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Hate Page 17

by D Kershaw

  Facebook: arjohnstonauthor

  Website: arjohnstonauthor.wordpress.com

  Money Well Spent

  by Eddie D. Moore

  It took forty-two stones for Charlie to build his mailbox stand. He set the capstone in place, took three steps back, and said, “Try knocking that over.”

  LAURA NEARLY TOOK THE curve in front of her ex-husband’s house too fast, but she accelerated through the bend and eased the car off the side of the road to clip the mailbox. She realised that the new box was mounted on a stone pedestal as the capstone crashed through the windshield.

  When Charlie saw his ex-wife’s car in the ditch, he dialled 911 and mumbled as the phone rang, “Money well spent.”

  EDDIE D. MOORE travels hundreds of hours a year, and he fills that time by listening to audiobooks. When he isn’t playing with his grandchildren, he writes his own stories. You can find a list of his publications on his blog or by visiting his Amazon Author Page. While you’re there, be sure to pick up a copy of his mini-anthology Misfits & Oddities.

  Website: eddiedmoore.wordpress.com

  Amazon: amazon.com/author/eddiedmoore

  Yard Sale

  by Peter J. Foote

  “So, everything here is free? Even the purses and shoes, these are designer names?” one lady asks as hands reach, grab and tug to fill greedy arms with the unexpected bounty.

  “Absolutely, please take everything. I’ve lost my wife, all her things just bring up too many upsetting memories.”

  “I’m sorry, dear,” another lady with five purses remarks. “I hope her passing was peaceful and she didn’t suffer.” Hands grab a pair of designer shoes.

  “Oh, she didn’t die, but her suffering will only begin when she gets home and finds out that I’ve learned she’s been cheating on me!”

  PETER J. FOOTE is a bestselling speculative fiction writer from Nova Scotia. Outside of writing, he runs a used bookstore specialising in fantasy & sci-fi, cosplays, and alternates between red wine and coffee as the mood demands. His short stories can be found in both print and in ebook form, with his story “Sea Monkeys” winning the inaugural “Engen Books/Kit Sora, Flash Fiction/Flash Photography” contest in March of 2018. As the founder of the group “Genre Writers of Atlantic Canada”, Peter believes that the writing community is stronger when it works together.

  Twitter: @PeterJFoote1

  Website: peterjfooteauthor.wordpress.com

  Cybele’s Lament

  by Kate Lowe

  They came in the night with their torches and judgements of heresy. They came with accusations and the might of Torquemada, that holy inquisitor. They came with their fears and their prejudice and stole away the women of the wild woods, the healers and the nurturers, we avatars of nature.

  We screamed as the rack and the strappado laid waste to our bodies, their eyes on our nakedness, libidinous, revulsed. We sobbed for our sisters who had suffered so before, and we sobbed for those whose sentence lay before them.

  We died with the curse of revenge on our lips.

  KATE LOWE is a writer of speculative fiction from Leicestershire, England. Her short stories have appeared in various zines, magazines and anthologies, and she has an Honourable Mention in The Best Horror of the Year Volume 4, edited by Ellen Datlow. She lives with her husband, two demanding cats and an army of bears that have far too much to say for themselves.

  Website: www.kateloweauthor.co.uk


  by Raven Corinn Carluk

  Forty fucking years! Four decades of blood, sweat, and tears Luke had given to them, working long nights, skipping vacations. Birthdays missed, graduations unattended, grandchildren born and raised without him.

  Replaced without pension, tossed aside like rubbish.

  Anger seethed, low and constant. Every day tainted by thoughts of the young man who’d released him, that twist of the lips that said he didn’t care.

  Luke stood in the office, ready to plunge the knife into his own heart. He hadn’t kept the traditions, but Maman Robicheaux had taught him many ways to punish others.

  Good look releasing his vengeful spirit.

  RAVEN CORINN CARLUK writes dark fantasy, paranormal romance, and anything else that catches her interest. She’s authored five novels, where she explores themes of love and acceptance. Her shorter pieces, usually from her darker side, can be found in Black Hare Press anthologies, at Detritus Online, and through Alban Lake Publishers.

  Twitter: @ravencorinn

  Website: www.ravencorinncarluk.com

  Nasty Nancy

  by Amber M. Simpson

  Mashed potatoes struck the lunch lady’s face as the high school cafeteria erupted in its familiar chant.

  “Nasty Nancy! Nasty Nancy!”

  More food was flung, mac-n-cheese catching in her greasy hair, tater tots bouncing off her sagging breasts.

  Nancy only grinned at the teenage faces filling the cafeteria where she’d worked – and been mocked – for three decades.

  When the first loud cough broke the chanting, Nancy’s smile grew wider. Soon, all the little bastards were coughing and choking, her special ingredient working its magic.

  As faces turned purple and gasping breaths stopped, Nancy laughed and chanted.

  “Nasty Nancy! Nasty Nancy!”

