A Father for Her Triplets: Her Pregnancy Surprise

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A Father for Her Triplets: Her Pregnancy Surprise Page 5

by Susan Meier

  She turned to go back into the country club ballroom. “It’s about time for the bride and groom to cut the cake. Once they get pictures, our big job starts.”

  She didn’t even look back, just expected him to follow her. Even Wyatt with his sexy brown eyes couldn’t make her forget the night she’d sat staring at the babies’ cribs, knowing she didn’t have formula for the next day—or money to buy it.

  She would build her business, then maybe work on her trust issues. But for now, the business came first.


  AFTER THE BRIDE AND GROOM cut the cake, Missy sliced the bottom layer, set the pieces on plates and the plates on trays. Waiters in white shirts scrambled over, grabbed the trays and served the cake.

  Wyatt glanced around. “What can I do?”

  “How about if I cut the cake and put it on dessert plates, and you put the plates on the trays?”

  It wasn’t rocket science, but it was better than standing around watching her slender fingers work the knife. Better than wrestling with the hunger gnawing at his belly. And not hunger for food. Hunger for a kiss.

  A kiss she owed him. Had she not stood him up, their date would have ended in a kiss.

  Hence, she owed him.

  When the last of the cake was served, she packaged the top layer, the one with the intricate orchids, into a special box. They packaged the remainder of the uncut cake into another, not quite as fancy, one. The bride’s mom took both boxes, complimented Missy on the cake, then strode away to secure the leftovers for the bride.

  As the music and dancing went on, Missy and Wyatt gathered up her equipment and slid it into the back of her SUV.

  Just as they were closing the door, a young woman in a blue dress scrambled over. “You made the cake, right?”

  Missy smiled. “Yes.”

  “It was wonderful! Delicious and beautiful.”

  Her cheeks flushed again. Her eyes sparkled with happiness. “Thanks.”

  “I don’t suppose you have a card?”

  She winced. “No. Sorry. But if you write down your name and number, I can call you.” She headed for the driver’s side door. “I have a pen and paper.”

  The young woman eagerly took the pad and pen and scribbled her name and phone number.

  “Don’t forget to put your wedding date on there.”

  After another quick scribble, the bride-to-be handed the tablet to Missy, but another young woman standing beside her grabbed the pad and pen before she could take them.

  “I’ll give you my name and number and wedding date, too. That was the most delicious cake I’ve ever eaten.”


  When the two brides-to-be were finished heaping praise on Missy, she and Wyatt climbed into the SUV and headed home.

  He’d never been so proud of anyone in his life. He didn’t think he’d even been this proud of himself when he’d bought the comic book company. Of course, the stakes weren’t as high. As Missy had said, she had three kids to support and no job. He’d been publishing comic books for at least six years before he bought the company, and by then, given how much influence he had over what they published, it was almost a foregone conclusion that he’d someday take over.

  But this—watching Missy start her company from nothing—it was energizing. Emotional.

  “You need to get business cards.”

  She glanced over at him, her cheeks rosy, her eyes shining. “What?”

  “Business cards. So that people can call you.”

  She laughed her musical laugh, the one that reminded him he liked her a lot more than he should.

  “It’s better for them to give me their numbers. This way they don’t get lost, and I control the situation.”

  He sucked in a breath. She liked control, huh? Well, she certainly had control of him, and it confused him, didn’t fit his plans. Probably didn’t fit her plans. “That’s good thinking.”

  “I’m just so excited. I’m already starting to get work for next year.” She slapped the steering wheel. “This is so great!” But suddenly she deflated.

  He peered over. “What?”

  “What if all the weddings are on the same day? I can’t even do two cakes a week. Forget about three. I’d have to turn everybody down.”

  “Sounds to me like you’re borrowing trouble.”

  “No. I’m thinking ahead. I might look like an uneducated bumpkin to you, but I’ve really thought through my business. I know what I can do and what I can’t, and I’d have to turn down any cake for a wedding on the same day as another booking.”

  He nodded, curious about why her fear had sent a rush of male longing through him. He wanted to fix everything that was wrong in her life. The depth of what he felt for her didn’t make sense. He could blame it on his teenage crush. Tell himself that he felt all this intensity because he already knew her. That his feelings had more or less picked up where they’d left off—

  Except that didn’t wash. They were two different people. Two new people. Fifteen years had passed. Technically, they didn’t “know” each other. The woman she’d become from the girl she had been was one smart, sexy, beautiful female. And how he felt right now wasn’t anything close to what he’d felt when he was eighteen, because he was older, more experienced.

  So this couldn’t be anything but sexual attraction.

  A very tempting sexual attraction.

  But only sexual attraction.

  She had goals. She had kids. She’d already warned him off. And he didn’t want another relationship...

  Unless she’d agree to something fast and furious, something that would end when he left?

  He snorted to himself. Really? He thought she’d go for an affair?

  Was he an idiot?

