The Romanovs

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The Romanovs Page 97

by Simon Sebag Montefiore


  Alexis: letters from Alexis’s travels in GARF 641.1.18. Beech 1.123–5.


  This is based on Fanny’s memoirs in Eva and Daniel McDonald, Fanny Lear: Love and Scandal in Tsarist Russia (henceforth McDonald, Fanny) 34–127.


  This account of the Khiva and Central Asian wars is based on: Seymour Becker, Russia’s Protectorates in Central Asia; Dietrich Geyer, Russian Imperialism: The Interaction of Domestic and Foreign Policy 1860–1914 (henceforth Geyer) 86–9; and Peter Morris, The Russians in Central Asia, 1870–1887, SEER (1975) 53.521–38. Khiva: GARF 678.2.278.24, Alexander diary, 11 February 1873. Letters to Nikola (Nikolai Konstantinovich) Fanny 127–59. Rieber 72–82; Indian Mutiny opportunity A to B, 28 September 1857. Gorchakov memo, 28 April 1858, probes into Central Asia; 79–82 Bariatinsky and Nikolai Ignatiev opportunity; 73 destroy British army? Miliutin, Dnevnik 36–8, inc. conquest of Khiva report by Kaufman, 16 June 1873. Eroticism of imperial adventures: Petr Valuev, Dnevnik P. A. Valueva, ministra vnutrennikh del (1861–1876) (henceforth Valuev, Dnevnik) 2.60, 20 July 1865.


  GARF 772.1.106.53–60, Kostia diary, 10–19 April 1874; Miliutin diary, 17 and 18 April 1874. Fanny 188–269; US diplomats quoted in McDonald, Fanny Lear 271–99. Maria and Alfred, old fool Victoria: GARF 678.2.279.9, Alexander diary, 5 July 1873. Heavy heart: GARF 678.2.279.8, Alexander diary, 29 June 1873. Queen Victoria’s Letters 2.328–39. Fanny 181–4. Unpleasant inmate/murder is out: Wilson 358–61. Maria as tsar’s helper and duchess of Edinburgh: Hannak Pakula, The Last Romantic: A Biography of Queen Marie of Roumania, (henceforth ‘Pakula’) 25–34. Life at Clarence House: Marie queen of Roumania, Story of My Life (‘Marie Roumania’) 3–88.


  Shuvalov vs Miliutin, ‘fly to you on horseback’ for sex: GARF 678.2.283.17, A to D, 27 October 1873. Darling Gogo: GARF 678.2.283.18, A to D, 14 December 1873. Narodniki: Ruud 38–40. Daly 1.22–25. Frank, Dostoevsky, 687–693. Figes, Natasha’s Dance 220–236. Fall of Shuvalov: Miliutin, Dnevnik, 75, 31 December 1873 and downfall 1 January 1875. You prefer it in London, don’t you?: Daly 1.23. Eklof 75–8: see essay Rieber, Interest Group Politics in the Era of the Great Reforms; fall of Shuvalov 78.


  Wortman 229; Sasha to Minny quoted 257. Geyer 68–776. Miliutin, Dnevnik 19 January 1876 and 8 February 1876; things go badly for Serbs, 31 March 1876; 14 June, Alexander counts on League of Three Emperors; 15 July, Alexander on reproaches for our passive stances, he seems calm, inside turmoil; 27 July, allows officers to Serbia; 30 July, tsar remembers thirty years earlier/plan for education of Nicholas; 1 October meetings with Alexander, Miliutin and Ignatiev, how to get out of trap; 11 October, Alexander considers commander-in-chief Nikolai or Totleben; 16 November, Serbia in dire straits; 8 February 1877, need to rely on military. Sasha and Pobedonestsev criticize Alexander: Byrnes 142–4. Fear and stress to Katya: GARF 678.2.105, A to D, 14, 20, 23 August 1876 (to Livadia, rides to see her, Turkey no allies, Prussia, Austria could join us), GARF 678.2.106/107, A to D, 23 September; GARF 678.2.107, A to D, 6, 11 October 1876. Nicky on Alexander II’s calm: Charlotte Zeepvat, Romanov Autumn 16.


