New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 9

by Jeannette Winters

  But Leon never lived his life for others. He didn’t care what anyone said. He lived, dressed, and acted the way he wanted, not how others thought he should. And right now he wanted to sit down and discuss this with Myla. Her opinion mattered to him. How could he take this to her? She was so young and it wasn’t fair to her. There was already enough pressure on her. She was far from home, and unlike him, she wanted nothing more than to one day return there.

  Sitting here wasn’t going to change anything. He needed to tell her what he’d decided. Hopefully the words flowed as easily as they had last night.

  His phone rang, and he wanted it to be Myla. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. It was an unfamiliar number. Who would call me on New Year’s Day?


  “I’m looking for Napoleon Oliveira.”


  “I’m calling to inform you that Dr. Phillips suffered a heart attack last night. He did not survive.”

  Leon was shocked. The man was in his early sixties but appeared to be in good overall health. Then again, the stress from the amount of hours he’d been putting in taxed his body. “I’m very sorry to hear that.”

  “We are in the process of looking for a replacement to continue where he’d left off. In the meantime, I understand you are familiar with his work.”

  “I spent the summer working closely with him if that’s what you’re referring to.” That surely didn’t make him an expert at all.

  “And recently?”

  “He’d kept me up to date with what he was working on.” Leon hadn’t asked him to. Was it possible he’d had symptoms before and didn’t want to leave for fear of not being allowed to return?

  “We would like you to come immediately to continue where Dr. Phillips left off.”

  “Me? I don’t have the experience to—”

  “You have more than anyone else right now. We’re desperate.”

  I can’t do this. Not now. “There has to be someone else.”

  “I wish there was. We found a letter from Dr. Phillips with your number on it, saying to contact you if anything were to happen to him. Since he had such faith in you, so do we.”

  It was flattering and actually a dream come true, or at least it would’ve been a few weeks ago. Things weren’t as clear since Myla entered his life. He wanted, needed, time to think about this.

  “Please. Each day that passes means research will be lost. He was so close. You must help us.”

  Damn it. “I’ll call you when I have my travel arrangements.”

  “Thank you.”

  Leon ended the call. Don’t thank me. Thank Dr. Phillips. He wanted to take his phone and fling it across the room. Why did I answer it? He was angry and the reason made no sense. He should be happy. He’d found the woman of his dreams. He’d been given the opportunity to continue research he’d been working on day and night. Yet as the two collided, he found himself at a standstill. Why do I have to choose?

  He knew the research could potentially save thousands of lives. It was time to talk to Myla. Explain the difference between his wants and his needs. She was intelligent. He was positive she would understand. That doesn’t mean it’ll be any less painful.

  She’d slept so peacefully through the night. It was odd because she was so wired, yet there also was a calmness in her soul. When Leon told her he loved her, she thought she’d been dreaming. Myla had prepared herself for him leaving and never knowing how he felt. Now that had changed. Their feelings were mutual. What ever happened from here on out, at least she knew that.

  The only thing haunting her right now was what Lena had said to her yesterday. She was here studying to be a teacher, but that wasn’t where her heart was anymore. It was what she thought she had to do. Now the possibilities were endless.

  That didn’t mean she knew what new direction she wanted to take, but at least she knew she had options. She respected Leon for knowing his path. It was clear for him, and he let nothing get in his way. Would that clarity come to her as well?

  Her phone rang and she looked at the caller ID. The perfect way to start my day. “Good morning, Leon.”

  “Did I wake you?”

  She stretched and said, “Just lying here thinking about you.”

  “Should I even ask?” he teased.

  She laughed. “Probably not. What are you up to today?”

  “I’d like to come see you. Would thirty minutes be okay?”

  “That would be perfect. Besides, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  His tone became serious as he asked, “Is everything okay?”

  She didn’t want to get into it on the phone. It was going to be hard enough in person. “Yes. Just something about school.”

  “School. Okay. I’m not sure how I can help, but I can listen.”

  “And that is all the help I need. See you soon. Drive carefully.” Myla so badly wanted to say I love you, but she needed to speak to him first. He needed to know the truth about her before she said it again.

  After they hung up she quickly tidied her room and took a shower. When she returned to her room, Leon was about to knock on her door.

  “I don’t know how you do it.”

  “What?” Myla asked.

  “Share a bathroom with two other students. I had one sister, and it was hard getting into that bathroom. I can’t picture three of you sharing one.”

  She laughed. “Easy. They all sleep late, and I’m an early bird.” She opened her door so they could go into her room. Once inside she remembered there really wasn’t any place to sit. The bed was where she wanted to be with him, and it held fond memories from yesterday, but it wasn’t conducive to talking. Except in the language of love.

  She pulled out the chair at her desk and sat down. He looked around then sat on her bed. “Maybe you want to go someplace else to talk?”

  She thought about that, but she couldn’t risk anyone overhearing. “No. This is good. I’m glad you came.”

  “You seem as though something is troubling you. Does it have to do with last night?”

