Awakening Lucy

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Awakening Lucy Page 9

by Susan Bella Ikin

  Afterwards, we walked to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal and took the ferry over to Staten Island. As the ferry went past Liberty Island, it was packed full of tourists, as well as locals, busily snapping away on their cameras, each person trying to get a good photo of the Statue. One thing Nick and I were interested to see was that each ferry was escorted by a coast guard boat, with a guard standing in the prow manning a floor mounted machine gun! Locals seemed not to notice, we supposed they were used to seeing such displays of security, but it was strange for us to see.

  We had dinner near Times Square, and bought last minute tickets to a show that night. This meant that we had to hurry back to our rooms to get ready, and we then made it to the theatre just in time for the opening curtain. After the show we stopped at an Irish Pub for a drink and then walked arm in arm to the hotel, talking about the show we had just seen, and how much walking we had done that day.

  This time we entered our joint rooms via Nick’s room. He opened the door for me to proceed through in front of him, and I turned to face him as he turned to the room after closing the door. We regarded each other in silence for a while, and then I threw caution to the wind and launched myself at him. Nick caught me, laughing, and we kissed long and hard. My hands were everywhere on Nick’s body, I could not get enough of him. I pulled his shirt out of his trousers and pushed my hands up inside the shirt, running them over his chest and back. I snaked one hand down inside his trousers and started stroking his penis, and Nick moaned into my mouth in pleasure.

  Suddenly he scooped me up and carried me to the bed, dropping me gently and following me down. Somehow I had not landed completely on the bed, but had my legs hanging over the edge, and Nick took advantage of this posture to work a hand up my skirt and into my panties. I opened my legs as wide as I could to give Nick access, as I was eager to experience his magic touch. Nick leaned over me, kissing me deeply, all the while working his fingers and his thumb inside and outside me, bringing me to the edge of a climax and then skillfully tipping me over. Initially I had been running my hands all over his body, but as the tension rose in me, I fisted my hands into the bedspread and used any leverage I could find to thrust upwards to meet Nick’s questing fingers. Once the waves of pleasure had finished rolling through me, I pulled Nick’s shirt over his head, buttons or no buttons, and fumbled with his belt buckle until he helped me to undo his trousers and push them down. I reached a hand between us and stroked him urgently, trying to guide him towards me, eager for more, but Nick stayed my hand until he had sheathed himself with a condom. He then hooked his hands under my bottom and pulled me towards him, entering me while he was kneeling next to the bed. This was an amazing position, as it allowed for a really deep penetration, and to make it even more so, I hooked my legs up behind his torso, and crossed my ankles, using the leverage to pull him in. Nick rolled his eyes back and thrust urgently, with me meeting his actions just as urgently. Before long we were both climaxing together, and Nick collapsed on top of me, half on and half off the bed.

  After a while, we got up and took our clothes off, we had been having sex while we were still almost fully clothed – I was still wearing my dress and shoes, Nick had just pushed my panties to one side for access. I had pulled Nick’s shirt off, but he had just pushed his trousers down to his knees and was still wearing shoes and socks! Naked, we both climbed into the bed and held each other for a while.

  “You know, we had better set an alarm tonight”, I said after a while, “if we are going to get up to go to the Statue of Liberty tomorrow, or we might oversleep again. Especially if you keep pleasuring me like that, because I might not let you get a good night’s sleep tonight either”.

  Nick chuckled, then reached behind him and turned out the light, picking up his phone and setting the alarm on it. “Well, in that case, we’d better grab some sleep while we can. If I am going to be rested enough to perform as expected, I will need some sleep now”. He yawned and snuggled in to the side of me, and before much time had passed, his even breathing indicated that Nick had indeed fallen asleep. I held him while I drifted off to sleep, feeling wanted and appreciated.


  The next day we were up early, despite our broken but enjoyable night, and were having breakfast downtown with plenty of time to spare before our scheduled time to present at the ferry terminal. After a leisurely breakfast which we spent people watching, we made our way to the ferry terminal, and had to pass through more security screening before boarding the ferry to Liberty Island.

