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Hooker Page 20

by J. L. Perry

  I shove my phone into my pocket before heading to the main staircase. I’ve only climbed the first few steps when someone knocks on the front door. My heart drops into the pit of my stomach. It couldn’t be Brock, and even if it was, he wouldn’t be knocking.

  ‘Jade, it’s Maxwell Weston. Are you in there?’

  Brock’s father. What is he doing here? After the way he treated me the other night, he’s the last person I want to see. My heart is hammering against my chest as I climb a few more stairs.

  ‘Jade!’ he calls out again, as his knocking intensifies. Even though there’s urgency in his voice I have no intention of answering the door. ‘Please, if you’re home, answer the door, Brock’s been in an accident.’

  One hand goes to my mouth and the other reaches for the bannister as my legs threaten to give way. What does he mean? When I’m able to put one foot in front of the other, I hastily make my way to the door.

  ‘Is Brock okay?’ I ask in a panic as I fling the front door open. My body is trembling and my legs feel like jelly.

  Brock’s father eyes me sceptically. ‘You need to come with me,’ he replies, reaching for my elbow.

  ‘I’m not going anywhere with you.’ I pull my arm out of his grasp.

  He pinches the bridge of his nose as his eyes meet mine. That’s a trait Brock has picked up from his father. ‘It’s no secret I don’t agree with this situation between you and my son, but he’s asking for you, so I’m prepared to take you to him.’

  ‘Where is he? What happened—is he okay?’ I can hear the desperation in my voice. I need to know if he’s going to be okay.

  ‘I’ll fill you in on the way. We don’t have much time.’

  My gut is telling me not to go anywhere with this man, but my heart is screaming to be with Brock. I hesitate only briefly. Closing the door behind me, I follow Maxwell down the front stairs. When he opens the back door of the waiting limousine, I climb in. I scoot over as far as I can so I’m not sitting anywhere near him. He may be Brock’s father, but that doesn’t mean I have to like him.

  ‘Please tell me what you know about Brock,’ I beg as soon as he’s seated and the limo starts to pull away. ‘Is he hurt seriously? Is he going to be all right?’ A small sob escapes me. Please let him be okay. I can’t lose him, he’s all I have.

  ‘You’re shaking,’ Brock’s father says as his gaze moves down to my hands, which are clutched in my lap.

  ‘I just need to know he’s going to be okay,’ I cry, wiping the tears from my eyes.

  ‘Here, drink this. It will help calm you.’ I watch as he pours a small amount of amber liquid from the crystal decanter into two glasses.

  Taking the glass he offers, I drink the liquid down in one gulp. I feel the burn as it slides down the back of my throat, but I welcome it. When I hand him back the glass, I notice his is untouched.

  ‘Please tell me what happened,’ I plead as my watery eyes meet his. I’m confused when I see a smile play at his lips. There’s nothing funny about this situation. Doesn’t he care about his son?

  Panic rises within me as a woozy feeling spreads throughout my body. A tightness stretches across my chest and my breathing becomes laboured. I try to move but my arms and legs are heavy and weighted. I open my mouth to ask what’s happening to me, but the words come out slurred. Everything feels fuzzy. I’ve been slightly drunk before, but it’s never felt like this and certainly not from just one drink.

  I hear Brock’s father laugh beside me. ‘You stupid, naive bitch.’

  I attempt to turn my head in his direction, but I can’t seem to make it move. This man is worse than I thought. My eyes begin to droop as I struggle to keep them open. I feel like I’m slipping into unconsciousness. I try to call out to Brock, but I can’t. Nothing comes out except a strangled sound.

  Just as my eyes are closing, the partition in the limousine lowers.

  ‘Hello, my dear,’ M says. ‘I knew when the timing was right, I’d get you back. You’re going to regret the day you tried to run from me.’



  The meeting goes longer than anticipated. I’m on edge the whole time, constantly looking down at my watch. The thought of Jade being home alone makes me uneasy. I should’ve brought her with me. I’ve had no word from her so I presume all is okay. Nevertheless, I’m busting to get home.

