Rescue Me: An MM romance (A Bennet Family Novel)

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Rescue Me: An MM romance (A Bennet Family Novel) Page 9

by Andi Jaxon

  “Benjamin Robert Wallace, where the fuck have you been? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for over twelve hours! Twelve!”

  “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry.” I take a deep breath, knowing the shit storm that is about to hit me. “I was with Alister. I just got home.”

  “Excuse me? You were with Alister Bennet all night?”

  “Yup. All night. We slept on his couch.” Being careful of the charging cord, I lay back on my bed and sling my arm over my eyes.

  “Wait. Back the hell up, you were at his house?”

  I sigh, knowing I need to start at the beginning. “Okay, here’s the whole story. Keep your mouth shut until I’m done. No interruptions. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  “Yesterday, he emailed me and asked if I was available to meet up to study. I picked the pool hall that we use to hang out at for him to meet me at. We studied for a while then he decided we needed a break, and I suggested we play pool.” Her cackling laugh fills my ear. “Shut up. Anyway, that was a disaster. He kissed me, hard. Like lifted me onto the pool table and kissed the shit out of me.”

  “Oh baby, pool is the sexiest thing in the entire world.”

  “I said no interruptions. When he stopped kissing me, he asked me to come home with him.”

  “No shit? Go, Ben!”

  “Shut it! So, I did. Go home with him. We made out on the couch, and in his kitchen, he feeds me, then we laid down on the couch and passed out.”

  “Does he know I’m the only person you’ve kissed?”

  “Yes. I told him straight girls are pretty good kissing teachers.”

  “When are you going to see him again?”

  “Probably in class on Monday because I will have to see him every time I go…”

  She scoffs at me. “No, smart-ass. You know what I mean.”

  I don’t answer right away, the truth is, I don’t think I’m going to. It’ll be better for both of us if I don’t. He can move past whatever it is that makes him want to see me, and I can move on too. “I don’t think I’m going to.”

  “What? Why the hell not?”

  “Come on, don’t play dumb.”

  “I’m not playing dumb. A smart, successful, incredibly attractive man wants to spend time with you. What’s your problem?”

  “My problem? He has no business being with me. He can have his pick of men, and he can find a better match than me.”

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it.”

  “I do not know it. My apartment building smells like mold and mildew, some stairs and floorboards are literally rotting, and most of the time I go hungry because I can’t afford food. He can do a hell of a lot better than me!” Now I’m sitting up and yelling, my arms waving around as I shout at my best and only friend.

  “What? Why didn’t you tell me it was that bad? I would have helped you! I can pay for an apartment with solid floors and food. Jesus Christ, Ben.”

  “I don’t want your help, Kris. I don’t want to be indebted to anyone when I’m done with school. If that means skipping a few meals and living in a shit heap, so be it.”

  “Where you’re living is dangerous. Lord only knows what crap you’re breathing in, not to mention the high probability of physical injury with rotting floorboards. You need to live somewhere better.”

  “It’s fine. I’m almost done with school. I need to get some studying done. I’ll call you later.”

  “I know you’re blowing me off, but I’m going to let you do it anyway. You are worthy of more than you think. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” We end the call, and I fall back onto my bed again. Mentally exhausted. I catch a scent of Alister and bury my nose in the hood of my sweater, inhaling deeply. His spicy scent sending my heart into a frenzy. I want to save it forever. Sitting up, I pull my sweatshirt over my head, so I don’t rub his smell off the fabric. I set it aside on the bed and strip off the rest of my clothes to get into the shower.

  By the time I leave the shower, my teeth are chattering, and my skin is turning blue. I swear the water is only a few degrees above freezing, but I’m clean. I pull on the warmest clothes I can find and crawl into bed, snuggling the sweater to my chest so I can fall asleep with the scents of nutmeg and coffee swirling in my head.