  He lectured himself the whole way home. But when they had unloaded the SUV and stood face-to-face, her in her pretty blue dress, with her hair slipping from its pins and looking sexily disheveled, his lips tingled with the need to kiss her.

  She smiled. Her full mouth bowed up slowly, easily. “Thanks for your help.”

  “Thanks for...” He stopped. Damn. Idiot. She hadn’t done anything for him. He’d done a favor for her. He sniffed a laugh to cover his nervousness. “Thanks for letting me go with you?”

  She laughed, too. “Seriously. I appreciated your help.”

  He nodded, unable to take his eyes off her. The way she glowed set off crackling sparks of desire inside him. Even though he knew he wasn’t supposed to kiss her, his head began to lower of its own volition.

  Her blue-gray eyes shimmered up at him. Her lips parted as she realized what he was about to do. He could all but feel the heat from her body radiating to his—

  She stepped back. Smiled weakly. “Thanks again for your help.”

  Then she spun away and raced into the house.

  He stood frozen.

  It took a while before he realized he probably looked like an idiot, standing there staring at her back porch. So he walked into his grandmother’s house and dropped onto the guest room bed without even showering. He was tired. Crazed. Crazy to be so attracted to someone he couldn’t have, and it was driving him insane that this attraction kept getting away from him.

  Two minutes before he fell asleep that night, he wondered if somehow her excitement for her business had gotten tangled up in his feelings for her and morphed into something it shouldn’t be.

  That would really explain things for him. Normally, when he decided someone was off-limits, he could keep her off-limits. So it had to be the excitement of the day that had destroyed his resolve. That was the only thing that made sense.

  The next morning he strode over to her house. Ostensibly, he’d come to get Owen to play. In reality, he had decided to test out this attraction. If it had been
seeing her excitement about her business that had pushed it over the line the day before, then he’d be fine this morning.

  Her door was open, so he knocked on the wood frame of the screen door. “Hey. Anybody home?”

  “Come in, Wyatt.”

  Her voice was soft but steady. No overwhelming attraction made her breathless. In the light of day, they were normal. Or at least she was.

  Now to test him.

  He pulled open the screen door. “I came for Owen....”

  Papers of all shapes, sizes and colors littered her kitchen table. But she had a pretty, fresh, early morning look that caused his heart to punch against his breastbone. So much for thinking it was her excitement about her wedding cake opportunities that had gotten to him the day before. It was her. Whatever he felt for her was escalating.

  He carefully made his way to the table. “What’s up?”

  She peeked up, her blue eyes solemn, serious. “Doing some figuring.”

  He sat on the chair across from hers. “Oh?”

  She rose, took a cup from her cupboard, filled it with coffee and placed it in front of him.

  “What I need is an assistant.”

  “Do you think—” Because his voice squeaked, his cleared his throat. “Do you think your business is going to pick up that fast?”

  She refilled her own coffee cup and sat again. “I plan for contingencies. I don’t want to be known as the wedding cake lady who can’t take your wedding.”

  He laughed. “There’s something to be said for playing hard to get....” Maybe that’s why she was suddenly so attractive to him? Didn’t he always want what he couldn’t have? Maybe he’d only been kidding himself into thinking he was trying to get his inner nice guy back? And her playing hard to get had just fed his inner selfish demon? “Everybody wants what they can’t have. You could charge more money—”

  “The more cakes I bake, the more referrals I get. I don’t need to be exclusive. I want to start a business, a real business. Someday have a building with a big baking area and an office.”

  Their knees bumped when she shifted, and her gaze jumped to his as she jerked back. Her voice was shaky when she said, “I’ve been going over my figures, and if I didn’t save money for the winter I could hire someone.”

  He tried to answer, but no words formed. Mesmerized by the gaze of those soft blue eyes, everything male in him just wanted to hold her.

  He frowned. Hold her. Protect her. Save her.

  Was he falling into the same pattern he’d formed with Betsy? Once they’d started dating, he got her a great apartment, a new car. All because he didn’t want to see her do without.

  And he knew how that had ended.

  Owen came running into the room. “I made my bed!” He jumped from one foot to the other, so eager to play that energy poured from him.

  Wyatt scraped his chair away from the table. “Then let’s go.”

  Missy swallowed and she rose, too. “Yeah. You guys go on outside. Mommy has some things to think about.”

  Wyatt’s gut jumped again. He could solve all her problems with one call to his bank. He glanced at the papers on the table. Was it really an accident that she’d picked today, this morning, after he’d nearly kissed her the night before, to run some numbers?

  He sucked in a breath. He had become a suspicious, suspicious man.

  But after Betsy, was that so bad? Especially if it caused him to slow down and analyze things, so neither he nor Missy got hurt?

  “Come on, O. Let’s go haul some dirt.”

