The Patient Killer (A DCI Morton Crime Novel Book 4)

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The Patient Killer (A DCI Morton Crime Novel Book 4) Page 7

by Sean Campbell

  ‘Fuck,’ Morton said. He began to jog towards his Audi and unlocked it with a beep as he approached. ‘I haven’t seen a tiger kidnapping since the Troubles. What did they want him to do? I assume that’s why he was in Hatton Garden.’

  The line crackled. ‘Yes, they did. They sent him the photo, and then their demands. Hang on. I’ll forward the messages to you.’

  Morton jumped into the car, turned on the engine and revved it impatiently as he waited for Ayala to do as promised.

  His hands began to tremble as he received the photograph Ayala had forwarded from Niall Stapleton’s phone. Vanessa Gogg looked terrified.

  Then the message containing the conversation came through.

  ‘Go to Hatton Garden and head north until you find the Arches. The building at the end of the alleyway is unlocked. Go inside. You will find blueprints and weaponry. Proceed to Hatton Garden Deposit Co and retrieve lock box 1779 by any means necessary.

  Bring it to Virginia Water Train Station and text this number when you are on the way.

  Do Not Call the Police. If you do, the girl will die. We are watching. You have 24 hours.’

  Chapter 15: Snap Decision

  Thursday April 9th 17:25

  The girl was still out there.

  Niall Stapleton had received the kidnapper’s demands just after eight o’clock. They had three hours and change in which to find the girl before the deadline.

  Morton slammed his foot on the pedal and raced off towards Hatton Garden. He needed that deposit box, and Hatton Garden Deposit Co was about to close. He needed someone to run interference.


  Morton thumbed the shortcut to call the Metropolitan Police switchboard, turned on speakerphone and set his phone in the dock on his Audi’s dashboard.

  ‘Put me through to PC Buchanan. It’s urgent.’

  ‘Right away, sir,’ the switchboard operator replied. The line went to hold music, and then began to ring.

  ‘PC Buchanan.’

  ‘It’s DCI Morton. Are you still at the crime scene?’

  ‘Yes, sir. Though I think the boys from forensics are almost done for the day.’

  ‘I need you to go to Hatton Garden Deposit Co and make sure the proprietor doesn’t leave. Can you do that for me?’ Morton asked. He wove through traffic as they spoke. ‘I’ll be with you in ten minutes to explain why.’

  ‘I can try. Mr Mehtani won’t like it too much. He’s not one for taking orders.’

  ‘Tell him that it’s life or death.’


  ‘Just tell him that. Ten minutes.’ Morton hung up.

  Someone had to be sent to take Niall Stapleton’s place. It couldn’t be him. He was much too old to pass for Niall. Ayala was too ethnic, and Rafferty clearly couldn’t do it.

  It had to be Mayberry. Morton thumbed his phone with his left hand again and called Mayberry.

  ‘Mayberry. Ask Ayala to brief you, ditch all your personal belongings, then head to Waterloo Station. Wait for me there underneath the big clock. Got it?’

  ‘Y-yes, s-sir, but–’

  Morton cut the call and sped towards the entrance to the Strand Underpass.

  Chapter 16: Hatton Garden Deposit Co

  Thursday 9th April 17:35

  Mr Suresh Mehtani scowled. He stood behind the counter in Hatton Garden Deposit Co and twiddled his thumbs as if he had somewhere urgent to be.

  ‘Why am I waiting? We closed five minutes ago.’

  ‘You lied to my detective, Mr Mehtani,’ Morton said.

  ‘I don’t recall that.’

  ‘You told him that the blueprints he showed you were not for this building.’

  ‘No. I said it could be. It could not be.’

  ‘Still sounds like obstruction to me. Why are you so hostile, Mr Mehtani? We’re trying to help you here. A man was tasked with breaking into your shop, and now he’s dead.’

  Suresh leant heavily against the counter, his bald head glistening under the spotlight above it. ‘Good. That’s the end of it. You can’t prosecute a dead man.’

  ‘What’s inside box 1779?’ Morton demanded.

  ‘Do you have a warrant?’

