Worlds on Fire (Guardians Book 1.5)

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Worlds on Fire (Guardians Book 1.5) Page 13

by Lexi Ostrow

  A punch to the side caused him to double over and he saw a mace coming towards his left arm, the one with the watch on his wrist. “No!” His voice finally joined the battle cries of the others and he fought on. Julian rolled to the side, thanking God when the blow missed. His foot caught on the chain mail of a downed knight and he tripped forward, his hands slamming into the ground. He pushed himself up and gritted his teeth as a foot crushed his hand. He wouldn’t let whoever the attackers were stop him from getting to Serena.

  “FIRE!” The shout reached his ears with amazing clarity given the situation he was in. But he was trained to hear that word and respond to it in his sleep. He jumped backwards and ran back from the fray. More cries of fire were joining the first. One of the castle towers had black smoke billowing into the dark sky. Red and orange flames danced on the curtains of more than one room.

  “Serena!” He had no idea why he shouted her name. But he knew from history, the queens used towers as solaces, which meant Serena may be in one. Julian hacked at the bottom of the shirt he’d stolen and then let the sword clatter to the ground. As best as he could, he tied off the wound and took off at a sprint. The doors to the castle were broken down, the fighting on the inside over. Many lay on the floor and many more stood, holding prisoners under arrest. It looked as though the fight lay outside now and with the flames; the kind of fight he knew he would win.

  He ran through the castle, bumping into more dead ends than he knew what to do with. Finally finding a set of stairs he coughed as smoke rolled down the narrow staircase toward him. He’d found it and hoped there would not be more than one despite the castle’s huge size.

  He raised a hand over his face and tugged the burlap cape over his body. “Fucking outfit, could they seriously not have fixed this?” He pushed forward. His eyes scanned the ground for any sign of fire before he walked forward. The stairwell was hot, and he wished again for the safety of his fire suit. The fire was smaller than it looked from the outside, clinging to furniture in rooms. It was the smoke now that was deadly. Too much inhaled and he could pass out, or lose his way without the protective helmet he normally wore to see through the smoke and fire. He could feel the burn in his eyes and blinked rapidly to offset the reactive tears that were forming.

  Someone slammed into him as he turned down a hall and both of them stumbled. Julian caught himself on a torch holder and the other person cursed as they fell onto the floor. He saw Serena then, barely dressed in a white nightgown. Her hair was down and her eyes closed. She wasn’t dead. He could see the rise and fall of her chest and this man wouldn’t have been carrying her if she was. Thank God for small miracles. He could tell this man was not a member of the castle. The black mask across his face pointed that out crystal clear.

  Julian didn’t think. Rage filled him at the thought of this man injuring his Serena. His fist came down on the man’s face before he could rise. The crunch of bone had never been satisfying to him before, but it filled him with delight now. The man didn’t cry out though, just covered his nose with one hand and pulled a dagger from his belt with the other. He jabbed toward Julian who side stepped easily and wrapped his hands around the man’s head. His arms tightened until the man was clawing at Julian’s arms to release him.

  When the man stopped struggling, Julian finally let his arms slip free. No remorse echoed in his head at what he had done. The man had sealed his own fate the moment he dared to touch Serena, to endanger her in any way.

  The flames were getting closer to them now. He was sweating profusely under the thin material he was wearing and knew he needed to get both himself and Serena out of there. She had been lying on the floor, letting the smoke wash over her and filling her lungs for too many minutes. He bent over and scooped her up as a flicker of fire crossed toward them. He turned on his heel and carried her as gently as he could as he raced back the direction he came. She was too limp in his arms like a rag doll. He had carried all sorts through burning buildings, those barely alive, those passed out and many simply too afraid to move on their own. Serena was faring far too close to the first category.

  His lungs burned as he ran down the stairs to the main hall. His arm throbbed from the slice he took earlier and he had no idea how fast the fire would move down the staircase. He hoped with it being nothing more than cold stone and a few tapestries the fire might die down on its own. Knights were shouting about water pails up ahead and he thanked God he had gotten close enough to the main hall he could hear them. He could see the flames across the hallway as well as knew that the danger was far from over. The building might be stone, but there were many fine items inside of it that could burn with the best of them.

  He stumbled as he raced down the steps and missed the final one. His body lurched forward and he squeezed Serena to his chest as he stumbled. Thankfully, he caught his balance before losing his footing entirely. The shouting made it impossible for him to focus on anything but the precious bundle in his arms. He needed to pass her to someone though, someone who would protect her as fiercely as he did because the fire wasn’t out.

  Julian could feel his strength waning with each step he took. He wished he’d seen the inside of the castle prior to know where to go. His feet pushed on in the direction of the most people. A cluster of knights appeared after he passed through two rooms and he knew that he could leave Serena with them. That they would keep her safe.

