “Elliot,” I manage weakly, still staring at the handsome devil that’s watching me with too much animalistic lust in his eyes. “I think I’ll take that cab now.”

  This is the first time I’ve ever found myself overwhelmed by the mere presence of a man. I attribute this to the alcohol in my system but I also, instinctively, know that I will never be kissed like this again.

  Finn McCarthy has trouble written all over him if his devilish smile is anything to go by. It’s the kind of trouble where a woman could get her heart broken. I’ve never been the kind of woman to fall in love so easily. I’m practical, grounded, a staunch member of this community. But under that arrogant commanding gaze that’s making my knees tremble, the way he just kissed me senseless, I’m suddenly plagued with the fear that this man might end up being my undoing.

  Fortunately, since he must be a tourist, he’ll be gone in a few days or so. I just have to make sure he doesn’t put his hands or mouth anywhere near me in the meantime.

  I need to stay far away from Finn McCarthy.

  Chapter 2

  I am roused from my sleep by a wet tongue slobbering all over my face. I turn over to avoid it and immediately groan as a splitting headache makes its presence known.

  A small body clambers over me and settles next to me, returning to licking my face all over.

  “Vysky, stop,” I whimper, weakly.

  The little husky puppy barks in delight right next to my ear and I’m pretty sure I’m going to die with the agony that cheerful sound ignites. I shove him away from me and sit up, feeling my ears ringing. A glance in the full length mirror across from me shows my bedraggled hair and red eyes. God, how much did I drink last night?

  Vysky tries to climb onto my lap and I glare at him. “Why can’t you go and bother Aunt Helen or Aunt Vee in the morning? Why does it always have to be my room?”

  He grins at me, perched comfortably in my lap, his tongue lolling out.

  “You’re spoiled,” I inform him before setting him down. It’s five in the morning and I need to be at the diner in half an hour to start the prep. Vegetables need to be cut, meat needs to be marinated, the morning supplier needs to be met with. The very thought is exhausting and I want nothing more than to flop back on the bed but my cute little puppy will bark himself hoarse if I don’t take him out to relieve himself.

  I wash up and then go downstairs, not worried about running into any of the guests from my aunts’ B and B. Still in my oversized T shirt and shorts, I put on a cup of coffee and let Vysky out to take care of his business. Leaning against the cool wall outside, I feel like crap. The icy wind makes me feel a tad bit better. I pop in the aspirin for the vicious pounding between my ears and curse myself for drinking like a heathen last night. Honestly, what possessed me?

  I close my eyes and think about the man who’d kissed me last night.

  Finn McCarthy.

  My body tingles at the very thought of him. The way he had held me, subduing me without any effort, a shiver runs down my spine, my cheeks heating up. Nobody has ever treated me like that before. With Danny it’s always laughter and deep-rooted friendship. Underneath the intimacy, there’s always been a trust and comfort. With any other lover, it’s been hot and fast. But this kind burning intensity; I’ve never felt this. Although it was just a kiss, it felt like my entire body was on fire, as I was devoured with greed. In that moment, if he had asked me to spread my legs for him, I would have.

  I’ve had one night stands but there have been very few. I could count all the lovers I’ve had on one hand. But none of them have made me feel so weak and feminine

  I grimace at the thought.

  I don’t want to be one of those women who falls head over heels in love with a man. I don’t ever want to be tied down by a man. I like being independent. I’ve always been careful of choosing my partners from men whom I know won’t want more than what I’m willing to offer. Maybe, at some point in the future, when both Danny and I want to move ahead with our lives, we’ll settle down, together. He understands me and our friendship is a good foundation to base a marriage on.

  In a way, we both know this.

  Vysky bounds back towards me, looking quite pleased with himself.

  I open the door, letting him in. I stagger in after him, my head throbbing. As I walk in, I see someone sitting at the large kitchen table, his back to me. I freeze.

  Is that a guest?

  Then I spot the half empty coffee pot next to him and I frown. However, since there’s a god chance he’s a paying guest, I can’t exactly yell at him. So, I close the door behind me, “Morning.”

  The man turns around to look at me.

