Laura 02 The God Code

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Laura 02 The God Code Page 31

by Anton Swanepoel

  “We have a delicate matter that needs investigating. We need someone with discreet skills that is ready to do some travelling to dangerous locations, and that we can trust with the church’s most intimate secrets and dark past. Someone willing to overlook our failures and help us out of this crisis.”

  The Pope looks up smiling after reading the note.

  “I have just the right people in mind, and it seems angels are watching over them.”

  “You mean Laura and Victor?”

  “Yes, please invite them for dinner with me as soon as possible.”

  “Yes your Holiness.”

  John Paul II looks on as Sergio nods and turns to leave the room. Sitting back in his chair, the gravity of the situation takes him, the future of the Catholic Church and 1.2 billion people’s faith may well rest on the small shoulders of this remarkable woman, a woman who touched the Pope’s heart. Slowly, he opens a drawer and removes a letter and a thumb drive. With a smile, he rereads the letter.

  Your Holiness,

  This drive contains part of the decoded scrolls. The data will allow scientists to build small energy devices cheaply, that can give power to houses and small electric vehicles. I am keeping the rest of the data that shows how to harness the energy for larger powered devices safe, to prevent people from building massive destructive weapons.

  May you find good use for it.


  John Paul II smiles as he picks up the phone and addresses his new personal aid. “Angelino, please get me the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland on the line, I have some information for them that they will surely be interested in.”


  Laura slowly opens her eyes. Her body aches all over, and it hurts when she breathes. There is a small table at her feet, stacked with flowers and get-well cards. Laura sighs, not even the beautiful flowers can color the boring white of the hospital room. After the death of her parents, she started hating hospitals and see them as a place where one goes to die.

  “Morning Laura, how are you feeling?” Victor’s voice in the corner jolts her out of her thoughts.

  “Morning. Still very sore, but better. Were you here the whole night again?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you.” Laura smiles.

  Laura looks at the television against the wall above Victor’s head. The sound is turned down, but it is easy to see that the news reporters are discussing the latest attempt on the Pope’s life.

  “You are famous you know. Saving the Pope.”

  “I don’t feel famous. I feel like a train went over me. Why did she want to kill the Pope anyway?”

  “Their plan was to demoralize the people by removing their religious leader after causing war to break out. If there is no religious leader, then people would turn to the leaders of the strongest country to save them. In this case, whoever had the best technology still operating.”

  “That doesn’t make sense.”

  “Lunatics make lunatic plans Laura.” Victor laughs.

  “No, I mean the church will just select another Pope.”

  “I guess they did not think that far. Now, do you want something to drink?”

  “Oh yes please, chocolate milkshake please.”

  “One chocolate milkshake coming up. Want anything else from the cafeteria?” Victor asks as he walks to the door.

  “No thanks, but can you please turn up the volume on the television before you leave?”

  Victor smiles and walks over to the television, turning the volume up to enable Laura to listen to the news. Nodding to her, he leaves the room. Moments later a nurse enters, pushing a trolley with medicine on.

  “Morning Laura, how do you feel?”

  “Morning, sore.” Laura looks the nurse up and down. She does not recognize her.

  “I hear you are being discharged today, that is good news.”

  “Yes. Where is nurse Cuddy?”

  “Oh, she is off sick today. I am filling in for her. Now let’s see, oh yes, here is your medication,” the nurse says as she picks up a small plastic cup and holds it out to Laura. Laura hesitantly takes the cup, but the pills look the same as the ones she was given previously, yet something tells her not to drink it. Wow, am I getting paranoid now, distrusting even a nurse? Laura throws the pills into her left hand and takes the cup of water the nurse is holding out to her, then swallows the pills. Laura’s nerves calm down as she tastes the familiar taste of the pills she was given three times a day since being admitted to the hospital. The nurse smiles and leaves the room with a “get some rest” comment.

  Laura partially turns her attention to the television, but her mind cannot stop thinking about the Pope’s assassination attempt. Killing the Pope just does not make sense when one considers the extent of the people involved and the scale of their planning. It only makes sense if they kill all the Cardinals who would normally be selecting the new Pope.

  “All the Cardinals from all over the world are coming together for a special meeting called for by Pope Jonn Paul II. The meeting will commence in two days.” The news commentator’s voice rips Laura from her thoughts. Her mouth falls open, and a cold chill runs up her spine. That’s it, that’s their plan. Kill the Pope and then wait for all the Cardinals to hold a meeting, and then kill them all. If world hysteria is their goal, then they may still go ahead with killing off all the top leaders in the church. I have to tell Victor.

  Laura tries to get out of her bed, but her legs do not want to respond. Laura tries to pull the blankets from her, but her arms ignore her thoughts. Fear chokes Laura, and she struggles to breathe. What is happening to me? Everything starts to spin and Laura struggles to keep her eyes open, her vision becoming hazy. Oh no, I’ve been poisoned.

  A figure appears at the door, and then quickly comes over to her side.

  “Vict…” Laura’s tongue fails her, and she struggles to stay awake. A hand touches her arm, and then pulls the blankets from her. Laura tries to scream, but only manages a whisper. Strong arms lift her out of the bed. Arms with snakes tattooed on them. The darkness takes Laura as she is placed in a wheelchair.


  (to be continued)




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