  He saw what could only be her parents in the center of it all. They were the picture of composure, even in their nighttime wear. Her father looked like he had a full life, his hair was graying and thinned out, wrinkles lined his face, but Julian could tell by the look in his eyes that the man commanded the respect of his people. His wife was no different. She was much younger than he, but still old enough to where the marriage didn’t skeeve him out. She was as tall as he was, and her eyes landed on his as he slowed his run to a walk until he stopped before them.

  Julian bowed with some difficulty due to Serena being in his arms before he passed her to her father. “Your majesty.” He lowered his head before continuing to speak. The man radiated a calmness in the ensuing chaos that was mere rooms away. A part of him wanted to ordered the royal family from the castle. They had far too much faith in the success of putting out the fire that it could claim their lives with one stray spark. But it was not his place.

  He dared to raise his stare to match the deep green of the king’s. Serena’s eyes matched her father’s and a pang of loss swept through him at the thought they she may never wake up from the smoke inhalation. “I know you think the worst of me. But please know I left only to see her safe once I found out about the flames.” It was only partially a lie. He had every intention to steal here away in the night prior to the fire, but thinking it so close to her was the reason he’d dropped the sword and ran toward the castle.

  Chaos was slowing down behind him, but men still raced by with buckets and goblets to put out the flames. He itched to race after them and help, but he knew that could result in an immediate execution.

  “He speaks the truth. Many of the prisoners escaped and yet he took up arms with us for a time.” John Marc spoke up for him and he was astounded, he was a decent man after all. He’d had no idea that he would have been jail broken anyway by the guards. He’d never heard that they would save the lives of their prisoners in the event of a disaster, but he’d seen some of the men he’d been locked up with as he’d passed through the castle rooms just now. He couldn’t help but wonder if the man in the trench coat knew and rescued him to simply look the part of a good guy or if he hadn’t had a clue.

  “You are the man that took advantage of my daughter?” His voice was harsh, his gaze piercing as he already knew the answer.

  “Sir, I am the man who fell in love with your daughter and I am the man who intends to finish saving this castle from the fire that brews above us. I will not run away, I will not leave here. But I have experience dealing with these things and would like to help.” He didn’t wait for p
ermission; he just jogged off after the others dealing with the fire.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Serena stood next to her mother and father’s throne. Her throat hurt from choking on smoke once more, but she had suffered no damage. Julian had come to her rescue a second time. The castle had not faired as well. The courtyard was awash with blood and debris from a fight that had occurred. The beautiful stained glass door was still being picked up off the floor so many hours later. The fire damage had swept the hall where her family slept. All portraits of the Du Bauc’s that had come before were burnt and gone, most of the furniture was nothing but black ashes on the floor. The smell had not retreated and it was late afternoon, so many hours later and yet she knew she would never remove the dirt from her skin when she thought about someone attacking her.

  The outer wall had been breached with ease and no damage. The attack had come from the Scots. They had infiltrated through the dungeons after impersonating a guard for the last season’s cycle. The men in her room had been sent to abduct her, to force a wedded union between Britain and Scotland to force peace. She couldn’t chase the thought from her mind that the events would have thrown her into the enemy’s arms and union had Julian never arrived to break the stream of her book, of her prewritten story.

  She had not flinched when John Marc had slit the informant’s throat after the entire plot had been unveiled. His blood had sprayed and left droplets on her pale green gown. But she had not flinched. Part of ruling was a strong front and this man had been a part of an attempt on her father’s land. Justice was that he met a quick death.

  Now all was quiet and peaceful, or as much so as it could be with the destruction and death that was around them. But the catastrophe had stopped. The men left alive from the Scots side were in the dungeons and their fallen had been sent to the grave digger to prepare them for the journey down the waterways in a boat on fire— ironic since some had been killed by the smoke and flames of the beast. That was how she saw fire now, for the beast it truly was. She had almost lost her life to its hand three times in the span of a few weeks and she knew Julian faced the demon every day at his job. It was as dangerous as any knight.

  “Bring him in now.” Her father’s voice boomed in the throne room and two guards marched in, Julian between them with irons on his wrists. His injury had been bandaged by the healer before they had thrown him back into his cell and they had been kind enough to give him clothes this time. His feet weren’t chained and he walked with his head held high.

  She met his eyes and a smile broke out on her lips. His eyes smiled back at her, but his mouth remained in a tight line. She could feel her happiness seeping over her whole body at seeing him. She had been told when she woke this morning that he had saved her, but she had not been permitted to see him. The healer had forced her to stay put while he tended to her.

  When the guards reached the thrones they released Julian, who went down on bended knee before her father. She held her breath. She had been told this had been the morning of his execution, but for his actions in the middle of the night resentencing had been decided upon. Her hands wound inside her dress skirt with anticipation. Her mother had not told her what would occur. She had no idea if she should be happy or worried and having to remain by her parents side was killing her. Serena wanted to race to Julian’s arms and kiss him deeply. The kiss was for everything that he was, for everything that he did, to saving her life, for loving her and for fighting for her people.