  AMBER M. SIMPSON is a dark fiction writer from Northern Kentucky with a penchant for horror and fantasy. Her work has been published in multiple anthologies, as well as online. She assists with editing for Fantasia Divinity Magazine, where she’s gotten to work with many talented authors from all over the world. While she loves to create dark worlds and diverse characters, her greatest creations of all are her sons, Max and Liam, who keep her feet on the ground even while her head is in the clouds.

  Website: ambermsimpson.com

  Facebook: authorambermsimpson

  Not Forgiven, Never Forgotten

  by Rich Rurshell

  Simon slashed the knife so violently through Alec’s cheek, that he heard the blade strike teeth. With an equally determined swipe, he opened Alec’s throat, silencing his scream.

  Simon repeatedly plunged the knife into Alec’s chest and face and recalled times they’d taken his lunch, or called him “Bugeye” due to his thick glasses, or “Jaws” because of his underbite. The times they had beaten him up in the bike shed after school.

  They would all get what was coming to them. This was just the beginning.

  The hate had always been there, Simon had just lacked confidence...

  Until now.

  RICH RURSHELL is a short story writer from Suffolk, England. Rich writes Horror, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy, and his stories can be found in various short story anthologies and magazines. Most recently, his story “Subject: Galilee” was published in World War Four from Zombie Pirate Publishing, and “Life Choices” was published in Salty Tales from Stormy Island Publishing. When Rich is not writing stories, he likes to write and perform music.

  Facebook: richrurshellauthor

  Fate of an Evil Queen

  by McKenzie Richardson

  The stories say that they made me dance in hot iron shoes until I dropped down dead. Only half of that is true. The fact that generations of humans believe it’s that easy to kill me is insulting. All of that only made me stronger.

  Eating a raw heart, poisoning a princess, cold-blooded murder. That’s when I used to strive to be the fairest in the land. That is far behind me now.

  You think I was evil before? You just wait. You haven’t seen what I am capable of now that I no longer care about being called beautiful.

  MCKENZIE RICHARDSON lives in Milwaukee, WI. Her horror stories have been featured in various anthologies including Evil Lurks, Pandemic, and After: Undead Wars. She has also published a variety of poems and flash fiction pieces.

  Facebook: mckenzielrichardson

  Blog: www.craft-cycle.com

  Have Some Cake

  by Catherine Kenwell

  “You little
bastards! I’ll kill you!”

  The neighbourhood brats had knocked on my door, run into the alleyway, and cried for help. I ran outside in my housecoat and slippers. The door locked behind me.

  “I hate you!” I stammered.

  The brats giggled into their hands. They pranked the neighbours regularly; I swear everyone wished them dead.

  One day, I called out to them. “OK, kids, let’s call a truce... Come in, have some chocolate cake.”

  Surprisingly, they agreed.

  Cake and ice cream. Laced with antifreeze.

  Crying in the alleyway? Pay no mind, it’s just those brats, at it again.

  CATHERINE KENWELL is a Barrie, Ontario, mediator and author. After 30 successful years in corporate communications, she sustained a brain injury, lost her job, and joined the circus. She writes both horror/dark fiction and inspirational non-fiction. Her works have been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Trembling with Fear, Siren’s Call, and HellBound Books.

  Website: www.catherinekenwell.com

  The Greatest Con Artist

  by Carole de Monclin

  A good con must establish confidence and the surrender of doubt.

  The despicable creatures worship me. They think I love them.

  A con also involves a reward, as imaginary as it’s attractive.

  Because they believe someday eternal happiness awaits, they forgive every nasty misfortune I inflict, while I get off on watching them struggle.

  I laugh when they fight each other in the name of my different incarnations.

  They even pin their hardships on the Beast, when it’s really only me ruining their lives.

  If I did love the gullible wretches, would I have unleashed famine, war, diseases, or taxes?

  CAROLE DE MONCLIN travels both the real world and imaginary ones. She’s lived in France, Australia, and the USA; visited 25+ countries; and explored Mars, Ceres, and many distant planets. She writes to invite people on a journey. Her stories can be found in The Arcanist, The Deep Space Anthology, and every volume of the Dark Drabbles series.

  Website: CaroledeMonclin.com

  Twitter: @CaroledeMonclin

  Worth It

  by Wondra Vanian

  There were few things Elena hated more than crowds. Very few.

  When her mother died, inviting a parade of unwelcome well-wishers into Elena’s life, it was hell.

  She gritted her teeth as the doorbell rang yet again and another of her mother’s friends appeared bearing a casserole dish. If Elena opened her mouth, she would scream.

  Serves you right, she thought miserably. Should have thought of that before...

  Her gaze fell on a framed photograph of her mother. She smiled. Nope, still worth it.

  There were few things Elena hated more than crowds. Her mother had been one of them.

  WONDRA VANIAN is an American living in the United Kingdom with her Welsh husband and their army of fur babies. A writer first, Wondra is also an avid gamer, photographer, cinephile, and blogger. She has music in her blood, sleeps with the lights on, and has been known to dance naked in the moonlight. Wondra was a multiple Top-Ten finisher in the 2017 and 2018 Preditors and Editors Reader’s Poll, including the Best Author category. Her story, “Halloween Night,” was named a Notable Contender for the Bristol Short Story Prize in 2015.

