Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Page 13

by Jay, Setta

  Turning around in surprise, “I am not broadcasting! I haven’t broadcasted since I was a child!” She was insulted that he’d think her so inept.

  Focusing to get the dress, yes, freaking dress, Sirena had brought her, on, she just barely heard him bang his head on the wall. Whatever. She had sky high, fuck me boots, and a short, black, fifties style dress with flared skirt, which was shorter on her than it probably was on Sirena. It ended just above her knees, while the black patent boots with their stunning red soles ended just below the knee. She looked down, disgusted. Great outfit to try and fight her way out of the Guardian’s compound.

  Working up a good pissed, she struggling to get the zipper up the back. Alex turned to glance at Uri once again. Her underwear were shredded, it just kept getting better. She also got to go commando. “Could you please get to the whole test thing and tell me what happened to us. Your vocal cords are in working order, correct?”

  Finally, he got up, avoiding looking at her as he used a scrap of cloth to clean off then grabbed and donned the discarded workout pants, “We weren’t drugged or spelled, we were in the Mating Frenzy, which is why I can hear your thoughts, I’m assuming… and it’s why Sirena will want to test us. Sirena’s been researching the mating bonds for centuries and logs all the information she can on anyone going through it.” He said it as if his thoughts were truly far away. His features were tense, but his eyes practically snared her in their seductive clutches, such intense… possessiveness? Or desire?

  “What?” Her breath seized from her lungs when she processed what he’d said, making her question come out almost strangled. Her libido was so on board with the promise in his eyes, but the words… “A mating, like the mating spell, mating?” Alex knew of the spell, it had come right before the Great Exile, she knew Apollo and Hermes had been furious that their breeding labs no longer produced soldiers for their army. “Wait, you can hear all of my thoughts? If it’s the mating, why can’t I hear yours?” Did she have another flaw? She just couldn’t catch a freaking break.

  Alex felt a fierce connection to him, but chalked it up to how a female usually felt the first time she allowed a male inside her body. Hearing his deep intake of breath, her face heated again. Feeling for her mental shields, they were all holding, she didn’t see any breaches. Alex wasn’t hearing anything from him. Was he listening to her now?

  “Yes, I’m listening now. I’m trying to block you, but it’s not easy. And you did hear me. When we were separated and my more… primal side was unleashed. I was little more than a beast in those moments, but the minute you said it was hurting you, somehow I erected a block to my thoughts.” His voice was a deep annoyed rumble as shook his head. “It was instinctual, one minute the block was just there. It had to be formed from the need to protect you. I’ll have to check it out to find a way to help you with yours, but for now there isn’t time.” He said as he ran his hand back through the mussed strands at the back of his neck again, making it stick out wildly.

  Gods, how she’d love to know what he was thinking, because, in that moment, he looked the opposite of happy that they were mated. Not that she knew what to think of it, but the last thing she wanted was to be a disappointment again.

  “Stop! Just give me a minute. I’m processing. Fuck, I’m not disappointed, and I’m sure as hell not rejecting the idea of you. I’ve been obsessing about you for centuries. I’m just little shocked, and trying to wrap my head around it.” He was shaking his head, pacing now. The strong lines of that big body so enticing with its incredible grace, like a panther or some other graceful beast.

  He growled out, “We have to see how to create a block for you soon. I had no idea females minds were filled with so… much.”

  His frustration had her hackles raised. It wasn’t as if she was doing it on purpose. She tried again to see if there was a breach in her shields that was allowing the thoughts to break through. Nothing. Her mind was spinning with the implications of what he’d said. So much, that she found it difficult to focus on the shield. It seemed she had not been alone in her obsession, the thought made something inside her pulse.

  Her insides were shaking with trepidation. Did she dare hope that it would end well? She didn’t know him, other than his sexual proclivities. And he didn’t know her. No doubt she’d never be able to hold his attention for long. No other female ever had managed that feat, so why attempt it?

