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Hate Page 11

by D Kershaw

  Throughout the night, they gathered around the cabin. As the sun crested the horizon, they moved in as one.

  KIMBERLY REI has been writing for as long as she can remember. At five years old, her parents gifted her with a set of Children’s Classics that she had no hope of reading. Yet. The potential alone sparked a love of words that has never wavered. Kim has taught writing workshops and edited novels for Authors You May Recognize. She has published several short stories and now can’t stop chasing paper dragons. She currently lives in Tampa Bay, Florida with her wife and an abundance of gorgeous beaches to explore.

  My Own Vengeance

  by Brandi Hicks

  The ketamine was working perfectly. I had him strapped to the chair just in case, but he wasn’t moving a muscle. He could still feel everything, you could tell it in his eyes. Those same eyes that watched as the life drained out of my wife.

  I took the next bamboo chute off the surgical tray and shoved it under his fingernail. Those grimy fingers that wrapped around her throat as he defiled her body. His eyes plead with me, but I will show no remorse. He will pay for everything he did; slowly, he will pay with his life.

  GROWING UP IN WEST Virginia, Brandi Hicks loved to have her nose in a book, her eyes toward the night sky and putting a pen to paper. Her imagination was always sparked by her grandfather and her mom taking her to new places and teaching her about the unusual. She loves fantasy, sci-fi, and learning about science and history. She has two beautiful children, and hopes to instill creativity and a love of reading in them. Finding new crafts to try keeps her busy when not playing with her kids or working.

  Just Stop It

  by Stuart Conover

  Janet couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Please stop it,” she asked the men who kept talking to her.

  Suggesting things to her.

  Rubbing up against her.

  “Just stop it,” she cried to the one who followed her into her home.

  He didn’t.

  She refused to be broken.

  Hurt, angry, lost, Janet cried out into the night.

  She would do anything for revenge.

  Surprisingly, something answered her.

  The demon spoke in a language not her own.

  Yet she knew what it asked.

  The price she had to pay.

  Accepting it, an ebony blade formed in her hand.

  Now she could stop it.

  STUART CONOVER is a father, husband, rescue dog owner, published author, blogger, journalist, horror enthusiast, comic book geek, science fiction junkie, and IT professional. With all of that to cram in daily, we have no idea if or when he sleeps or how he gets writing done! (We suspect it has to do with having evil clones.) Stuart is a Chicago native and runs the author resource Horror Tree.

  Bloody Revenge

  by Emma K. Leadley

  They called her the heartbreaker. With long dark hair, full red lips and a smile that lit up the valley, every man in the village lusted after her. No woman thought their husband safe. But it was ill-deserved a reputation; she only ever wanted one man. Alas, he was betrothed to another and turned her down time after time, his future wife becoming ever more enraged.

  No-one did find out what happened that fateful night. Suicide? Murder? Now, wives lock up their husbands and mothers their sons, from dusk through till dawn. For the heartbreaker’s revenge is bloody and literal.

  EMMA K. LEADLEY is a UK-based writer, creative geek, and devourer of words, images and ideas. She began writing both fiction and creative non-fiction as an outlet for her busy brain, and quickly realised scrawling words on a page is wired into her DNA.

  Website: emmaleadley.co.uk

  Twitter: @autoerraticism

  The Case of the Tortured Torso

  by John H. Dromey

  “You’re accused of carving your initials next to those of your new boyfriend while in a public park. You then outlined the initials with the shape of a heart. Correct?”


  “I specialise in felony murder cases. Why do you need my services?”

  “I made some of the cuts rather deep.”

  “Trees are resilient. Even if you penetrated the bark, you surely wouldn’t have done permanent damage to the trunk. I think the magistrate will be inclined to show some leniency. Love is a powerful motive.”

  “So is hate. I carved the initials in the trunk of my old boyfriend.”

  JOHN H. DROMEY was born in northeast Missouri, USA. He enjoys reading—mysteries in particular—and writing in a variety of genres. In addition to contributing to the Black Hare Press series of Dark Drabbles anthologies, he’s had short fiction published in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Martian Magazine, Mystery Weekly, Stupefying Stories Showcase, Thriller Magazine, Unfit Magazine, and elsewhere, as well as in numerous anthologies, including Chilling Horror Short Stories (Flame Tree Publishing, 2015).

  He Loves Me Not

  by Zoey Xolton

  Kataryna watches as the last petal falls, and her aching heart turns to ice. Snatching up her Book of Shadows, she stormed to her cauldron. She throws whole vials of precious, rare herbs in, not willing to take chances.

  He will pay for breaking my heart!

  Hissing words of power, she curses the count who professed his undying love, only to deflower her, and cast her aside.

  Full of cold rage, she seals the spell with a lock of his golden hair, and her own crimson blood.

  The count would bear no children, and history would not remember his name.

