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Hooker Page 2

by J. L. Perry

  I had no idea that I’d soon be faced with a situation where I’d break all the rules. M would’ve spit kittens if she ever found out I’d betrayed her trust. Yet she betrayed me in the worst possible way. She should’ve been the one person who looked out for my welfare, not the one to throw me to the lions.

  It clearly states in my contract that I’m not allowed to have any contact with a man outside of my work. That meant no boyfriends and definitely no casual sex. I had no qualms about that clause—because of what I’ve been forced into doing, I kind of hate men anyway. Well, I had no qualms until I met Brock Weston. After my encounter with Mr Weston, my life would never be the same.

  One night of passion with a sinfully hot, charming and charismatic stranger would change everything.

  Would change me.



  ‘How are you feeling tonight, ma’am?’ Rupert asks when he opens the back door of the limousine for me.

  ‘Fine thanks, Rupert,’ I reply, my eyes meeting his as I smile. It’s what I always tell him, even if I’m not okay. I love how he always asks though. He’s been my saviour since he came to work for M.

  I was sixteen when Rupert arrived. At first I was wary of him: some of M’s henchmen are creepy or just plain thugs. Once I got to know Rupert though, I soon realised he was one of the good ones. He’s a lovely man, and sincere.

  It took him a few years to work his way up the ranks and gain M’s trust, but once he did, he was assigned to me permanently. Rupert’s been looking after me for five years now. Truthfully, I was over the moon about it. He’s always been kind. In my opinion he’s far too nice to work for someone like her, but I guess she pays well. Of course I didn’t tell M how happy I was—she’s a spiteful bitch. She would’ve used the knowledge against me if she knew I was fond of him. She’s a master manipulator.

  Rupert’s controlled by M just as much as I am, but from the very beginning, he’s always looked out for me. I’m not sure if I would’ve survived this long without him. Especially after that awful first night.


  Rupert escorts me up to the penthouse suite. It’s the room M reserves for her best clients. I’m on the verge of throwing up when we reach the door. I’d been thrust into the arms of strangers for as long as I can remember, but never in my life have I felt so much despair. So utterly helpless.

  Although it’s against the rules for him to stay, Rupert can see my apprehension—my entire body is trembling. The pained look on his handsome, aging face, tells me he is just as troubled by my circumstances as I am. I’m not used to people giving a shit about me, but it’s quite obvious he does. It surprises and soothes me all at once. Reassuringly, he promises me he’ll be waiting right outside the door. It gives me the confidence I need to enter the room. Without Rupert, I’m not sure I would’ve been able to go through with it.

  When I see the man who awaits me, bile rises to my throat, and all the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Great, the creepy one. The one who’d been licking his lips the whole time M had me on display the day before. Just having his eyes on me makes me feel dirty. Out of the twenty or so men M had invited to bid on me, he was the one I’d prayed I wouldn’t get. Of course, fate being the bitch it is, it was him. I knew I was fucking cursed.

  As I stand in the foyer of the penthouse suite, the creep rubs his grubby little hands together as his beady eyes travel over my body. It literally makes me shudder.

  ‘Undress,’ he commands.

  I’d spent the previous six months training, being taught the art of seduction, but in this moment, everything is forgotten. All I want is to get this over with as fast as possible. Just being in his presence repulses me.

  The moment I’m naked, he instructs me to go into the bedroom and lie on the bed. I can do this, I chant in my head as I make my way down the hallway, I can do this.

  Once I’ve laid down, I fix my gaze firmly on the ceiling above me. I can’t bring myself to make eye contact with him. I will my mind to transport me anywhere but here. I hear him shuffling around the room, but my eyes remain glued on the ceiling. I can do this, I encourage myself. In a few hours, hopefully sooner, this will all be over.

  He stands beside the bed, looking down at me. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him undressing. Quickly, I snap my eyes shut. I can do this … I can do this.

  My eyes spring open when I feel something drop beside me on the bed—a black bag, similar to the one I use when I go to the gym. I don’t want to see what’s inside, so my eyes hastily move back to the ceiling. I hear the sound of the zipper over the erratic beating of my heart, before he grabs hold of my wrist.

