New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 6

by Jeannette Winters

  “Do you gentlemen have an issue with my cooking, because you don’t seem to be eating?” Lena asked, giving them a look that said to knock it off.

  “No, ma’am. Thank you again for your hospitality and letting me join you and your family,” Leon replied.

  “Where are you from, Napoleon?”

  “Please call me Leon. I’m from Italy.”

  “And what are you doing in the US?” Alex asked.

  “I’m finishing my studies.”

  Alex didn’t stop there. “And then what, heading back to Italy?”

  Leon shook his head. “Although my parents will be disappointed, I want to return to West Africa and continue my research.”

  She wasn’t sure who was more surprised, she or Alex. “You’re not following in the Oliveira family business?” Alex asked.

  Leon shook his head. “I still dabble in some real estate, but not at the level my family does. I’ve taken a different path.”

  “Which is?”

  “Really, Alex. This isn’t an inquisition. It’s a brunch, or did you forget?” Myla wished her tone hadn’t sounded so snappy, but enough was enough. Leon might not be her guest, but he still was invited here.

  She shot a look to Dean, who was sitting back and taking it all in. “You know, Leon, when I invited you here, I figured you’d be bored senseless. I never thought you’d be the entertainment.”

  Leon laughed. “Dean, it doesn’t take much to be more fun than you.”

  Myla gave up. There was no stopping them now. It went from questioning to ball-busting each other. She wasn’t sure which was worse. The ladies just sat there, watching them. Some of the comments were a bit much in front of the children, and Lena put them back in check. For the most part, the remainder of the brunch was filled with laughter.

  After everything was cleaned up and it was time to say goodbye, Alex said the limo would be arriving shortly to take her back to the dorm.

  “I’ll take her,” Leon said.

  Before Alex could say anything, Myla said, “I’d like that, thank you.” She hugged everyone before heading out with Leon. Once inside his vehicle, she said, “That was . . . interesting.”

  “I would say surprising. When I saw you were there, I wasn’t sure if I had been set up.”

  She looked at him puzzled. “How come?”

  “My mother likes to manipulate situations. I wasn’t the one who reached out to Dean. She did.”

  “And you couldn’t say no?”

  “Oh, I could say a lot of things. But she also spoke to Dean’s wife.”

  “Ah. I see. She used Tessa to get you to come here. But I don’t understand why.”

  “Dean and my parents have been rivals for several years. I guess they figured if I met up with him and his family, the topic would turn sour and I’d end up defending my family. Hence, wanting to go back and work for them, so I could crush Dean for revenge.”

  It all sounded so convoluted. “She wanted you to have a bad time?”

  Leon laughed. “Yep.”

  Myla sat back and looked out the window. It was hard for her to understand such behavior. From what she gathered, the Oliveira family was as rich as the Hendersons. Why would either family stoop so low as to want their children to be unhappy? I think I’d rather be poor and in a normal family.

  “What do you feel about all this, Leon?”

  He reached out and took her hand in his. “That’s a waste of my time and energy. I’m here where I want to be.”

  “But you’re leaving.”

  “Yes. I have to. There is so much research needed, and I’ve been asked to help. This is what I’m meant to do.”

  She heard the sincerity in his voice. Although she wished he’d stay and they’d have more time together, it wasn’t realistic. They each had their own paths. “How long till you leave?”

  “About three weeks.”

  Her heart sank. That time was going to go by so quickly. Especially since I can’t spend every single moment with you.

  “Do you remember your offer to spend Christmas together?”

  Myla nodded.

  “I think it’s a great idea.”

  “But I’m expected to be with the Hendersons again.”

  “I know. Believe it or not, I had a good time today. They’re not what I expected.”

  Neither are you. “Then I guess I’ll see you on Friday.”

  He pulled up to her building and said, “I believe your last exam is Wednesday afternoon, correct?”

  “It is.”

  “Then how about I pick you up at six.”

  “I’d like that. Dinner?”

  He shook his head. “I was thinking about renting ice skates. What do you say?”

  “I think I’d better wear a couple pairs of pants as padding because I can barely walk on ice, never mind skate.”

  Leon laughed as he leaned closer to her. “I promise that sweet little bottom of yours won’t ever hit the ice.”

  Any hesitation of going vanished. She might be tempted to fall just so he could catch her. “How can I refuse such an offer?”

  Leon cupped her face and kissed her briefly. “Go and get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow. I’ll see you on Wednesday.”

  “Don’t you want to come up?” She didn’t want their time to end. Myla wanted him to come back to her room. She wasn’t exactly sure if she was ready for where it might lead, but she wasn’t ready to let him go either.

  “I do, but I’m not.”


  “Because I know what is important to you. I see how serious you take education. I refuse to be the reason you’re tired tomorrow and don’t ace your exams.”

  She was glad he thought of her in that way. It showed a genuine level of caring on his part. Myla wasn’t sure how well she was going to be able to concentrate, but Leon was right, tonight was not the right time.