  Chapter 26

  Alister –

  With the exception of the very first day of teaching, I don’t think I’ve ever anticipated a Monday as much as today. I haven’t heard from Ben all weekend and my mind has been running wild. I sent him an email since I don’t have his phone number, but he never responded, I don’t even know if he got home okay.

  This morning I shoved a protein bar in my bag for later and didn’t bother to brew a cup of coffee. I took a shower, got dressed, and walked to campus, because I was too anxious to sit around and wait. The rain is coming down hard today, so the mats inside the door are already soaked, “caution: wet floor” cones are set up, and it’s only 8am. Inside my office, I let out a deep breath and turn on the Keurig, more from force of habit than from actually wanting a cup.

  Sitting at my desk, my leg is bouncing, I’ve started five different things, but nothing is holding my attention. I’ve never been this distracted, this emotionally invested in anyone. I’ve spent so little time with him that it doesn’t make sense, I shouldn’t care this much, I shouldn’t need him this much.

  I can’t sit anymore, pacing my small office only gets me more aggravated. Ripping open the door to stalk the halls, I’m stopped short. Without a word, I grip the back of his neck in my hand and pull him into my office and find his lips with mine. Frustration, irritation, and want turns the kiss more aggressive, but he doesn’t back down. He not only takes my assault but gives it back just as hard. My entire body is hard, tense.

  Backing up, my legs hit the small love seat and I sit, dragging Ben into my lap, refusing to break the connection. He doesn’t hesitate to straddle my thighs, riding my hips like he was born to. One hand tangles in his hair, the silky strands are so damn soft. The other hand wraps around his hip to cup his ass, encouraging him. Ben is grinding against me with everything he has, the friction of jean on jean making us hotter. His mouth explores me, bites and licks, kisses and sucks, he’s driving me insane. He grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls my head back, exposing my neck and latching on. I know he’s going to leave a mark, I should tell him to stop, but fuck if I want to. I want his mark on my skin, his claim. I know the halls will be full of co-eds whispering about who did it, I’ll be watched even closer for clues. His teeth bite into my skin and my breathing stutters.

  I reach for his pants, wanting to feel him in my hand, wanting to make him feel good. The button opens, and the suction on my neck is gone. My eyes meet his, the endless midnight of his eyes are molten when I free his cock from the confines of his pants. The hard velvet of his most sensitive flesh in the palm of my hand. He’s a bit longer than me but not quite as thick, and overall, it’s a glorious cock.

  His hands drop to my chest, his eyes on my hands, watching me pump and cup him. He shudders and groans, precum beading on his tip. My thumb swipes over the bead, and I bring it to my lips, his eyes following the movement. When salty musk explodes on my tongue, we both moan.

  “Take my cock out.” I barely recognize my voice, the deep command to it. He doesn’t hesitate, his hands immediately moving to the buckle of my pants. It only takes a few seconds for him to have his hand inside my pants, grasping my cock. “Fuck…”

  Ben’s fingers are cold on my overheated flesh, but it feels amazing pumping my length. Moans, groans, and growls fill the small space around us, neither one caring about the possibility of being heard.

  My hand works him faster, squeezing a little harder, twisting my fist around him. His eyes close and his head drops, leaning into the hand still on my chest. “Kiss me. Kiss me while you cum.” I aim his dick toward my shirt, knowing I have another one in here somewhere. His mouth fuses to mine, his tongue mimicking sex ha
s me ready to blow. My body tenses further, my cock grows bigger, and I shudder my release onto my own stomach, spilling over his hand. My release sets off Ben’s, his whimpers caught by my mouth still sealed to his, as hot cum trails down my hand and pools on my shirt. I couldn’t be more satisfied in this moment.

  He shivers and kisses me softly before sitting back on my legs, careful not to make a bigger mess. Ben’s body is completely relaxed, spent, and my chest fills with pride. I did that to him.

  With a smirk on my lips, I chuckle. “Thanks for dropping by.”