  ‘This will ensure you stay exactly where I want you,’ he says.

  I still can’t bring myself to look at him. The moment I feel the cool metal against my skin though, I can no longer look away.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I ask. The fear in my voice almost makes it unrecognisable. I want to scream, but I can’t. M had pre-warned me that this man had paid a lot of money to spend time with me. She forbade me from protesting against any of his demands. She insisted I was to give him anything he wanted. I hated her even more for putting me in this position.

  ‘Making sure you can’t move,’ is his reply as he quickly fastens the handcuff around my wrist before securing it to the bed. Instinctively, my arm tugged from its position. I’m trapped. He moves to the other side of the bed while my heart thumps furiously against my ribcage. I can do this … I can do this. My chanting is kind of moot by this point—this was going ahead whether I wanted it to or not.

  Soon, both arms and legs are tightly fastened to the bed posts. He has me spread out like a starfish. Bile rises in my throat again as he licks his lips and admires his handiwork.

  ‘Now that’s a sight,’ he murmurs as he bends down and retrieves his phone from the bag. Click … click … click, is all I hear as he snaps shots of me from different positions. Tears sting my eyes, but I will them away. I can do this. But in that moment I know I can’t do this, and it’s too late.

  When he’s done, he kneels on the mattress, making the bed dip. As his face comes towards mine, my eyes hastily close again. His wet mouth presses sickeningly against my lips briefly as his hands palm my breasts.

  ‘Your tits are perfect. By the feel of them, I’d say real too,’ he whispers in his creepy voice as he roughly squeezes the one he was holding, sending pain radiating through me. ‘Open that pretty mouth of yours,’ he demands as his finger traces a line across my lips. ‘I’m looking forward to fucking it later.’

  Instinctively, my mouth clamps tightly shut.

  ‘Open your fucking mouth,’ he sneers as his hand comes to rest around my throat. This time I do as I am told. My repulsion is quickly replaced again by fear.

  I gasp for air as he shoves something soft into my mouth. A gag. Panic fills me. Why is he gagging me? What is he going to do? My nostrils flare as I inhale a large breath through my nose as his revolting body comes to rest over mine. I squirm as his chubby little fingers trail a line up my inner thigh, then boom. I let out a groan of pain as he forcefully shoves a finger inside me. I’m not turned on in the slightest, and it hurts like hell.

  ‘You like that don’t you, you filthy slut?’

  I clamp my eyes shut, trying to hide the tears I can no longer hold in. Images of that sick bastard from one of the foster homes I’d been in years ago flash through my mind. He used to put his hands down my pants and touch me when nobody else was around.

  ‘Mmm, you taste delicious. Just like I knew you would,’ the creepy guy breathes as he places the finger that had been inside me into his mouth.

  My stomach turns as he opens the foil packet beside him, rolling a condom onto his stumpy little dick. Thank Christ for small mercies. M had made me watch porno after porno in preparation for my new career. She’d given me a running commentary, even made me take notes. Although this is the first penis I’ve seen in real life, I know it’s small compa
red to the ones I’d seen in the movies.

  ‘I’m gonna fuck you now. They say your first stays with you forever. I like the thought of you thinking about me for years to come.’

  A muffled whimper escapes as I try to close my legs, but it’s an impossibility. The metal of the cuffs cuts into my skin as I frantically tug on my restraints while he settles himself between my thighs. He’s right about one thing, I’ll never forget this night. Never.

  His fingers reach between us as he circles my clit, but it does nothing for my libido. Nothing this man could do would arouse me. Nothing. He’s a turn-off, not a turn-on … repulsive. I cry out in pain as he forcefully pushes himself inside me. I try to think of the ocean, of rolling meadows, anything to escape this moment, but nothing works.

  He’s making horrible grunting sounds as he continues to thrust inside me, over and over again. I’m in agony. It hurts so much more than I thought it would. Anna, one of M’s girls, warned me the first time would hurt, but I didn’t expect the pain to be this severe. The girls in the pornos always look like they’re enjoying the sex. Maybe they’re just good actors.