  Once on the island, we walked around for a while before checking our bags into the locker room. We were then able to take an elevator to the top of the pedestal, and began our climb up the inside of the statue. The staircase was a very narrow, twisting one, that had obviously been divided in half so that one way was up, and the other way was down. I had to climb slowly, as I was experiencing a very pleasant but persistent ache between my legs as a result of the unaccustomed activity that I had been indulging in for the last two days. Not only that, but the interior of the statue was hot, and the handrail was slippery from the sweat of the people that had gone before us, so hurrying was not a good idea. When we finally got to the top, we discovered that there were two National Parks employees up there, they must have to make this climb everyday, I thought! We looked out of the windows which were in the crown of the Statue for a while, then made our way down, which I found even more nerve racking than the climb up, as the steps were steep and narrow. Finally when we had made it safely to the bottom, and collected our possessions from the lockers, we stopped for a cold drink before heading back to the ferry.

  On the ferry ride, Nick reminded me that we were due to meet with Adam and Sarah that night for dinner, to discuss what we would be doing the next day, so I said that after a few more hour’s exploration of the city, I would be wanting a long shower before dinner, as I already felt hot and sweaty. Nick leaned in and whispered that he like me hot and sweaty, and I am sure that even though I was already flushed, Nick would have been able to see my blush!

  We spent the afternoon looking at some of the iconic sights of the city, such as Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village, and the “Ghostbusters Library” which was actually one of the library buildings and was absolutely beautiful. The Schwartzman building contained some wonderful paintings on the ceilings and had extensive marble work, although we had to marvel quietly as it was a functioning library.

  Back at the hotel, once again we experienced shower sex, then slowly soaped each other afterwards, and Nick gave me the pleasure of shampooing and conditioning my hair – why was it that it felt so much better when someone else shampooed your hair than when you did it yourself?

  We dressed and made our way to the restaurant where Nick and Adam had arranged to meet for dinner, and once seated, we all chatted for a while about the sights we had seen, comparing notes and making suggestions to each other. I noticed that Sarah was tossing me speculative glances, and wondered how much she had guessed. In between main course and dessert, Sarah mentioned having to use the bathroom, stating that it was a frequent occurrence for her these days, and I got up to go with her.

  We met at the sinks, and as I washed and dried my hands, I waited for Sarah to speak, knowing that she would.

  “Nick is a lovely man, isn’t he?” began Sarah. I nodded yes.

  “I’ve only known him a short time, not having known Adam all that long”, she began, smiling at me in the mirror, “but he strikes me as a very genuine person. I saw that he was attracted to you on the ship, but it wasn’t really a good environment for people to get to know each other, Adam and I were lucky to be alone on a ship full of people, you and Nick however were stuck there with people you knew! You seem to have worked it out though”.

  I decided to level with her, I liked Sarah, and of course I had known Adam for such a long time anyway.

  “Actually, I think we have our scheming parents to thank for helping us have some alone time together.” I told her a
bout what my Mum and Nick’s father had done, and Sarah stared at me wide eyed.

  “So your own mother set you up in adjoining rooms with a man you were clearly attracted to? How open minded of her!” Sarah laughed as she gathered up her bag, and we walked back to the table, laughing. The same could not be said of the men however, they were staring at each other, and the tension in the air was palpable. I raised an eyebrow at Nick but he would not meet my eyes. The rest of the evening was a little uncomfortable, but Sarah and I determined to ignore whatever problem the men were having and to make plans for the next day. Sarah wanted to go to Macy’s and I agreed to go with her. Nick rolled his eyes but agreed to go along, as did Adam. They could always find somewhere to wait, Adam said.

  That night in the hotel room, Nick seemed a little distant at first. I asked him what he and Adam had been talking about, and he did not want to say. I did not know what to do, as I could not understand what had gone wrong. Finally I decided to tackle the problem straight on, and asked Nick what I had done wrong.