  In the span of a single second, Uri was on her. Taking her mouth hard. Demanding her complete submission as he caged her against the cell. His entire body connected to hers and she felt the tip of a fang which made her shiver as she rubbed her tongue up against his, tangling and retreating in the most delicious of dances. “You are mine. Mine, and I fully intend to keep you. I never thought I’d be gifted a mate. But if you think to get away from me now, think again. And if you want me to show you just how “mine” you are, I will gladly demonstrate.” He sent the thoughts directly into her mind, the dominant nature of the words made her breathless. Oh, how she wanted him. For so long…

  The intensity felt even stronger after having had him inside her body. All that, warm, solid, arousing forcefulness, coming from such powerful warrior, made her lose her mind. One of his big hands grasped her hip tight, while the other was on her bare bottom under the dress. His lethally talented tongue probed the recesses of her mouth, making her wild again. He took utter control of her, holding her firmly as he explored her teeth and tongue. Then he slowly circled his hips, pushing her further into the wall. So good. She was lightheaded and weak with the onslaught of renewed desire. She wanted that tongue on her, licking and stroking the goose bumps lining her skin, like mapping constellations. Alex’s body arched, rubbing against the solid jut of his cock.

  Uri groaned as if in pain, then just as quickly, he was on the opposite side of the cell, leaving her panting against the wall, barely standing with the help of the sink. “No more. We have to get up there.”

  Yes, the meeting. Wow. Before that, she needed to get a block up. She used another scrap of material on the sensitive flesh between her thighs as she took deep gasping breaths.

  “No time for the damn shield. Let’s get up there before Drake torches something, like your brother. Now that the jackass is my in-law, I’m guessing I shouldn’t let that happen.” Uri groaned again, that time not in arousal, more like in pain. Probably due to the thought of being in a family that included Vane and Erik. Just the thought had her grinning, her brothers were trouble, but she adored them. The smile faded as worry for Erik crept back in, along with the almost stifling guilt.

  “Keep grinning, little goddess. You haven’t seen what you get out of this deal.” He said it, she knew, to lighten her mood. Showing a tender side that surprised a grin from her.

  He grabbed her hand and led her through the currently open cell doors into a hallway. Then, up one level, which was secured by two sets of voice and code-activated exits, before reaching another hallway, one with less metal and tile but still had the same dim lighting as the holding area below.

  Alex wasn’t able to quiet her mind, so she tried to think soothing thoughts. She had to get her mind off things that would embarrass her further, things that showcased her inexperience in blinding spotlights.

  Shoes, she began cataloging what she’d need for summer, maybe some more strappy… Uri groaned.

  Okay fine, Alex changed her thoughts, going to whether Blake’s team would win again on the Voice... Uri growled. Jeez, she guessed it was a big fat “no” to reality T.V.

  She got a little depressed. If she got deported, she’d never see her shows again. Somehow she doubted they had access to reality T.V. on Tetartos. She would probably be ecstatic just having a shack and a cave, oh gods. What if they still used pallets, would she be able to get a bed? Bug spray? Indoor plumbing? She really liked plumbing.

  She swore she heard a chuckle, cut off by a cough at her narrow eyed glare.

  She didn’t think she was ready to discover just how prim
itive it would really be. She had enough on her plate, figuring out what happened in a mating. Too much, too soon, she already felt a little overloaded. Blowing out a breath, she decided she’d figure it all out, soon enough.

  The big hand engulfing hers, as they walked a hallway painted a light grey with the same undertones as the granite floors, was making her tingly. She’d seen humans doing it for centuries but had never experienced holding hands for herself. Her face heated at how ridiculous her thoughts were, how childish she likely seemed, that holding hands with her mate would make her giddy. Her mate. She bowed her head, the fish bowl that was her mind was truly humiliating her.

  Uri didn’t speak, just gave her hand a gentle squeeze and brought it up for a light kiss that should not have been arousing, but somehow was. It made her even more smitten and her body hotter. She needed to get her thoughts on something else, her face, and halfway down her chest, was on fire.

