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Hooker Page 28

by J. L. Perry

  ‘Is my father alive?’ she whispers, and the pleading look in her eyes tears me apart.

  ‘No.’ I sigh when she covers her face with her hands and sobs. ‘I’m so sorry, sweetheart.’


  ‘Suicide.’ No point sugar coating it.

  ‘I’ll never get the answers now.’

  That’s where she’s wrong. I have all the answers, including a letter from her father. I just don’t know if I have it in me to give it to her.

  ‘Come sit back down,’ I say, when her crying stops.

  ‘How long ago did he die?’ She wipes her eyes with the back of her hand.

  ‘Come sit with me,’ I say again, gently pulling her towards the table. I’m relieved when she doesn’t try to fight me. ‘When you’re ready I have all the answers to your questions.’

  I pull her onto my lap and her head comes to rest on my chest. ‘I’m ready,’ she says.

  ‘We don’t have to do this tonight.’

  ‘I’ve waited twenty-three years for answers, I’m ready.’

  When I reach for the envelope, she sits up straight and squares her shoulders, bracing herself for what I have to say.

  ‘Before I show you what’s in the envelope, let me tell you what I know. Your parents’ names are Colin and Patricia Davis.’

  ‘Colin and Patricia,’ I hear her whisper as a small smile crosses her face.

  ‘Your mother died during childbirth.’

  ‘I already know that,’ she says. ‘What about my father?’

  I pause. ‘He died when you were six months old.’

  ‘Oh,’ she says, her shoulders slumping. ‘That would’ve been around the time I went into foster care.’


  ‘I hope it wasn’t because of me.’

  I can’t answer that. There’s a letter addressed to her, and though I haven’t read it, I can’t imagine that being the case.

  Reaching into the envelope, I pull out four photos. They were left with her father’s lawyer, along with the letter. ‘These are pictures of your parents,’ I say, placing two on the table in front of her. She picks them up one by one and studies them.

  ‘You can see a bit of you in both your parents, but mainly your mother.’

  ‘I know. I can’t believe I’m finally seeing what they looked like.’ She gently runs her fingers over the images. ‘It’s something I’ve always wondered.’

  Placing the next two photos down, I wait for her reaction. One is of her parents with a small boy, and one of her and the boy together. ‘Who’s this?’

  ‘It’s your brother, with your parents,’ I say, pointing to the first photograph. ‘And this one is of the two of you together.’

  ‘Oh. My. God,’ she squeals, turning on my lap to face me again. I can see tears pooling in her eyes again. ‘I have a brother?’

  ‘Yes. His name is Tate. He’s three years older than you.’

  Her gaze moves back to the photos, as she studies them both.

  ‘I can’t believe I have a brother,’ she whispers. ‘Please tell me he’s still alive?’

  ‘I haven’t been able to track him down yet, but yes, as far as I know, he’s alive.’

  ‘I have a brother,’ she whispers again.

  ‘I’ll promise I’ll find him for you.’ It’s a huge promise to make, but I won’t give up until I do.


  A week later, and our postponed announcement dinner is back on. I’m eager to share our news. I know my mum and Josh will be over the moon to hear about our engagement. Jade wants Rupert and Theo there because they’re the closest thing she has to family. It’s taken her a while to recover from the shock of finding out her father is dead and her brother is probably alive. Not that I’ve managed to uncover any more information about Tate. Christ, I hope I can track him down. She deserves some good news.

  Mum, Josh and Theo all arrive together. Apparently Theo had his driver pick them up on the way over. Jade has set the table on the back deck, since it’s such a lovely night. Once we’re all seated with drinks in hand, Jade gives my leg a squeeze under the table, signalling it’s time to share our news. I stand and help her to her feet. Once I have everyone’s undivided attention, I speak.

  ‘We invited you all here tonight for a reason. You are our family, and we wanted you to be the first to know our news—’

  ‘Brock’s asked me to marry him, and I said yes,’ Jade squeals, holding out her hand to show off her ring. I can’t help but laugh at her outburst.