  “No, you’ve done nothing wrong”, Nick said, moving towards me and holding my arms, “My meddling brother was just warning me to treat his receptionist right, as he is worried about what happens if you and I break up and you are too uncomfortable to work with him anymore”.

  I was shocked at this, on a number of levels. Firstly that I could be so important to Adam, we had a good relationship, but I had never considered that he might miss me or my work if I left his practice. I also had a pang of guilt that I had been the cause of dissension between the two brothers. But the thing that was most bothering me was the assumption by Adam, and partly by Nick, that Nick and I had become a “we” and that there could be a problem if “we” broke up.

  Were we a “we”? Was there an “us”? What direction did Nick see our relationship going? What did I expect from our relationship? Nick must have seen some of the troubles flitting across my face, as he dropped my arms and moved his hands to my face.

  “It’s too soon to have any meaningful conversations, I wouldn’t have said anything if Adam hadn’t stuck his nose in. Cheeky bugger, just because he has found himself a clever and beautiful wife he thinks he can hand out relationship advice to everyone else. Can we just enjoy our holiday, and getting to know each other, and leave this conversation until we get home?”

  I thought this was a reasonable request. We had spent our first week together talking, we only had a short time left to spend together before heading back to our everyday lives, and I just wanted to enjoy the time we had together. I had faith that Nick was interested in pursuing our relationship to whatever natural conclusion it came to, whether that meant we broke up in the future, or whether we were able to make our relationship permanent, it didn’t matter, I knew that Nick would not treat me badly and if we broke up it would be because that was the best thing for us.

  That night our lovemaking was subdued, Nick seemed unable to shake the mood that he had fallen into after dinner. We got up the next morning, and for the first time, I showered alone and dressed alone. I started to get angry, thinking that I would give Adam a good talking to when we got back to work, and tell him to keep his opinions to himself!

  I did enjoy myself shopping with Sarah though, until we got to the baby section. As I helped her find outfits for her child, I softly felt the little clothes, imagining how a child of mine might have looked in them. Then I realized that it was still possible for me, I was still young enough to have a child. I turned to look at Sarah as she flipped through racks of tiny clothes, and suddenly I realized that I wanted something like she had. I wanted a man who I loved, and who loved me. I thought maybe what Nick and I had was close, and might develop to that in time. But how would Nick feel about a child? We had only just gotten together, it was really too soon to be broaching such a sensitive subject, but at my age I really didn’t have too much time to waste and we would have to have that discussion sooner rather than later.

  As if he could somehow sense my thoughts about him, my phone rang, and the caller id told me that it was Nick. I answered it.

  “Are you and Sarah nearly done? Adam and I have drunk several cups of bad coffee and eaten too much at the coffee shop, and we want to know if it is safe to venture in yet?”

  “I think we’re nearly finished, do you want to meet out the front in about fifteen minutes?” I asked Nick while flashing a questioning look at Sarah, who nodded in agreement. So almost twenty minutes later, we met Nick and Adam at the front of the store, and Adam took Sarah’s many bags from her. Nick offered to take mine from me, and I told him he could take all but one. We said our goodbyes, and hugged and kissed Adam and Sarah, wishing them a good trip back and heading back to our hotel. When we got to the hotel, I took the bags from Nick and placed them, with the bag I had retained, in my wardrobe for sorting and packing later.

  Nick and I spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing in front of the television, resting from our exhausting day of shopping. Nick seemed to have gotten over his earlier moodiness, thankfully he and Adam must have had time to sort out whatever was bothering him.

  We went out for dinner and after stopping at a convenient drug store to replenish our contraceptive supplies, found ourselves back in my room, where we made love without abandon, without any of the reservation from the previous evening.


  The next day was our last full day in New York. We spent the day touring museums and public buildings, and holding hands a lot. In the afternoon, we took a subway across to Brooklyn, and walked back across the Brooklyn Bridge.