  Website: www.wondravanian.com


  by Steven Lord

  Urien wiped the blood from his sword with a gloved hand and surveyed the carnage around him with grim satisfaction. Finally [how long? Why can’t I remember?] his quest for vengeance was over; Tristan lay dead at his feet.

  The cur had stolen his wife from him [no, she had loved him], then laughed as he cut her throat in front of him [I remember the fear in her eyes as I raised my sword]. Now he could rest. He sheathed his sword and strode...

  ...into the room and drew his sword with a roar. Finally, revenge would be his...

  STEVEN LORD is a debut author based in the south of England. He is currently attempting to cram writing in alongside a busy day job, with varying levels of success. While his long-term aspiration is to get a novel published, at present he would be pretty pleased with a drabble or two.

  Born to Kill

  by Brianna Witte

  His body shook violently against the straps. Beads of sweat pooled down his face, falling onto the chair. He begged me to let him go; to not harm him.

  That was not possible. Not after how he killed my family; murdering them like wild dogs before robbing everything they owned. He would not get away with it.

  The knife glistened under the florescent lighting. It was time to cut him to pieces.

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “If you faint, I’ll make sure to wake you. You liked watching my family die. I’ll make sure you don’t miss your own death.”

  AS AN UP AND COMING writer from Ontario, Canada, Brianna Witte has a passion for spinning tales of adventure and fantasy. She enjoys taking readers on a ride through the realm of fiction by weaving magical and mystical stories that materialise from her wildly creative dreams and vivid imagination. To date she has had a number of short stories and drabbles published, as well as her short story, ‘The Hunt’ commended for the 2019 Author of Tomorrow award. She also had a novel, Witches and Vampires, published in December 2019.

  Facebook: BriannaWitteAuthor

  Instagram: briannawitteauthor

  End of a Rivalry

  by Radar DeBoard

  John sat by the fireplace, reminiscing on his long rivalry with Paul. He remembered that it started sometime during high school.

  They always tried to outdo each other both academically and physically. They had kept it going for more than twenty years. Two decades of sneaky tricks and backstabbing to get the upper hand.

  John couldn’t place the exact moment where it crossed from a friendly rivalry into pure hatred. All John knew was that he had been the one to make the final move. He looked up at Paul’s mounted head on the mantelpiece. The perfect place for it.

  RADAR DEBOARD is a horror movie and novel enthusiast who resides in the small town of Goddard, Kansas. He occasionally dabbles in writing, and enjoys to make dark tales for people to enjoy. He has had drabbles and short stories published in various electronic magazines and anthologies.

  Facebook: WriterRadarDeBoard


  by Cassandra Angler

  “You’re such a waste of space. Of air. Of flesh.” She struggles against her restraints, screams muffled by tape. “Go ahead and struggle. I like a challenge.” I tighten the restraints, her fingers swollen and purple. Blood sprays as I bite the tip of her finger off. She screams again as I chew. I lick the blood from my lips. “I can taste the hatred in your blood.” She weeps, tears staining her dirty cheeks. I can’t help but laugh, her eyes round and large. “You won’t be missed.” I slash her throat. Her lifeless eyes gaze up at me.

  CASSANDRA ANGLER is a married mother of four who lives in the State of Ohio in the USA. When she isn’t busy caring for her family, Cassandra works on her upcoming novel due out in November of 2020 titled Contaminated. Cassandra has three short story publications as well as several flash fiction and drabble publications.


  by Kimberly Rei

  Smiling, she set a plate before me.

  I raised my fork, senses flaring at the first bite of pasta. Her skill with cuisine was known, but she had outdone herself. If I became dizzy with joy, what of it? This woman and this meal would make anyone heady. My tongue convulsed in delight.

  Pleasure became panic as my mouth went numb.

  There were rumours of unusual deaths; half-eaten pastries and lifeless bodies. I’d always scoffed. Talk was cheap.

  Her ruby lips twisted. There was a glint in her gaze. A loathing. Her voice slid around me. Liquid. Casual. “Who’s Daphne?”

  KIMBERLY REI has been writing for as long as she can remember. At five years old, her parents gifted her with
a set of Children’s Classics that she had no hope of reading. Yet. The potential alone sparked a love of words that has never wavered. Kim has taught writing workshops and edited novels for Authors You May Recognize. She has published several short stories and now can’t stop chasing paper dragons. She currently lives in Tampa Bay, Florida with her wife and an abundance of gorgeous beaches to explore.

  The Last Word

  by Glenn R. Wilson

  I love irony.

  I laugh as I push the tube into your vein. To think that a few months ago I held you in my arms. Now, I watch as your blood runs out and I replace it with another fluid.

  It’s your fault, you know. You told me I’d never touch you again when you left me for that man. The one who’s arrested for poisoning you. He’ll fry, alright—I made sure of that by planting evidence.


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