Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3)

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Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3) Page 13

by Jean Joachim

“Coffee for me, Tommy. Thanks.”

  “I’m on it. ‘Night, Skip. Good luck tomorrow.” With that, the bar owner headed back to the kitchen.

  “I’m going to leave you two lovebirds. I’m sure you won’t miss me,” he snickered.

  “Nice! You embarrassed her.”

  “Hey, if she’s gonna be your babe, she’ll have to get used to us crude guys, right?”

  Jake simply shook his head.

  “Thanks for the steak, Jake. Hey, that rhymes! Goodnight, Kate. Great music!” Skip said, then left.

  “Ah, to be alone with my beautiful girlfriend,” Jake sighed, taking her hand.

  “Am I your girlfriend?”

  “Of course you are. Right?” A note of uncertainty crept into his voice.

  “Maybe. We’ll see.”

  “You’re not still mad about the audition?”

  She shrugged. “Win some, lose some. There’s a ton of rejection in this business.”

  “I didn’t mean to do well. I mean, I did, but I didn’t think they were listening to me. Not when you were there, looking so gorgeous and sounding so perfect.”

  “Who knew? I’m not mad. If you can’t handle the rejection, this isn’t the business for you.”

  “I could never take it,” Jake said.

  “Did you ever get any rejection in baseball? Wasn’t there ever a team you wanted to be on that didn’t take you?”

  He blushed as red as a tomato. “Actually, no.”

  “Oh, wow! Geez. I have no idea what that must be like.”

  “I worked really hard. Baseball was everything. I did school and baseball and nothing else.”

  “Geez. I worked hard, too.”

  “You’ve been in stuff, though, right?” he asked.

  “I have. Regional theater. Different shows.”

  “So you didn’t always get ‘no’, did you?”

  She smiled. “You’re right.”

  Tommy placed a plate in front of her. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks.” She dug into her food.

  “Never had a girlfriend?”

  “I’ve had a lot of them, but nothing serious. Mostly for a couple of weeks, a month or two. That’s all. You ever been engaged or anything?”

  She laughed. “Uh, no to both engaged or anything. I’ve had a few flings. When you’re in a show, it creates a closeness, ya know?”

  “No, I don’t. Maybe like the team, though. Kinda like a family.”

  “Yeah, yeah, that’s it. You get close to people, even though you know it’s only for a short time. And stuff happens. You have a thing, an affair. Then the show’s over and you move on.”

  “I can’t imagine any guy wanting to move on from you.”

  “Thanks.” She offered him some fries. He took one but kept eye contact.

  “When you’re finished, come home with me?”

  She stared at him as she chewed.

  “Please? I need you.”

  “Does anyone ever turn you down?” She narrowed her eyes.

  “Not often.”

  “Like ever?”

  He blushed. “A guy doesn’t kiss and tell.”

  “That’s what I thought.” She lowered her gaze to her plate.

  “You’re different.”

  “Oh? I don’t think so.”

  “But I do. And it’s my opinion that counts.”

  She stopped eating to look at him. He picked up her hand and kissed her palm.

  “Please? I don’t usually have to beg.”

  “Begging looks good on you.” She hesitated long enough to take another bite of her burger, chew, and swallow. She enjoyed keeping him in suspense. “Okay.”

  He beamed at her. “Yes!”

  His stare heated her. She touched his fingertips with hers. Who knew how long it would last? Would he get tired of her? Forget about her when he was out of town? She shrugged. For whatever it was, she was in. There was no way she could turn away the man who lit her fire and warmed her heart.

  Chapter Eleven

  Once back at his building, Jake gave the doorman a friendly greeting. When the elevator doors closed, he grabbed her. His mouth was on hers, urgent, hungry, devouring her. Desire flooded Kate’s veins as she clung to him, clutching his shoulders, pressing her hips to his.

  He backed her against the wall. Then the ding sounded. They jumped apart as the elevator doors opened.

  “Going down?” a man asked.

  “No. Up,” Jake replied.