  He smiles and stands up, tucking himself away, and grabbing the box of tissues from my desk to help me clean up some. With the worst of it taken care of, he helps me to unbutton my shirt, his eyes so intense I can almost feel it. The shirt is carefully folded and shoved into my bag.

  Standing in my office shirtless, my hands on my hips, I look over at Ben to see him lost in his own head. Staring but not seeing. With fingers under his chin, I bring his lips to mine once again, soft brushes of skin against skin. This kiss is comforting instead of full of lust and need. His palm cups my prickly cheek, and turning my head, I kiss his hand then his forehead, before stepping back to dig in my desk for a shirt.

  Ben’s eyes zero in on my neck, leaving me to believe the mark is worse than he meant for it to be. “I hope you have a turtle neck in here.”

  I laugh at his response. I don’t think I’ve ever had a hickey and I sure as shit don’t regret this one. “Nah, I’ll wear it with pride.”

  “I’m really sorry. I didn’t know it would be that bad.” When I glance up, he looks a little pale.

  “Hey, look at me.” I wait until he’s not just looking, but seeing me, before I speak again. “I’m not sorry. Plus, I’m pretty sure it’s a first for me, because I don’t remember getting a hickey before.”

  Some of the color is back in his cheeks, but he still looks worried, maybe because I haven’t seen it yet. Grabbing my phone, I turn the camera on to face me and take a look at the mark on my neck. It’s red, almost purple, and looking at it turns me on again. My eyes meet his, lust meets fear. Seeing just how scared he is kills the buzz in my veins.

  “Really, it’s fine. I like it even.”

  “I think I should change classes,” he blurts out, taking me by surprise.

  “What? Why? Are you uncomfortable in my class because of this?” My hands motioning between us.

  “I think it’ll be better if you aren’t my teacher anymore.” He’s looking at the floor again, backing toward the door. “I’m sorry.” The door opens, and he’s gone before I can wrap my head around what he just said. By the time the message gets to my feet to move, he’s long gone out of the building.

  What the fuck just happened?

  The pressure on my chest is heavy, as I drop my ass onto the chair I was sitting on only a few moments ago. My mind runs wild, replaying every second we’ve spent together since we met a month ago. Did I push him too far, too fast? Is he scared? Is there something I overlooked?

  Why does my heart feel heavy when I’ve known him such a short time?

  Chapter 27

  Ben –

  Outside of the Mathematics building, my back hits the wall, and I slide down to curl into a ball. I did what I had to do. I did this to protect him. He can’t be caught with me, it will ruin his career, and I am definitely not worth it.

  With my head on my knees and my arms wrapped around myself, I let the tears fall. I’m weak. I’m nothing.

  For a few hours, I let myself believe Alister cared about me. I felt safe and wanted as if he wanted to take care of me. It’s pathetic how a few hours of peace can rip your heart out when they’re gone. All weekend I talked myself into ending this before class, thinking his office would afford us privacy but not the comfort of being at his house. I kept my distance, didn’t respond to his email, even though every fiber of my being wanted to. I wanted to see him again, be held again. It’s better this way because he can find someone worthy of his time now.

  Once the tears dry, my heart heavy and cracking, I sit in the dirt. Being up against the building means this patch is dry, and the bushes hide me well enough from people passing by that no one should bother me. It’s cold out here, but nothing I’ve not lived through before, it’s not even the coldest I’ve experienced. My phone vibrates, and I know it’s Kristen, checking in on me again. I’ve been distant all weekend and haven’t told her why. I know she’ll try to convince me I’m wrong and I need to stay strong in order to get through it.

  Digging into my pocket, I pull the phone out and see an email from Alister. My heart constricts, terrified of what it says. I stare at it for a long while before working up the courage to read it.


