Viper (Sons of Sangue)

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Viper (Sons of Sangue) Page 20

by Patricia A. Rasey

  “What?” Suzi asked as she glanced briefly at Cara, having caught her staring.

  “I feel horrible, Suzi.”

  “You already apologized. Don’t sweat it.”

  “But you hate Kaleb.”

  Suzi didn’t respond right away. Instead, she returned her gaze to Kane and the road. Finally, she said, “Does Kaleb still live at the clubhouse?”

  Cara nodded.

  “Then, I guess I’ll just have to deal with him when I see him. I doubt pretending he doesn’t exist will work.”

  That caused Cara to snicker, and Suzi joined in on the humor. “That will be as easy as trying to ignore Kane.”

  Moments later, Cara’s prayers were answered as they pulled into the clubhouse’s empty parking lot, gravel crunching beneath the tires. At least now they could get settled before the other members discovered who the little red Neon belonged to.

  One look at Suzi told Cara she wasn’t as brave as she let on. Truthfully, she looked ready to bolt as she stared at the wood-sided cabin. Kane didn’t wait to see if Suzi and Cara followed, nor did he bother to see if they had bags they might need help with. She supposed his pissed state of being had a lot to do with his lack of manners at the moment. He clearly wasn’t too pleased he had to chase her down in the middle of the night. She supposed he had better things to do, like feed.

  How often did a vampire need to drink blood anyway?

  That question brought back their late-night rendezvous in living color. Desire shot through her at the thought of Kane’s fangs sinking into her flesh. She knew damn well that if the opportunity arose, angry at Kane or not, she’d cave. No one had ever given her an orgasm of that magnitude. There was no question about it. Kane not only knew how to make a woman peak, but being food for a hungry vampire had its tremendous draw as well.

  Exiting the small Chevy Neon, Cara grabbed her overnight bag and headed up the walk behind Suzi. She had to hand it to her old friend. Since exiting the car, Suzi hadn’t faltered her steps. Cara would bet her insides were tied into knots and no doubt hoped Kaleb wasn’t inside.

  Chapter 18

  Kane slammed the door upon entering the clubhouse, not waiting on the women. Jesus! Bringing Cara back to his home, his bed, was the most insane, idiotic thing he could have possibly done. He had little or no willpower when it came to her, no matter that he really didn’t have another option. Not only did she need safeguarding from this psychotic vampire bent on taking her life, she needed to shield herself from him. Cara hadn’t asked to be in the middle of some pissing match between two vampires. But there she was. One wanted revenge for some yet-to-be-known reason, while the other just wanted her out of her pants and in his bed. Stupidly, he had allowed his interest in the detective to cloud his good judgment and place her in harm’s way.

  Kaleb and Grayson had every right to be angry with the way he had handled this situation. Not only had he brought one female into their home, he now had two under foot. No doubt they’d want to stake him once they found out. He hung his head and stared at the wooden planks beneath his feet. This had disaster written all over it. Kane hadn’t forgotten how Suzi had nearly begged him for sex when he had fed from her a few nights back. Throw Cara into the mix and their late night activities … well, let’s just say Kane had no idea how the two would react if one found out about the secrets of the other. Add Kaleb to the equation…

  Kane shook his head.

  He still had no clue about their history, and normally he couldn’t have cared less. But now that they might all be residing beneath the same roof, he second guessed his earlier rationale of tracking down Cara at Suzi’s house. The wiser choice would have been to retrieve her at the Sheriff’s Office the following day. He certainly hadn’t been using good reasoning as of late. He sighed heavily. Cara had him acting irrationally and not thinking with his head.

  The door opened, drawing his attention, and the two women causing him so much distress entered the living area. One look told him neither was too happy with her present situation. No more than he anyway. His eyes zeroed in on Cara, his dick also taking notice. Kane clenched his teeth so hard he feared breaking a molar. Cara definitely had him thinking with his head … just not the right one.

  “Welcome home, ladies,” Kane grumbled.