  I nearly stumble over my own feet in shock. “You?!”

  Finn looks both surprised and amused,. “Well, if it isn’t Miss Clara. What brings you here so early in the morning?”

  Of course, he’d be staying here, I groan to myself. “I live here,” I mutter and then reach over to grab the coffee pot from his side to pour it into a mug. “How long will you be staying here?”

  Please say only today!

  It’s like he can read my mind. His lips curve and he leans on the gleaming marble counter, resting his chin in the palm of his hand, watching me. “I don’t know yet.”

  I chug down the bitter liquid and put the mug down. My headache isn’t getting better and his presence isn’t helping.

  Vysky pads over to sniff at Finn’s feet.

  Seeing this, I feel the sting of betrayal. “Okay then.” I stand up, slowly, feeling a bit dizzy. “Have fun then.”

  “Do you always dress like this when wandering around the house so early in the morning?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “So what if I do?”

  He just smirks, raking his eyes over me from head to toe in a suggestive manner, and then drawls. “Darlin’ you look good enough to eat. I’ll have to start coming down here early more often.”

  The way he rolls the word ‘darlin’’ on his tongue, in that thick accent of his, my cheeks flush and I hide it with a heavy scowl while muttering, “Shameless flirt.”

  But even as I say it, my eyes go to his yummy looking lips and a sliver of excitement runs through me. Would his kiss now have the same effect as when I was drunk? The minute this thought races through my mind, it’s followed by horror. Shameless slut, I scold myself, annoyed. “I have to get to work,” I tell him, my tone flat.

  He just raises his mug. “Farewell, pretty lady.”

  I open my mouth to comment but then snap it shut, not wanting to argue while hungover. I’m more concerned with finding my balance at the moment. I sniff and walk out with the consoling thought.

  Yeah, I am pretty!

  If I was expecting my hangover to go away by the afternoon, boy I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  It’s the lunch rush and I feel like shit warmed over.

  “I hate you,” I moan to Danny who looks alert and fresh. “You were completely drunk yesterday. How do you look so alive?”

  Danny cuts into his steak while waggling his brows. “Sorry, babe. Family secret.”

  Ben, who is sitting next to him on the counter, grins widely. “You have to be part of the family to find out, Clara. Why don’t you just marry my brother?”

  I glare at the brat. “Nobody wants to marry this lightweight. He’s a disgrace.”

  “Hey!” Danny looks up, offended, his mouth stuffed with food. “You’re a disgrace!”

  “Oh, shut up.” I sneer at him. “I’ve seen you get drunk after just one shot!”

  He glowers at me, chewing manfully and swallowing, only to say, spitefully, “I heard you got so drunk last night that you climbed all over some foreign guy.”

  “It was one kiss,” I splutter. “And he kissed me!”

  “Who kissed you?” Lucia pops up out of nowhere, looking gleeful. “Who’s this foreign guy? Dr. Hensen mentioned something this morning as well.”

  “Dr. Hensen?” I gape at her. “How did he—?”

  Lucia waves her hand in the air, casually. “Oh, he ran into Elliot just as Elliot got home this morning.”

  “Oh, I heard I it from Zack,” one of the customers pipes up. “He was also there.”

  I frown at them all. “Is nothing sacred in this town anymore?”

  Lucia cackles and sidles up to me. “Your business is everyone’s business. Now tell me about this stud.”

  I steal my arm back from her. “He’s no stud and I’d rather not talk about him.”

  “I resent that,” a deep voice came from behind me.

  Upon hearing it, I stiffen.

  Everyone around me turns to look.

  Lucia’s eyes widen and she lets out a sharp breath, smacking me on the arm with each word in excitement, and hissing, “He is so freaking hot!”

  I grit my teeth and remember my resolution from this morning. “Everyone, this is Finn McCarthy. He’s staying…” I hesitate and then swallow, knowing that this will spark the rumor mill like no other. “…he’s staying at the B and B.”

  My friends look at me now, mischief in their eyes.

  Danny smiles at me, innocently as he states, “How convenient.”

  I glare at him.

  He averts his eyes, grinning like a fool.