  This account of war is based on Eklof 139–58, John S. Buchnell, Miliutin and the Balkan War – Military Reform vs Military Performance; B. H. Sumner, Russia and the Balkans; and Alexander diary/letters. GARF 678.2.279.17, Alexander diary, 1 January 1877, God help me. Bingerle armed: GARF 678.2.283.29, A to D, 17 June 1877. GARF 678.2.279.8, Alexander diary, Bismarck to prevent anti-Russian coalition, 20 January 1877. GARF 678.2.280.2, Alexander diary, infamous England, 16 March 1877. GARF 678.2.280.7, Alexander diary, our ally Carol of Romania 20 May 1877. GARF 678.2.280.11, Alexander diary, 14 and 15 June 1877, magnificent panorama. GARF 678.2.280.12, Alexander diary, 17 June 1877, Disraeli. GARF 678., Alexander diary, 25 June 1877, thinks of father. GARF 678.2.280.16, Alexander diary, 28 June 1877, Mikhail retreats. Katya memoirs: GARF 678.2.289.17–19, stupidity of Nikolai furious at unpardonable defeatism, tired. Miliutin, 4 July 1877; Adlerberg advises return home, 8 July; 10 July, Nikolai sobered; 12 July, bad news at Plevna; 14 July, Nikolai doesn’t realize problem. GARF 678.2.280.21, Alexander diary, 9 July 1877, first Plevna. GARF 678.2.280.25, Alexander diary, 19 July 1877, more Plevna.


  GARF 678.2.280.30, Alexander diary, 29 July 1877, heart hurts. Miliutin, Dnevnik 6 August 1877, faints/unimpressed with commanders. GARF 678.2.280.32, Alexander diary, 2 August 1877, life with courtiers, bad news from Plevna. GARF 678.2.280.35, 7 August 1877, Nikolai more attacks on Plevna. GARF 678.2.280.46, Alexander diary, 26, 29, 31 August 1877, tsar watches Plevna attack/casualties. Miliutin intervenes 29–31 August 1877; happy nature of tsar, 3 September 1877. Deaths GARF 678.2.280.50, Alexander diary, 5 September 1877. GARF 678.2.280.54, Alexander diary, 15 September 1877, Victoria ‘tramp’, mad. GARF 678.2.280.63, Alexander diary, 27 September 1877, Sasha letter. GARF 678.2.280.67, Alexander diary, 6 October 1877, Nikolai and ballerina lose trust. Sasha’s view of ‘stupid’ commander Nikolai: RGIA 919.2454.61, Alexander Alexandrovich 21 December 1877. Tsar confides re Plevna to Katya: bingerle sends compliments: GARF 678.2.283.29, A to Katya, 17 June 1877. GARF 678.2.114115, A to D, 13, 18, 20, 21 July 1877, sad, Nikolai ignores superiority, summons Guards. GARF 678.2.114–15, A to D, 13, 14, 18, 24, 30 July 1877. Waiting for fall of Plevna: GARF 678.2.117, A to D, 4, 27 October 1877, sex dreams, Totleben tactics, mobilize Guards, Nikolai lost confidence, marriage one thing we lack. GARF 678.2.117–18, A to D, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 29 November 1877. Alexander undermines Nikolai: Miliutin 8 October 1877; capture of Kars, 6 November; 15 November depression; tsar ‘younger’, thanks Miliutin. GARF 678.2.280.99, Alexander diary, 28 November 1877, fall of Plevna. Grand dukes – Nikolai commander: Miliutin, Dnevnik 11 October 1877, Totleben or Nikolai? Alexis to war: GARF 678.2.280, Alexander diary, 9 June 1877. Mikhail at war: Loris in Peter Zaionchkovsky, Russian Autocracy under Alexander III (henceforth Zaionchkovsky 2) 22. Sandro 27–47. Radzinsky 258–73. Nikolai: Beech 1.74–5. Alexander weeps at list of Guards’ deaths: Lincoln, Reforms 155.


  GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 11 December 1877, sweet sex; children happy to see Papasha, A to D, 29 December 1977, share victory, children tender. GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 7 and 9 January 1878, joy of victories, peace worth, Adrianople news, when we are together, arrival of British fleet. GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 13 and 14 January 1878, await news from Berlin, cavalry to Constantinople, oh how I enjoyed bingerle. GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 21 January 1878, armistice pleasure, bad news from Vienna and London. GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 27 January 1878, wonderful bingerle before dinner, English fleet to Constantinople. GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 1 February 1878, love to wake up with you. GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 3 February 1878, nothing from my brother yet; news agitates me, old fool of queen. GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 6 February 1878, more calm if I know we occupy Constantinople. GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 21 February 1878, bingerle wanted it and cried ‘Yes yes.’ GARF 678.2.119, A to D, 11 March 1878, anguish, bad night. GARF 678.2.120, A to D, 18 March 1878, children make me happy amid tribulations. GARF 678.2.120, A to D, 20 March 1878, Turks more afraid of British than us; I’ll join you at 3.30. Dilemma of Prince Alfred, duke of Edinburgh on HMS Sultan, Byzantine throne, shows letters to Maria and Empress Marie’s letter to Prince Alexander of Hesse on fishwife Victoria: Wilson 376–85. Alexander diaries: GARF 678.2.7. 93, return to Petersburg, 8 December 1877; Ignatiev count, 12 December 1877; 24 December, Sofia taken. GARF 678.2.7.2, Nikolai no confidence, 11 January 1878; GARF 678.2.7.3, Nikolai occupation inevitable/Ignatiev negotiates/near city, 12 January 1878. GARF 678.2.7.4, Nikolai close to city, success turns head, 13 January 1878. GARF 678.2.7.7, war, five days an eternity, 19 January 1878. GARF 678.2.7.7, Bismarck will mock us/ history condemn me, 20 January 1878. GARF 678.2.7.9, war against Britain/enemy Beaconsfield, 26 January 1878. GARF 678.2.7.11, threat to occupy city, 29 and 30 January 1878. GARF 678.2.7.11, orders to take cit
y, 30 January and 1 February 1878. GARF 678.2.7.23, we forgot Bismarck advice/Constantinople gone for ever, 29 March 1878. GARF 678.2.7.25, Nikolai sacked, 15 April 1878. GARF 678.2.8.5, if I had a Bismarck, 5 March 1879. GARF 678.2.8.4, Three Emperors doesn’t exist, 6 February 1879. Advance so fast surpassed our wildest assumptions: Miliutin, 12 January 1878; 28 January 1878, excited tsar orders occupation of city; 11 February 1878, now Nikolai hesitates reasonably saving us from catastrophe; 19 February 1878, peace, jubilation.


  Account of Congress based on Sumner, Russia and the Balkans; Geyer 78–80; Steinberg 368–373; Steinberg quotes Disraeli on Gorchakov and the dog 367. Gorchakov vs Disraeli: Salo Baron, The Jews under Tsars and Soviets 48. GARF 678.2.120, A to D, 30 April 1878, happy with marshalate; 16 March 1878, sex; 26 May, she reads despatches to him. Berlin: GARF 678.2.122, A to D, 3 June 1878, I fear Congress will end in war; 12 June, slept well after bingerles; 17 June, a veritable coalition against us at Berlin; 20 June, bingerles, Batumi essential; 22 June, we would fight for Batumi; 27 June, all Europe under genius Bismarck. GARF 641.1.32 Alexander to Marie 10 August 1878: Bismarck plots v Russia with Austria. Miliutin 2 June to 22 July 1878, negotiations at Berlin and public opinion hostile to government, emperor humiliated; Gorchakov situation beyond powers, 3 April 1876; totally senile, 6 November 1877; tsar loses temper with Gorchakov, 11 October 1877. Bulgaria: medieval size at San Stefano; smaller version at Berlin; new prince Battenberg: Stephen Constant, Foxy Ferdinand, Tsar of Bulgaria (henceforth Ferdinand) 18–25.


