Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Page 23

by Jay, Setta

  Sirena had said that if she were strong enough to help Erik, she would, in turn, gain the power to protect herself from Cyril. The gut clenching desire to be strong, powerful, after having been at the mercy of that bastard and his bitch, was tempting beyond reason. What had the bastard planned for her? Her hands shook as she tightened her robe again.

  She rested her forehead on the door she knew had to be his. Her heart continued to batter her chest. She was dizzy with it but so unsure after finally reaching her destination. Her daring was gone but her body and soul ached to reach down and go through that door. Taking deep breaths she tried to calm herself. Passing out in the hallway was not acceptable. She would finish what she’d started. Sirena had said that Erik would likely sleep for several days. She needed to be close to him, planned to see if she was able to assist with his care.


  She jumped back as the door popped opened. Uri and Alex stood just inside. Alex gave her a radiant smile and hugged her close. “We were just about to head your way.” Alex said gently, as she ushered Sam into a huge suite. Thick, shaggy wool carpet sat under massive furniture done in brown and black in the sunken living room. There was a beautiful wood fireplace next to French doors leading out onto a big balcony. A wet bar was on one side with a table, and to the right, she saw a small kitchen with an island that faced the living room.

  “We just came to check on Erik. Do you want to see him?” his sister asked while giving her hand a light squeeze.

  Sam took a deep breath. “I spoke to Sirena. I’d like to do what I can to help.”

  Uri gave her a warm smile filled with concern, before saying, “We would really appreciate that, but has Sirena told you what will happen when he awakes? He won’t be himself. I don’t want you to be frightened by anything.” He searched her face as she felt her cheeks over heat. The one part of her body that wasn’t cold.

  She cleared her throat. She guessed Uri knew about everything. She didn’t know why she hadn’t thought about that. “Yes, she explained.” Shit, it wasn’t like she was a virginal teenager, but she was still dealing with her own shame. The whole thing was overwhelming, but she would be strong. Sirena had told her it would be impossible for him to hurt her, he would seek her pleasure beyond all else. She clung to that. Alex also looked over at her, concerned.

  Uri nodded once. “Alex worries about him being alone while we work. I will let the others know you are going to stay and watch over him. If you need anything, push the intercom button, and someone will come.” He nodded to a red button by the front door. “There is one by the door to the balcony from the bedroom, as well.” She lifted her chin and gave him an awkward nod.

  “I’ll have someone come up with food and drinks for the fridge.” He said.

  “Sirena had food and drinks brought to me before I came here.” She tried to smile in appreciation at that thought, but wasn’t sure how it came across. Sirena had made her promise to eat and drink, everything they gave her before going to Erik, and she had. Her stomach rebelled some at the food but she felt stronger for it.

  “I’ll have some clothes and toiletries brought up for you. Sorry that no one thought about that sooner.” Alex said with a frown. It warmed Sam to see that they seemed to genuinely care for her comfort.

  Sam tried for another smile, feeling that it might have actually looked like a smile that time. “Thank you. Is there anything I need to know to take care of him?”

  “His wounds are healed. He won’t need anything but to have you close until he wakes up.” She nodded, hoping it came through more confidently than she felt, at Uri’s soft words.

  Alex added in almost a whisper, “You were incredibly brave to come here and face the unknown. We understand the nightmare you’ve been through. If you change your mind no one, especially not Erik, would think any less of you Sam.” Sam saw hope war with concern in Alex’s beautiful features.

  Mind made up, “I’ll be fine. I’ll ring if I need anything. Go find that bastard and take him down.” Uri reached out and squeezed her shoulder, as Alex pulled her into another sisterly hug before leaving.

  Sam felt her chest warm while purpose and desire fought for control of her entire being. She moved toward the doorway she knew would lead to him. She felt him. Felt the deep pull of him in her soul.

  Chapter 30

  Cyril was out of his mind with rage. He paced the confines of his new suite. One that lacked his father’s ornate bed. Fury radiated through him. His most prized possession lay in rubble, along with the rest of his old compound. Once the last of his troops made it through the secreted tunnels out of the mountain and teleported here, the charges were set. He would not have the Guardians gaining any more information.