  A song. She needed to think of something…

  “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard; And they’re like, it’s better than yours…” The Kelis lyric ran through her head as she hummed the beat out loud, until she realized Uri had slowed almost to a stop, and was staring at her. Then, throwing his head back, he bellowed with laughter. She stood stunned at the sight and sound of him, before she was able to shake off the thrall. How was it possible that laughter had made him even more beautiful?

  “What?” Her singing rocked, she thought only a little indignantly. Before she was able to think the next thought…

  “Get your asses in here. Now!” Drake’s bellow shook with impatience. That male really needed some Demi-God strength Zanax or something. She shook her head as Uri’s laughter barked out once again while they entered the room. She walked in with him. Distractedly thinking that she enjoyed the sound of his laughter. Suddenly she felt awkward and tense. Maybe she needed one of those special Zanax.

  She peered in the doorway. Getting one good look in the room, before all hell broke loose.

  Chapter 15

  They stepped into an expansive room with computer monitors and T.V.s showing maps with lighted areas, all along one wall. In the center was a large, warrior sized, wood conference table. Big metal office chairs housed Conn, Sirena, Jax and Gregoire, while Drake stood to one side, watching them enter with his big arms crossed, testing the endurance his olive t-shirt.

  All eyes were on Alex and Uri, some looked a little wide, though she didn’t know, or care, why. Her gaze sought, and connected with her brother at the opposite end of the big table.

  Her vision blurred red, the edges of her sight burning bright crimson at the view of her baby brother chained to a chair. His arms, legs and shoulders bound, so that if he transformed into his lion, he would dislocate both shoulders, while the metal itself prevented any teleportation.

  The warrior blood flowing in her veins, mixed with centuries of training and undiluted instinct, hit full throttle, proving just how dangerous an angry Demi-Goddess was. Multiple things occurred almost simultaneously, preternatural speed and strength surged through her, propelling her body forward, while pushing Uri back, and out through the door they’d come in. His big body didn’t have time to brace against her goddess strength. Surprise was her best friend in that moment.

  The occupants seated closest flew back as she let her shield fly free, the impact of metal chairs and bodies flying against fortified walls, loud in the room. One bay of T.V. screens caught an errant body and crashed into a sea of glass.

  With only a split second of disorientation on her side, she assessed her target. Both Jax and Gregoire were armed, but Jax’s blades were more accessible for her needs. Teleporting, Alex had Jax flat on his stomach as she straddled the male, pinning massive arms and bulk under her bare body. She lifted his head by the chin with one hand, while holding his own blade against the male’s throat with the other.

  “Undo my brother’s chains, now!” Alex ground out. The thought of them hurting Vane sent her into annihilation mode. If they’d harmed one hair on his beautiful head, they’d need a bulldozer to clean the rubble left in her wake.

  Surprisingly, it was Vane who spoke, his chair still upright just further back from the table, he’d managed to somehow keep from toppling, probably since he’d been the furthest from the blast, “Hey, sis. Much as I’m enjoying watching you kick Guardian ass, they did it so that I wouldn’t tear apart your Mate.” His jaw was tight as he bit the word ‘mate’ out as if it was vile, all the while he glaring daggers at Uri, who was walking back into the room, staring at her with what looked like… pride?

  Well, crap.

  “Drake, is that true? Will you let him loose once he’s gained control over himself?”

  “Fuck, I’d let him loose now, but we need to talk, and if he’s loose he won’t be willing to do that. Will you, Vane?”

  “Yeah, maybe after I’ve shredded him a bit.” Her brother’s voice was pure menace, and his gaze was directed at Uri.

  Wonderful… If Vane’s rigid jaw and balled fists were any indication, he wouldn’t be backing down any time soon.

  Vane, are you okay? She asked telepathically.

  I’m fine. But it was like he was gritting teeth, even though he wasn’t speaking out loud.

  Admitting defeat, she teleported to the end of the table. Planting herself in the seat across from her brother’s. She was able to teleport inside a metal area, she just wasn’t able to exit through it, ah, the limitations of Gods and Immortals. Alex slid Jax’s blade down the table, to where he was putting his chair back into place. The male was grinning from ear to ear. She frowned. Why would he be grinning? She had just held his own blade to his neck. Shaking her head, she decided there was no understanding the male mind.