  Cara tossed her bag on the sofa, where it landed with a thud. “Really, Kane? It was one thing to involve me in all of this, but now Suzi?”

  His ire rose. Balancing his fists on his hips, he glared at them both. “You don’t think I know that? Don’t get all self-righteous on me here, Cara. You’re not the only one being inconvenienced. You think I’m enjoying playing babysitter? Now I have two of you to worry about when I should be out there looking for this son of a bitch turning my life upside down.”

  Cara’s cheeks reddened as her gaze narrowed, pinning him where he stood. Apparently, he needed a lesson on how to handle a hard-headed woman, because he was doing nothing more than pissing this one off.

  “I didn’t ask for this!”

  “Look, Cara,” he said, taking a deep, calming breath. “I know this hasn’t been easy for you, but it would go a whole hell of a lot smoother if you’d just start doing as I say.”

  “I’m not your doormat. I have a job to do, which may include arresting you, I might add.”

  Kane’s gaze widened. “Are you fucking serious? You still think I could’ve had something to do with these murders?”

  “You drink blood!”

  “It’s called survival, sweetheart. But when have I ever made you feel threatened because of it?” He looked at Suzi, who wisely kept her mouth shut as she watched Kane and Cara’s exchange with amused interest. “Suzi … you allow my brothers to feed from you. You fed me a few nights ago. Have any one of us ever made you feel your life was in danger because of it?”

  She put her hands up, palms out. “Oh, no … don’t get me involved in this.”

  “Throw me a bone here.”

  Suzi glanced at Cara, her smile crooked. “You just have to know the signal to get them to stop or they might just suck you dry.”

  Cara’s face paled and Kane wanted to throttle the petite brunette. She must have detected Kane’s reaction to her little joke, for she quickly followed up with, “Relax, Cara. Kane or his brothers have extreme self-control. They never take more than they need, and no more than your body can replenish easily. It’s like going to the Red Cross and donating blood.”

  Cara’s gaze narrowed. “Oh, no you didn’t. You didn’t just compare what they do to giving blood at Red Cross.”

  Suzi smiled and shrugged.

  “Okay, fine.” Cara turned back to Kane. “I really don’t believe you murdered these women, or I certainly wouldn’t be following you into the night and right into the lions’ den. Let’s just say I don’t extend the same courtesy to your brothers.”

  Kane thought about the men who followed him, the rest of the Sons. Could one of them be the miscreant they hunted? That made zero sense since the primordial had targeted Cara, had said that it was her turn to die, and Kane had smelled his presence all over her room. Could it be possible the ancient vampire wasn’t guilty of the other murders? Kane had only assumed…

  “You think one of my men could be responsible for killing these women? On what basis?”

  Cara’s shoulders slumped ever so slightly, but Kane caught the defeated gesture. She was grasping at straws. The fact he and his brethren drank blood made them her probable suspect. Kane knew without a doubt that one of his kind was indeed responsible. The complete draining told him as much. But one of the Sons? Ludicrous.

  “Your grasping at straws, Detective.”

  “Maybe. But at the moment, I don’t have anyone else to look at. Give me a reason to look outside this club.”

  “It’s a primordial who wants you dead.”

  “So you say, Kane. I don’t have anything but your word that this phantom exists. You’re asking an awful lot from me to buy into this supernatural shit. Hell, I ca
n hardly believe that you exist. And now I’m supposed to suspend belief even more and believe this ancient, powerful vampire wants me dead.” Tears welled in her eyes as her bravado slipped. “And if that’s true, I don’t even know what I did to piss him off.”

  Kane’s heart ached. Damn, a hard-headed woman was tough enough to deal with. But a vulnerable one? Kane was completely out of his element. He wanted to go to Cara, wrap her in his arms and never let go. He knew, though, she would welcome his comfort about as much as she did his protection. Especially after the stupid remarks that came out of his mouth the previous morning, words he never intended her to hear. Words meant to placate his brothers.

  Just how the hell he’d managed to get himself into this mess, he wasn’t sure.