  He and Owen left the kitchen and Missy squeezed her eyes shut. Since that dance, she’d had trouble getting and keeping her breath when he was around. And she knew why. He was good-looking, but she was needy. Four years with no romance in her life, four years of not feeling like a woman, melted away when he looked at her. His dark, dark eyes seemed to see right through her, to her soul. And since that dance, every time he looked at her she knew he was as attracted to her as she was to him.

  They could be talking about the price of potato chips and she would know he was thinking about their attraction.

  And everything inside her would swing in that direction, too.

  Luckily, she had a brain that wouldn’t let her do anything stupid.

  They hardly knew each other. What they felt had to be purely sexual. She had kids who needed protecting. And the only way she could truly protect her kids was to make her business so successful she’d never have to depend on a man. Keeping her eye on the ball, creating the best wedding cake company in Maryland, that’s what would keep her safe, independent. Eventually, she might want a relationship. She might even marry again, if she didn’t have to be dependent on a man. But it would be pretty damned hard not to become dependent on Wyatt when she was broke and he had millions.

  He had to be off-limits.

  No matter how good-looking he was. And no matter how much she kept noticing.

  * * *

  Playing with Owen cleared Wyatt’s mind enough that he made a startling realization as he was eating another dry sandwich for lunch, this one peanut butter from a jar he’d found in a cabinet.

  His relationship with Betsy ultimately had become all about money. But so did a lot of his relationships. He hired friends who became employees, and the friendships became working relationships. He invested in the companies of friends and those friendships became business relationships.

  Because money changed things. If he really wanted his feelings for Missy to cool, all he had to do was give her money for her business. Then his internal businessman would recategorize her.

  Sadness washed through him. He didn’t want to recategorize her. He wanted to like her. But he ignored those thoughts. He was recently divorced. With his limited time, all he and Missy would have would be a fling. She deserved better.

  Walking to the back door of his grandmother’s house, he sniffed a laugh. It looked as if he’d gotten what he wanted. His inner nice guy was back. He was putting Missy’s needs ahead of his.

  He strode through her empty backyard, knowing the kids were probably napping. He and Missy wouldn’t just have time to talk privately; they could go over real numbers to determine exactly how much money she’d need.

  His heart pinched again. He kept walking. This was the right thing to do.

  On her porch, he knocked on the wood frame of the screen door.

  She turned and saw him.

  Time stopped. Her eyes widened with pleasure. When he opened the door and stepped inside, he watched them warm with desire. Her gaze did a quick ripple from his face to his toes, and his gut coiled.



  “I didn’t expect you back until the kids woke up.”

  He scrubbed his hand across the back of his neck. Offering her money suddenly seemed so wrong. She was pretty and she liked him and he’d always liked her. The house was quiet. He could slide his hand under that thick ponytail, nudge her to him and kiss her senseless within seconds.

  The very presumptuousness of that thought got him back on track. She’d already rebuffed him twice. She knew what she wanted and was going after it. She wouldn’t sleep with him on a whim. No matter how attracted they were.

  He needed to behave himself, think rationally and get them both beyond this attraction.

  “I’ve been considering what you said this morning about hiring someone.”


  “Yeah. Can we sit?”


  She sat on the chair she’d been in earlier that morning. He sat across from her again.

  “You need to buy a new vehicle. Maybe a van.”

  She laughed. “No kidding.”

  “So the way I figure this, you need salary for an assistant, day care for the
kids in the morning and a new van.”

  She nodded. “Okay. I get it. You just talked me out of spending my winter money on an assistant. It won’t work to hire an assistant if the SUV breaks down.”

  “Actually, that’s why I’m here.” He took one last look at her face—turned up nose, full lips, sensual blue-gray eyes. His hormones protested at the easy way he gave up on a relationship, but he trudged on. “Rather than you using your winter money, which isn’t enough anyway, I’d like to give you a hundred thousand dollars.”

  He expected a yelp of happiness. Maybe a scream. He got a confused stare.

  “You want to give me a hundred thousand dollars?”

  “There are hidden costs in having an employee. I’m guessing a good baker doesn’t come for minimum wage. Add benefits and employer taxes and you’re probably close to fifty thousand. A van will run you about thirty thousand and I’m not sure about day care.”

  She rose. “You’re kidding me.”

  “No. Employer taxes and benefits will about double your expense for an assistant’s salary.”

  “I’m not talking about the taxes. I’m talking about the money.” She spun away, then pivoted to face him again. “For Pete’s sake! I don’t want your money! I want to be independent.”

  “Your business can’t stand on its own.”

  “Maybe not now, but it will.”

  “Not if you don’t get an influx of cash.”

  She gasped. “I thought you had some faith in me!”

  “I do!”

  “You don’t!” She leaned toward him and the hot liquid he saw in her eyes had nothing to do with sexual heat. She was furious with him. “If you did, you’d give me a few months to work through the bugs and get this thing going! You wouldn’t offer me money.”

  “You’re taking this all wrong. I’m trying to help you.”

  “So this is charity?” She looked away, then quickly looked back again. “Get out.”


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