  Judging by his expression, I’m betting he loved having you, half naked, straddling his ass, my Mate or not. The growl in his mental voice set things off lower in her body. She forced the thoughts away as quickly as possible. Being in a room full of those with preternatural senses was making her nervous, especially as one was her brother. She watched Uri glare at Jax. The other male just snickered.

  As impressive as you were, little goddess, if Jax hadn’t worried about hurting you, he would have reversed your hold. Uri telepathed, with what sounded a lot like pride mixed with irritation. And a quick glance showed the cause of his ire. He was adjusting a massive erection as he seated himself next to her, lounging back in the chair he’d taken to her right. The seat putting him catty corner to Vane’s seat. Awkward... Uri was shoeless and shirtless, and didn’t seem to care.

  He would have tried to reverse it… She sent back with a grin, her fighting ability was the one thing she was not lacking confidence in.

  The stare off between Uri and Vane began as everyone took their seats. Sirena appeared the most amused by the whole incident. That female had so much energy. It was like she would burst. She strummed her fingers on the table after seating herself. Not a silky blonde hair out of place on the Guardian’s head. Impressive, as she was one of the ones that took flight into the wall. The Guardian healer was truly stunning, causing Alex to wonder if she and Uri ever?

  We were never lovers. He said, though she swore his inner voice was smug. She felt her cheeks heat, because at that same time she felt relieved. Then, slightly mortified. Having her thoughts out there for him to hear was not helping matters.

  Blowing out a breath, she looked around the room. Wasn’t it odd that no one seemed to take offense to the fact that she just held one of their own at knife point? Not to mention she had just thrown everyone, including their leader, into the walls. Crap, she just knew Drake would make her pay for that. She felt only slightly uneasy watching the others grab their chairs. Hmm… the table had to have been bolted down.

  Conn had been the one to take out the T.V., and aside from shaking some of the glass out of his shaggy brown hair, she didn’t see any blood. He seemed more concerned with the laptop he picked up from the glass. It was encased in some thick rubber
thing. Judging by his grin, she guessed the thing still worked, although she wasn’t sure how. Conn was probably the shortest of the male Guardians, which didn’t mean anything since they were all huge. She assessed that he probably topped out at six foot six. He, along with his laptop, lounged back in a seat at the table, dark tattoos peeked out from the sleeves of his flannel shirt, and those beautiful amber eyes looked out from below the three black loops piercing one brow. She wondered if his wolf shape would hold the piercings, she assumed they were made of something other than metal. That would be something to see. A pierced wolf, she chuckled inwardly, even though the timing was completely inappropriate.

  Uri’s growl vibrated divinely through their mental connection. She looked over surprised, Jealous? She sent. She felt a surge of warmth at his potential possessiveness. The lowered brows he was sporting made her grin. He seemed a little stupefied at his own reaction.

  Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What the hell happened? Vane’s emotions were all over the board, but at least he’d gotten it together enough to speak. Worry was at the forefront, with anger and hurt mixed in, as he spouted the questions. Alex understood. She felt like crap that he was wrapped up in her mess, and that she’d caused him pain.

  He didn’t hurt me. I decided to go to Uri because I didn’t want you to take the chance of going to Conn. I didn’t know Uri was my mate, but I’d been drawn to him for centuries… I didn’t mean to worry you; it’s just… when we came into contact everything just got out of control. I’m sorry to get you into this mess. She felt her shoulders slump a little as she blew out a breath. What a screwed up situation she’d gotten them in. How was it possible for her entire world to flip in a moment? Even now, when her priorities should be her brothers, she felt Uri’s heat next to her and she just wanted to curl into him and rub herself all over his big warm body.

  She heard a low groan to her right. Uri grabbed her hand under the table, and the contact warmed her blood. She needed to get a grip. Get some control over her ridiculous thoughts.


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