  The second I’m out of that office I’m dialling her number. I’m concerned when she doesn’t answer, but not alarmed. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation. When I try another three times and she doesn’t pick up, I start to panic.

  I continuously call on my drive home, but nothing. I find myself driving a little more recklessly than usual, weaving in and out of traffic. The uneasy feeling in my gut has me desperate to get to her. I’m hoping it’s just my overactive imagination, but something is telling me it’s not. The longer I’m delayed in city traffic, the more agitated I become. Why isn’t she fucking picking up? I told her to keep her phone on her at all times. I bang my hand against the steering wheel in frustration when again there’s no answer.

  I finally pull into my driveway, screeching to a stop at the front of the house. Taking the stairs two at time, I bash on the front door, calling out her name, while frantically fishing my keys out of my pocket.

  ‘Jade!’ I scream loudly when I enter the house. My place is so huge, she could be fucking anywhere. When there’s no reply I head to the kitchen, since it seems to be her favourite place. The food for dinner sitting covered on the countertop somewhat calms me. She has to be in the house somewhere. I have a good mind to throw her over my knee and spank that sweet arse of hers for not following my orders.

  I check the gym while I’m downstairs, but again, there’s no sign of her. My adrenaline rises as I take the main stairs two at a time. ‘Jade,’ I call, praying she’s soaking in a bath or in the shower and unable to hear me.

  When I find the bedroom and bathroom empty, I start to panic again. I call out her name a few more times as I rush back down the stairs and head towards the back deck. She isn’t in the pool either.

  Where the fuck is she? Pulling my phone out of my pocket, my trembling hands dial her number. When there is still no answer, I feel like I’m going to throw up. Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong.


  I spend the next thirty minutes searching every inch of my house and surrounding grounds. She’s nowhere to be seen. I’m fucking beside myself by this point. I spoke with Josh twenty minutes ago and he hasn’t heard from her. He’s on his way over. I’m grateful because I’m going out of my mind. Surely she wouldn’t just up and leave without telling me? What if M has her? Jesus.

  After trying her phone for the umpteenth time, I decide to give Rupert a call.

  ‘Rupert,’ I blurt as soon as he picks up. ‘Jade’s gone, have you heard from her?’

  ‘What? No. Where did she go?’

  ‘If I knew I’d fucking be there.’

  ‘Calm down. Did you two have a disagreement?’

  ‘Fuck, no. Everything between us is fine. I had to go out for a short time, and when I returned, she wasn’t here. She’s not answering her phone. What if they have her, Rupert?’

  ‘Shit. I haven’t heard anything. I’ll head over to the house and see what I can find out.’

  ‘I’ll meet you there.’

  ‘No,’ Rupert snaps. ‘If they do have her, we need to be smart about this. Going off all half-cocked isn’t going to get us anywhere. It’s only going to put Jade in more danger.’

  ‘Fuck.’ He’s right, but sitting around and doing nothing when she could be in danger isn’t an option.

  ‘I’ll call you back once I’ve scoped out M’s. Call me in the meantime if you hear from her.’

  Ending the call, I place the phone in my pocket. I close my eyes and chant a silent prayer: Please let her be okay.

  Thank fuck Josh soon arrives to stop me from heading over there, because that’s exactly what I
want to do. I haven’t stopped pacing. There’s still no word from her. Rupert calls to tell me she wasn’t at her apartment when he went there to check and that he was heading to M’s house. I call Theo as soon as Rupert confirms Jade isn’t at her apartment. He’s the only other contact I have for her, and when I tell him she’s vanished, he offers immediately to help.

  Everything in me wants to go over to M’s and tear that house apart until I find her, but what if she isn’t there? I don’t want to alert M to the fact that Jade may be somewhere alone and vulnerable, even though my gut tells me she is behind this. Jade wouldn’t walk away from me, I know it.

  When Theo arrives, Josh and I leap into the car with him to drive blindly around the city, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. My heart picks up whenever I see someone with long brown hair, but it drops the minute I realise it isn’t her.

  It’s no fucking use—we won’t find her this way—but I feel powerless doing nothing. If she’s not at M’s, where the fuck is she?

  I feel like I’m going out of my mind.