  ‘No, but–’

  ‘No warrant, no talking. Leave, please.’

  Morton stepped close and pulled out his handcuffs. ‘Don’t make me arrest you for obstruction of justice.’

  ‘Go ahead. But that won’t help you in time. Buchanan said you needed my help. Make it worth my while.’

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘Discretion. Leave me and my business alone. Don’t mention me in connection with the robbery. I can replace stolen trinkets, but if my clients hear that we’ve been robbed...’ Suresh’s voice trailed off.

  Morton considered his request for a moment. ‘Done. Give me the box.’

  ‘I can’t do that, but I can do this.’ Suresh reached under the counter and produced an empty lock box, then delved into a drawer behind the desk and pulled out a box of metal tiles embossed with the numbers nought to nine.

  The little tiles clattered as Suresh found the right numbers and slid them into the display on the front of the box so that it read 1779. He slid the box across to Morton and then nodded curtly. ‘I trust this will suffice.’

  ‘It is identical?’


  ‘Then we’re done here.’

  ‘Don’t forget to bring it back.’

  Morton turned and dashed out of the shop, and almost ran straight into Rafferty.

  ‘Rafferty! Call Ayala and tell him to meet you at Virginia Water train station. Get in position with a good view of the entrance, but don’t be seen. Got it?’ Morton said breathlessly.

  ‘Got it,’ Rafferty replied. ‘Where are you going?’

  Morton tapped the top of the lockbox with his index finger. ‘To give this to Mayberry.’

  Chapter 17: The Handover

  Thursday April 9th 18:00

  Mayberry loitered awkwardly on the concourse, right underneath the big clock, as Morton had instructed. Waterloo Station was rife with commuters heading home during rush hour, and the crowds were clumped around the departures board. Every few seconds the LED boards would flash, the trains that had just departed would disappear from the board, and everything else would shuffle one screen to the left until a platform for each service was announced.

  Mayberry moved with the crowd, trying not to look too conspicuous in case the kidnappers really were watching him. The board flashed again, and a split second later the loudspeaker rang out and a tinny voice announced, ‘Platform fourteen for the eighteen oh four service to Portsmouth Harbour.’

  The crowd around the board shifted as those headed for platform fourteen fought their way through, eager to be the first through the ticket gates so that they might bag that most prized of things: a seat during rush hour.

  It was no good. With so many people around, Mayberry would never see Morton coming. Then again, that might just hide him from any onlookers too. Mayberry tugged at his shirt.

  After fifteen minutes of awkwardly loitering on the platform, simply staring at the information board, Mayberry felt a tap on the shoulder.


  ‘Shut up. At your feet is my bag. Don’t lose it. Inside is the lockbox the kidnappers want and a clone of Niall Stapleton’s mobile phone. We’ve got the original, so we’ll see any text messages they send you, but we won’t hear any phone calls. Text them and let them know you’re on the way, then take the bag and head off on the next train. We’ll be right behind you. Got it?’

  ‘I’m n-nervous.’

  ‘You’ll be fine. Just do as they say, and you’ll save the girl. Go knock ‘em dead, kid.’

  Morton loitered nearby for a moment, scanning the crowd for any signs they were under surveillance. Then, when the announcer called for the evening service to Guildford via Woking, Morton strolled off and through the barrier. Mayberry watched him head onto the platform and then disappear through the p
latform-side entrance to the underground, from which he presumed Morton would loop back around to the exit.

  Before long, Mayberry found himself jostling for standing room in the eighth carriage of a train that was due to serve Virginia Water. He found space near the doors and leant against the bike rack before slipping Morton’s backpack off his shoulder. Whatever was in the lockbox felt heavy.

  And then, as casually as he could, he pulled out the mobile phone and texted the kidnappers:

  On the train from Waterloo to Reading line. I’ll be twenty minutes.

  Mayberry clutched the phone so tightly his knuckles turned white. For ten long minutes, nothing happened. Then, as the train sped towards Virginia Water, the phone began to vibrate.

  What are you wearing?

  Mayberry looked at the glass in the window and studied his appearance. Blue shirt, black slacks. There was nothing distinctive about him. He texted them back with a description of his clothes and then waited.

