Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone (London Billionaires Book 2)

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Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone (London Billionaires Book 2) Page 4

by Nana Malone

  “Hey,” he said, his word slurring a bit. “You’re so lucky. My father likes you.”

  She sighed, his words tugging on her conscience. She knew that their relationship wasn’t on the best of terms, but the way he’d said those words, like a wounded child, made her heart ache. “Come on, let’s get you up.”

  “I don’t want to stand up,” he mumbled as she reached down to tug on his arm. “The world spins when I stand.”

  Kinsley held her breath against the whiff of whiskey. “I imagine if you didn’t consume half the whiskey in all of London it wouldn’t do that.”

  “I—I had to forget,” he said as she was able to get him to his feet, sending both of them crashing into the door. She winced as her shoulder hit the door hard, righting them as best she could. “Where are your keys?” she asked.

  He grinned, a bit lopsided and very endearing. “My ‘ocket.”

  “I hope that was your pocket,” she answered, reaching down with trembling fingers to touch his pants pocket lightly. Lord, the man was pure muscle. Locating a bulge in his front pocket, she reached in and grabbed his keys, pulling them out red faced. She had just felt up Jarred Maloney. Rachel just thought it was a big deal that he’d hit on her. She hadn’t touched him like this. Kinsley inserted the key into the lock and threw open the door, forcing them both to walk in. Thank goodness the layout was the same and in no time she had found his bedroom, directly opposite of hers, a wall separating them. “I hope you don’t have much company,” she said softly as she stood in the doorway, his arm slung around her shoulders. His body was close, way too close for her not to notice the warmth that was emanating from him, the way he was so solid.

  His arm was wrapped around her waist lightly, but she could feel the burn of his fingers through her thin nightgown and wrap, the way he made her flustered and nervous. “I ‘ate him.”

  She looked up, seeing the clench of Jarred’s jaw as he looked ahead. “Hate who?”

  He looked down, seemingly surprised she was there. “My father. He’s an ass.”

  “He’s also my boss,” she said, moving them forward toward the bed. She would get him in the bed and then leave and hope that he would not remember she was ever here.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled. “Hope he doesn’t screw you over like he does me.”

  “Me neither,” she answered. “Come on, let’s get you into bed.”

  “He hates me,” Jarred sighed as she got him over to the bed and started to push him down. His hand reached up and grabbed hers, holding it against his chest. Kinsley forgot to breathe at the warmth of the contact, the way his heart was pounding against her hand, and she looked up, seeing the sad look in his eyes.

  “He doesn’t hate you,” she said softly, resisting the urge to brush back the lock of hair that had fallen over his forehead. “You’re his son.”

  “I screwed up,” he answered softly, focusing his eyes on hers. “Lost a deal. He swore he would never let a screw up in his company. Told me I was a lost cause. Just like my mother…”

  She winced. She didn’t know the whole story of Jarred’s mother. “You do screw up a bit” Kinsley reminded him, thinking of all the pictures on the internet. She had, more than once, heard the outbursts sitting outside of Mr. Maloney’s office about his son, how he’d gotten his lawyers involved when the pictures were, well, revealing. “But anyone can change Jarred.”

  “Yeah,” Jarred breathed. “I can show him I’m not a screw up.”

  “That’s right,” Kinsley answered, attempting to pull her hand away from his. It was too much, him touching her like this. It made her think things that were not possible, reminded her of what she was missing in her life. Companionship. Love. A life in general. She was missing all of that. “You can prove him wrong starting tomorrow.”

  He chuckled. “When did you become so smart?”

  She grinned, his words endearing. “I’ve always been smart.”

  “I bet,” he murmured, making a turn to the right with his entire body, catching her off guard. Before Kinsley knew it, she was falling back and being thrown on the bed, Jarred’s heavy form collapsing on hers. The initial contact made the air rush out of her body.

  If she thought mere hand holding was sparks, this was like electricity. He was like a warm blanket and her body wanted nothing more than to curl up against him and soak up the warmth. His head laid against her chest, his breath warm on her bare skin just above her nightgown. Oh hell.