  ZOEY XOLTON is an Australian Speculative Fiction writer, primarily of Dark Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror. She is also a proud mother of two and is married to her soul mate. Outside of her family, writing is her greatest passion. She is especially fond of short fiction and is working on releasing her own themed collections in future.

  Website: www.zoeyxolton.com

  Over a Steak

  by C.L. Williams

  Stan and Lee took a walk on the pier, laughing about old times.

  “Lee?” Stan asks, “Remember that time you ate my steak?”

  Lee laughs, “That steak was delicious! You told me you were going to kill me for eating the most delicious steak ever cooked!”

  “I’m sure it was,” Stan says before pulling a gun on Lee, “Now I’m here to collect on my promise.”

  Lee, still thinking Stan is joking, continues laughing. That is, until Stan fires a shot at Lee’s feet.

  “You son of a—” Lee begins to say before Stan fires a shot in Lee’s head.

  C.L. WILLIAMS is an international best-selling author currently living in central Virginia. He has written eight poetry books, four novellas, one novel, and a contributor to a multitude of anthologies and magazines. His most recent anthology appearance ANGELS: Dark Drabbles #2 from Black Hare Press became a number one in hot new releases. C.L. Williams is currently working on his second novel and a new poetry book.

  Facebook: writer434

  Twitter: @writer_434


  by Trisha Ridinger McKee

  Dinah pasted on a bright smile. “How’s the pot roast?”

  “Delish,” Norman answered. She tried not to visibly cringe.

  She turned so the camera caught her grin. So Cheri could see from five states away how Dinah had stolen her life, her husband, her home.

  She wanted Cheri to see that she had won after years of competing. By sheer luck of discovering Cheri’s embezzlement at the bank they both worked at, Dinah had finally gotten the upper hand. She had control. She won.

  She was stuck with a man she hated, but she had really stuck it to Cheri.

  TRISHA RIDINGER MCKEE resides in a small town in Pennsylvania where love has proven to be a problem. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in publications such as Tablet Magazine, The Oddville Press, Crab Fat Literary Magazine, Night to Dawn Magazine, Deep Fried Horror, 4 Star Stories, and more.

  Waste Not, Want Not

/>   by Dale Parnell

  Farming is a busy life, even more so since Grandma passed. She liked to keep herself occupied, used to say that idleness was the devil’s playground. She’d get so angry, spitting bile and railing against the layabouts and wastrels we’d see in town, nothing to do but count their fingers. I hear her voice at night, cussin’ up a storm and telling me I have to do something about it.

  I think I’ve finally done it, found a use for all those wasters letting their lives slip away.

  That’s the thing with pig farming, you always need more animal feed.

  DALE PARNELL lives in Staffordshire, England, with his wife and their imaginary dog, Moriarty. He has self-published two collections of short stories, “The Green Cathedral” and “Bramble and other stories”. Dale also writes poetry, and is lucky enough to have pieces featured in several poetry and fiction anthologies.

  Facebook: shortfictionauthor

  The Ex

  by Lyndsey Ellis-Holloway

  My pulse was deafening, thumping rapidly within my ears, drowning out his gurgling, gasping breaths.

  My hands ached, the pressure exerted by my fingers caused my arms to shake with the effort to keep my grip.

  Tears flowed from my eyes; fixed upon his as he looked at me in desperation. I did not care. Not anymore.

  I felt his flesh strain beneath my palms, his fingers clawing at mine as he tried to breathe.

  Rage like I have never known filled me, consumed every part of me.

  I watched the life leave his eyes.

  He couldn’t hurt me now.

  LYNDSEY ELLIS-HOLLOWAY is a writer from Knaresborough, UK. She writes fantasy, sci-fi, horror and dystopian stories, focussing on compelling characters and layering in myth and legend at every opportunity. Her mind is somewhat dark and twisted, and she lives in perpetual hope of owning her own Dragon someday, but for now she writes about them to fill the void... and to stop her from murdering people who annoy her. When she’s not writing she spends time with her husband, her dogs and her friends enjoying activities such as walking, movies, conventions and of course writing for fun as well!

  Website: theprose.com/LyndseyEH

  Bitter Tea

  by R.A. Goli

  Tamsin clutched her belly as the last of the contractions hit. They were easing now; the red chunks and clots had ceased. Now, only blood spilled from her womanhood.

  It was the moon-tea Madam Davene made all the courtesans drink. Now, Tamsin would never be able to bear children, even when she was ready to.

  She stood, exhausted, and cleaned herself and the bedding. Then she prepared a different tea, especially for the madam, with a few special herbs purchased from a magi mixed in. She stirred the bitter liquid.

  The drink would do a lot more than prevent children.

  R.A. GOLI is an Australian writer of horror, fantasy, and speculative short stories. In addition to writing, her interests include reading, gaming, the occasional walk, and annoying her dog, two cats, and husband. You can check out her numerous publications including her fantasy novella, The Eighth Dwarf, and her collection of short stories, Unfettered on her website and sign up to her newsletter for free short stories, updates and other fun stuff.

