Double The Ache

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Double The Ache Page 4

by Alexa Riley

  “We just wanted to make sure you got home safe last night. Nothing happened. If you open the door I promise to keep my hands to myself.”

  “Liar,” Amelia and Wes say at the exact same time.

  I smile and wink at Wes. I’m totally lying, but I want to get her to open the door.

  “We have coffee,” Wes says, and the lock on the door flips.

  After a second the door opens and her soft brown eyes peek out. “Coffee?”

  I’m instantly relieved when I can lay my eyes on her again. When she sees the two of us her eyes travel down to our bare chests and it takes all my restraint to not flex for her. I want her to think I look good without my shirt on.

  “Coffee,” Wes confirms and nods.

  He’s always been a man of few words until you really get to know him. Then he talks a little more, but always gets to the point.

  “Okay, but let me change,” she says, looking up and down our bodies again.

  Fuck, I’m gonna get hard with her eyes on me, and these gray joggers are going to do nothing to hide it.

  “You’ve got three minutes,” I say.

  “I’ll come over when I’m finished,” she promises, but I shake my head.

  “We’re waiting. Now you’ve got two minutes and fifty-two seconds.”

  “Eek!” She slams the door.

  I hear loud noises coming from the other side of the door and I look at Wes, who shrugs. I don’t actually count the seconds, I just wanted her to take us seriously.

  After what must be three minutes, she opens the door looking just as beautiful as she did last night. Her blonde hair is in a messy bun and she’s got on a cropped sweatshirt and low-hanging joggers. The band of skin that’s showing on her belly is almost enough to make me fall to my knees just so I can smell it.

  “Goddamn,” Wes mutters next to me, and this time I’m the one without words.

  “Someone said something about coffee.” She smiles and it hits me right in the chest.

  I clear my throat as we walk across the hall and into our place. I close the door firmly behind her and flip the lock. I don’t want her getting away so easily again.

  When we walk into the kitchen, Emma and Cassie are plating up food. Amelia follows them into the dining room, and Wes and I take a seat on either side of her.

  “This is a ton of food,” Amelia says, her eyes wide as she stares at the table.

  “We’re growing boys,” I say and wink at her. Her cheeks pinken a little and she turns her focus to the napkin in her lap.

  “There. I think that’s everything,” Emma says, placing the coffee on the table. “You guys enjoy.”

  “Wait, you two are leaving?” Amelia says to her and Cassie.

  Cassie grabs her bag off the bar in the kitchen and slings it over her shoulder. “Yeah, Emma and I live in Los Angeles. We come visit our brothers when we’ve got a free weekend at the same time. This was just a quick visit to say congratulations on another great season.” She looks over at Emma, who’s got an overnight bag on her shoulder, too. “You ready?”

  “Yep. Thanks again for a fun night. It was really great meeting you, Amelia. I hope we’ll be seeing a lot more of you.”

  The two of them smile and wave goodbye as they leave. When the door clicks, we’re finally alone and excited anticipation rolls over me.

  “So, they’re your sisters?” she asks, not looking at either of us.

  Wes grabs the coffee and pours her some while I take her plate and start piling it with food.

  “Yes. Now, would you like to explain why you ran out on us this morning?” I ask.

  “Umm.” She takes a big bite of eggs. She’s stalling for time.

  “Were you trying to get away from us?” Wes asks. His voice has changed and I can tell he’s excited, too. The woman we’ve both been waiting on is in between us right now.

  “Not necessarily,” she hedges, and we both wait for her to clarify. “I just remember being at the club and then nothing else after. I woke up in a strange bed with two men I don’t know and I wasn’t sure what happened. Can’t a woman have a second to get her thoughts together?”

  “We like to cuddle,” I say, reaching out and tucking a loose hair behind her ear so I can see her face better.

  “Oh,” she says, and the color of her cheeks deepens. “Do you? Um, I mean, do the two of you, um…cuddle with one another?”