  It’s some ungodly hour in the morning when Theo, Josh and I finally give up and head back to my house. I tell Josh and Theo to go home, but they refuse to leave me alone. I appreciate that. We brainstorm ideas for a few hours, but it’s futile. We have no leads and nothing to go on.

  Josh and Theo fall asleep on the sofa, but not me. As exhausted as I am, I can’t sleep. I won’t rest until I have her back. I clutch my head in my hands as images of her flood my mind. I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t find her soon.

  What if I never find her?

  I’m jolted from my thoughts by my phone. Looking down at the screen, I see it’s Rupert calling. I hope he has some good news.


  ‘Rupert, do you have anything?’


  My adrenaline picks up and I bolt upright in my seat. ‘You found her?’ I ask hopefully.

  ‘I think so.’

  ‘What do you mean you fucking think so?’ I snap. ‘You either did or you didn’t.’

  ‘Calm down.’

  ‘How the fuck can I calm down? Where is she? Is she okay?’ I’m usually in control, but right now I’m a fucking mess.

  ‘It only dawned on me a few hours ago to do a track on her phone. I had a program installed when I was looking after her. Just in case something ever went wrong.’

  Jesus, why didn’t I think of that? ‘And?’

  ‘M’s address came up.’ I fucking knew it.

  ‘I’m coming over there,’ I say standing.


  ‘You can’t fucking stop me, Rupert. If she’s there, I’ll tear the place apart until I find her.’

  ‘Listen,’ he says, and I can hear he’s trying to remain calm, ‘her phone is there, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she is. Use your common sense. You can’t come over here like a charging bull. It won’t do her any good.’

  ‘So we’re going to just sit around and do nothing?’ Like hell. She’s not safe with that woman and Rupert knows that as well as I do.

  ‘This is exactly why I didn’t call you earlier. You’re too emotionally invested. I have a plan, but you need to trust me on this.’

  I rub my hand over my face in frustration. He’s right, I’m no good to her like this.

  Get your shit together, Weston, your girl needs you.

  I’ll hear him out, but if I’m not happy with his idea I’m going to take charge. Situations like this are what I do for a living.

  ‘What’s your plan?’

  ‘As I said, Jade’s phone is there, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she is.’ He’s right, M would be crazy to leave her in that house where we could easily find her. ‘However, I do happen to know there’s a passageway that leads to a secret room. I stumbled across the floorplans a few years ago. If Jade is in the house, my guess is that’s where M’s keeping her.’

  ‘She’s there, I know it.’ Although I’m relieved we finally have something to go on, my concern for Jade only deepens. I saw firsthand how that bitch manhandled Jade that day she came to retrieve her, and that was in front of other people. God only knows what she’d do when they’re alone.

  ‘Don’t get ahead of yourself,’ he says. ‘There’s a good possibility, but I won’t know until I look.’

  ‘So go and fucking look.’

  ‘You know as well as I do that I can’t just barge in there. We have to be smart. I’ve been parked out in the street for the past few hours, waiting for everyone to leave and for M to retire for the night. I’m getting ready to go in now. That’s why I’m calling. If I need backup, I’ll let you know. If something happens and I don’t come out, at least you know M is responsible for Jade’s disappearance. I know you won’t rest until you find her.’ His voice cracks slightly as he speaks.

  ‘Jesus, Rupert.’

  ‘I’ll call you as soon as I know.’

  ‘Please do, and for God’s sake, be careful.’

  Despite what he says, there was no way I can just sit here and do nothing. I head straight for the car.


  Twenty minutes after Rupert called me I’m parked not far from M’s house. There’s still no word from him. I’ll give him ten more minutes, and then I’m going in.

  A few minutes pass before my phone rings and I jump. I’m on edge.

  ‘I found her,’ Rupert says when I answer. I can’t explain the emotions I feel when I hear those words. Thank Christ.

  ‘How is she? Is she okay?’ I ask, exiting the car and walking towards the front gates of the property. The house is bathed in darkness.

  ‘She’s not in a good way. I’m going to need you to call an ambulance. I’m getting ready to move her now.’

