Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Page 19

by Jay, Setta

  He got close before reaching out, touching her cheek. Such a gentle touch made her body weak with need and an intense sense of safety settled into her bones and warmed her chilled body. How was that possible? On a deep, gravelly whisper she heard, “You are safe now.” Then he collapsed at her feet. She huddled down next to him. Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, ran over and over inside her mind as she lifted his head onto her lap. The dark strands felt soft against her palms.

  A gorgeous dark haired woman and another guy with long blonde hair came through the entrance. She and the others looked at Sam and then the lion man, first with something that looked like panic, then with sympathy. Shit, she felt his pulse, he wasn’t dead. They needed to help him, damn it.

  She gave what she hoped was a fierce look to the newcomers, “He needs a hospital. We have to get him out of here.” She looked around, dared any of them to deny her.

  The blonde guy and woman were leaning over her in a split second, “Erik will be okay. I promise. He’s our brother, and he will be fine.” Said the woman. Sam liked having her savior’s name.

  “I’m Alex and this is Vane.” She smiled and gestured to the blonde with long hair who was touching Erik’s head. He was looking intently at his brother. That’s when she heard a loud explosion from behind the metal of the wall next to her. More dust came and she heard movement in the other cells.

  “Fuck. We need to get a move on. Everything’s going to be fine.” A look of reassurance shined in Vane’s pale blue eyes as he said the words.

  “Jax, get some charges on these cells, we need to get the females out of here before they get through that wall.” Ordered a silver eyed guy who moved through the open doorway. The woman, Alex, looked to the new guy with a familiar, maybe grateful expression, which settled Sam’s nerves a little. He had to be a good guy.

  “I’m Uri.” Uri pulled off the black long sleeve shirt he had on and handed it to her. How had she forgotten she was nude? Her face heated as she quickly donned the shirt. It had rips down the front but was long enough to cover to her knees.

  She used the hem to wipe some of the blood from Erik’s skin.

  “We need something to stop the bleeding.” Sam said to Alex. Shit, she was still groggy, or she would have thought to do that sooner.

  “I’m working on it. Don’t panic, he will be fine.” Alex said while holding her hands over the wounds.

  Before Sam’s eyes, the wounds stopped bleeding… closing up. “This is the best I can do for now. I need to save energy to get you both out of here.” Alex frowned, and bit her lip as if the decision was difficult for her.

  “Vane, you’re going to have to carry Erik out of here, I can get Sam.” How did Alex know her name? Did she tell her? Sam didn’t think so.

  Locks started blowing in loud pops, and then she heard another large explosion hit on the other side of the wall.

  Uri spoke again, “Vane, Alex get your brother and his mate out of here, they’re almost through.”

  Mate? What did that mean? She shivered, her body was so cold. Her mind was beyond processing anything else. She couldn’t focus on anything other than the warmth coming from Erik’s body. Assuring her he was alive and okay. At the same time all the warmth drained from her body and her vision started spotting. She shivered as she broke out in a cold sweat.

  “Shit, she needs Sirena. Get them out of here while we get the females.” She thought the order had come from Uri, but wasn’t sure of anything as the world blinked out.

  Chapter 23

  Uri’s back hurt like a motherfucker. He knew the skin was flayed from the blast, he felt it. There was likely fucking debris in the wound too, just lovely. He took stock of his injuries, some bones were broken. He managed to stay standing with the red haired female he just barely gotten out of the last cell before hell broken loose.

  It had been close. The last lock hadn’t blown all the way through. He’d just gotten the last female out of her cell when he had heard Conn’s telepathic, Fuck, Uri, Sander, get your asses out! Sander had been left guarding the tunnel that was Uri’s exit. Uri had quickly scooped up the female and started teleporting in stages. He’d heard the blast and managed to protect the female in his arms but, he’d felt the searing heat and impact as he was teleporting out.

  The soft breeze in the courtyard of the Manor felt damn good. He inhaled the sweet scent of the trees and grass, and heard the light tinkling of the fountains. Hell, yeah. Gone was the acrid stench of smoke, blood, and death.