  “Then I’ll see you in a few days.” She got out of the vehicle and walked up to her room. Once inside she laid on the bed, not even bothering to take her coat off. Closing her eyes, she held on to the feeling of his kiss. Wednesday.

  Chapter Seven

  Leon wanted to see Myla, but that was the last thing she needed. The look in her eyes when he told her he was leaving in about three weeks told him it was already going to be difficult to say goodbye. He wished he could tell her he wouldn’t be gone long. That might not be the case. He wasn’t sure if he’d return to the US, never mind when. He’d committed to going where he was needed. Many of those places weren’t very nice, and the comforts of home certainly weren’t part of the bargain.

  His phone rang—an unfamiliar number. “Hello, this is Oliveira.”

  “Hi. This is Alex Henderson. I think we should talk.”

  Leon had no idea what Alex could say that would interest him. If he thought he could scare him enough to back off from Myla, he had another think coming.

  “Let me save us both some time. What happens between Myla and me is none of your business.”

  “You might believe that, but it’s not the case. We care very much about her.”

  “As do I.” Leon was shocked he admitted that out loud when he hadn’t even said it to himself.

  “Good, then you can see why I’m concerned.”

  They had good reason to be. No matter how he cut it, in the end, he was going to break her heart. All he could do was try to hold back and show her a good time, but not too good. After he left, they most likely would never see each other again. That thought troubled him, and he wasn’t one who ever got attached. He could only imagine what it was going to be like for her.

  “Hurting her isn’t my intention.”

  “I know that. But that doesn’t mean you won’t. She called us and said you’re spending Christmas with us. She also said you’re spending New Year’s Eve with us.”

  “And you think that’s wrong?” He didn’t really care what Alex thought. He already knew it was.

  “She’s young. Innocent. I just w
ant you to be careful. I’m not sure what she’s told you, but her childhood wasn’t . . . easy.”

  “I’m familiar with the practices of Tabiq. I can only imagine what it was like for her. She also told me you’re the one who took her out of it.”

  “Ziva and I did. So you know why I’m worried. She’s not used to men like you.”

  “I’d think she was used to men a hell of a lot worse than I am,” Leon snapped back. Alex didn’t know anything about him and had no right to judge his character.

  “Point made. Just don’t make any promises you can’t keep. She’s highly intelligent but naïve in many ways.”

  Leon had already figured that out. So far he hadn’t learned anything new from Alex. “I’m not planning on taking advantage of her if that’s what you’re worried about.” Then again, he hadn’t planned on kissing her again or asking her out again, but both occurred. He was going to have to work harder to do what was right, not what he wanted.

  “Good, then I guess I’ll see you on Christmas. Don’t worry about picking her up. She’ll be at my house Christmas Eve.”

  Of course, she will. He was tempted to try to entice her to spend that night with him as well. But she wasn’t something to be played with. She was a precious gem and should be treated like one.

  Leon was supposed to pick up Myla in a few hours. He’d planned a nice romantic skate in the park and then a quiet dinner. That would put him alone with her at her place. He was a man of strong conviction and self-control. Normally. Right now, he had to agree with Alex. He needed to make sure he didn’t cross the line and hurt her more than he already had.

  “Do you and Ziva have any plans for this evening?” Leon couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but it was the only thing he could think of. This is for Myla.

  “No. Why?”

  “I’m picking Myla up in a few hours. We were supposed to go skating then to dinner. Would you two like to join us?” He needed Alex to say yes, but deep down, he didn’t want him too.

  “On your date?”

  “It was just an offer. Don’t feel obliged to come.” He played it off as nonchalantly as he could.

  “I didn’t say no. I’m not sure Ziva has ever skated. But there’s a first for everything. I’ll have my limo come—”

  “We’ll pick you up.” He didn’t want Alex thinking he was in control of the evening.

  Leon wasn’t worried about Myla being disappointed either. He knew she’d be happy. Not for the same reason he was. But at least she’d enjoy herself.

  Myla had dressed in layers of clothing because she had no idea what to expect for outdoor skating. She hated being outside long enough to go from the building to his vehicle. But he chose the event, and she wasn’t going to say no. I’m going to make the best of it.

  As they drove, she noticed they were heading toward Alex and Ziva’s neighborhood. “Is the skating rink nearby? I’ve never noticed one around here before.”

  “No. But we’re picking up some friends to go with us, if that’s okay.”

  “Do I know these friends?” She’d just become comfortable with him. Adding more people she didn’t know would make tonight stressful. It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know she was leery of strangers. It’s rooted in my DNA.

  Leon put on his turn signal and headed down the street where Alex and Ziva lived. After Alex had put Leon under the microscope on Sunday, she thought there was no way he’d have asked them.

  When they pulled into the long driveway, she knew she was wrong. Something had changed over the past few days. What was surprising was that neither Ziva nor Alex had given her the heads-up. Maybe they know I’d tell them to give me some space. I want to be alone with him. That was probably why they were going along. Alex didn’t want her alone with Leon.

  “I can’t believe they invited themselves to come,” Myla said apologetically.

  Leon didn’t look at her as he said, “They didn’t. I asked them.”