  I let out a bark of laughter at the way she’s phrasing the question. “Wes and I sleep in the same bed, but no, we don’t cuddle with one another. We have a really strong bond. One that we hope to share with you one day.”

  She snaps her head up to look at me, and her soft brown eyes are filled with more questions after my bold statement.

  “You don’t even know me,” she whispers, then looks away.

  “We’d like to get to know you,” I say.

  She takes a sip of her coffee and I wait for her to figure out what she’s going to ask next. I can practically see the wheels turning in her brain.

  “Have you lived here long?”

  “We moved in a couple of years ago when we were drafted to Vegas. Wes and I have an extra room our family stays in when they visit, but otherwise we like to lead a quiet life. We’re homebodies who tend to spend our nights playing video games or watching Netflix.” She gives me a small smile and I can see some of the fear in her body slipping away. “Wes is also a really good cook and I like to eat.”

  “You cook?” she asks, turning to Wes.

  He wipes his mouth and nods. “I took some classes in college.” He shrugs it off like he’s not Iron Chef-quality.

  “We also spend a lot of our time in the gym here. We’ll probably be doing that at some point today if you want to come with.” Thoughts of Amelia sweaty and bending over fill my mind and I lick my lips. I bet she’d taste so good.

  “I heard there was a spa,” she says and leans back in her chair. “I could use a massage after last night.”

  I lock eyes with Wes and see that we’re both thinking the same thing. We want to be the ones oiling her up. The thought of a stranger putting his hands on her…yeah, that isn’t going to happen.

  “Are you sore from last night?” Wes asks, and I know he’s doing it to change the subject from the spa back to us.

  “A little,” she says, blushing. “I guess it was from the dancing. Nothing, um, happened, right? You said we just cuddled.”

  “That’s right,” I say. “Wes carried you inside and I put you in our bed. We kept our pants on. All of us.”

  “But we all slept together?” She looks to Wes, who nods.

  “So do you, um, date women together, or how does it work?”

  There it is, the question she’s been wanting to ask.

  “We’ve never dated anyone long term before. But that’s the idea. One woman for the two of us,” I say, trying to be as open and honest as I can with her. I want this to work, and I don’t want to scare her. Giving her all the facts up front should help with that.

  She opens her mouth to speak, but she’s cut off by her ringing phone. It’s sitting on the table in front of her and I glance down to see Dad on the screen. My hackles rise and though I shouldn’t be angry, because it’s her father, I’m annoyed at anything stealing time from us.

  “Excuse me,” she says, standing up and grabbing her phone. “Hey, Dad, what’s up?”

  I look at Wes and he shakes his head slightly, telling me to be cool and not follow her. She walks into the living room and we can still see her from where we’re at. I can even make out some of her conversation, even though she’s trying to be quiet.

  “Yeah, some of the boxes, but I didn’t realize I had so much.” There’s some silence and then I hear her again. “I can’t tonight. I’ve got plans. Sure, I can do that. Okay, see you in a little bit.”

  “Plans?” Wes asks me and I shrug, I know just as much as he does.

  “Yeah, sounds perfect. I love you, too. Bye.”

  Amelia walks over to u
s but doesn’t sit down. “Thank you both so much for breakfast, but I’ve got to go.”

  “Why?” Wes asks, like he has every right to know.

  “My dad needs me to go over some stuff before tomorrow. It’s my first day at work,” she replies, and I can see how excited she is. She looks so happy.

  “So we’ll see you tonight?” I ask, hoping that we we’re the plans she was talking about.

  “I, um, don’t think I can tonight, but maybe tomorrow.” She walks towards the door, and Wes and I are hot on her heels. “You guys aren’t going to break down my door, are you?”

  She bites her lip and looks back and forth between the two of us. I want to pick her up and pin her against the wall.

  “Not right now. But when you’re in our bed again, your little ass better stay put,” Wes says and leans down, giving her a quick, soft kiss.