  Zaionchkovsky 32–91. Daly 1.24–5. Mezentsov assassination attempt: GARF 678.2.122, A to D, 22 May 1878, God bless your pregnancy. GARF 678.2.122, A to D, 4 July 1878, shame of partition of Bulgaria. GARF 678.2.122, A to D, 13 July 1878, delicious Moushka. GARF 678.2.122, A to D, 4 August 1878, Mezentsov killed, ‘charming century’. Crimea: GARF 678.2.122, A to D, 27 August 1878, nervous on police; 4 September 1878, what it costs to leave you; 3 September 1878, birth of baby Ekaterina. To Petersburg: GARF 678.2.122, A to D, 25 September 1878, bingerles; 26 September 1878, bleeding from sex?; 8 October 1878, must not get pregnant; 28 October 1878, need to be inside you. Alexander diary: GARF 678.2.7.8, trial of 193 narodniki and shooting of Trepov, 24 and 25 January 1878. GARF 678.2.7.34, Mezentsov killed, 4 August 1878; invisible hand, 26 September 1878. GARF 678.2.7.41, gives 10,000 roubles to D, 25 October 1878. GARF 678.2.7.47, my serenity of character not lost, 22 December 1878. GARF 678.2.8.5, Kropotkin killed, 22 February 1879. GARF 678.126, A to D, 1 January 1878, happy new year. Kabul 1878: GARF 641.1.32, Alexander to Marie, 26 August 1878. Ruud 39–42. Daly 1. 24–26


  GARF 678.2.8.6–8, Alexander diary, miraculously saved/governor-generals, 2–5 April 1879. GARF 678.2.289.22, Katya informed of April 1879 attempt, he weeps, saved me for you. Assassination; Valuev suggests governor-generals: Zaionchkovsky 52–60, inc. Loris-Melikov plan against sedition 56–7; Valuev ‘half-ruined sovereign’; 78–91 Alexander discusses reform with Valuev, Kostia; 89 Sasha opposes 23 January 1880. Tsar hunted like hare: Tolstaya 26. Marie health: GARF 641.1.31, Serge to Marie, 29 April 1879. GARF 641.1.31, Alexander to Marie, sorry you’re unwell, 6 May 1879. GARF 641.1.29, Alexander to Marie, wedding anniversary and reunited soon. GARF 641.1.32, Alexander to Marie, 1, 2 and 4 August 1879, new resources of health, at manoeuvres, glad your health better. GARF 641.1.32, Alexander to Marie, 8 September 1879, memories of Nixa. GARF 641.1.32, Alexander to Marie, 10 August 1878, three executions, Bismarck plots against us with Austria. GARF 641.1.32, Alexander to Marie, 18 August 1879, Marshal Manteuffel arrives with letter from Kaiser Wilhelm dictated by Bismarck listing what Germany has done for us and paid its debts. Move into Winter Palace: Miliutin, 13 May 1881, recounts Adlerberg’s version. Alexander and Dolgorukaya: GARF 678.2.129, A to D, 11 March 1880, doubly enjoyed bingerles; 19 March 1880, you shared crazy pleasure, the sacred cult of us. GARF 678.2.130, A to D, 10 and 23 April 1880, good to cry out, our good rooms, my real life concentrated in the good moments together. Awkwardness of Katya hidden from children, esp. Sergei and Paul, and Grand Duchess Maria: Beech 1.120. GARF 678.2.7.26, creates title Yurievsky for son, 24 April 1878. Alexander diary: GARF 678.2.8.10, 10 May 1879, like a novel. GARF 678.2.8.22, 30 August 1879, like a hunted wolf.