  The man stepped back and the elevator continued to the slugger’s floor. Jake fumbled around, trying to get his key in the lock while kissing Kate. Finally, she pushed away and he opened the door.

  Slamming it behind her, he was on her again, walking her backward to the bedroom. He kept going until her knees hit the mattress. She fell backward, and he landed on top of her.


  “You okay?” He supported himself on his hands.

  “Not as long as you’re dressed. Shed those clothes,” she said, licking her lips.

  Jake pulled off his clothes and dropped his boxers. He sported a healthy erection. Then he approached her.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this all night,” he said, yanking down her sweater. Her breasts rested in a purple bra that made him gasp. He eased her back down, assaulting her chest with his lips and tongue while his hand crept up her leg. Though she wore a long skirt, he had it up to her thighs in no time. He glided his fingers up the smooth skin to her damp panties, then shoved them aside, leaving her open to his exploration.

  “God, you’re wet!” He raised his head for a moment.

  She caressed his shoulders, easing her fingers through his short, dirty blond hair. Everywhere he touched her lit a fire. She arched up and he grabbed her panties, ripping them down and off. She unbuttoned the skirt and he removed that, too. Then the sweater went flying.

  “Leave that on,” he said, nodding toward her bra.

  She laughed. “Now I know. Purple lingerie.”

  “Yeah. On you. Then off you,” he said, unhooking the bra. He parted her legs and leaned against her, the hair on his chest tickling her nipples, making them harder. She loved the feel of his hard muscle against her soft flesh. She bent her knees, while he raised up on his. His shaft poked at her entrance.

  “Do it. Take me. Now. Oh, God, I need you, Jake!” she cried out, wrapping her legs around his middle, putting him in position. One thrust of his hips and he was inside her. She arched and cooed.

  “Oh, God. It’s so good,” she breathed while he pounded into her.

  “Baby, baby, oh, I’ve missed you,” he muttered, burying his face in her neck. She hugged him to her and undulated her hips to match his movements. They rocked together faster and harder until the electricity inside her coiled up and exploded into an orgasm that made every muscle shudder.

  She cried out his name. He lowered his mouth to hers in a savage kiss, taking her, possessing her mouth. She slid her hands along his back, through a fine sheen of sweat, feeling the muscles work as he pumped in and out of her.

  When he could hold out no more, he released her lips, raised his head and gave a loud groan. He sank down on top of her like a deflated balloon, resting lightly on her chest.

  “There aren’t words,” he mumbled.

  She laughed. “Uh, yeah. Right.”

  She kissed his shoulder while he nuzzled her neck. “I love you, Kate,” floated to her ear. Her heartbeat increased, sweat between their bodies made their skin slippery. She clung to him, holding him tight. She swallowed the words dancing on the edge of her lips, held them back to hide her heart. But they had rolled off his tongue easily, embracing her, bringing her to him. A tear of gratitude slipped out of the corner of her eye and down to her ear.

  He pushed up to make eye contact.

  “Is it too soon for you?”

  She shook her head. Although she tried to hold back, the words forced their way out. “I feel the same about you.”

  “You do?” His face, a
t once boyish and eager, lit up.

  “Didn’t you know?”

  “You said it once, but that was a while ago. I hoped you still felt the same, but hey, who knows, right?”

  Her fingers combed his hair back from his damp forehead, her gaze perused his face, taking in every handsome detail. His nose was straight and not too long, his jaw firm, scruff even. There was a small scar on his jawbone. She touched it.

  “What’s that?”

  “Fell off a swing when I was four.”

  She leaned forward and brushed her lips against it. His blue eyes followed her every move. His lips, sensuous and inviting pecked the tip of her nose. She ran a fingertip against his scruff. He fitted his hand over hers, trapping it against his cheek.

  “I want to stay like this forever,” she muttered.

  “Me, too.” He stroked her hair before pushing up and rolling off her. He trotted off to the bathroom to dump the condom. When he returned, he wiggled his finger.

  “Come here,” he said, climbing back in the sack.

