Wed to the Russian Biker: A Mafia Romance

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Wed to the Russian Biker: A Mafia Romance Page 9

by Bella Rose

  He closed his eyes and listened to the water. It was hard to keep his mind from getting stuck on the mental image of Leah’s naked body slipping beneath the surface. She was so beautiful. He wanted to be there witnessing it firsthand. Would she put just a toe in to test the temperature? Would she put her hair up or leave it down? Those were the burning questions in his mind.

  Focusing on the real world outside this cocoon of sex and fulfillment, he checked his phone for texts and noticed that Curtis had sent him a quick message saying that Thorn was fine. Curtis and Hobbs had sat on the kid for a few hours to keep him from running off to do God knew what.

  Griffin grimaced. They really had their work cut out for them with Thorn. But for now, he could just pretend that there was nothing but a beautiful woman waiting in a bathtub.

  Leah sank into the water until it rose to her chin. The sweet vanilla scented bubbles tickled her earlobes and even her neck. She knew she’d be sorry that she hadn’t done a more thorough job of putting her hair up because tiny tendrils started to curl wildly around her neck and ears. It took her hours with a straightener to get her hair to cooperate. One hot steamy bath could undo it all.

  She was still savoring her solitude when the bathroom door whooshed open. Her mouth popped open in surprise as Griffin strode boldly inside, completely naked. Griffin gave her a cursory glance and went straight to the tiny closet sized space where the toilet had been installed. She got a spectacular view of his ass as he went by.

  “I need to use the facilities,” he told her tersely.

  Why was she disappointed? At least she was pretty sure that’s what twisted into a lump in her gut. “Uh. Okay.”

  She scraped as much bubbly foam as she could into a pile that hid her breasts from sight. The toilet flushed, and Griffin came walking back out. He actually went right past her without saying a word. What the hell?

  “Hey!” she called out.

  He stopped walking and turned around. Lifting his eyebrows, he gave her a curious once over. “Yeah? Do you need something?”

  Did she? No. Damn. She cleared her throat. “I was just wondering what the plan was, you know?”

  “The plan?” He walked a little closer. Then he sank down to sit on the low tile edge of the tub. “I’m not sure what you mean. You’ve been very clear that you married me for purposes of your own. I’m assuming that you and Thorn are going to move into Deacon’s old house out at the compound.”

  “That was my thought. Yes.”

  “Then I’m going to need to stay with you, at least until the two of you are settled in. People aren’t going to understand.”

  “I thought they all knew you were marrying me.”

  “That’s doesn’t change how they feel about it, Leah.” The tone of his voice was very gentle. It surprised her. “I don’t want someone to get drunk and decide to do something stupid.”

  “I suppose that makes sense,” she allowed. “So you’re going to be living with us?”

  “You’re my wife,” he pointed out. “I would like to live with my wife. I know I wasn’t your first choice, but I’d at least like to try.”

  She swallowed. An instant case of nerves nearly overwhelmed her. “Try?”

  “Yes.” His smile was almost nice. How strange. “Wouldn’t you like to try to be a family? Wouldn’t you like Thorn to have that even for just a few of his formative years?”

  “I think that ship has sailed,” she admitted softly.

  Then he gently reached out and tweaked the end of her nose. It was as shocking as it was tender. Here she was, sitting in a tub of hot water, with a hot guy saying he wanted to try and have a real relationship with her. She should have been thrilled. So why was she scared shitless?

  Griffin felt as if he were walking on eggshells in his steel-toe boots. He could not decipher Leah’s real issue. Of course, it might have been because all the blood in his body was currently circulating to his groin. He’d never seen anything quite as beautiful as Leah in the bathtub.

  The piles of bubbles in front of her indicated that she thought she’d covered herself, but he could see the outline of both breasts. Her pink pert nipples just broke the surface of the water. He longed to reach down and run his finger around just one of them, wiping off the white froth. Of course, one would never be enough. Their perfect shape was so enticing. He wanted to cup them in his hands and then bury his face between them.

  “You’re staring,” she whispered.

  He grinned. “That’s because you’re an incredible sight to behold.”

  “You’re just saying that because you want to get laid.”

  Griffin snorted. If she only realized what she was actually saying, she might look at things differently. “If that were true, and all I wanted was to get laid, I’d be somewhere else right now.”

  “Oh.” She looked surprised. Then her face settled into an expression of introspection. “I suppose that’s true.”

  “How come you didn’t get angry when I came in here?” He wondered if she would answer honestly.

  “Because I’m a horrible person who cannot manage to make up her mind about anything,” she said immediately. “I want you to go away, and I want you to stay right here. I never want to see you again, except I never want to stop talking to you. You confuse me, Griffin Prentiss. You always have, I think.”

  “That’s not always a bad thing, you know?” Griffin dared to reach down and gently touch her right nipple. “There might be something very enjoyable in it for you if you just suffer through a little confusion.”

  She gave a tiny moan. He kept waiting for her to pull away, but she didn’t. He circled first one nipple and then the other. She let her head fall forward, and her chin brushed her chest. He moved his hand down her belly, below the waterline. He felt her tremble, but she didn’t shove him away.