  She considered herself of at least average intelligence, yet she couldn’t figure this out. On Sunday Leon kissed her then wouldn’t come up to her room. Now he was asking another couple to go out with them. And not just any couple either. They’d be more like chaperons than anything else. There was no way she could think this date was going to be any fun.

  It was too late. They arrived at the door, and Alex came out with Ziva right behind him. They climbed into the backseat and buckled up.

  “I can’t believe we’re going ice skating. Isn’t this exciting, Myla?” Ziva asked in almost a giddy tone.

  Myla was glad she was facing forward so no one could read her eyes. “It sure is something else.”

  If Leon picked up on it, he didn’t say anything. As they made their way to the skating arena, the mood became light and fun. It had more to do with Leon and Alex and how they interacted with each other than any actual conversation. I wonder if they realize just how similar they are. There was no way she was going to mention that to either of them.

  “Damn it,” Leon said as they approached the parking lot.

  There were no cars anywhere. The reason was obvious. The last snowstorm had taken down a large tree right by the entrance, making it impossible for the lot to be plowed. Although she knew Leon would be disappointed, she was thrilled not to be out in the below-freezing temperature. It wouldn’t be my butt I was worried about. Fingers. Toes. Nose.

  “Well, does anyone have a plan B?” Ziva asked.

  Myla had been reading the entertainment section of the local paper in the coffee shop and remembered seeing something they could do as a group. “How about a mystery room?”

  “What is that?” Leon asked.

  “We get locked in a room for one hour. We must find all the clues to the code to unlock the door.”

  “That sounds different. I say let’s do it,” Ziva replied.

  “I was going to suggest skipping the activity and just going to dinner,” Alex added.

  “Why don’t you want to do it? Are you afraid you won’t figure it out?” Ziva teased.

  “Don’t worry, Ziva, they have us, so they’ll be fine,” Myla added with a chuckle.

  Leon turned to her. “Really? You think you ladies are going to find the clues before we do?”

  She knew it was supposed to be a group activity, but they just made it the men against the women. Myla turned around and looked at Ziva then back to Leon. “Oh yeah, and we’re about to prove it.”

  Alex asked Ziva, “You’re going along with her on that?”

  Joyfully Ziva answered, “Most definitely. Get ready, boys. You’re about to see what two Tabiqian women can do when we work together.”

  The rest of their night was filled with almost more laughter than she could handle. She and Ziva lived up to their promise and showed those men what they were capable of. She had a suspicion that Leon and Alex weren’t trying to locate the clues as much as they were watching them. Ziva was oblivious, and that suited Myla. This is what normal couples do. Funny, because there isn’t anything normal about any of us.

  After they dropped Alex and Ziva off at home, they were once again parked in front of her dorm. It was driving her crazy. She needed to know why he wouldn’t walk her to her room as he had on their first date.

  “Leon, is something wrong? Don’t you like me?”

  He looked at her puzzled. “I like you a lot. Why do you ask?”

  It was embarrassing having to say the words to him, but she needed to know. If he only wanted to be friends, he should tell her because her feelings for him went beyond friendship.

  She honestly thought he was interested in her, but he was physically pulling away from her. Myla wasn’t about to ask if he found her attractive. She was far from that bold. “You won’t come up to my room.”

  Leon picked up her gloved hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “It’s better this way.”

  What kind of answer is that? “For who?”

  Leon let out a heavy sigh and said, “You’re not going to make this
easy for me, are you?” She didn’t reply. He let go of her hand. “I’m doing this for you, actually for both of us. If I walk you up to your door and kiss you, I’m probably going to pick you up and carry you to your bed. There won’t be any stopping then.”

  “And you don’t want that?” she asked softly.

  “Oh, my sweet innocent Myla. I want it more than I can stand. I’ve lain awake at night picturing you beside me while I kiss every single inch of your lovely body. Does that sound like I don’t want it?”

  She shook her head, her heart racing, and she was unable to speak.

  “So don’t think I’m sitting here for no reason. It’s just that . . . I don’t want to hurt you. I’m leaving, Myla. If we make love, it’s only going to be more difficult when we say goodbye.”

  She could see how it was tormenting him, and yet there was pure honesty in his eyes. He was truly doing this for her. Myla should be honored, but something deep within her didn’t care. She wanted whatever time she had with him to be enough to last a lifetime.

  “Leon, I want to—”

  “Myla, go inside before we regret this. I know you don’t think you will, but tomorrow would be a different story.”

  She ached for him and what they would never have. There wasn’t anything she could say. Part of her wanted to lean over and kiss him, show him she could never regret anything they shared. That wasn’t the truth. He was partially correct. It was going to hurt like hell when he left.

  “Will I still see you on Christmas?” She held her breath, afraid of his answer. This was hard enough already. She was afraid she’d pushed with her questions, and this would end now and not in two weeks. Would that be better? It doesn’t feel better.

  He bent over and gave her the briefest kiss. Before pulling away, he said, “I plan on seeing you every day until I leave. The only thing I’m not doing is going up those stairs with you.”


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