  She slid across the mattress and he snaked his arm around her, pulling her up close. He dragged the bedcovers over them, kissed her temple, and sighed.

  “It’s late, baby.”

  “I know. You’ve got a game tomorrow. Goodnight, Jake.”

  “Goodnight, Kate.”

  And that was the last she heard until morning.

  * * * *

  Jake was up at nine and let Kate sleep. When she awoke, there was a note saying he’d catch breakfast at the stadium and would be there practicing for the day. The night game was scheduled to start at seven.

  She went food shopping and fixed a stew for dinner. Happy to be paying for the food with her own money, Kate bought the best quality she could find. As she cut up carrots and peeled onions, she sang, practicing her new songs.

  By four, the meal was ready. She took a bowl into the living room and ate in front of the television. She left a dish covered with plastic wrap and a note for Jake. At five, she’d fished her performance outfit out of a small duffel she brought, changed, and headed for Freddie’s. Her work began at six.

  On the subway, she wondered how they would work out their different schedules. Kate hoped he didn’t have too many night games. Day games might work better. If the game was over by three, he’d have to shower and race home to make dinner at four. She couldn’t eat any later and make it to Freddie’s on time.

  She chewed her lip. One stage manager had cautioned her. “Don’t get involved with anyone outside the theater. You’ll never make it work.” His words worried her. Now that she was living with Jake, could they manage around two such different schedules? What about his trips out of town? When he was on the road, would he stay faithful to her?

  She didn’t doubt her ability to remain loyal to Jake when he’d be away. She’d been so careful about men, avoiding entanglements as much as possible. After her childhood, she’d been left with trust issues. And her lifestyle, moving around from show to show, didn’t lend itself to a commitment. She smiled, but she had that now, or at least on her part.

  Kate had always wanted a solid relationship, a happy family of her own. Was she headed that way now? What about her career? As the train pulled into the station, she rose to leave. Perhaps it was best not to think about those things right now. She deserved to enjoy life a bit, especially after what she’d been through. Kate resolved to push disturbing thoughts away and simply be happy with Jake and her little singing job. At least the gig at Freddie’s would keep her voice in shape, in case something bigger and better came along.

  She grabbed a ginger ale and warmed up her fingers on the keyboard. Her cell rang. It was her agent.

  “Hey, Lacy, what’s up?”

  “Two auditions. One this week and one next. I’m texting you the info now.”

  “That’s great! Thank you.”

  “Good luck. Let me know what happens.”

  Perhaps good fortune was smiling on her, for a change. She grinned, happy to know she might be trading up her job for some real performing soon. A man in a blue suit sidled up to the piano.

  “Do you take requests?”

  “Sure do. What do you want to hear?”

  After a lively night at Freddie’s, Kate decided to splurge on a taxi. She called Uber and waited outside the bar. While she waited on the sidewalk, an uneasy feeling crept over her. Two men approached her.

  “Hey, honey. Looking for a good time?” the taller one said.

  They were drunk. Fear spiked in Kate.

  “No. Thanks. Waiting for a cab.”

  “Don’t worry about getting home. You can spend the night with us,” he said, smirking.

  Fortunately, the Uber car pulled up. The driver rolled down the window.


  “Yep. My ride’s here,” she said to the men as she hurried to the car. The shorter one stepped in front of her.

  “Get out of her way or I’ll call the police!” the driver yelled.

  The man jumped back in surprise, and Kate darted into the car, slamming and locking the door. The driver sped away.

  “That’s not a great place to be waiting, miss,” he said.

  “I guess not. Thank you so much for speaking up.”

  “Sure. No problem.”

  Arriving at Jake’s building, she was glad to see the doorman. A quick ride in the elevator and she entered the apartment. It was dark and quiet. Jake had gone to bed. She undressed and slipped, naked, between the sheets. He was on his side, with his back to her. She crept close to him, putting her hand on his bare shoulder.

  “Huh? Wha…?” he mumbled, rolling onto his back.