  He was weakened, just beginning to double over when Drake took the redhead from him.

  He hit the ground on his knees and Alex was there, behind him. He heard her breath catch, most likely seeing the damage. He felt her light touch to his bare stomach, she felt amazing even in his current condition.

  A split second passed as all hell broke loose.

  Trying to concentrate on knitting bones and flesh, he didn’t register what was happening around him. When he heard a snarling growl and felt pissed hellhound emotion coming through his blood bond, he looked up. Shit. Havoc was in front of him, spewing flames at Drake’s feet, the Guardian leader jumped clear just in time for his boots not to get torched.

  His chest thumped as he lunged to get the damn animal out of torching distance. Just then, Alex let her shield loose with enough power that it covered the three of them. Blasts of fire hit the barrier before dissipating. He felt her shock to have been able to use her shield for such a large area. Havoc was a few feet in front of him. Relief hit hard, along with weakness. He gritted his teeth.

  “What the fuck?” yelled Sander.

  “Shit, it’s not a Hellhound attack, the hound’s Uri’s. Hold your fucking fire. Literally, you fucking dumbass.” Jax bellowed at his brother.

  Uri noticed Drake didn’t stick up for the beast, no doubt he’d be happy to torch Havoc’s ass. Smoke billowed from their leader’s mouth, making the female in his arms cough.

  “Shit.” Drake said, and all the smoke cut off.

  “Dorian, come take this female to Sirena.” Drake ordered. His voice booming in the mostly quiet courtyard.

  Uri noticed most of the Guardians, with the exception of Sirena, Gregoire, Conn and P, who were probably taking care of the patients, or working on data in Conn’s case, were in the courtyard with them. They all sported looks ranging from shock, to, in Dorian’s case, amusement as he took Drake’s bundle and left with her through one of the French doors.

  “Like, his hellhound? Did I miss a meeting or something?” asked Brianne, standing there, mouth gapping open.

  The shield went down, and he felt warm healing coming from Alex’s smooth hands. He had to stifle a groan at how good it felt. “Sirena can take care of it, don’t waste too much of your energy.” He whispered. He felt a wave of… possessiveness or jealousy hit strong through their link and grinned to himself. He touched the small hand that still held his stomach while the stubborn female finished healing his wound. It felt so amazing, not like being healed by Sirena. Alex’s touch, and energy, was like a pulse straight to his cock. He needed to show her how good she felt. He dropped his mental shield and let her feel what she was doing to him. She gasped and moaned lightly, holding even tighter to the skin at the front of his body.

  At Havoc’s confused agitation beating through their blood bond, Uri snapped back to reality. Somewhat. He sent message to the animal that he needed to calm the fuck down. He would hate to see the bastard grilled. Feeling what Havoc felt, he understood that the beast had assumed Drake was attacking. Proximity, and the hound’s issues with Dragon scent, made Drake the most likely threat in the hound’s mind.

  “He thought you were the threat.” He bit back a grin at the look in his leader’s eyes. He saw Drake glaring daggers at the beast, but there was something else there too... Amusement?

  “I got that. I should be thankful the little bastard didn’t aim higher.” Uri grinned at that, Drake was right. Havoc was smart. He hadn’t gone for the kill, rem
embering on some level that Drake was not to be harmed.

  Damn, he was exhausted, and still needed so get some internal damage repaired. He also needed to have Sirena check Alex’s knife wound, and get them both refueled.

  How did Havoc even get to Tetartos? It had to be something to do with the blood bond. Hellhounds shouldn’t have the range to get four Realms over. Even with the Tria’s influence, they were only traveling a single Realm each way. That’s why they didn’t get Hellhound attacks on Earth.

  Havoc was still on alert, even when the animal nuzzled at Alex making her chuckle low, before vigilantly continuing to guard them. The giggle loosed something in him. It soothed something deep inside. He realized he loved the happy sound she made, enjoyed the closeness of having a mate after so many centuries alone.