  ‘You’re so tight. I’m not sure I can last much longer. Your cunt feels amazing. So fucking good.’

  His words turn my stomach. I pray he can’t last much longer, because I just want this to be over. My natural instincts are to thrash around and try to get him off me, but I stay perfectly still. Moving only makes the pain worse.

  ‘I need to see my cum on your pretty face.’

  With that statement, my eyes spring open again. Unfortunately, just in time to see him rip off his condom and move his body towards my face. My hands tug on the handcuffs around my wrists as my head thrashes from side to side, but there’s no escaping. I watch in horror as he strokes himself a few times before his body starts to tremble and a feral sound escapes him as he ejaculates all over my face.

  That image … that sound … those feelings … will haunt me forever.

  I start to choke on the gag as the vomit rises to my mouth. My tears are falling freely now as he hops off me and retrieves his phone again. Click … click … click.

  ‘I’m gonna enjoy looking at these later.’

  After placing the phone beside the bed, he removes the gag and unfastens the handcuffs. ‘You were worth every cent. I’m looking forward to having you again. Go clean yourself up and get back here,’ he says, dismissing me with his hand.

  Now’s my chance to escape. There will be no more—that I’m sure of. I’d rather die than let this man touch me again. I won’t survive it.

  Scrambling off the bed, I crawl across the carpet trying to put some distance between us. He comes up behind me, slapping me hard on the arse.

  ‘I’m gonna fuck this too before the night is out.’

  Like hell he is. A whimpering sound escapes me as I push myself off the floor and onto my feet. My legs threaten to give way as I make a hasty retreat out of the bedroom towards my clothes, still sitting in a pile in the foyer. Gathering them in my trembling hands, I dress as fast as humanly possible.

  ‘You need to loosen up if you’re going to make it in this game, sweetheart,’ he calls out from the bedroom. His words are all a blur. All I want to do is get away from him as fast as I can. I don’t even allow myself time to get cleaned up. His filth is still all over me.

  Within minutes I’m flinging the door open. My eyes land on Rupert, pacing the corridor. Unease is etched on his face as he approaches me.

  I break down the moment I collapse in his open arms.

  ‘What the fuck did he do to you?’ His anger is apparent in his voice. No words are needed when he makes eye contact with me. The evidence is there for all to see. ‘I’m gonna kill him,’ he says as he manoeuvres me to the wall, gently encouraging me to sit.

  I’m not sure how long he’s in there, but when he returns, he scoops me into his arms and carries me to the lift. I feel safe with Rupert. Once inside, he places me on my feet and retrieves a handkerchief from the breast pocket of his jacket. I notice blood on his knuckles as he cleans up my face as best he can. When the handkerchief in his hand moves to wipe the cum out of my long dark hair, humiliation floods me.

  Rupert almost blows a gasket when we arrive back at my apartment. He sends me to the bathroom to get cleaned up while he calls M and demands she come straight over.

  The first words out of her mouth when she sees me are, ‘Grow the fuck up, Jade.’ This woman doesn’t have an ounce of compassion in her. But I can’t go through a situation like that again. I just can’t.

  I’m a complete mess and flat-out refuse to continue working for her. I don’t care if she sues me. In that moment I don’t care what she does, I’m adamant I’m not going back, even though I know that isn’t an option.

  M sends Rupert away. The look he gives me as he leaves tells me I’m about to pay for fleeing my first job. Reaching out, she roughly grabs my hair and pulls me to my feet. ‘You ever pull a stunt like this again,’ she snarls in my face, ‘I’ll fucking kill you.’

  I know it isn’t an idle threat. M means every word. I’ve seen with my own eyes exactly what this woman is capable of.


  So here I am, twenty-three years old, and still turning tricks for a woman I’m terrified of. A woman I loathe. Trapped in a world I can’t escape.