  I would really like to talk to you about this morning. I’m sorry I pushed you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with, my emotions got the better of me. I know it’s a terrible excuse, but it’s the truth. The last thing I want is for you to be afraid of me or uncomfortable in my presence. With it being so late in the quarter, I don’t believe you can switch classes. Please continue to come to class. I promise to be on my best behavior. I don’t want you to fail your last quarter before graduation because of me. I’m happy to continue to tutor you as well or help you find someone else. Please don’t throw away your future.


  He thinks I’m angry at him? He did nothing wrong, everything was, in fact, perfect, I re-read the words, hearing his voice in my head, smelling his spicy scent, before getting up and heading to class. His class. I’ll sit in the very back, not make eye contact, and be the first one out of the classroom when it’s over. He’s right about one thing, I can’t let this ruin my future, no matter how bad it hurts.

  I make sure to arrive with everyone else to blend in with the crowd. It’s easy to get lost in a group of college students in morning classes because no one looks awake yet. The class begins like every other, with attendance being taken. However, when he gets to my name, there’s a slight pause and tensing of his shoulders before he says it.


  He appears to breathe easier, knowing I’m not avoiding his class to spite myself. Once attendance is taken and homework is passed forward, Alister jumps into today’s lesson, spending most of the hour with his back to the class. I can’t say I blame him, I wouldn’t want to look at me either if I were him.

  The class drags with me spending more time staring at his ass than on the board. The girls are all whispering about the hickey, which is on full display, his black V-neck t-shirt doing nothing to cover it. I don’t know if I should be horrified or proud of it, but my heart is in my stomach, so it doesn’t matter.

  The lesson finally comes to an end, and he turns to face the class, his eyes lingering on me for only a few seconds before asking if anyone has any questions. A few people raise their hands, and he goes over each question thoroughly, as he always does, then excuses the class. The entire time I’m packing up I can feel his eyes on me. I feel everyone’s eyes on me like they can all tell it was me who left the mark on the teacher they lust after. I need to get out of here, off campus so that I can think again.

  Stomping my way down the hallway, I head to the bike rack where mine is locked up, only to find a tire missing.

  “Son of a bitch!” My outburst has birds taking to the sky in alarm. “Come on!” I kick the bike storm off to the bus stop. Could today get any worse?

  Chapter 28

  Alister –

  All day I have barely held it together. The bruise on my neck is sore and throbs when I move my head the wrong way. Every time it happens, I’m reminded of how I got it, of who gave it to me. A shiver runs down my spine, goosebumps break out along my skin, and the fist around my heart contracts.

  Nausea cramps my stomach, my head pounds with caffeine withdrawal since I haven’t had any coffee today. How can Ben have this strong of an effect on me? It’s ridiculous, but he does. I need him in my life, and I need to know he’s oka
y. In my office, I pull up the student information I have for him, name and email address. Since I can’t access any of his other information, I pull up Facebook and search. After an hour of stalking every Ben or Benjamin Wallace I can find, I come up with nothing. What college student doesn’t have a Facebook account?

  With a growl of frustration, I turn off my computer and head home. The walk will help clear my head, and I can go down to the apartment gym to work off any lingering frustration.

  The wind turns the rain into biting pellets against all exposed skin, which makes me think of Ben riding home on his bike. He only had a sweatshirt this morning. I hope he was able to stay dry and warm on his way home.

  Chapter 29

  Ben –

  Stomping down the sidewalk after walking home in the pouring rain, I’m cold, wet, and pissed off. Who steals a damn bike tire? I’m fucked, I can’t afford to replace it, so I either have to walk back and forth every day or find a way to pay for the bus ride.

  Water squishes out of my shoes with every step I take, and shivers rack my body against the cold. Thoughts of being wrapped in Alister’s arms plague my mind, and the warmth, both physical and emotional, that comes with being around him. My soul is weary, tired of pain and loneliness and never being enough. Just once, I want to be enough.

  Climbing the steps of my rickety building, avoiding the soft spots, I make it to my door, but something isn’t right. There’s water on the floor in the hallway and it’s coming from my apartment. Come on! Why can’t I ever catch a fucking break?


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