  GARF 678.2.8.26, train bomb 20 November 1879. Miliutin, Dnevnik 20 November 1879. GARF 678.2.8.27–8, Alexander diary, threatening letter on desk, 3 December 1879, and news of plan of Winter Palace by terrorists, 4 December 1879. Palace bombing, Khalturin: Tolstaya 34–5. Katya’s fears and suspicions of explosives plot: GARF 678.2.289.25–9. Negligence and in Winter Palace tsar very pale, Sasha in panic, Empress Marie hears nothing, she wept: Tolstoya 29–41. Reform: Zaionchkovsky 80–91. Alexander diary: GARF 678.2.8.29, reform and Valuev/Marie won’t live long, 1 January 1880; exiles Hendrikova, 14 January 1880. Valuev, Dnevnik 47, 9 January 1880, Alexander discussed his 1863 plan. Show Russia a sign of his trust – Alexander sees Kostia, 13 January 1880, quote from diary of E. A. Peretts quoted in Zaionchkevsky 84. Winter Palace bomb: GARF 678.2.9.6, Alexander diary, palace bomb, 5 February 1880. Miliutin, Dnevnik 5 February 1880. Sasha diary, 5 February 1880, GARF 677.1.307.319–20. Prince Alexander of Hesse diary/notes quoted in Lyashchenko, Alexandr II, 288. Naryshkin 62–3. Katya’s account: GARF 678.2.289.30–3.


  Zaionchkovsky 92–3, quotes Kostia. Sandro 57–60. GARF 678.2.9.7, Alexander diary, Sasha proposes commission, refused, then tsar appoints Loris, 8, 9, 10 February 1880; menace to children, what a nightmare, 16 February 1880. GARF 678.2.9.9, Loris attempt, 20 February 1880. GARF 678.2.9.10, Gogo and execution, 21 February 1880. GARF 678.2.9.10, ‘poor liberty’, 23 February 1880. GARF 678.2.9.13, Katya worries about Gogo’s future, 9 March 1880. GARF 678.2.9.13, Katya: ‘hang terrorists’, 16 March 1880. GARF 678.2.9. 14, Loris unites police, sacks Drenteln, Loris same powers as me, 22 March and 24 March 1880. Cherevin Jewish memo: Zaionchevsky 338. Sasha and Loris relations: GARF 677.1.307/308. Rieber 104. Zaionchkovsky 92–116, Kostia on Petersburg panic, Valuev aplomb and arrogance of ‘Michael I’, Saltykov-Schedrin charisma; 330 Loris works with Sasha; 7–14 Loris takes control, ‘united command’; Loris and Sasha, 340 Pobedonostsev to E. F. Tyutcheva on Loris’s two patrons and third supporter in a certain woman; 11 April memo, 129–44; appointment of Pobedonostsev 146. Meshchersky on Loris as agile, clever 420–37; sacking of Tolstoy and Drenteln 439–44. Loris eastern mind, sly eyes, ‘the Juggler’: Naryshkin 63. The Great Dictator: Sandro 65–6. Miliutin on dictator Loris: Miliutin, Dnevnik 10 February 1880. Police organization: Ruud 48–55. Daly 1.26–31. GARF 678.2.9.18, Alexander diary, Marie dies, double life ends, Katya demands marriage, Adlerberg warns, 22, 23, 24 May 1880. GARF 678.2.9.19, Alexander diary, coronation, constitution, then retirement, 25, 26, 27 May 1880. GARF 678.2.9.19, Sasha and Alexander talk, 30 May 1880. GARF 678.2.9.22–3, Bazhenov archpriest refuses, Katya advises confide in Sasha, marriage, 28 June, 3, 4 and 6 July 1880. Sasha’s view of his mother’s death, Alexander’s remarriage, the scum sacred influence of his mother/Nixa: GARF 642.1.709.13–16, Alexander III (Sasha) to Minny, 22 May 1884. Katya memoirs: GARF 678.2.289.34, if not threat of assassination, we wouldn’t have married during mourning; the wedding, GARF 678.2.289.35–6. Adlerberg warns against marriage: Miliutin, Dnevnik 4.78–9, 18 August 1879. Adlerberg says tsar in hands of Dolgorukaya, influence increases, Dolgorukaya sassy, stupid and immature: Miliutin, Dnevnik 4.337, 13 May 1881.