  He needed to figure out who had betrayed him. Kane and Angus were charged with checking everyone’s minds. Both ordered to check every being. He wasn’t sure he should trust either of them, so checks and balances had been set.

  His data had survived, but he hadn’t been able to get the last lab tech out, the male had been gathering video surveillance DVDs at the other side of the room. Cyril had been in the process of teleporting his second to last tech out of the cavern. The door closing the area off from the compound had blown. Left in the smoke had been a silhouette that could only have belonged to Drake. Before Cyril teleported out, he telekinetically hit the charge to blow the area. All he’d heard was the loud click of it engaging before he was gone. He wasn’t sure the tech had died.

  It infuriated him that he lacked the skill to teleport more than one other being at a time. As soon as he got the mating serum correct, he would mate a Kairos, among others, acquiring every skill he deemed important.

  He was so close. Though, now, he was forced hide all his data until the new compound was deemed safe. The mole had to be ferreted out immediately.

  Add that inconvenience of setting up new labs… Fury radiated through his body.

  Elizabeth, in my room, now. He needed to relieve his anger and her body would provide the outlet. That would help. Kane and Angus had already cleared her, fortunately. Her skills were still needed. The Guardians shouldn’t be able to figure out that Cynthia was assisting him. He would wait to contact her when things settled, and the mole was found. Once the new facility was secure. He would need more females as soon as possible to make up for the ones taken by the Guardians.

  His muscles shook rage. So much had been lost. A large number of his army was dead. The Guardians had their hands on all of his Subjects, including Nine. His hands clenched. The bastards would soon regret their interference. He would set his new plans into motion, soon.

  Chapter 31

  A trio of females had taken Alex to prepare her for the centuries old mating ceremony. They’d bathed her skin as was tradition of old, before massaging her body in light oils, sweetly scented of almonds.

  The tranquil bathing house honored each of the elements, just as all the temples of ancient times had. French doors opened to the view of a thick forest of tall Redwoods, mixed with fern and moss. The water in the marble bath was flowing from the long delicate fingers of rose stone Nereids. Potted flowering plants and trees filled the inside of the room. She smelled the earthy moss, which settled her nerves. It had begun to darken outside. The scattering of billowing clouds were backlit with the blush of dusk in coral and peach, slowly darkening as it brightened one last time. She lay beneath the talented touch of the three preparing her for her mating ceremony. Flickering candlelight licked at the stone and water.

  Anticipation licked at her belly. She felt the tantalizing touch of Uri’s essence rubbing and twining with her own, even though he was nowhere near her location. She heard the water of a nearby fall, as she lay face down on the cushioned table getting all of her muscles worked out. Thala, Pela and Areth were a relaxing presence, friendly. Not speaking, just quietly humming a soft tune.

  Alex felt limp as Thala massaged her way down one arm, all the way to her fingertips. Pela’s strong hands loosened and relaxe
d muscles in her neck and back. The third, and more quiet of the three, Areth, used a firm touch to relax her thighs, down her calves, to the soles of her sensitive feet.

  “Time to get your hair done, so we can dress you.” Thala said, grinning, as they helped her stand.

  “Thank you ladies, that was amazing.” Alex said, as she beamed as smile at all three. She stretched her arms up. Her body felt incredible and loose.

  Sitting her on a velvety side chair in front of a small table, Thala worked on her hands. Areth worked at her feet, and Pela worked on her hair.

  When they finally finished, Alex was dressed in a gown of beautiful nearly sheer silk in a blue that matched her eyes. The dress was cut, and draped, in such a fashion that it held itself in place, but one small tug would have it on the ground. The light fabric lovingly hugged her curves with its strapless floor length design. It was decadent feeling the silk slide along her bare skin.

  All three smiled delightedly at their work. The soft click of heels signaled the arrival of Sirena, Brianne, and Sacha. Brianne made whooping noises as she entered, and they exclaimed at how beautiful she looked. They each chatted and thanked Pela, Areth and Thala for their work.