  He arrived at Virginia Water without any further contact. When he stepped onto the platform, another text arrived.

  Get on the next train to Weybridge.

  He looked around for any sign he was being watched. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ayala sitting nonchalantly on a bench next to a vending machine. He appeared totally engrossed with something on his mobile phone. Mayberry ignored him and walked towards a nearby guard.

  ‘Ex-excuse me? W-which platform for Weybridge?’ he said loudly enough for Ayala to overhear.

  ‘Can’t you read? That one.’ The guard pointed Mayberry in the right direction and then stomped off muttering to himself. ‘Pillock.’

  It did the trick. As Mayberry boarded the train for Weybridge, he saw Ayala head for the exit.

  Mayberry pulled out the cloned mobile and pecked out another text message. I’m on the way.

  Just over four minutes later, as the train began to slow down, the phone vibrated again.

  This stop.

  Mayberry squinted out into the darkness, trying to work out where the next stop would be.

  A mechanical voice came over the loudspeaker system. ‘The next stop is Chertsey.’

  Mayberry stepped off the train and into a large crowd of tourists, most of them carrying bags from the nearby theme park’s gift shop.

  This time, there was no familiar face to encourage him. As he wove through the crowds towards the exit, Mayberry suddenly felt alone.


  Rafferty had been waiting outside Virginia Water with the motor running when Ayala got the nod from Mayberry to head for Weybridge.

  His own car was abandoned at Virginia Water, so they jumped in Rafferty’s car and floored it for Weybridge Station.

  It was only on arrival that they realised they had gone too far. It took Ayala a few minutes searching the internet for train timetables to realise that the This Stop text which Mayberry had received meant Chertsey, three miles back.

  Thank God Zane had had enough time to clone Niall Stapleton’s phone. Only one clone would be able to take calls, but texts and voicemails would go through to all of them in real time.

  ‘What do you reckon is in the box, Bertie boy?’ Rafferty said as she drove.

  ‘The box has to have something valuable in it. And stop calling me Bertie!’

  ‘Gee, you think? Someone planned an elaborate heist to steal something that might be valuable? Wonder what it could be. Hmm. Nope. I’ve no idea what someone might steal from the jewellery district. If only we had a clue.’

  Rafferty swerved sharply left onto the Eastworth Road as she spoke, and Ayala felt himself being dragged sideways by the momentum.

  ‘Jesus, woman, where’d you learn to drive? Ease up on that pedal.’

  Rafferty smirked. ‘No chance. Not until we’ve got eyes on Mayberry.’

  ‘Don’t get too close. We can’t afford to spook the kidnappers and lose the girl.’

  ‘Quit your jibber-jabbering and calm down, Bertie boy.’

  Ayala ground his teeth. ‘Stop calling me that!’

  Chapter 18: A Diversion

  Thursday April 9th 18:20

  Mayberry’s phone rumbled as he made his way out of the front exit of Chertsey Station.

  Walk down Guildford Road.

  Mayberry set off at a brisk pace heading right out of the station, away from the crowds. Guildford Road looped gently around the back of the station as if heading out towards Chertsey Recreation Ground. The rain poured down, soaking him through. He shivered miserably, desperately looking out for a familiar face. It was getting darker, and with the weather turning on them, visibility would soon be poor. It didn’t feel much like summer.

  The phone rumbled again.

  Turn right. Go down Bell Bridge Road.

  Mayberry turned as directed and found himself creeping slowly uphill. The railway by which he’d arrived stretched out underneath Bell Bridge, and Mayberry wondered why he was walking such a circuitous route.

  Then the phone rang.

  He let it ring for a moment, fleetingly looking around for any sign of Morton or Ayala, and then placed the phone to his ear.

  ‘Take the pedestrian cut-through on the left a hundred feet ahead. Don’t hang up.’ It was a man’s voice, deep and without any hesitation. To Mayberry’s ear the accent could have been from virtually anywhere south of Milton Keynes. It was a bog standard Received Pronounced accent that gave little away.

  ‘O-OK,’ Mayberry stammered. For once his aphasia was helping. It made him sound like a nervous schmuck blackmailed into committing robbery rather than a confident undercover policeman.