  We receive a few cheers, and Mum starts to cry. I guess they’re as happy with our news as we are. Jade hugs me, looking just as happy as I feel. Rupert is first to stand and congratulate us. After shaking my hand, he wraps Jade in his arms. ‘I needed some good news. If anyone deserves a happily ever after, it’s you.’

  ‘I’m so happy, Rupert’ she says as she looks at me over his shoulder. The smile she gives me hits me right in the chest. Seeing her happy is all I’ve ever wanted. I know we’re going to have a wonderful life together.

  ‘I love you,’ I mouth.

  Her smile widens before she draws back to make eye contact with Rupert. ‘Will you give me away at the wedding?’

  I love how close they’ve become since he’s been living here. He’s the closest thing to a father she has. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to track down Jade’s brother. She’ll always have us, but I’d love to be able to find him for her.

  ‘I’d be honoured to give you away,’ Rupert chokes out. They both wipe the tears from their eyes when they part.

  ‘My turn,’ Theo says as he pulls Jade into his arms, squeezing her tight. ‘You deserve happiness, babycakes.’

  ‘Thanks, Theo,’ she whispers. ‘You’ll get yours one day too.’

  ‘I guess I’ll have to start telling people we’ve officially broken up.’ We both laugh at Theo’s comment. Going to his house all those months ago was the best decision I’ve ever made … It was the day Jade and I reunited and the day I realised I didn’t want to live my life without her in it.

  ‘I’m glad you didn’t let this one get away, bro,’ Josh says extending his hand as he comes to stand beside me. ‘A guy couldn’t ask for a better sister-in-law.’

  My mother is still crying when she pulls Jade and I into a group hug. ‘Don’t make me wait too long for grandbabies.’

  ‘Jesus, Mum. Give us a break, we’re not even married yet.’

  We’ve come so far since our run-in at the airport, and the brief yet wonderful time we spent together in New York. She not only changed my life, she changed me. I’m blessed to have met her, but more importantly, to be loved by her.


  Six months later …


  I haven’t stopped smiling since the moment I got out of bed this morning. Even though Brock already feels like family to me, today it becomes official. In under an hour I’ll be Mrs Jade Weston and I can’t put into words how happy that makes me. I feel like I’ve waited my whole life for this moment. I’ll finally belong to someone.

  ‘You look beautiful,’ Rupert says as he straightens my veil. ‘I’m honoured to be giving you away today.’

  ‘There’s no one else I’d rather,’ I reply. And that’s the truth. ‘You’re the closest thing I have to a father.’

  ‘I’m so proud of you, Jade.’ I have to fight back the tears when I hear his voice crack. ‘From the moment I met you, I hoped that one day you’d find happiness. I’m so glad I get to witness it.’

  ‘I love you, Rupert,’ I say as I wrap my arms around him. I’ve never told him that before, but I do.

  ‘Jade,’ he replies, choking up. ‘I love you too. Although I lost a daughter, I’ve gained another in you. I’m extremely grateful to have you in my life. You were the one who kept me sane for all those years.’

  I wipe the tears from my eyes and see Rupert do the same. ‘I don’t know what I would’ve done without you either. You made my life bearable.’

Our moment is broken when Brock’s mother enters the bedroom. Brock and I decided to get married at his—our—house, and I’m getting ready in our bedroom. Brock is using one of the bedrooms on the ground floor.

  ‘Oh my gosh,’ Elaine says, holding her arms out wide. ‘Look at you. You’re breathtaking. I can’t wait to see my son’s face when he sees you.’

  I feel like a princess in this dress. It’s simple but elegant. The mermaid-style dress is white, which is quite ironic, of course. It’s tight fitting until mid-thigh, before flowing loosely to the floor. It has a sweetheart neckline and dips low down my back. The dress is covered in a sheer lace that extends over my breast bone and down my arms. My hair is pulled back in loose curls that are pinned into a bun at the base of my neck.

  ‘Thank you. I hope Brock likes it.’

  ‘He’s going to love it,’ Elaine says, closing the distance between us and folding me into her arms. ‘Thank you for making my son so happy.’

  ‘He makes me happy too.’ Happier than I ever thought I’d be.