  Byrnes 140–5, Alexander on Pobedonostsev, Pharisee, fanatic; 147–9 Pobedonostsev says I’m a believer against idols; view of Alexander II in 143 letters to Sasha criticising decisions in 1877–8; in letters to E. Tyutcheva 143–4; and Dostoevsky 93–109. Pobedonostsev on Loris: Byrnes 140. Frank, Dostoevsky, works with Meshchersky 617–19,671, 679 (Meshchersky, Prince Full-stop); friendship with Pobedonostsev, reveres tsardom 678–9 and 801–7; despises Yids 745; hatred of Jews 836; meets Romanovs Sergei, Paul, Konstantin Konstant
inovich 767, dinner with Sergei 781; received by Sasha 914.


  Loris and Katya: Zaionchkovsky 145–7; Katya thinks Loris outstanding; 340 Pobedonostsev to E. F. Tyutcheva on Loris’s two patrons and after death of empress, third supporter in Yurievskaya. Alexander diary, Loris interior minister: GARF 678.2.9.24, Loris – order restored, 6 August 1880. Livadia: GARF 678.2.9.25, Katya, 16 August 1880. GARF 678.2.9.26, letter to Sasha, money for Katya, 11 September 1880. GARF 678.2.9.29, Yurievsky name close to Romanov, 4 December 1880. Miliutin 22 August 1880; introduced to Katya in Livadia, 26 August 1880; Katya appearance, 4 October 1880; tension with Sasha, 11 October 1880. Alexander II on Sasha: diary 24 January 1881.


  GARF 678.2.8.5 discusses our States–General/Sasha aggressive/we’re very different men, 24 January 1880. Tolstoya 119–21 on Daria Tyutcheva resignation, Alexander II reaction, and Katya curse/criminal affair. Crimea, Katya shares life and death, spite of daughters-in-law, gracious and Loris/Katya alliance: Katya memoirs, GARF 678.2.28.36–42. Zaionchkovsky 174–89, inc. 176 Pobedonostsev to E. F. Tyutcheva on wild insipid illiterate education plan, monstrous absurdity of plan, disgusting meeting; Polovstev diary on heir angry with Loris; and 340 Pobedonostsev to E. F. Tyutcheva on Loris’s two patrons and third supporter in a certain woman/it sickens me to look at him. Confrontations with Minny and Sasha, Minny tricked: Narysh-kin 64–71. Katya memoirs on family monsters, Sasha incapable of ruling, if only I had someone to succeed me, family dinner on return, how I conducted myself, he acclaims her beauty and female jealousy, Dolgorukys older than Romanovs, Sanny (Grand Duchess Constantine) asks if Katya empress, no wish to be empress, he tells Gogo he loves him, GARF 678.2.289.43–8. I. V. Plotnikova (ed.), Velikii knyaz Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov: biograficheskie materialy (henceforth Plotnikova) 3.189, 245–6, Sergei to Alexander Alexandrovich, 19 July 1880, and Alexander Alexandrovich to Sergei, 6 December 1880; Sergei/Paul discover the news about Alexander II’s marriage: 201 Sergei to Maria Fyodorovna, 5 January 1881. Conflict with family over Katya, Alexander at sixty–four like eighteen-year-old, Romanovs meet Katya: Sandro 60–6. Resentment of Loris and Katya; You have no heart, tsar to Minny: Naryshkin 69–71. Ministers meet Katya: Byrnes, Pobedonostsev disgusted ‘wench’ Katya 144.


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