  Still no sign of the others. Ayala had got the message, but had he gone on to Weybridge? And where was Morton?

  The only comfort was that they knew he had been on Bell Bridge Road from the last text message.

  The alleyway led Mayberry through to a residential area.

  ‘W-what now?’ he said.

  ‘Keep going. Walk on until you seen a house with a red door.’

  ‘R-red door. Got it.’ Mayberry walked along the road. It was a wide-set residential road with cars parked along the pavement. The houses were mostly semi-detached family affairs with the occasional low-rise block of flats.

  ‘I c-can’t see a h-house with a red d-door.’

  ‘Just keep walking.’

  Mayberry bowed his head against the wind and rain and carried on.

  When he was nearing the end of the road, he heard tyres screech behind him and a black van pulled up beside him. The side door slammed open and two men wearing balaclavas jumped out.

  Mayberry had just enough time to see a girl tied up and blindfolded inside the van, her mascara streaking down her cheeks underneath the blindfold, before a hood was thrown over his head. They spun him around, yanked his hands behind his back and tied them together with plastic cable ties before shoving him roughly into the back of the van.

  Chapter 19: Blind

  Thursday April 9th 18:25

  Morton knew something was wrong the moment that Niall Stapleton’s phone rang.

  The kidnappers were being overly cautious. The route that Mayberry had been texted led around the station in a great loop, and then back towards the main roundabout.

  That was where they lost him. Somewhere along Bell Bridge Road, which was gridlocked with traffic, Mayberry had taken the phone call and disappeared.

  Rafferty and Ayala were waiting at the intersection of Bell Bridge and Pyrcroft, where they had parked outside an MOT centre with a clear view of the approach.

  Morton hit his radio. ‘Still no sign of him, Ayala?’

  ‘No, sir.’

  ‘I’m stuck in traffic. Have Rafferty stay in her car, and keep an eye out in case Mayberry surfaces. I need you to head this way on foot and look for anywhere that he might have disappeared.’

  ‘Got it, boss.’

  Morton revved his engine impatiently. He was almost halfway up the bridge, still idling behind a queue of traffic, when Ayala came into view.
Morton saw him gesticulate wildly to the side, and then the radio crackled with Ayala’s voice once more.

  ‘There’s a cut-through here, boss. Mayberry must have turned off. I’m in pursuit.’

  The cars ahead of Morton lurched into motion, and he slammed the pedal down. The pavement widened as Morton came over the bridge, and he seized the opportunity to shift the left-hand side of the car onto the pavement and overtake the car in front of him. He spared a glance to the left, where Ayala had disappeared, and saw a residential road with nobody in sight. The car was never going to fit through the cut-through, so he’d have to loop around from the main road.

  Car horns blared as Morton sped around the corner, every bump in the uneven pavement reverberating through the car. He swung onto Pyrcroft Road and caught a wheelie bin on the pavement, sending it flying along the pavement, spewing rubbish all over the place.

  The cars ahead pulled to the side as what to them must have looked like a maniac screeched along the pavement. An elderly lady on her walker ducked off the path and into someone’s front garden just in time as Morton continued to accelerate.

  At the next left, Morton turned sharply into Lasswade Road and zoomed down towards Barker Road.

  Ayala came running into view a few moments later.

  Morton pulled his car over next to him and rolled down the window.

  ‘No sign of him, boss. The cut-through comes out back there’ – Ayala jabbed a thumb over his shoulder back down Barker Road – ‘but there’s nowhere he could have gone on foot. There’s a cul-de-sac back down the road. Do you think he’s inside one of these houses?’

  Morton unlocked his car door and stepped out onto the pavement. Assuming he hadn’t passed the kidnappers while driving, and he was pretty sure that he hadn’t, Mayberry was either in one of the houses on the street or he’d gone farther along towards Vincent Road – and back towards the A320.

  ‘We split up.’ Morton leant into the car and picked up his radio. ‘Rafferty, we need as many ANPR-enabled squad cars in the area as you can muster. Concentrate on the area between Barker Road and the A320. Got it?’


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