  Website: ragoliauthor.wordpress.com/

  Facebook: RAGoliAuthor

  My Lover’s Lover

  by Shelly Jarvis

  My lover’s lips are stained in red,

  They whisper out my name.

  I lift her up onto the bed,

  To finish out our game.

  With paring knife, I slice her face,

  With boning, rip her thighs.

  I laugh at lover’s quiet grace—

  Poised, even as she cries.

  My best friend’s corpse is in the floor.

  I barely felt a thing,

  When I ripped out his bleeding heart

  And put it with her ring.

  Once I would’ve blanched at this,

  To think that I would hurt her;

  But then she turned from mine to his

  And my heart turned to murder.

  SHELLY JARVIS is a speculative fiction author from West Virginia, US. She found a life-long love of sci-fi and fantasy in the 3rd grade when she found Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time.” Shelly is an avid reader, a Whovian, the ideal viewer of dog rescue videos, and undoubtedly Ravenclaw. She currently has three YA sci-fi books available for purchase on Amazon.

  Website: www.ShellyJarvis.com

  Pre-existing Condition

  by Raven Corinn Carluk

  Tara’s sobs woke him. Karl opened his eyes and fought a wave of nausea. His wife screamed, and his heart raced.

  Strange hands clamped down on his shoulders. “Just in time.”

  “Who...are...” Karl’s voice cracked, and he struggled against his bonds.

  “Just one of your many nameless victims.” The stranger crossed to Tara and checked her bonds. “Just another person who had to watch his wife suffer while jumping through every hoop your insurance company gave while her immune system ate her alive.”

  He met Karl’s gaze with a rictus grin. “I won’t let yours suffer nearly as long.”

  RAVEN CORINN CARLUK writes dark fantasy, paranormal romance, and anything else that catches her interest. She’s authored five novels, where she explores themes of love and acceptance. Her shorter pieces, usually from her darker side, can be found in Black Hare Press anthologies, at Detritus Online, and through Alban Lake Publishers.

  Twitter: @ravencorinn

  Website: www.ravencorinncarluk.com

  Not Enough Coffee

  by Zoey Xolton

  The editor sat slumped in his chair, illuminated by the glow of his screen. He was so tired that it felt like his eyes were bleeding. There just wasn’t enough coffee to lift his dour mood.

  An alert, a new email. He sighed. Another impatient, self-important author pestering him for a response on their submission.

  And these people call themselves professionals!

  In his dreams, he’d burn them and their submissions, dancing around a great bonfire as their hopes, dreams and lives went up in smoke.

  Smiling at the thought, he pushed the offending email to the back of the queue.

  ZOEY XOLTON is an Australian Speculative Fiction writer, primarily of Dark Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror. She is also a proud mother of two and is married to her soul mate. Outside of her family, writing is her greatest passion. She is especially fond of short fiction and is working on releasing her own themed collections in future.

  Website: www.zoeyxolton.com

  You Said You Wouldn’t,

  But You Did

  by Monica Schultz

  “Lying, filthy, cheat!”

  With each word Morgan hurtles another frame off the wall, watching it shatter against the hardwood. A million pieces. Her chest heaves, fighting the urge to scream.

  “I did it for you,” Hans insists without a hint of remorse. “Rage creates powerful witches.”

  Morgan’s eyes narrow. Shards of glass and splintered wood lift from the floor, hovering mid-air.

  “Perfect, now recreate the frame.”

  The air shimmers as the jagged fragments collect before Morgan, concealing the fury burning in her eyes. With a cruel smile she drives every sliver home, piercing the heart that betrayed the wrong woman.

  MONICA SCHULTZ is a full-time Mathematics and History teacher from Ipswich, Australia, with a passion for writing fantasy. When she isn’t busy finding ‘x’ in the latest equation, you can find her curled up with a young adult book and a cat on her lap.

  Website: https://monicaschultzauthor.weebly.com/

  Instagram: @monicaschultzauthor


  by T.W. Garland

  They left the courtroom, faces pale and hands shaking.

  “Is it possible?” she asked.

  “Possible?” he said. “Did you hear the charges? The evidence? All those things. All
those horrible things.”

  “Yes, but...”

  “How can a person do that to another person, let alone his own sister? And so many times.”

  “You heard his lawyer; he didn’t know what he was doing.”

  “He knows what he did. He’s a monster. He enjoyed it. It’s sickening.”

  “He deserves our love no matter what.”

  “Our love? Are you kidding? After everything he’s done, how you can you say that?”

  “He’s our son.”

  T.W. GARLAND has a stack of Victorian novels that taunt him with their unbroken spines. He has published stories containing monster hunters, supernatural creatures, steampunk adventurers, aberrations of nature, crazed criminals and psychic detectives. He buys more books than he could hope to read and is glad not to have been born in the nineteenth century or in a novel by Dickens. One day he hopes to live in the real world.

  Website: twgarland.wordpress.com

  New Neighbours


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