Man, You Monkey. — Tr.
[←455 ]
Critique of Behavioural Research. — Tr.
[←456 ]
The Man and the Greylag Goose: A Critique of Konrad Lorenz. — Tr.
[←457 ]
The term is psychopîtres is a neologism which seems to condense psychopathes (psychopaths) and pîtres (fools, clowns).
[←458 ]
Exercise your Intelligence. — Tr.
[←459 ]
How to Calculate your Intellectual Quotient. — Tr.
[←460 ]
Tests on Trial. — Tr.
[←461 ]
The Intellectual Quotient. — Tr.
[←462 ]
The Tests Demystified. — Tr.
[←463 ]
The World of Education. — Tr.
[←464 ]
Race and IQ. — Tr.
[←465 ]
Genetics and Psychiatry. — Tr.
[←466 ]
Genetics and Psychiatry. — Tr.
[←467 ]
Schizophrenia. — Tr.
[←468 ]
Walls of the Asylum. — Tr.
[←469 ]
French edition: Psychiatrie et antipsychiatrie (Seuil, 1970). — Tr.
[←470 ]
French edition: L’équilibre mental, la folie et la famille (Maspéro, 1971). — Tr.
[←471 ]
Fou in French means ‘crazy, mad, insane, foolish, wild’ etc. He cites the common expressions: amour fou (mad love) and faire le fou (act the fool). — Tr.
[←472 ]
The Psychiatrist, his ‘Madness’, and Psychoanalysis. — Tr.
[←473 ]
Bougnoles, a pejorative term for North Africans. — Tr.
[←474 ]
Playing on homme (man) and homard (lobster). — Tr.
[←475 ]
Comprehensible Psychiatry. — Tr.
[←476 ]
Anti-psychiatry: Sense or Nonsense?–Tr.
[←477 ]
Schizolâtrie, formed after idolâtrie (idolatry): ‘worship of schizophrenia’. — Tr.
[←478 ]
The New Medical Press. — Tr.
[←479 ]
Comprehensible Psychiatry. — Tr.
[←480 ]
An Anti-Psychiatry? — Tr.
[←481 ]
The Madman is Normal. — Tr.
[←482 ]
The Psychiatrist, his ‘Madness’, and Psychoanalysis. — Tr.
[←483 ]
Degrees of Madness. — Tr.
[←484 ]
Anti-Psychiatry: Sense or Nonsense? — Tr.
[←485 ]
French editions: La politique de l’expérience (Stock, 1969); Le moi divisé (Stock, 1970); Nœuds (Stock, 1971); Soi et les autre. Gallimard, 1971; La politique de le famille (Stock, 1972). — Tr.
[←486 ]
French editions: Psychiatrie et antipsychiatrie (Seuil, 1970); Mort de la famille (Seuil, 1972). — Tr.
[←487 ]
French editions: Le mythe de la maladie mentale (Payot, 1975); Fabriquer la folie (Payot, 1976); Idéologie et folie (PUF, 1976). — Tr.
[←488 ]
I Will No Longer be a Psychiatrist. — Tr.
[←489 ]
French edition: Une grammaire à l’usage des vivants (Seuil, 1976). — Tr.
[←490 ]
Anti-Psychiatry: Paths of the Sacred. — Tr.
[←491 ]
Keys for Anti-Psychiatry. — Tr.
[←492 ]
French edition: Une logique de la communication (Seuil, 1972). — Tr.
[←493 ]
French edition: Changements, paradoxes, et psychothérapie (Seuil, 1974). — Tr.
[←494 ]
Science Versus Freud. — Tr.
[←495 ]
English edition: The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry (New York: Basic Books, 1970). — Tr.
[←496 ]
Groupement de recherche et d’études pour la civilisation européenne. — Tr.
[←497 ]
The Veins of Being. One Last Venetian. — Tr.
[←498 ]
The Vermot is a French almanac devoting one page to each day of the year; the Clef des songes (Key to Dreams) were medieval guides to interpreting dreams inspired by the second century Onirocritica of Artemidorus of Ephesus. — Tr.
[←499 ]
French edition: La forteresse vide (Gallimard, 1969). — Tr.
[←500 ]
German: Entfremdungsgefühl (feeling of alienation or estrangement), French dépersonnalisation (de-personalisation). — Tr.
[←501 ]
French edition: Le talon d’Achille (Calmann-Levy, 1957). — Tr.