  “So soft,” he murmured against her breast.

  The mere words made her nipple tighten considerably. Oh wow. She swallowed hard. She wasn’t supposed to enjoy this. He wasn’t supposed to make her … ache.

  “I need to forget.”

  “Forget what Jarred?” she asked softly, her hand finding his hair and smoothing over it lightly. He sighed in contentment and she smiled. This was absurd and strangely hilarious.

  “Forget how fucked up I am.”

  His words tore at her, no matter how slurred they were and Kinsley couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong between him and his father. This was a side that she doubted anyone saw of Jarred and had he not been liquored up so much, she doubted anyone would.

  Hadn’t he been engaged a few months ago? How much of him had his ex seen? You two are the same. Kinsley was all work, all seriousness outside of Rachel and Jamison. She had to work to show emotion to anyone else.

  She glided her fingers through his soft hair, and she could fell the beat of his heart against her stomach. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t be allowing this, but she couldn’t force herself to leave either. When his breathing grew deeper, Kinsley removed her hands from his hair and knew she had to go. His body was heavier now, which told her that Jarred had either fallen asleep or passed out, which meant whatever moments they had just shared were in the wind.

  She wouldn’t say anything of course, one reason being she didn’t need for him to know she was right next door. What if he asked his father about it? That would be disaster. But more importantly, she didn’t want to embarrass him.

  She pushed him aside and slid out from under him, falling to the floor with a thud on her bottom. Jarred mumbled something but didn’t stir as she picked herself off of the floor and stared down at his prone form. Damn, the man was gorgeous.

  Long legs and broad shoulders, and he certainly filled out those jeans. Something pulled low in her belly. It had been a long, long time since anyone had touched her. Even if they were both wearing clothes. No, do not read anything into this. She just needed a good shag. Yeah, as if that was going to happen anytime soon.

  “Sleep well,” she whispered, backing out of the bedroom and pulling the keys out of the door before setting them on the table in the foyer, shutting the door behind her. The hallway was blessedly empty as she moved back into her own flat, pushing the door closed before leaning against it, her body still drumming with excitement and want.

  Kinsley knew she would have to be careful to stay out of sight for the next couple of days while she was here. No one would ever believe her and she could only hope that Jarred didn’t remember in the morning either.


  Jarred lifted his head and groaned, squinting as he read the red numbers on the clock at his bedside. It was just after eight in the morning and he couldn’t help but wonder what had happened last night. Kinsley Wells’s face popped into his mind and Jarred closed his eyes, trying to rehash the last few hours. Had she been in his apartment? He vaguely remembered her hovering over him, concern on her pretty face. Her body pressed up against his, her soft planes fitting nicely into his hard ones. Even now he could feel his cock began to swell at the thought of being that close to her.

  “Bollocks,” he muttered, sitting up in the bed and scrubbing his hand over his face. The aftereffects of the alcohol he’d consumed the night before were still affecting his memory, but there was no doubt that at some point last night, he’d been very, very close to Kinsley Wells. Jarred looked down, realizing for the first
time that he was still fully clothed. Well, if something had happened, shagging had not been part of it.

  Swinging over the side of the bed, Jarred gave himself a moment, the regret of what he couldn’t remember burning in his throat. He should stop drinking. But the alcohol dulled the pain that he couldn’t handle, that he didn’t want to handle. It made him forget everything, feel like all was right in his world for a few hours. No one would understand why he did it and to them he wasn’t anything but a drunken sod, a worthless SOB who was drinking his life away. He shouldn’t care what other people thought about him, but lately Jarred was starting to.

  With a deep breath, he forced himself to stand and fight against the dizziness as he made it out of his bedroom and down the hall where he could find the coffeepot. After hitting the button to get the damn thing started, Jarred opened the balcony door and stepped out, the crisp air easing the pounding of his head.

  He was only out there a few seconds before a familiar voice sliced through the air, desperation in every word. “No, please you have to listen. I can’t. You can’t expect me to be able to come up with that kind of money on such short notice. Yes, I understand but I’ve been one of your best renters for years. Surely that has to count for something.”