  “I want you,” he told her roughly. “My cock is so hard I think I’m going to explode.”

  He felt her tremble. Then she sucked in a little gasp. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Wrong.” Griffin didn’t even bother to be polite about it. “It’s the best idea ever.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Leah was tongue-tied. At least that what she tried to tell herself. Truthfully, though, she was reeling from Griffin’s growled announcement that, basically, they were about to have sex. Again. She should put a stop to this. Right?


  Then she couldn’t say any more because his lips were on hers and she couldn’t think past the roaring wave of hormones driving her straight toward insanity. His tongue moved inside her mouth and stroked hers. He mimicked the ebb and flow of sex, thrusting and retreating as though he were about to make her come just by fucking her with his mouth.

  His hands were everywhere, touching her belly and breasts with such infinite tenderness that she could not resist him. It felt so good to have his hands on her. She needed this. She felt cherished and, strangely, she felt loved.

  His position leaning over the edge of the tub had every one of his abdominal muscles standing out in stark relief beneath his skin. He looked like a god. She lifted her hands and gently traced the contours of his chest and belly. He felt so hard, yet his skin was soft and pliable. She let her nails score the area below his navel where a trail of hair began before dipping into his pubic hair.

  He ended the kiss, breaking off with a shuddering gasp. “Leah, you’re killing me here.”

  “You feel good,” she said defensively. “I didn’t mean to do something wrong.”

  “No.” He gently took her hand and put it back on his belly. “I never want you to stop touching me.”

  “Oh.” Then she thought of something very naughty. “Do you want to get in the tub with me?”

  His grin told her that he thought it a very good idea. She should have her head examined for constantly changing her mind. She had swung so wildly in what she wanted and what she intended in the last twenty-four hours that her head was spinning in confusion.

  Griffin stepped into the tub, and she was treated to a very close-up view of his massive erection just before he slipped beneath the bubbles.

  “Come here,” he growled.

  Leah started to speak but only managed a surprised yelp when he dragged her closer to him. He felt silky and smooth with only the water separating their skin. She suddenly found herself belly down, back arched as she splayed on top of him. She shivered as the skin on her back rose above the water line. Then she stopped worrying about being cold because his hands started to stroke her.

  Griffin rubbed the soft skin of her back, thighs, and butt until he thought he was going to go mad with arousal. Her breasts pushed right up against his chest, as incredible as all the rest.

  “Sit up and ride me, Leah,” he told her roughly. He didn’t care that he sounded almost mean. He was getting so desperate that he was almost beyond being nice anyway.

  “Ride you?” Her pretty, green eyes opened wide as if he’d just asked her for something impossible.

  “Just like the other day, love,” he whispered. “Just sit up and put my cock inside you. The water will help smooth things along. You’ll see.”

  He watched her do as he asked, albeit awkwardly in the confines of the tub. Then he felt her hot sex slide right across his hard shaft. The head brushed her clit, and she trembled. Her knees settled alongside his thighs, and she placed her hands flat on his chest for balance. Griffin met her gaze as she used her knees to raise herself just far enough that he felt the opening of her pussy welcome the penetration of his cock. He groaned as he slid in deeply. She was so tight and so wet that he was afraid he would come immediately. Taking a deep breath, he forced his body back down off the ledge and regained control.

  “Now.” He placed his hands on her hips and gently pushed her in a rocking motion. “Ride me. Rotate your hips and grind against me. Make us both feel good.”

  In seconds, she was pushing against him as though she were born to do this in a bathtub. He rested his head on the edge of the tub and watched her move with that sinuous grace he had always admired. The woman was so gorgeous and yet completely unaware of it. The combination was a knock out.

  “That’s it, baby,” he urged. “I can feel how close you are to coming. Can you feel it?”

  “Yes!” she panted.

  Her eyes were closed, and she moved her hands to his shoulders. Her body drifted forward as she moved harder and harder. Then everything inside her clenched tight. With a sudden shout, she absolutely melted around him. He groaned and felt his own climax hit as he poured his semen inside her while she undulated around him.

  Leah collapsed against his chest and tucked her head into the hollow of his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. He had never allowed himself to be tender with a lover before. It was as if Leah existed outside all his norms. It was as confusing as it was exciting, but he wasn’t sure where all of this would lead in the end.


  Leah wrapped her arms more securely around Griffin’s midsection as they dipped and sped around the curves on their way back to the real world and her little bungalow in town. She felt so much conflict about returning to her regular life, and she didn’t know why. Of course, life would never really be regular again. She was married. She was going to have to get used to that.

  They whizzed past a field of fading grass where a small herd of whitetail deer were grazing in the shade along with half a dozen cows. The picturesque scene only added to the charming array of fall colors draping the trees and the bright blue sky overhead. It was hard to remember that she was on her way home to change so she could go do help sessions all afternoon.

  When was the last time she’d done something just because she wanted to? Her days off were always filled with more work. She graded papers, taught extra classes, or did help sessions. When had she stopped living? It had happened so slowly that she hadn’t noticed until it was already done.