  “You have been brought before his majesty to face an adjustment of an execution sentence. Do not speak unless spoken too and do not move from your spot. You may rise.” Her father’s voice was strong and proud. None in the room would question his decision— except her if she didn’t agree with his order. “You had been charged with kidnapping, seducing and laying with my daughter, the last unwed princess of my kingdom. And yet, all I heard for a week’s time was the chiding of my wife that I need listen to my youngest daughter and hear her out. But I am king and a king’s word is law.”

  Serena’s throat tightened in fear. This was not going in any direction that faired favorable. She took a step toward him and he put his hand up. “Serena stand still and make no further motion toward me if you wish this young man to live.” Her heart stopped beating for a moment and she froze in place, he was to be spared. “Young man, for your actions in the line of duty to save a people who were not your own and for rescuing my daughter, I am in your debt. Your life is yours once more and should you wish to remain in my kingdom there is a place for you at my war table.”

  A collective gasp and whispers went around the room. But Serena heard none of them. Her brain hadn’t heard anything past the last statement. She squealed in delight and raced toward Julian as the guards removed the irons from his hands. She flung herself into his arms and he wrapped them tightly around her. She kissed him then, brief pecks on the lips, the cheeks, the neck; anywhere she could kiss in public without being indecent. His lips did the same and his hands petted the back of her head as he held her to him.

  “I love you, Julian.”

  “I love you, Serena. I thought I would never hold you again,” he whispered into her ear.

  She kissed him once more before pulling back. It was as if they both remembered they were in her father’s courtroom. And she hated it. All she wanted to do was tear the clothes from his body and place kisses over every inch of skin.

  “If you two are done, I am not finished.”

  Julian unwound his arms from her and she stood by his side, taking his hand in hers as they both faced her father, fictional king of Britain. “He is welcome at my table. I will train him, as I heard he lacks any sort of skill. But he is not to court you. He is an untitled man with no land, no army to protect him and not a worthy candidate for king of the realm when I am gone.”

  “Father that is not fair.” She had stepped forward and Julian pulled her back. She shook him off and glared at him before turning her icy glare back onto her father. “He has saved lives, mine included. That makes him more than worthy of any women and possession of land within your realm! I will not wed another and should I, I will not produce you an heir, Father.” She held her head high even though her knees were trembling with her threat.

  “ENOUGH!” Her father rose out of the throne and had she been the meek girl of a few weeks ago, she would have leaned back. Instead she left her eyes on his, challenging the man who had raised her. He did not see the challenge though. “This is done, Serena. Mark my words if I find you near him I just may cast you out yet and give title to your sisters’ husbands. They are both of royal blood, one second in line to his own throne. Do not push me, daughter. The lines of decorum have been blurred and finding a man who will not mind you not being untouched will take time as we have to assure you are not with child before we go further.” He waved his hand to dismiss her and her mother rose from her throne with her father. Together, in a show of power and grace she had seen all her life they walked past them as if they were not there.

  She swore she was seeing the world in shades of red. How dare he! After all Julian had done, after everything she had given up to be a loyal daughter, it would all end in disaster. She had not expected all to clear the room, but aside from the two guards all others had left. Tears spilled freely down her cheeks as she turned to Julian.

  “I’m so sorry. We must leave before they notice we are gone. Please we cannot wait any longer.” She put her hand gently on his wrist because she feared it was tender from the irons, and began to walk in the direction of the doors to the hall.

  Her plan had yet to develop, but she would figure something out before anyone realized she had every intention of leaving the castle with him.

  “Serena, stop.”

  “Guards, you may leave. I would like a moment alone with my savior. My father did not forbid that.” Her tone was forceful, the anger seeping out in her words despite her body trembling with fear that they would not leave. If they didn’t, she could never
escape with Julian.

  She kept walking toward the throne room doors, intent on gathering some belongings she could trade on the journey to wherever they would go.

  “Serena, stop.”

  She whirled to face him. “Julian, we haven’t time to stop. We must flee. I will not stay here with my father’s ridiculous command.”

  He took a step toward her. She was infuriated at how slow he moved. Did he not understand the importance of speed?

  “Serena, the man in the trench coat came to see me last night. He’s the real way I was let out.” She stopped walking toward him and froze. They had not been abandoned by him after all. Julian wiggled his wrist at her and she caught sight of a gold watch. “He gave me this before he left. It’s a way to my world, Serena. But it’s a one way ticket. I cannot come back here to see you should you choose to remain and you cannot come rule this kingdom or see your family should you come.”

  There was no contest. She closed the space between them and kissed him. Her lips lingered over his before she pulled back just enough to speak. “I choose you, Julian. Always.” Her words were barely spoken when he claimed her mouth again. This kiss between them was hungry, desire filled and his hand cupped her breast as hers went to his trousers.

  Good sense kicked in and she pulled back. Her breathing was ragged and when she looked she saw the guards look away quickly. “Speak nothing of what you saw and I will reward you somehow.” They both nodded and she looked to Julian. “Let me go to my father’s war chambers. I wish to pen a letter to them explaining and then I will be off.”


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