  It has everything to do with last night. “In a way, yes. It really has more to do with me and some things I think you should know.”

  “I have some things I need to talk to you about as well. Would you like me to go first?” Leon asked softly. She knew there was something on his mind as well.

  “Maybe after I tell you mine, you won’t need to share yours.” She didn’t know why, but telling him seemed so difficult. Surely he’ll understand why I lied and why I can’t come forth with the truth yet.

  “What it is Myla?”

  “A few weeks ago everything was so clear, and now I’m not so sure.”

  “You mean because I told you how I feel?” Leon asked.

  She shrugged. “That is part of it. There’s more. I’m not sure where to even start.”

  “Why don’t you start at the beginning?”

  That might be more than I can do right now. “You know I’m from Tabiq, and what it was like there.”

  “I can’t imagine what it was like for you.”

  “That’s all in the past. The problem was back then I only saw one future for myself, to become a teacher. I thought if I ever had the chance I’d go to college and teach science back in Tabiq.”

  “You say that like it has changed.”

  “I’m not sure. I mean, I have full respect for teachers. But now since I’m here, I’m not sure what I want to do. I excel with my courses in science, but I don’t want to stop with what I learn in a textbook. I think I want to be the one who comes up with something worthy enough to be in a textbook. I think I need a break from my studies to think about what I truly want. I’m not giving up on my dreams; I just need to redefine them. Does that make any sense?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with wanting more. When I was eighteen I had a clue what I wanted, but it took until I got older to know exactly what that was.”

  “Older? Yeah, that’s the other thing I wa
nted to talk to you about. My age. I’m—”

  “I know. It concerned me too. But like you, things changed. There’s something about you that draws me to you even though I know I shouldn’t let it.”

  “Leon. What I’m trying to tell you is I’ve been lying to you, to everyone, and I hate it. I’ve have good reason to, but somehow that doesn’t make it any better.”

  Leon arched a brow and asked, “Lying about what?” His tone said he had his guard back up. She couldn’t blame him.

  “What I’m about to tell you has to stay between us. Please, I’m begging you.” She knew her visa would be pulled, and she’d be deported. Going home wasn’t the worse thing in the world because her family was there, but the repercussions on Ziva and Alex would be horrible. They didn’t know. They shouldn’t pay the price.

  He got up and came to kneel in front of her. Taking her hands into his he said gently, “Myla, I love you. I hope you know you can tell me anything.”

  With him looking at her like she was the most precious thing in the world, she knew she could. “I love you too, Leon. That’s why I need to tell you. The only way to stay safe for so long back home was for people to think I was much younger than I really was. Thankfully I look young, so I was able to pull it off much longer than most. When Alex and Ziva decided coming the US was good for me, they processed everything with the false documentation I had created back in Tabiq. That means everything about me being here is illegal. So for everyone’s sake I have to continue going with the lie.”

  He brushed her hair from her face as he said, “You do look young.”

  She forced a smile. “I hope I still do when I turn forty. But right now, I’d just like to look my age.”

  “And that is what exactly?”


  His eyes widened as though he couldn’t believe. “You’re serious? You’re twenty-five?”

  She nodded. “As of today.”

  “You mean—”

  “Today is my real birthday. Just another lie the rest of the world doesn’t know. So you see, each time you mentioned our age difference, or held back because of my age, I hated it. I wanted to tell you the truth, but you were leaving, and it didn’t matter. I know you’re still going, but love shouldn’t have secrets.”

  “That explains a lot. I was shocked by your maturity, and it didn’t add up. Now I know why.”

  “Does this change anything?”

  He shook his head. “No. I thought it might, but it doesn’t. I love you whether you’re eighteen, twenty-five, or forty-five. Age is just a number. What I feel for you surpasses that.”

  “I can’t tell the truth. If I do, I’ll have to go back to Tabiq. It’s not that I don’t want to go back, just not right now.”

  “You can love your home and still not want to be there. If you hadn’t noticed, I was with you instead of in Italy.”

  “But your home is beautiful. People travel there for vacations all the time. Even I want to see it one day.”

  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. “And you will, with me someday.”

  There was no one she’d rather go with. Myla knew wherever he was, she belonged. It was odd, because until she met Leon, she couldn’t understand that feeling. One of becoming whole. It’s as though there was a missing piece. I didn’t know it until he entered my life. My heart.

  Her concerns were still the same. If anyone found out she would be in trouble and anyone who helped her cover up the lie would also be. Now that Leon knew, was he considered an accomplice? I’d rather leave on my own than tarnish his name and reputation.

  “I’m torn, Leon. I want to tell the truth, but I can’t believe the US will grant me another visa.”

  “For now, I think you should continue as you have.”

  Myla nodded. “But I still want to take a break from school for a semester, gather my thoughts and feelings, and make plans based on what I want for once.

  “Also a good idea. Is there anything else you want to tell me? Anything more I should know? Like are you married, or have a child, or is Myla not your real name?”