  ‘What the fuck? What do you mean she’s not in a good way? What did that bitch do to her?’ Jesus. I’ll fucking kill her.

  ‘She’ll be okay. Don’t panic. I think she’s been drugged, because she’s barely conscious. I’ve gotta get her out of here before we’re discovered. Can I rely on you to get the paramedics? She really needs to be seen to as soon as possible.’

  ‘Of course. I’ll do anything for her, you know that.’

  My hands are trembling as I dial triple zero. I can’t give them any more information other than what Rupert told me, but they assure me help was on its way. My heart beats furiously against my rib cage as I pace outside the wrought iron gates, waiting for Rupert to emerge with Jade.

  Dread fills me when I see a light come on in the upper level of the house, followed by another. M must be awake. Instinctively, I set about climbing the eight-foot-high fence. As I’m sprinting down the long driveway towards the house, I hear the sirens in the distance. Help is on its way.

  I hear the distinct sound of a gunshot coming from inside the house as I near the front door.

  I freeze.



  I recover quickly and, after removing my gun from my shoulder holster, I reach for the doorhandle. By some grace of God, it’s unlocked. Thank you, Rupert. My heart is beating out of my chest, but I try to remain focused. This is the kind of thing I’m trained for. Unlike in other situations, though, my whole existence seems to be riding on the outcome of this one.

  Please let Jade be okay.

  The foyer is bathed in darkness, but I can see light streaming from a room at the back of the house. I head quietly in that direction, stopping briefly when I reach the doorway. I take a deep breath and raise my gun.

  With my back to the wall, I peer inside the room. My eyes immediately scan the area. Jade is lying on the floor, unmoving. Her wrists and feet are bound. A combination of fear and fury rises inside me at the sight. Rupert is lying beside her, blood seeping from his shoulder. Rupert’s not moving either, but his moaning tells me he’s still alive. For how long, I can’t say. His injury looks bad and there’s a pool of blood beside him. I’m unsure of the severity of Jade’s injuries. I can’t see any blood from here, but she doe
sn’t appear to be conscious. Please let her be alive.

  M’s standing a few metres away with a gun trained on Rupert. I need to disarm that bitch.

  ‘After everything I’ve done for you, this is the thanks I get,’ M spits as she takes a step towards them, raising her gun. ‘You’ve left me no choice. Now I’m going to have to get rid of you both.’

  Like hell. M’s back is to me, so she’s still unaware of my presence. Moving quickly and quietly, I’m behind her in a flash.

  ‘Drop the gun or I’ll blow your fucking brains out.’

  The colour drains from her face as she swings around and makes eye contact with the barrel of my gun.

  ‘Drop it!’

  When her gaze moves up to meet mine, her eyes narrow slightly. A bitch right to the end. I’m sure she can tell by the look on my face that I mean every word, because, by Christ, I do. I’ll get immense pleasure from taking this woman out.

  ‘Just try to fuck with me,’ I warn.

  We’re in a silent standoff. This woman has balls, I’ll give her that.

  ‘Police! Open up!’ we hear, followed by a loud bang on the door. I watch as M’s shoulders slump in defeat before the gun finally slips from her hand, landing with a thud.

  Twisting the sleeve of her dressing gown in my hand, I hastily march her towards the door. I need to get her out of here so I can go to Jade.

  There’s no doubt in my mind that M will be serving time for this little stunt. I’ll do my best to make sure she faces the maximum penalty.



  My heart is heavy as I sit beside Jade’s hospital bed, her tiny hand clutched in mine. Hours have passed and she’s still out of it, sleeping now, rather than comatose. She’s stirred on a few occasions, but remains incoherent due to the narcotics that are still in her system. The doctor assures me she’ll be okay once they wear off, which is a huge relief.

  I got word that Rupert survived the surgery to remove the bullet that was lodged in his shoulder. He remains in a critical but stable condition in ICU. He has some extensive physio ahead of him, but should make a full recovery. I’m yet to see him and thank him for all he has done, because I’m unable to leave Jade’s side. When she finally comes round and I know for sure she’s going to be all right, I’ll go to him. He put his life on the line for my girl, and I’ll be forever indebted to him for that.


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