  “Hey, babe. Wanna make love?” she whispered.

  “Now? It’s the middle of the night. Early day,” he mumbled, his voice heavy with sleep. He returned to his side and was snoring softly before she could answer.

  She sighed. Being turned down for sex was new to her, and she didn’t care for it one bit. She hunkered down under the covers. She guessed they’d have to adjust their sex life along with their dinner plans. Would the complications destroy their tenuous love?

  Refusal to ponder heavy questions at midnight, she closed her eyes. She’d had a busy day and sleep came quickly. During the night, Jake rolled over and slung an arm over her. She stirred, smiling at his touch. She cuddled up to him, and he drew her against his chest. Yanking the blankets over her shoulders, she sank back into a restful slumber.

  * * * *

  At seven, Jake cast a guilty glance at the bowl of stew he’d discovered when he returned home at eleven. He’d grabbed a quick burger at the Stadium after the game. He’d never expected Kate would have left dinner for him before she went to work. He’d undressed and eased into bed, tired from a day of practice and a tense game with the Carolina Tigers. The ‘Hawks had won, but only by one run in the bottom of the ninth.

  Sipping on fresh coffee he’d made, he sat in the living room, staring out the window. A foggy memory poked at his brain. He needed to remember something, but what was it? It hit him like a wrecking ball. Kate had approached him for sex last night, and he’d turned her down.

  Shit! Turning down a hot woman in his bed was not his usual practice. He scrunched up his face and shook his head. What was he thinking? Of course, it had been after midnight and he had an early day, but still. She must feel terrible. Every man knows what that kind of rejection feels like—and it ain’t pretty. He’d inflicted pain on his lady love. What an asshole!

  Before rushing to apologize, he had to give himself a Get Out of Jail Free card on this one. Baseball had to come first. He needed to be awake and ready to roll today. They had another game with the Tigers, one they needed to win. Well, hell, they wanted to win them all, but that’d never happen. Jake had always taken training and baseball seriously. He’d followed the rules for food, liquor, and lights out. His attention to those things helped him succeed.

  He needed to explain things to Kate. They’d have to work out a s
chedule. Ugh. Planned sex. He loved spontaneity, especially when it came to his love life. He figured he had a choice, give in to scheduled sex or lose Kate. Losing the love of his life was not an option. He took a deep breath, another slug of coffee, and headed for the bedroom. No time better than right now to clear this up, before she got mad, or hurt and took off.

  He stopped in the doorway. Kate appeared innocent and lovely, like Sleeping Beauty. He wanted to wake her with a kiss. Well, actually, more than a kiss, but she’d been up late and probably wanted to sleep. He lowered himself on the side of the bed and placed his hand on her shoulder. The skin was cold under his warm palm.

  She stirred, her eyes cracked open.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he said, caressing her neck.

  “What time is it? Too early,” she muttered and rolled over, shutting her eyes.

  “Kate, honey. Sweetheart. About last night,” he began.


  “When you came to bed?”

  “Arrgh. I need sleep.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t up for lovin’. It wasn’t you. Just when I have an early day…” he continued.

  “I get it. Now go away.”

  She slid away from him to his side of the bed, then slammed the pillow over her head to shut him out.”

  If he’d wondered if she’d been mad, now he knew. He bent to kiss her, pushing the pillow up to get to her face. She kicked her legs, and he chuckled.

  “Sleep, sweetheart. I’m off to the stadium.”

  He threw his gear in his backpack and closed the door softly behind him. The drive was short. He soothed himself with the notion that he’d show up at Freddie’s tonight and speak to Kate then. Unless the game finished early. Maybe he’d find her home and in the mood. He cracked a grin. The very idea of making love to her got his blood pumping and his dick’s attention.

  Whatever he had to go through to keep this relationship on the front burner, he’d do. She was worth everything. This wouldn’t be the first test he’d faced in his life and probably wouldn’t be the last. But it would be the first in his love life. Could he give Kate McKenzie the same devotion he’d given baseball? He guessed he’d be finding out real soon.


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