  They hit the outskirts of town, and Griffin obediently slowed the bike to the required speed within city limits. Considering how slow they were going, Leah was a little surprised to hear the whoop-whoop of a siren behind them. She turned her head and saw flashing blue and red lights behind them.

  “Shit,” Griffin muttered. He pulled over to the shoulder and shut off the bike. He put the kickstand down and pulled out his wallet. “Are you all right? I’m just going to let the bike sit on the kickstand. You don’t have to hold it up or anything.”

  “What’s happening?” She felt strangely apprehensive. Maybe it was a latent thing from twelve years with her father, but she did not have much trust in law enforcement.

  “It’ll be fine,” he assured her. “They pull us over at least once a week. It’s just standard operating procedure around here.”

  “That’s bullshit!” Leah exclaimed. How could he and the others stand that? It was completely unfair.

  “Griffin Prentiss,” the cop drawled as he swaggered up to the motorcycle. “Caught you speeding as you came into town there.”

  “Oh really?” Griffin’s tone didn’t betray one iota of irritation. “I thought I slowed down enough. Didn’t realize the speed limit was ten.”

  “It’s twenty-five.” Now the policeman sounded surly. His nametag read Jameson. “You were going twenty-eight.”

  “Yeah?” Griffin snorted. “Too bad you can’t give me a ticket for that due to that county ordinance about margin of error.”

  “Too bad,” Jameson agreed. “Who’s the bitch on back?”

  Griffin started to speak, but Leah’s cry of outrage drowned him out. “Excuse me?” she snarled. “I’m Leah Rawlins, but I certainly don’t consider myself a bitch unless I have just cause, which, I might add, you’ve just given me in ample amount.”

  Griffin wanted to facepalm when Leah belted out her last name. Did the woman not realize what cops thought of the last name Rawlins? She would be lucky if they didn’t take her to jail just on principle.

  “Rawlins, hm?” Jameson said with relish. “I love to put me some Rawlins in jail.”

  “I’m Leah Rawlins, you dolt,” she snapped. “My mother is the one that left Deacon. Don’t you know your town gossip? Honestly, if you’re going to be pulling over motorcycle gang members in this town you need to get your stories straight.”

  Jameson blinked, looking just a little shell-shocked. Griffin hid a smile. Leah certainly could hold her own. Then Jameson turned to Griffin. “Why are you hanging around with her?”

  He had no idea how his answer was going to go over. “She’s my wife.”

  “It’s complicated,” Leah said sweetly. “And it’s also none of your damn business. However, you’re making me late for my help sessions. You know, because I’m a middle school teacher.” Then Leah bit her lip. “Wait a minute. Are you Frank Jameson’s father? He’s one of my eighth-grade English students.”

  Now it was Jameson backing off. “Well, you have yourself a very nice day, Ms. Rawlins.”

  “Thank you, Officer Jameson.” Leah gave him an enthusiastic wave. She waited until he had returned to his car before she muttered to Griffin, “Stupid prick.”

  “Hey now, he might hear you,” Griffin teased as he started back up his bike.

  She wrapped her arms around him once again. “I don’t think I care.”

  “Now that’s not nice.” Griffin chuckled a little to himself. “Is that cop’s kid really your student?”

  “Yeah.” She made a sound that was almost a grunt. “He’s a moron, too. Apparently, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in that family.”

  He didn’t say anything else. She was surprising him at every turn, and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. He had respected the hell out of her when they were younger, but he had somehow expected her to be different now that they were older. He’d been wrong. She was a little older and a lot crustier, but she was still the same Leah he’d had a crush on since she was about eight years old.

  It wasn�
�t much farther from the outskirts of town to Leah’s home. The tiny house looked neat and tidy, just as he would have expected. It was cozy, and she obviously loved it. He couldn’t help but compare her sweet little place to the rambling farmhouse where Deacon had lived out his life. The old place certainly needed some sprucing up, but it also lacked any of the welcoming qualities that made a house into a real home.

  He stopped the bike and shut off the motor. Then he turned around and stared right at her. “So I’ll see you at the compound tonight?”

  “I suppose so,” she agreed. Then she bit her lip as though she wanted to say something else. She must have changed her mind, though, because she got down without another word and walked away without looking back.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Leah pulled up to the gate at the Hellfire Crew’s compound with more than a little trepidation. It was a bit galling to stop here and wait for the man on duty—in this case a man she remembered vaguely as Bill Nevins—to give her a cursory once over and a dirty look before finally deigning to let her through. Leah could have—legally—had this man removed from her property as a trespasser. She had agreed to play nice for Thorn’s sake. It appeared that more than a little crow would be on the menu in order for that to happen.

  She drove down the driveway to the main farmhouse. She tried not to see the veritable trailer park that now populated most of what had once been the home pasture. The barn was still standing, although she had a good idea of what that was being used for.

  There were two motorcycles in the driveway. She recognized them as belonging to Griffin and Thorn. Thorn’s was a little more compact and she could only hope it had a smaller engine. As far as she was concerned, the kid needed to be in a car where he would be safe instead of running around out there on a motorcycle waiting for some distracted motorist to run him down.


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