  Jarred leaned over to see Kinsley next door, her back to him as she held her phone up to her ear. Encased in a tight pencil skirt and long sleeved shirt, she was pacing the length of the balcony barefoot, her hair hanging down her back, teased by the slight wind in the air. “I understand,” she stated into the phone. “But I just need some more time. My tuition is due and if I don’t pay that soon, they aren’t going to let me continue. Please, just a month, that’s all I’m asking.”

  Curious, Jarred leaned against the half wall that separated their balconies, wondering what her situation was. Well, that and why she was next door in one of the company flats. He knew she didn’t live here because he’d never seen her here before. Plus, he wasn’t so certain she could afford to even rent one of these places.

  “Yes, I understand,” she said again, resignation in her voice. “Two weeks. I’ll work on it.” He heard her click off and sigh before he moved away from the wall, unsure of how to start a conversation with her. They hadn’t exactly gotten off on the right foot as of late. He needed to apologize to her for whatever went on last night and offer to help her out with her problem he’d just been privy to. They could both help each other out, but right now he had to just figure out a way to get her attention.

  He didn’t have to. She turned and froze, her eyes widening. “Mr. Maloney.”

  “Jarred,” he corrected, with a smile. “Good morning Kinsley.”

  “I, um, good morning,” she said, looking nervous. “What are you doing here?”

  “I live here,” he answered with a quick grin. “What are you doing here?”

  She visibly swallowed, nervously brushing the lint off her skirt and avoiding his gaze. “I, you woke me up last night when you came in. You were drunk.”

  The disdain in her voice was evident to Jarred and he frowned. She clearly didn’t approve of him drinking. Well, she would not understand why. No one would understand why and he didn’t have to explain himself to anyone, not even his father. “I was having a fine time,” he said finally.

  “Apparently,” she said with a snort. Kinsley looked up and their eyes met briefly before she looked away again, crossing her arms over her chest. “Next time, how about you make it into your flat?”

  Jarred crossed his own arms over his chest. “Why? When I have you to carry me to bed?” He was goading her, but he liked seeing her riled up. It made her come alive, lose some of her stiffness even if she hated his guts.

  That did her in. Her eyes flashed with anger and she took a step forward, pointing at him with her finger. “You are the reason I didn’t sleep well last night. You are the reason I am dreading my day today. How about do us all a favor and sod off.”

  Jarred opened his mouth to speak but she didn’t give him the opportunity, walking back into her own flat and shutting the door soundly. Jarred waited for a moment before exhaling a breath, a smile coming across his face. There was that fire he enjoyed seeing on her. While any other man would thank his lucky stars that he didn’t have to deal with such a woman, Jarred enjoyed it. She was a refreshing change in his life, one that he needed desperately. And, she was perfect for his dilemma and after overhearing her conversation just a few minutes ago, he had ammunition to get her to agree to help him. She needed money for something. For what, he didn’t know. But it was enough. Besides, he was running out of time.


  The next night, Kinsley sat at the table, twirling her straw around in her drink with her chin resting in her hand. Not too far from her, Rachel was giggling as some random bloke was attempting to snatch one of the condoms attached to her shirt with his teeth. Thank goodness they weren’t attached to her chest, but rather near her belly button. Kinsley couldn’t understand why all the other girls in attendance thought it would be hilarious for the bride to be covered in condoms attached to her shirt with strips of tape, but for some reason Rachel was having a ball with it. Since they had walked into the pub, the group had been surrounded by men of all types, the bubbly cousin attracting all kinds of attention.

  Though she was the maid of honor, Kinsley had hung back as much as she could. This really wasn’t her scene. And she couldn’t get her mind off everything else. Her calls with the landlord had not been as productive as she would like. He had told her repeatedly that his hands were tied. Either she came up with the money or she was gone, as simple as that. There was no way she could come up with that kind of money, no way.