  When he releases her, I do the same, feeling the delicate touch of her lips against mine. It’s not as long as I want it to be, and it’s damn well not deep enough, but for right now it’s what we’ll give her.

  “Don’t run from us,” I say, holding her chin and making her look into my eyes.

  After a moment, she nods and then I take a step back to let her walk out of the door and across the hall. We watch her go into her place and glance back at us once more before she shuts her door. I close ours after that and look at Wes.

  “You better know what you’re doing,” he says as he turns and goes back to the dining room table.

  “Me too,” I mumble to myself before I join him.

  Chapter Seven


  I cut the sandwich in half and slide it across the counter to my dad.

  “You going to tell me why you’re all dolled up now?”

  “I’m not all dolled up,” I say defensively, looking down at myself. I’m in yoga pants and a loose-fitting shirt and I’m barefoot.

  My dad raises an eyebrow at me. “Your hair and face.”


  My dad didn’t get here until late afternoon. I wanted to keep myself busy, so I took a long bath, then spent extra time on my hair, nails, and makeup. I knew I was going to be cutting it close between my dad being here and the plans I made for tonight. I’ve already picked out an outfit and shoes to wear so I can get dressed quickly when my dad leaves. Apparently I’m not as clever as I thought. I’m not even trying to get dressed up for my date, more like keeping myself busy so I’ll stop wondering about the two men next door.

  “I might have a date.” I shrug and now both his eyebrows rise. “I mean, it’s kind of a date. I don’t…it’s nothing special.” I throw my hands up in the air.

  Dad smiles at me. “With?”

  I pick my phone up off the kitchen counter and pull up the guy’s profile to show him. My dad scans it before handing my phone back to me. “He’s a doctor.”

  I nod.

  “I don’t like him.”

  I roll my eyes. “How can you not like him? You haven't met him. Aren’t dads supposed to want their daughters to date doctors?”

  “A doctor will work too much,” he complains.

  “You don’t know that.” I grab a grape from the bowl I put out to go with the sandwich I made my dad. “We’re both into health. The human body,” I add, trying to come up with something. I don’t even know why I’m bothering. It doesn't really matter because I'm not excited about the date.

  “I’m sure he’s into the human body,” my dad says, rolling his eyes, and my cheeks heats.

  I throw a grape at him and he laughs.

  “Dad! I’ve got to put myself out there. I need to date and meet people.”

  “You’ll meet people when you come to work. That’s how most people make friends.”

  “I want more than friends, Dad, and I don’t know if it’s wise to date someone I work with.” I can’t stop myself from glancing at my front door. My mind goes straight to Dean and Wes.

  “Yeah, maybe that’s not a great idea.” I glance back to my dad and I see his eyes are now on the door. “I didn't want to bring this up while we were going over work, but since we’re done with all that I’m slipping into dad mode.”

  “Uh oh,” I mumble and smile at him.

  He takes a bite of his sandwich and I wonder where this is going. “I hear you went out last night with the team. That Dean and Wes were there.”

  “Most of the team was there,” I try to play it off.

  “Yeah, but Dean and Wes were there.”


  “They don’t do the party scene.”

  “Oh.” I pick up the bowl of grapes and carry it over to the fridge and put it away. I’m not sure what to say to that, but my stomach feels warm. They were telling the truth about what they like to do. They are low-key and I like that.

  “Yeah. Oh. Something had to have gotten them to come out and I think I know what that something is.”

  I turn to face my dad and his eyes are locked on me.

  “Me?” I ask. I want to get it out there and not beat around the bush.

  My dad sets his sandwich down. “Yeah, you.” He lets out a deep breath.

  “Does that bother you?” I ask. I don’t like the idea of my dad not liking something I’m doing.

  “I’m not sure what I think about it.”

  “Me either,” I admit.

  I don’t tell him that they make me feel things I’ve never felt before. When I found out those girls were their sisters, I never felt such relief in my life. That’s when I really knew I was in trouble.