  “Look, it’s late. Why don’t you two get settled. We can discuss this tomorrow. You both look like you could use some sleep.”

  “Suzi can sleep in your room with me. No reason to put out Kaleb or Grayson when we can both fit in your massive bed.”

  Kane’s gaze jerked to Cara’s. Oh, hell no. He’d rather put Kaleb out of his bed than allow Suzi to share Cara’s, scratch that, his bed. Not that there would be a repeat of last night, mind you. Or at least he made half an effort of convincing himself.

  Who the hell was he trying to kid?

  One taste of Cara and he wanted more … though this time, he needed to keep his fangs to himself. And if he planned on getting Cara horizontal, he didn’t need Suzi blocking his efforts. Nothing short of a beheading would keep him from having sex with Cara again.

  Suzi sharing Kane’s bed was unacceptable, so Kaleb be damned if he didn’t like the new living arrangements. Kane nearly laughed. Kaleb would no doubt be mad as a hornet. But there were two sofas, both large enough to support Kaleb and Grayson. Besides, Kaleb usually didn’t come crawling in until daybreak anyway. If he wanted his bed, he could just wait until Suzi crawled out of it.

  “You’ll be taking my bed and Suzi can have Kaleb’s.”

  Suzi and Cara both gaped at him, clearly neither happy about his decision. Too damn bad.

  “I won’t sleep in Kaleb’s bed,” Suzi declared.

  “You will.”

  “Kaleb won’t like it.”

  “I’m sure he won’t, but then he’ll probably stay out all night as he usually does. I’ll not have you both sharing my room.”

  Cara’s shock turned into suspicion. “Why would you care if we decided to room together? Seems like that would be the best solution for everyone.”

  Kane held his ground. “It’s not.”

  “If you’re using the sofa, then why should you care if Suzi and I share your bed? Its large enough for both—”

  “It’s large enough should I choose to join you.”

  Cara’s gaped mouth snapped shut. By the look of her reaction, it was going to take a whole lot of persuasion before he charmed his way back between those sweet thighs. Fine. He could be just as hard-headed.

  He didn’t care if Suzi hadn’t been aware of their relationship status, or what she thought. Kane wanted a repeat performance and he’d be damned if he didn’t get his way. Vampires were sexual beings and went after what they wanted, and right now he wanted Cara.

  “I can see this conversation would be better suited for another time, like next time we’re alone.”

  “Dream on, fang boy. What happened between us isn’t going to happen again.”

  Kane smiled. “If you say so.”

  “It’s not.” She crossed her arms across her breasts. “It shouldn’t have happened in the first place.”


  “Maybe? Are you serious?”

  “As a snake intent on biting you. Mark my words, Cara, I’ll have my way and you’ll be begging me to. I already proved that once.”

  Her cheeks reddened but she didn’t have a retort.

  “Suzi, Kaleb’s room is last door on the right down the hall. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll intercede should my brother return before you wake.”

  Suzi glanced at Cara, probably to see if Cara needed her presence.

  “I’ll be fine,” Cara assured her. “He doesn’t scare me.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “I can handle Kane.”

  Suzi looked at Kane briefly. “You”—she pointed at him—“better be nice. If you need me, Cara, just holler.”

  Suzi hugged Cara, then headed down the hallway. Kane waited until the door latch clicked behind her. But before he could say a word, Cara glared at him.

  “Don’t even think about entering your room.” Her gaze narrowed, brooking no argument. “Or the bathroom, should I be using it. You and me aren’t happening, vampire.”

  With that, she grabbed her bag from the sofa and headed for Kane’s room. The soft click of the bolt sliding into place told him going to her tonight might not be such a good idea. Kane pulled off his tee, draped it over the back of the sofa, kicked off his boots and lay down. Crossing his arms behind his head, he stared at the ceiling.