  Drake blew out an irritated breath, drawing his attention back to the Guardian. “Get Sirena to fix your back, refuel, then I need you to check the memories of the victims and the prisoner we brought in seconds before you got out. Prisoner was one of Cyril’s lab people. Conn went to toss him in holding.” Drake said.

  “Everyone will meet in the Manor’s war room in three hours. A lot has happened that you need to know, and we need the information you get from the Tech.” Drake said with a thoughtful look.

  Something big was up.

  Chapter 24

  Alex was exhausted and amped up, all at the same time. They had gotten Sam out and Erik was safe.

  Sirena had just seen to some of Uri’s internal damage wrought by the explosion, as well as Erik’s burnt flesh, and even looked at the almost healed cut to Alex’s side. Uri had irrationally insisted Sirena look at it even after Alex told him it was fine. He had scowled at her, arms crossed until she let Sirena see. Alex had proceeded to raise her eyebrows when the healer deemed it was, in fact, fine. Just like she had said. Vane, Jax and Gregoire were also crowded into the room awaiting instructions. She had figured the snickers she heard had come from Jax. When she looked back to confirm her suspicions, she caught the quickly masked, somber look in Gregoire’s eyes. The goateed Guardian had then sent her a wink, and warm smile. She’d have to ask Uri what was going on with him.

  The healer then proceeded to take a bit of blood from them both for her mating research.

  Sirena had been divvying up duties to everyone within hearing distance ever since they had gotten to the large exam type room. The space was fairly sparse, like Sirena didn’t spend much time in her Tetartos office. Just beautiful plastered walls and a desk to one side. There were a couple of cots, one which housed an unconscious Eric, then, to the other side, were floor to ceiling cabinets. She did notice a sink, and almost jumped up and down at the thought of indoor plumbing. Alex had had horrible visions of a primitive Tetartos. To see modernization, which she enjoyed on Earth, thrilled her.

  Erik brows furrowed even in sleep, and that sent a pang to her chest. She knew Vane was sending their brother energy as Sirena instructed the nurses coming in and out. Alex heard the Healer directing her staff to monitor, and see to the comfort of, the victims holed up in the guest rooms to which they were assigned. It made Alex like the female Guardian that much more.

  Directing her attention back to their group, Sirena started with the guys, “Vane, I want you, Gregoire and Jax to refuel Erik again.” The males nodded. Alex noted with an inward smile that Vane hadn’t been kidding about how bossy the female was. Sirena absently scratched behind Havoc’s ear. The hound had sniffed around when they got there before he silently sat next to her. A nurse had screeched at him at first. He had tilted his head at her while the others had explained that the hound wasn’t to be harmed. Jax exited for a few minutes to inform the rest of the staff.

  When Alex started to volunteer to help replenish Erik’s energy, Sirena shook her head. Crap, she didn’t even get the words out before getting vetoed. Sirena gave her a wan smile, “I know you want to help your brother, but I really need for you and Uri to continue bonding, and get refueled. The more you are together and allow your minds and bodies to link, the better.” Vane groaned and huffed, making Sirena stifle a chuckle before she continued, “Once Uri is replenished I need you two to check on the females. First, I need the memories of what happened to them so that I can figure out exactly what Cyril did. Next, anything you can do to help dull the memories would be good. I hate for them to suffer if we can do something to help them.” Alex wasn’t sure exactly what that would entail.

  At Alex’s confused look, Uri explained, “I’m able to alter mortal’s minds and memories, I could take the memories, but it might be more difficult for them to have the hole there. Instead, I’ll blur the lines, and add some positive compulsions. It’s not the same with an Immortal’s mind. The humans shouldn’t be a problem.” She heard his exhaustion through the quiet words. She’d need to get him refueled.