  All three Guardians were dressed in short ivory gowns that covered one, shoulder and flitted in the light breeze. They were stunning. Brianne looked tanned under the pale dress, and her flaming hair fanned out in wild waves down her back. Sirena’s honey locks were done in more sleek controlled waves and curved bangs. Sacha looked like an Egyptian princess, with straight bangs and almost hip length ebony strands. The Transporter Guardian even wore a gold band on one arm. A true display of power, as metal encasements dampened their abilities.

  Sirena brought with her a gorgeous green bottle, labeled in ebony. It was some specially blended wine made only on Tetartos. She had apparently got her hands on a much coveted year, if Brianne’s squeak of pure glee was any indication. Each took a small glass. Sirena offered glasses to Pela, Areth and Thala, which they declined, and with wide grins the three females left in a breath of air. Leaving just the four of them to their decadent treat as Sirena went over last details of the Ceremony, which Alex altered slightly, to all three Guardian’s delight.

  After enjoying the rich, sumptuous, flavor of the drink which was unlike anything she had ever tasted, they teleported her to the ceremonial location. Her insides were warm from the wine, as she reformed on a rock ledge high above a crashing sea, highlighted lovingly by the moon’s caress. The excited Guardians moved her through a tunnel that looked to be plated in gold and lit with a thousand candles. Words of love and wisdom, in the old language, were etched into the cool surface. It touched something deep inside. A reverence settled over her. The place was magical.

  Her gaze instantly found Uri in the back of the cavern, below a high vaulted ceiling with a diamond dropped candle chandelier. The room was absolutely stunning, but nothing compared to the sheer primal beauty of her mate. Her chest swelled, and it took everything in her to slow her movements and enjoy the moment, savor the sight of Uri waiting to pledge his life to hers. The wide expanse of his chest was bare, and the light flickered over every dip and line of muscle. His shoulders were so impossibly tight that it looked as though he was having trouble staying where he was. Black silk pants hung low on his hips, revealing the v of muscle that begged to be lavished by her hands and mouth. She heard as he sucked in a deep breath, a shiver of a growl echoed in her mind, sending tremors down her entire body. Silver eyes swirled as he stood in front of the other Guardians. Her brother stood with them, all dressed in black but only Uri was without a shirt. Vane smiled lovingly at her, before his gaze moved to Brianne, a wicked glint in his eyes.

  She felt a fleeting pang of regret that Erik wasn’t able to be there. She took some comfort in the fact that he had a brave and strong mate by his side, willing to ease his pain when he finally woke. If all went well, she and Uri would eventually have the power to lessen the pain caused by their memories.

  Her breath caught in her lungs as the joining of their beings flickered and tightened, clasping them both in a tight grasp. The feeling had been getting increasingly forceful of late, somehow anticipating the completion of the bond? She bit her lip stifling a groan and willing her lower body not to dampen with need in present company. It was all she could do to stay focused on moving toward him.

  She saw Uri’s chest heave, his eyes filled with delicious promise. They only needed to make it through the first part of the ceremony.

  She heard some choked coughs, a groan, and female giggles chiming lightly in the room as she finally arrived in front of Uri.

  She took his hands in the center of the room. Sirena stood to one side and Drake to the other.

  “You look beautiful, sis. Congratulations.” Vane smiled from behind Uri.

  “Thanks, I love you.” She sent back as she fought tears.

  Uri sent her love and comfort through their link, giving her the distraction she needed. She gave him a grateful smile.

  She felt the joined strength of the Guardians around them, and Vane slightly behind Sirena. Her brother was every bit the confident, strong male. Holding himself as nothing but equal to the powerful beings around him. The room was filled with the scent of candle wax, but nothing compared to the hint of port coming from her mate. The stone and dirt floors where slightly rough on her bare feet. Uri’s large palms grasping her much smaller hands. Their warmth grounded her in place.

  Drake grinned down at her from his superior height. He’d shaved his scruffy chin, combed his hair, and he looked the part of the regal leader. Gregoire had also cleaned up. His red-tinged, brown goatee was trimmed shorter on his sun kissed skin, making him even more handsome. He gave her a wink and smile that promised all things wicked, yet somehow still held that undercurrent of unrest within him.