  Myla shook her head. “Everything else is real, including my feelings for you.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Myla, because there’s something I need to tell you too.”

  “Is there a wife, a child, or maybe Leon’s not your real name?” Myla asked to lighten the conversation. She had a feeling it was about to get serious once again, and she was afraid of what he was about to tell her. The only thing keeping her somewhat calm on the inside was he reconfirmed he loved her.

  She got the reaction she was hoping for as Leon let out a soft chuckle. “No. No. And kind of.”

  “So what is it you have to tell me?” She met his eyes trying to convey the message that she was ready for whatever he had to tell her. That was the furthest from the truth. It was already difficult knowing he was leaving in a few days. What could be worse than that?

  “There’s been a change in plans for my position in West Africa. Do you remember me telling you about Dr. Phillips?”

  She nodded. They’d spent hours on the subject one night. Leon was so proud to be part of the project. From what she gathered, there was good reason for that. Dr. Phillips was a world-renowned scientist.

  “He died suddenly.”

  “Oh no. I’m so sorry. I know you cared for and respected the man.”

  “I did. He was onto something. He thought out of the box for some of his research. There were people who had doubted his ways, but I knew he was going to find the answer. Or at least he would’ve.”

  She could see the sadness within him. Dr. Phillips must’ve been more than just a mentor. He must’ve been his friend too. “What happens to all his work now?”

  “That’s what I need to tell you. They asked me to step in and continue where he left off. I guess that’s why he sent me all his notes daily. If anything happened, I’d be ready.”

  She beamed with joy for him. Myla knew this was what he wanted, not under these circumstances, but it was his dream. Yet he didn’t seem as happy as she thought he’d be. Actually, not at all. “Leon, I thought you’d be bouncing off the walls for this opportunity.”

  He met her gaze. “They want me to leave earlier. And because I’m going to be leading the project, I won’t be able to take time off and come back to see you like I’d planned.”

  It wasn’t the job, it was her holding him back. That wasn’t something she could allow. Her dream wasn’t clear, but his was. “Then I’ll come and see you.” She wasn’t sure how as her funds were very limited, and there was no way she would ask anyone for money. “I’ll get a job and during my vacation time, I’ll come to West Africa.”

  “Wait. You’re getting a job?”

  “Yes. I need to support myself if I’m not in school. It’s that or go back to Tabiq.”

  “Or come to West Africa with me.”

  She pulled her hands away from his. He had to be joking. “What are you saying, Leon? I’m not qualified to work in a lab, if you’re offering me a job.”

  He shook his head. “No, you’re not. But you’re bright, and I think you could learn a lot from the experience. You wanted a break from school. You could consider this an unpaid internship.”

  “Leon, I can’t afford the flight there, never mind living expenses for a few months.”

  He looked down at her with sincerity in his eyes. “Myla, I love you. Your wants and needs are mine. I’ll take care of you.”

  She smiled up at him. “Somehow I believe you.”

  He pulled her into his arms, cupped her chin, and said, “You should because it’s true. Myla, everything I’ve worked for is important to me, but not as important as you are. I’m asking you to come not for yourself, but for me. I’ve never needed anyone before, but I need you. Will you consider coming with me?”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t have to consider it for one second. Where you are, I’ll be.” He bent and gave her the sweetest, most
tender kiss one could imagine.

  When it ended he said, “You just made me the happiest man alive. Happy New Year, sweetheart.” He stroked her cheek, and she finally saw joy in his eyes again.

  For the first time in her life, she felt free to be herself. Myla knew why. Leon was the one person she was willing to share all of herself with. It brought a peace to her soul she never imagined she’d have. Looking at Leon, she knew how Ziva felt about Alex. They weren’t two people who just happened to find someone. They were soul mates. A connection that went deeper than three words. “I love you” only began to express how she felt. If given the opportunity, she’d spend a lifetime showing him instead.

  Myla wrapped her arms around his neck and said, “I like the way you phrased it last night.” He arched a brow and she continued, “Happy new beginnings, Leon.”

  She didn’t know where they’d be tomorrow, but right now she was exactly where she wanted to be. With the one I love.

  The End

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  Other Books By Jeannette Winters

  The Billionaire’s Secret

  Billionaire Jon Vinchi is a man with one passion: work. His friends decide to shake him up by entering him as a prize at a charity event.

  Accountant Lizette Burke is dressed to the nines and covering for her boss at a charity event. She’s hoping to land a donor for the struggling non-profit agency that employs her.

  She never expected to win a date with a billionaire.

  He never thought one night could turn his life upside down.

  One lie stands between them and their happily ever after. Too bad it’s a big one!

  Betting on You Series:

  Book 1: The Billionaire’s Secret (FREE!)

  Book 2: The Billionaire’s Masquerade

  Book 3: The Billionaire’s Longshot

  Book 4: The Billionaire’s Jackpot

  Book 5: All Bets Off

  Book 6: A Rose For The Billionaire

  Book 7: The Billionaire’s Treat Novella


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