  Finn nods in greeting. “It’s nice to finally meet Clara’s friends.”

  Why is the jerk making it sound like I am introducing my boyfriend to my friends?

  Unfortunately, Lucia gets the impression he’s trying to give and she blinks at me. “Wait—have you two been…?”

  “I just met him last night!” I exclaim, flustered.

  “And this morning,” Finn adds, helpfully with a smile that says he’s definitely up to no good.

  What did I ever do to you?

  As my friends stare at me in amazement, Finn leans closer to me, “Helen told me that you run a very popular diner out here. I thought I’d come take a look.”

  I bare my teeth at him, hating the way my nipples harden when his hand brushes against my back. “Sadly, we’re full right now. You’ll just have to—”

  “Join us, Finn.” Danny gestures towards the two free seats across the table from him and Ben. “Clara’s friends are our friends.”

  “I’m not even sure you’re my friends,” I mutter under my breath as Lucia practically forces the man into the booth. “Assholes.”

  “You say something, babe?” Danny asks, innocently.

  Finn glances in Danny’s direction but he doesn’t say anything.

  I just grit my teeth and put on a forced smile. “Nothing. Why don’t I get you a menu, Finn?”

  “That’d be great, Darlin’,” he says, cheerfully.

  Lucia fans her face as mine burns red in embarrassment, more so because every time he uses that particular endearment, it makes my insides tingle. I grab a menu and bring it over.

  Finn takes a long time going over it, even the breakfast section, and I wonder if he’s doing it deliberately. Seeing another customer wants my attention, I grab one of the part time waitresses. “Stacy, here, will look after you.”

  I walk away breathing a sigh of relief.

  I know I’m acting weird, even for my standards, but I don’t know what to do. Looking at him simply reminds me of the kiss from last night. I’m not one to obsess over such things for too long of a time or at all, as a matter of fact. So what if this particular kiss made my toes curl? I still have my pride!

  If I act strange, my friends are sure to pick up on it. But if I’m nice to him or at least friendly, they won’t suspect much. A sinister smile blooms on my face. I’ll charm his god
damn socks off!

  I’m flitting between customers, making sure they’re satisfied, making small chat, throughout the lunch hour. It’s dying down by the time I catch a breath. I sink into one of the empty chairs, my head hurting from the hangover and my stomach gurgling in hunger. Closing my eyes, I rest my head on the table that I’ve just wiped down. I need to eat but I don’t think my stomach will keep anything down. I want to go back home and curl up and sleep for the rest of the day.

  A light clunk in front of me makes me open my eyes, blearily. I see the mug in front of me, followed by a hand attached to it. As I look up further, I see dark amber eyes and those lips, attached to a full head of jet black hair. Finn’s face looks like it was sculptured by the angels, with his sharp cheekbones, defined jawline, the man is ruggedly handsome with those beautiful eyebrows hinting at mischief.

  I don’t even bother straightening up. “Why are you still here? Didn’t you just have lunch?”

  Finn takes the seat across from me, nudging the mug towards me,.“I noticed you didn’t eat anything. Thought you might have a hard time keeping anything down, so I made you this.”

  I stare suspiciously at the murky looking liquid in the mug. “What is that supposed to be?”

  He grins at me. “Whatever you want it to be, Miss Clara. But it will help with the hangover.”

  “Why do you insist on calling me that?” I grumble as I pick up the mug. “Call me Clara, like everyone else. Also, if this is poison, you should know that I’m petty as hell. I will come back to haunt your ass if I die.” Despite my hesitation, I’m desperate for relief so I tilt my head back and swallow the liquid. It makes me want to gag, the disgusting taste making me stick my tongue out. “That was horrible! What was in it?”

  Finn is smiling broadly.

  I pause as I’ll be damned if I don’t find that a charming sight.

  “Just a little bit of this and that. It’s a family recipe.”

  I bury my head in my arms again, wanting the effect of the drink to quickly take place, and telling him, begrudgingly, “Thank you.”

  He doesn’t leave as I expected him to and when I glance up from where I’m resting my head, he comments, “This really is an interesting concept you have here.”


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