  ‘I know. Oh, that reminds me, he sent me in here to find Josh, and to give you this.’

  I have no idea where Joshua is and, come to think of it, Theo is missing as well. I asked him to be my brides-man today. It’s unconventional, I know, but he’s my best friend, so I wanted him by my side. Brock asked Joshua to be his best man.

  I find a note from Brock inside the envelope Elaine gives me.

  Today we become one.

  I’m looking forward to making a lifetime of beautiful memories with you.

  I love you, sweetheart.

  Forever yours,


  Tears rise to my eyes when I unwrap the tiny piece of tissue paper enclosed with the note to find a bride and groom charm to add to my memory locket.


  The wedding should have started five minutes ago, so when there’s still no sign of Joshua and Theo, Rupert and I split up to find them. We know they’re here somewhere. There are only so many places they can be.

  ‘What the hell?’ I screech, coming to an abrupt stop when I open the door to one of the spare bedrooms. ‘Did you forget we have a wedding here today?’ I say, trying not to laugh as I cover my eyes with my hands.

  ‘Fuck. I’m sorry, babycakes,’ Theo says, clearing his throat.

  ‘I’m sorry to,’ Joshua chimes in. ‘We lost track of time.’ I can hear them both shuffling around the room, but my hands are still over my eyes so I can’t see what they’re doing.

  ‘There’ll be plenty of time to make out after the wedding. Brock’s waiting for me.’

  ‘We’ll be down in a minute,’ Joshua says.

  Stepping back into the corridor and closing the door, I do a little fist pump. It looks like my matchmaking has finally paid off. Theo and Joshua are perfect for each other.

  I’m smiling as I head back downstairs to find Rupert. It’s time for me to marry the man of my dreams.



  As I stand under the gazebo by the pool area with the wedding celebrant, I rub my sweaty palms down the front of my trousers. I’ve been looking forward to this day, so I’m surprise by how nervous I am. It was my idea to rush through the wedding plans. I was eager to make Jade my wife.

  We opted for a small wedding. Jade invited a few people she’s met through her cooking classes, and I have some work colleagues and a couple of friends I’ve kept in contact with over the years. Since there’s only thirty people in attendance, we set up the back patio with a long table overlooking the pool for the reception later. I’ve hired chefs to cater the event, as well as waiters and bar staff. I would’ve liked to have been able to give her something a little more elaborate, but this is what she wanted.

  I smile at my mother when she comes to stand beside me. ‘She’ll be out soon,’ she says. ‘She looks beautiful, Brock.’ I didn’t doubt that for a second. I can’t wait to see her.

  ‘I bet she does.’

  ‘How are you holding up, you look nervous?’

  ‘I am, Mum. I honestly thought marriage wasn’t on the cards for me, but when I met Jade all that changed.’

  ‘The love you have for each other is rare. Hold on to that.’ I have no doubt in my mind that we will. She means everything to me and I intend to cherish her for the rest of my life. She completes me. ‘You’re going to give me the most beautiful grandchildren.’

  I chuckle at her comment. She’s brought the subject up a number of times since we announced our engagement. My mother has flourished since my father’s death, but there are times where she seems lost. Grandchildren would help fill that void I gather. She’s very active in mine and Josh’s lives now which is great. I love having her around.

  ‘Hopefully one day we’ll be able to give you grandchildren.’ It’s not like Josh will be able too. Leaning forward I place a soft kiss on her cheek. I would love nothing more than to start a family with Jade one day, but for now I just want to enjoy her.

  ‘I’m going to go and take my seat. Good luck, honey,’ she says, rubbing her hand affectionately down my arm.

  I roll my shoulders and take a deep breath trying to calm myself. Where the fuck is Josh? I look down at my watch. They’re late. A few minutes pass before my brother comes rushing down the red carpet that was laid on the lawn earlier. He’s breathless as he comes to a stop beside me.

  ‘Where the fuck have you been?’ I ask in an angry whisper.

  ‘Long story,’ he replies. By the look on his face I know he’s been up to something and that makes me feel uneasy. Before I get a chance to pry further, the music starts playing, signalling Jade’s arrival. She chose the song Endless Love sung by Stan Walker and Dami Im, to walk down the aisle too.