  After that first terrible night, M made me an exclusive escort. She couldn’t risk me displeasing one of her clients in that way again. Now I have twenty regular clients—that’s all. I only work four nights a week, unless a special request comes up, but that doesn’t happen very often. M showed me some kindness through all of this, though, by allowing me to set some limits, including the age of my clients: forty-five is my cut off, as well as no photographs, no kissing, no bondage, no bodily fluids on my face, and no anal. Definitely no anal. That part of my anatomy is off limits. No ifs or buts. No pun intended.

  Not all of my men expect sex; some just require companionship or dates for charity events and functions. I love those clients the most. At the end of the day though, my men pay big dollars for me, so I make sure they get their money’s worth, one way or another.



  My leather office chair creaks when I lean back into it as Natalie from accounting wraps her lips around my cock, bringing it to life. To my father’s disgust, I’ve had sexual liaisons with most of the women who work here. Well, the single, hot and age appropriate ones, anyway. I only do it to piss my father off. I don’t need to pick up at work; I can have anyone I want. I’m yet to come across a woman who can say no to me.

  My head snaps up when the office door flies open. Shit. I told Amy, my secretary, I didn’t want to be disturbed.

  ‘You can’t go in there, Clarissa.’ I hear the panic in Amy’s voice when she calls out from the reception area. Fucking Clarissa. What the hell does she want?

  Natalie’s lips loosen as she draws her head back. Placing my hand on top of her hair, I hold her firmly in place. She’s always been a good sport, plus she’s under my desk and out of sight. If anything, the blowjob will help me get through this unwanted conversation with Clarissa.

  Clarissa gives Amy a dirty look before slamming the door in her face. I wish I could stop her coming here, but I know my father wouldn’t hear of it. She’s the precious only daughter of one of his oldest friends.

  ‘What do you want, Clarissa?’

  ‘Oh, that’s a really nice way to talk to your fiancée.’

  Fiancée? Not this shit again. ‘I’m not your fucking fiancé, Clarissa.’

  ‘I beg to differ. I’ve just come from a visit with your father. He still wants us to get married,’ she says smugly, coming to sit on the corner of my desk. Let him fucking marry her. All my life that prick has tried to control me.

  My angry eyes meet hers. She’s beautiful, I’ll give her that, but that’s where my compliments end, because she has an ugly heart. At school, she was known as the ice queen. It suited her perfectly,
and that voice. It’s like nails on a damn blackboard. I can’t stand being around her for more than a few minutes, so the thought of being married to her—no fucking way. Not happening.

  ‘I’m not marrying you, so give it a rest, will you? My father has no say in who I marry.’

  She folds her arms over her chest and pouts as crocodile tears appear in her eyes. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I have to suppress an eye roll. Who’s she trying to kid? I’ve known this woman for most of my life and she doesn’t have a sympathetic bone in her body. I’ve seen her work this bullshit with her father. She can turn her tears on and off like a damn tap. ‘You can cut the hurt act too. That shit won’t work on me.’

  Natalie’s lips curve into a smile around my cock as a muffled giggle escapes her. It sends a vibration down the length of my shaft. Clearing my throat, I loosen my tie.

  Clarissa stands. ‘I want my damn engagement ring, Brock,’ she says, stamping her foot like a child.

  Christ, I think I’m gonna blow. Shit, not now.

  Being the head of a global security company, I’m trained to stay cool under any situation, but I’m not sure I’m going to be able to pull it off this time. ‘You’ll be waiting an awfully long time, sweetheart, because I have no intentions of ever marrying y—’ Fuck. Here it comes. My hands fist in my short dark hair as I tilt my head towards the ceiling. ‘Sweet Jesus,’ I groan as my orgasm shoots through me.

  ‘Brock. Are you okay?’

  I can hear the concern in Clarissa’s voice as she hastily makes her way around to my side of the desk. I hear her gasp when she sees my pants around my thighs and Natalie on her knees under the desk. My cock is still in her mouth. I have to hold back a laugh when Natalie gives her a little wave.

  ‘How could you? This shit is going to stop when we’re married. Do you hear me?’ Clarissa screams, turning on her heel and running for the door. Natalie and I both burst out laughing when it slams closed behind her.

  I push my chair back and stand to pull my pants up. Holding my hand out, I help Natalie to her feet.


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