  “The blood bonding will be in a private Temple after the vows are given in front of the family.” Drake’s eyes twinkled as he grinned at her affectionately. It made her heart swell to think that she and her brothers had an extended family.

  “Uri will begin.” Drake command brooked no argument.

  Uri held her gaze as his deep tone echoed off the walls, vowing to honor and care for her, body, soul and in blood for eternity. He spoke the words in the old language. They flowed over and through them, as if the vows said in that magical place had power of their own. Her heart swelled and tears threatened, as Sirena moved forward. She held Alex’s hand above Uri’s heart. She felt the warmth of Sirena’s power as it flowed through Alex’s own hand and into Uri’s skin. Sirena was enabling Alex to permanently mark Uri’s flesh with the symbol of a mated male. The thick swirls of two scaled serpents entwined together, by their tails, a double eternity symbol that declared his eternal devotion. It appeared along his skin in slow, detailed, increments. She saw the beauty of it. Two sets of grey eyes appeared jewel-like and alive upon his skin.

  She was mesmerized by the warm power funneling through her hands, while Uri’s muscles twitched under her touch. He sent her the emotion of it. The reverence. She felt the pain, bordered closely on pleasure, as the symbol pulled from his skin, more enduring than a tattoo. If the skin was damaged and needed regenerated, a tattoo would never reappear. The sign of their eternal bond was permanent. The erotic pressure of their merging essence was a sultry dance under her skin, as she forever branded her mate. Their mingled breaths came out in ragged bursts. It was beautiful.

  Once done, Uri grasped her tight for a deep kiss, practically devouring her lips, possessing her mouth as she possessed a piece of his flesh. Cheers mixed with groans from Vane, Drake and P, who had acknowledged her as a part of their blood family. It was sweet. Her face flushed with the arousal she was fighting to control.

  She pulled back and grinned at Uri, who was looking toward the exit, “We’re not done.”

  Everyone stilled in confusion. Alex clearly repeated the vows Uri had given to her. The room vibrated lightly under her toes. The magic of the plac
e approved. Uri’s eyes took a decidedly more feral turn, shoulders and chest bunching and flexing as he listened to her words. Just as he would have grabbed her again, Sirena grasped Uri’s hand in hers and positioned it over Alex’s chest. That time he growled deep in his throat, as well as through the bond. Alex settled her hand above that of both Uri and Sirena’s. Showing him, with all the love in her eyes, how important this was to her. He stilled, jaw tense as Sirena’s power flowed again.

  The room was silent. All watched as a more delicate version appeared on her skin. The markings were plum colored and graceful, she saw their beauty through Uri’s eyes. The snakes twined in swirls over the upper swells of her breasts.

  She sent the delicious pleasure-pain through their bond as he had done with her, and he groaned aloud. His lips were open, taking deep breaths, as he watched the symbol meet in the valley of her chest. He had never appeared as fierce to her as he did when Sirena’s hand fell away. Hard silver met and held her gaze, before she was whisked into his arms and into the tunnel leading out. Cheers and whoops abounded at their backs. Once at the exit, he gently leaned down and kissed her markings, making her nerve endings trill in delight.

  Their minds stayed entwined through the teleport that took them away. An erotic fuzziness filled her being until they touched down. Oh, Gods how she loved him.

  “This is just a quick stop along the way. Vane shared the location, and some mental images, of your private cave on Earth. I moved your things here. Along with the toys I found.” She was looking at the identical island location of her private cavern. Her eyes filled again as she continued to stare. She heard his ragged breath and knew it cost him to make the detour.

  “I would have shown you later. But after you gave me your gift, I had to give you yours. I can’t give you back a life on Earth, but I can bring some of it here. Just know that Tetartos is known for its beasts, so the waters are not like that on Earth.” He spoke softly, as he held her tight, cradled against his chest, stealing glances at her mating mark, just as she was stealing ones of her own. She nodded her understanding, but she was mesmerized by her mate. He would not allow her feet to touch the ground. Uri took her mouth again. That time a slow, seductive plundering. She moaned and wiggled to be let down. She heard the break in the surf and the whoosh of the sea hitting the cliffs. She loved salt air, wanted to soak it in with him.


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