  ‘Shit,’ I mumble nervously to myself as I turn and face the house.

  ‘You’ve got this,’ Josh encourages, placing his hand briefly on my back. ‘You guys were made for each other.’

  The moment she appears on the patio I take in a sharp breath. She looks even more beautiful than I imagined. Theo walks down the aisle first, but I barely notice him because I can’t take my eyes off Jade. Her arm is linked through Rupert’s as they slowly make their way towards us. My heart is thumping rapidly against my ribcage. When she is within metres of me, she gives me a breathtaking smile. The tears that glisten in her eyes bring a lump to my throat.

  I reach for her hand and lace our fingers together when she comes to a stop beside me. ‘You look beautiful, sweetheart,’ I whisper. Her grip tightens around my hand as we both face the marriage celebrant. I’m eager to start my new life with her by my side.

  She’s my best friend.

  My dream girl.

  My soulmate.


  Five months later …


  I leave the kitchen carrying a batch of freshly baked Snickers cookies. It’s my own recipe and one of my bestsellers. Buying that chocolate at the airport turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made. That insignificant moment changed my life. Brock still says that, to this day, he can’t walk past a Snickers bar without thinking of me.

  The bell above the door chimes just as I place the hot tray on the counter. Taking off my oven gloves, I turn to greet my first customer for the day. It’s been almost three months since I opened my patisserie. It’s everything I dreamed it would be, and more. I decided to name it ‘Life’s Sweet’, because that’s exactly what life has become—sweet. I’ve come a long way from where I once was. Thanks to my husband and new found family, the horrors of my past seem like a distant memory.

  As hard as it was for him, Brock didn’t interfere, and let me pay for everything with the money I’d earnt from working for M. He likes to spoil me, but he knew how much it meant for me to do this on my own. He’s very understanding and supportive. I worked hard for that money, sacrificed my soul for it, so I got immense satisfaction from seeing it put to good use. It helped make everything I went through worth it. In the end, those hard times
not only helped me fulfil my dreams, they led me to Brock. That can’t be a bad thing.

  ‘Morning,’ I say as the man approaches the counter. He’s around my age, and quite handsome with his dark hair and rugged features.

  ‘Morning,’ he replies with a genuine smile as he comes to a stop in front of the display cases. The moment our eyes meet, my heart starts to race. His eyes are identical to my jade green ones.

  ‘Jade?’ he says hesitantly.

  ‘Tate?’ My eyes instantly cloud with tears. When he nods his head, I clutch my hands to my chest. My brother.

  I’ve found my brother.

  Before I even realise what I’m doing, I’m on the other side of the counter, launching myself into his arms. I don’t mean to cry, but I find myself sobbing into his chest as we hold each other tight. I finally have a real blood relative, something I’ve wished for my entire life.

  ‘Your husband wanted me to come to the house for dinner tonight, to surprise you,’ he tells me, tightening his embrace. ‘I feel bad for ruining this for him, he seems like a great guy, but I couldn’t wait another second to see you. I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment. The minute my plane touched down, I headed straight here.’

  ‘I’m so glad you came,’ I manage to say. ‘So glad.’

  Tate spends the rest of the day with me at the shop. We don’t stop talking the whole time. I call Brock and he comes over in his lunch break to meet him. He isn’t upset that his surprise was ruined, he’s just happy to see us together again. I have the most amazing husband.

  Tate was adopted a few months after we became wards of the state. The family that took him already had three daughters and desperately wanted a son. Maybe that’s why they didn’t want me as well. He was only three years old when we were separated, so in time, he forgot about my existence. He tells me that when Brock contacted him four days ago, he called his adoptive parents and asked about me. They told him he cried for weeks when he first came to live with them, and kept asking for his bubba.

  Hearing that breaks my heart.

  He confesses to dreaming about me the night after finding out he was adopted. He says he was standing beside my crib and reached in to take hold of my hand. He distinctly remembers saying the words, ‘I love you, bubba,’ which makes my cry. We were both robbed of so much.


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