  Cara might be angry and not allowing him to share his bed at the moment, but at least she was safe. Besides, judging by her response last night, it was only a matter of time before she caved, and he could be patient man if need be. He closed his eyes and smiled, knowing full well Cara’s thoughts were on last night’s festivities. After all, he could smell the rise in her desire the second he mentioned it.

  * * *

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Kaleb slammed his fist on the wooden bar separating him and his twin. His hair lay in wild disarray, his cheeks rudy from his recent ride to the border and back. “Jesus, Viper! It’s bad enough to bring one woman into this house. Now two? Wasn’t this the whole reason we decided women were not to reside here? Fuck ‘em and send them home. That’s always been understood.”

  “It’s temporary, Hawk.”

  “Good, then they can both find another place to stay tonight. Who else did you bring home?”

  Kane ran a hand down his jaw, not yet ready to reveal the name of their second guest. Instead, he side-stepped the question. “You know we have to protect Cara until this primordial is found. She’s being targeted because of me. Get busy finding him and we can all move on. That is, if these murders are his doing.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Cara brought up a point. She’s thinks maybe one of the Sons could have an ax to grind with me. It’s a feasible explanation. Maybe someone wants my seat at the head of the table.”

  “Yeah, me, asshole.” Kaleb sat on the closest bar stool and folded his hands on the bar top, looking up at Kane. “You seriously think one of us murdered your exes?”

  “One girlfriend. I didn’t know the other two. At least I don’t recall them.”

  He chuckled. “I stand corrected. I think. If you can’t recall them, I sure in hell can’t be expected to keep track of your women. You know it’s possible you might have met them briefly, maybe even slept with them. After all, the victims were all your type, Viper. But why would Cara think one of us would kill women you may or may not have dated or slept with?”

  “You tell me. I didn’t say I believed her theory, only that it’s a valid one. But what makes this anymore improbable than a primordial coming to the States and killing women fitting my dating preference? The first two, I’m not aware of., but Tab was my donor. Now this shit has targeted Cara.”

  Kane walked around the bar, the heels of his boots striking the wooden flooring. He leaned his back against the bar next to Kaleb, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. They needed to hunt this shit down and find out what the hell he wanted and why he was bent on destroying Kane. He’d bet the primordial camped out in the area, close enough to keep tabs on the club.

  Kane looked down on Kaleb. “How did the rest of the run go last night?”

  “Fine. Grayson and I watched their backs until they hit the state line. No problems came up. We U-turned at the border, no longer on our watch. Grayson met up with a couple of biker bitches and
went back to their place to party. I wasn’t interested, so I came here. Why?”

  “You didn’t see anyone or anything unusual on the road?”

  Kaleb shook his head. “Not much traffic that time of night.”

  “Didn’t detect this primordial?”

  “Nope. But we never stopped. Why?”

  “I can’t help thinking that maybe this asshole is keeping tabs on all of our activity. If he’s trying to undermine my authority, it might also benefit him to make our deal with the Knights go sour.”

  “What makes you think he would even care what we do?”

  Kane pushed off the bar and walked to the front windows of the clubhouse. Clouds hung low over the horizon, painting the sky blood red. The forecast called for impending storms, doing nothing to improve his blackened mood, which brought his thoughts back to the woman lying in his bed. Kane hadn’t slept a wink after she locked that door. Not that a lock would hinder his entrance had he wanted to get in, but he’d respect her wishes for now.

  An ache started low in his groin. Stop thinking with your dick, Tepes.

  He had thought, or at least hoped, that having sex with Cara would diminish his desire as it had with most women. But instead it had intensified it. And Kane wasn’t used to curbing the sexual hunger now burning deep in his gut.

  He ran a hand through his hair.

  Damn, if she didn’t have him by the balls. No woman had ever captivated him the way she had. And the hell of it? He scared the hell out of her. Sure, she had responded to his advances and he had given her one hell of an orgasm. But when desire didn’t enter into the equation, she feared the monster in him. He could see it in the way she looked at him. Once this case was over, she’d undoubtedly run as far from him as possible. He’d have no other option but to let her go.


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