  We went back to that Irish pub for dinner, and to talk to the other locals and tourists for a while before heading back to the hotel for our last evening together on holiday. I told Nick that I would meet him in his bedroom, that I just wanted to use my bathroom first, and I sneaked in with the little package from shopping this afternoon. I changed in the bathroom, and when I was done, I wasn’t sure that I could go through with it. Never in my life had I thought to dress like this, but the last couple of days with Nick had made me feel not only comfortable with him, but with my body as well, and dare I say it – a little bold.

  I stepped out of my bathroom wearing what amounted to some very expensive scraps of material. Sarah had raised her eyebrows when she saw what I was buying, but had wisely chosen not to say anything. I walked to my wardrobe, and selected the one pair of high heels that I had brought with me – luckily I had chosen black thinking that they would go with just about anything. However, I had not envisioned wearing them with some very sheer stockings which were held up by a black garter belt. I had teamed that with a vibrant red bustier and a red g string, and had a sheer black lace wrap thrown over the whole ensemble, which was of course completely transparent so that the satin of the bustier shone through. I took a deep breath, plastered a smile on my face and walked through the connecting door.

  Nick had taken off his jacket and was standing at the desk, having a drink of water, and at the sight of me he nearly dropped the glass, sloshing the water over his clothes.

  “Oh, that’s a shame,” I said disingenuously, “You’ve spilt your drink on yourself. You’ll have to take those clothes off now”. At this, I walked to him and started brushing at the drops of water on his shirt, and lower down, brushing my hand over the growing bulge in his trousers. Nick closed his eyes and drew in his breath on a ragged gasp.

  “Lucy, have you had that outfit all along, or did you buy it yesterday?”

  While Nick had been talking, I had managed to swiftly take off his shirt, and as I answered him, I “accidentally” dropped it on the ground.

  “I bought it yesterday, do you like it? Oops, I seem to have dropped your shirt, let me get it”, and I bent down to pick it up. So Nick liked my rear end did he? I took my time picking up the shirt, giving my backside a little wiggle, knowing that the g-string hid nothing at all. My little tease began to backfire on me however when I felt Nick’s hand on my right buttock, softly caressing the skin.
The feel of Nick’s hand on my body was something I always enjoyed, and this was no exception. I straightened and turned to face Nick.

  “It’s only water, I’m sure your shirt won’t be ruined. But I don’t know about these trousers”, and I again returned to rubbing his crotch with my hand. Nick sagged against the table, half standing and half sitting. I pushed Nick towards the chair and guided him to sit in it, and then straddled him, so that my crotch, barely covered by the g-string, was rubbing against his, which was straining to be released from his trousers. Nick’s hands went to his belt buckle in an attempt to undo it, but I slapped his hands away. That was not part of the plan.

  I bent my head to Nick’s and slowly traced around his lips with my tongue. As I did this I ground downwards hard with my body so that my crotch was rubbing against Nick’s. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and thrust around with it, tasting and nibbling with my teeth. Although I had started this without a clear idea of what to do apart from putting on the sexy lingerie, I soon figured out that the friction generated by our feverish rubbing together was going to send me over the top into a climax, and from Nick’s reactions I thought it might do the same for him as well. I was right, as with a grunt, Nick pushed upwards against me and held me tight against him, and the sensation of him thrusting against me was enough to send me over the edge as well.

  I remained straddling Nick for a few moments, breathing heavily, until he said he needed to go to the bathroom to change out of his clothes. I took the opportunity to arrange myself atop the bed. Wondering how best to show off my outfit, I eventually plumped for laying on my side, with my head propped up on one hand. I thought this had the effect of pushing my breasts forward, which the bustier was doing anyway, and so it looked like my chest was a lot larger than it actually was. Nick came back into the room naked, took one look at me, and right in front of my eyes, I saw his shaft spring up from its resting state. Well, this outfit was a good investment after all if it had that reaction.


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