  Sirena moved on, “My hope is that once you have completed the Mating ceremony, your added power should allow you to work on Immortal minds as well,” Sirena paused, only to add solemnly, “I believe Erik will need that skill.” Uri nodded and so did she and Vane. Alex knew her brother was going to be in bad shape, with the knowledge of what happened to Sam being so similar to Alex’s own past. She’d find a way to help him.

  “For now, I think it best to keep Erik unconscious. For at least a few days to allow him to recover, and delay the frenzy.” Sirena added, shaking her head. The sadness Alex saw in Sirena’s gaze echoed in her own heart. It broke her heart thinking about Erik and Sam suffering.

  “I knocked Sam out with a spell, but they never last long and are a pain to do. I didn’t want to give her more drugs, not knowing what Cyril had been giving her. I’ve taken some blood samples and am waiting on the results. You have an hour, maybe two before she’s conscious.” Sirena was thorough. Alex felt the delicious heat coming off her depleted mate, who stubbornly stood instead of sitting in a chair. Males. She shook her head as she looked at the proud warrior that was hers. Her stomach tightened just at the sight of him, still covered in blood and grime, his muscles strong and large even in repose.

  Alex looked away. She just might jump him in that very room. She had to get them out of there. Her voice came out a little croaked as she asked Vane, “Are you sure you’ve got Erik covered? I can help when...”

  Gregoire was the one to cut her off in his low deep rumble, “Little one, go with your mate, we will take care of Erik.”

  Her brother nodded his agreement, “We’ve got it covered. Jax owes my ass for taking out a fire Elemental earlier, and once Erik’s refueled and comfortable, I’m on data duty with Conn. Though, I’ll be checking on him, even though the Doc says he’ll be out.” That Vane had jumped headlong into working with the Guardians was a good surprise, although it had her feeling oddly bereft. Vane had the Guardians and a purpose here. It would make the change easier on him since their old lives were officially over. She hadn’t really thought on that until it jolted her now.

  It was like Gregoire read her mind as he said, “Nothing to worry about here. I’ve already told Vane that Erik will take my suite. I am never here and when I do visit, there are plenty of guest rooms, should I need one. We will get him settled there after we get some energy into him. It’s at the end of the hall from Uri and your suite.”

  She didn’t have time to process Gregoire’s words before Jax added, “P doesn’t use his suite either and already told Vane to make himself at home, it’s next to Erik’s new digs. We’ve got the staff getting everything ready.” His wink was pure lasciviousness. It earned a growl from Uri, while Jax barked with laughter. Gregoire gave her a grin as Uri squeezed her hand, bringing her attention to his beautiful and possessive face. His warmth cocooned her. Alex didn’t know what hit her harder, the gratitude that they would provide what sounded like a permanent home for her brothers, or the fact that they said she automatically got half of Uri’s suite. She shook her head. Everything had happened so fast, logistics of their Mating hadn’t even made it into her brain, except
in fleeting moments.

  “Everything will be fine, little one. Go, take care of your mate.” Gregoire said in his deep soothing voice. There was a flicker of compassion and a lot of naughty in his gaze, mixed with those shadows.

  “Okay, if you need us, call. We’ll get refueled, then work with the females.” She tugged on Uri. Then headed back the way they came. He led as soon as they were out of the sitting area Sirena had used to patch them up.

  “Go ahead and leave Havoc with me. He’ll be fine in here until you get fueled up.” Sirena said as she cooed a little at the animal again. It was a really odd feeling when Uri communicated emotions and pictures through his link to the animal. He instructed the hound to obey Sirena, and that they would be back. It was a very different kind of link than what they shared. Very simple. His skills with the mind were truly impressive, and she enjoyed feeling his powers slowly work their way into her. That was the only way of explaining the sensations she felt. Every time Uri linked with the other Guardians or Havoc, she felt it, and the links were becoming stronger inside her own mind.

  It was awe inspiring to believe that fate had given her a mate whose powers complemented her own mental abilities so well. That Sirena thought she would enhance his abilities caused her stomach to flutter. That she’d be able to do something like that for him was thrilling.


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