[←502 ]
French edition: Freud et la tradition mystique juive (Payot). — Tr.
[←503 ]
French edition: Sigmund le tourmenté (La Table ronde, 1972). — Tr.
[←504 ]
German: Zur Judenfrage, in the Deutsch–Französische Jahrbücher. — Tr.
[←505 ]
Marx and the Jewish Question. — Tr.
[←506 ]
From Oedipus to Moses: Freud’s Jewish Identity (Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1976). — Tr.
[←507 ]
The Left, Israel, and the Jews. — Tr.
[←508 ]
English edition: (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1955); French edition: La construction du réel chez l’enfant (Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1937). — Tr.
[←509 ]
English edition: (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1928); French edition: Le jugement et le raisonnement chez l’enfant (Neuchâtel, Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1924; third edition 1947). — Tr.
[←510 ]
English edition: (London: Routledge and K. Paul, 1960); French edition: La géométrie spontanée de l’enfant (Paris: Presses univ. de France, 1948). — Tr.
[←511 ]
English edition: (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971); French edition: Biologie et connaissance: essai sur les relations entre les régulations organiques et les processus cognitifs (Paris: Gallimard, 1967). — Tr.
[←512 ]
English edition: (New York: Random House, 1967); French edition: Six études de psychologie (Genève: Ed. Gonthier, 1964). — Tr.
[←513 ]
English edition: (New York: Basic Books, 1969); French edition: La psychologie de l’enfant (Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 1966). — Tr.
[←514 ]
English edition: (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1970); French edition: L’épistémologie génétique (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1970). — Tr.
[←515 ]
English edition: (New York: Grossman, 1971); French edition: Psychologie et épistémologie: pour une théorie de la connaissance (Paris: Gonthier-Denoël, 1970). — Tr.
[←516 ]
The Child and Reality: Problems of Genetic Psychology (New York: Grossman, 1973); French edition: Problèmes de psychologie génétique: l’enfant et la réalité (Paris: Denoël Gonthier, 1972). — Tr.
[←517 ]
Psychologie et pédagogie (Paris: Denoël, 1969). — Tr.
[←518 ]
The Modern French School; The Active School. — Tr.
[←519 ]
For the School of the People. — Tr.
[←520 ]
Treatise on Sociology. — Tr.
[←521 ]
English: (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1951); French: La psychologie de l’intelligence (Paris: A. Colin, 1947). — Tr.
[←522 ]
English: (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972); French: Sagesse et illusions
de la philosophie (Paris: Presses Univ. de France., 1965). — Tr.
[←523 ]
Understanding Piaget (New York: International Universities Press, 1976). — Tr.
[←524 ]
Epistemology of the Human Sciences. — Tr.
[←525 ]
The Child and Reality: Problems of Genetic Psychology (New York: Grossman, 1973). — Tr.
[←526 ]
Current Orientations of Psycho-Pedagogy. — Tr.
[←527 ]
Epistemology of the Human Sciences (Principle Research Tendencies in the Human and Social Sciences). — Tr.
[←528 ]
Children: The Challenge (New York: Hawthorn Books, 1964). — Tr.
[←529 ]
The Death of Pygmalion. — Tr.
[←530 ]
Child Behavioural Disorders. — Tr.
[←531 ]
Child Behavioural Disorders. — Tr.
[←532 ]
Child Psychology. — Tr.
[←533 ]
Gifted. — Tr.
[←534 ]
Association nationale pour les enfants surdoués. — Tr.
[←535 ]
An agrégé is a holder of the agrégation, the highest teaching diploma in France.
[←536 ]
Mixed Waters. — Tr.
[←537 ]
School and Culture: The University Plagued by Beasts. — Tr.
[←538 ]
In French, the word dressage generally means ‘to train’ (especially of an animal, i.e. to ‘rear’ or ‘raise’); the word also has a strong sense of ‘straightening’, or ‘standing’ (being ‘erect’, ‘upright’), which is what the author is playing on here. This sense is also evident in the verb form: dresser: ‘to train, prepare, establish, raise, erect’, etc. — Tr.
[←539 ]
In France, collège, or grades 6–9 (age 11–15). — Tr.
[←540 ]
‘Equality in Education’ in The Spectacle of the World. — Tr.
[←541 ]
Groupe d’études pour une nouvelle education. — Tr.
Heritage and Foundations Page 48