  These men could own me and they act like they want to. I don’t know how to handle one man, let alone two. To top it off, they aren’t normal men. They are freaking giants who are pumped full of testosterone.

  I sigh. “Well, nothing’s happened and who knows if anything will. Let’s not worry about something that might not take place.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince my dad or me.

  “They went out to the club for you. They were letting the team know you’re off limits.”

  I bite my lip, unsure how to take that. I’m conflicted—should I be mad that these two are getting jealous over me, or should I be a little happy about it?

  “So you know about them? About how they—”

  My dad holds his hand up to halt me. “I put it together between yesterday and today.” The room falls silent for a moment, and I could die of embarrassment. Mother and I never talked about sex. She’d try to get me to date people she wanted to set me up with, but we never talked about other things that went along with dating. “You’re an adult, Melly. But as your dad I don’t want you to be hurt or taken advantage of.”

  “You think they’d do that?” I ask. I want his opinion on this.

  “Hell if I know. They seem like good boys.” I want to laugh that my dad keeps calling them boys. “But I don’t think you’ve dated much.” I nod in agreement. “Then maybe this date tonight might be good for you. See what’s out there. There’s no rush.”

  After last night I’m not sure Wes and Dean would agree with that. And after what my dad said I know for sure he didn’t ask them to watch out for me last night at the club. I’d pretty much pieced that together over breakfast, but it’s good to know it was their own doing. They’re territorial.

  They would probably be pissed if they knew I have a date tonight.

  “Go on the date, Melly.” My dad stands from his chair. “Make sure you meet him wherever you’re going; don’t ask him to come here. Go somewhere busy, and then come home alone.”

  I fight my eyeroll. Instead I walk over and hug my dad. I love how he’s always on my team. He’s so different from my mother.

  “I’ll get out of here so you can finish getting ready.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” I walk him to the door and open it for him.

  When I do, I stare at Wes and Dean’s door for a moment. I debate once again canceling my plans for drinks. I wonder if they’re inside lounging on their sofa and watching Netflix. That sound
s like so much more fun than having an awkward first date.

  I wave goodbye to my dad and close the door. Glancing over at the clock, I see I’m supposed to meet Mason in twenty minutes.

  “Crap.” I rush to my bedroom to get ready. It’s way too late to cancel and it’s only drinks. I’ll have one and then leave. Making small talk should be easy enough.

  Stripping off my clothes, I grab the rose-pink dress I laid out, then slip my feet into a pair of flats. I grab my purse from the sofa, snatch my phone from the counter, and head out. When I get to the front of the building, I hail the first taxi I see and hop in. The place isn’t far, but I don’t know my way around, so walking isn’t an option.

  The taxi pulls up outside of a casino. I hop out and wander inside. I go over to a map and try to find the bar I’m looking for. This place is huge. As I stand there, I feel someone watching me and I glance back over my shoulder.

  A big figure catches my eye. Wes. He’s not looking at me but somewhere off to the left and he’s shaking his head. Did he follow me?

  No, there’s no way. He’s not even looking my way. I try to see what he’s staring at and why he’s shaking his head. Then I see Dean pop out from behind a sign. Clearly Dean is hiding from something, and Wes wants no part of it.

  I turn back around and study the map to find where I’m going. I give a small glance over my shoulder one more time to see Dean grabbing Wes, trying to pull him behind the sign with him. I have to fight a smile.

  I pretend not to notice as I make my way through the casino. I stop every now and then to pretend to look at something, and every time I spot them not too far behind me. Dean’s trying to hide and Wes shakes his head like Dean is being ridiculous.

  I should be irritated, but all I can think is how adorable this is. They’re both impossibly large. How could they not stand out in a crowd?

  When I get to the bar, I glance around.

  “Miss Green?” the hostess asks. She’s in a short dress that looks like what you might wear to a club. I glance around, wondering if I’m underdressed, but it doesn’t look like it compared to the atmosphere. I remind myself this is Vegas and most of the women dress like this daily.


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