  A loud cheer went up and Kinsley turned her head in time to see the lucky bloke with a condom between his teeth, giving Rachel a wink and then a hug as the women giggled around her. Another condom, another bloke who would go home tonight alone. What did they think a condom was going to get them anyway?

  The bloke called for a round of shots and Kinsley rolled her eyes. Well maybe he thought if he got them all drunk enough, they all would go home with him. Fat chance at that. Jarred Maloney’s face popped into her mind and Kinsley frowned. She wondered if he even remembered the other night when she had attempted to help him out. There were parts of that brief time in his flat that she hoped he didn’t remember, like when she was running her fingers through his hair. That was an embarrassing moment on her end.

  “Kinsley. Yoo-hoo.”

  Kinsley snapped out of her thoughts to find Rachel standing before her, a shot glass in her hand. “Here,” she said, handing Kinsley the small glass. “It’s tequila.”

  Kinsley looked at her friend, wearing a ridiculous pink veil and shirt covered with condoms and burst out into laughter. “You look ridiculous.”

  “I know,” Rachel said with a shrug, her eyes already starting to glaze over from all the shots she had consumed. “But hey, I don’t plan to ever get married again. I might as well enjoy this. Here take it and let’s toast to my marriage.”

  “I’m so happy for you,” Kinsley said as she took the glass. “I hope that you guys will be so happy together.”

  Tears appeared in Rachel’s eyes as she leaned over and gave Kinsley a quick hug. “Thank you. I love you.”

  “Love you too,” Kinsley said, a sudden rush of emotion flooding her and making her blink back tears. Her best friend was getting married, moving on with her life with her husband and Kinsley would become the third wheel officially.

  Rachel straightened and held up the glass, Kinsley doing the same. “To love,” she said before throwing back the tequila. Kinsley forced herself to do the same, shuddering as the liquid burned a path to her stomach. Rachel gave her a grin and turned back to the group of women behind her, leaving Kinsley to put her glass on the table and then stand. She needed to go to the loo.

  Kinsley walked slowly toward the bathroom, her body starting to feel the effects of the liquor. She would have a raging headache in the mornin
g, but luckily it was her day off. There wasn’t much she was planning on doing, now that it looked like she was going to have to likely quit her lessons for now. The flats she had checked out today were twice as much as she was paying currently and even if she was forced to move out, all her money would have to go toward rent if she wanted to avoid moving in with her aunt and uncle again.


  Kinsley turned around to find Jarred standing near her, and her heart immediately tripped as she took in his casual appearance. He was dressed in a shirt that matched his eyes, with a pair of low slung jeans and black leather jacket to ward off the cool night air. She was pleased to see that his gaze was sharp and clear, not muddied by alcohol. “Mr. Maloney,” she said coolly.

  He looked at her shirt and grinned. “Maid of honor huh?”

  Kinsley looked down at the sparkly writing that spelled out her duties to the wedding party, glad that she wasn’t the one that was covered in condoms. “It’s Rachel’s bachelorette party. I, we, are celebrating.” She didn’t know why she even needed to explain it to him. “Excuse me, I need to go to the loo.”

  She turned back to continue down the hall before his hand landed on her arm, the warmth of his skin on hers sending a shiver down her spine. “No wait,” he said. “I need to talk with you.”

  Kinsley turned and found Jarred mere inches away from her now, close enough for her to see the tiny gold flecks in his emerald eyes. He smelled heavenly, the spicy scent of his cologne weaving its way around her. “W-what?” she forced out, her tongue seemingly not wanting to work.

  Jarred leaned forward, until Kinsley was backed up against the wall, his arm resting just above her head. “Talk. We need to talk. I want to apologize for the other night. I was well pissed and appreciate you helping me out.”

  “I— you’re welcome,” she replied, wetting her lips with her tongue. Her pulse was racing, goosebumps breaking out over her skin. His eyes darkened and for a moment, a brief moment, Kinsley wondered what it would be like for him to kiss her. She had yet to forget the way his hard body had pressed up against hers the other night, the shocking contact still sizzling in her veins. It had been way too long since anyone had touched her. She wasn’t starting with the boss’s son. “Excuse me.”


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