Royally Tamed

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Royally Tamed Page 10

by Diana Ames

  Pulling it out, he moved to her head and put the handle to her lips. “Suck it,” he commanded. “Taste what I am about to taste.”

  Mellissandra opened her eyes and her lips at the same time. Damian pushed the wet tickler grip into her hot mouth. He groaned as she sucked it deeper and then lapped at her own essence.

  “I’m jealous of that handle,” he said huskily. “I want your sweet mouth around me.”

  “Then, come to me,” she said invitingly.

  Damian climbed onto the table and placed his knees on either side of her chest, his hard cock resting between her rosy breasts. Mellissandra lifted her head off the table and licked him like a lollipop.

  Damian moaned, took himself in his hand, and positioned himself between her lips. “Open for me, my darling,” he said in a husky voice. “I’m going to fuck your mouth.”

  As her lips parted, he thrust inside her hot mouth. Within moments, he was sliding in and out. He took deep, labored breaths as she sucked with just enough pressure to make it hurt so good. He knew he wouldn’t last long with the way she was drawing on his cock, and he didn’t want it to be over so soon.

  Pulling out of her mouth, despite her protest, he flipped himself over so that his cock was within reach of her tongue and he could bury his face in her sweet pussy. They quickly adjusted to the new position and found a rhythm that had them both panting and moaning. It wasn’t more than a minute or two when his cock popped out of her mouth as she screamed with her orgasm.

  Damian slid off the table and unshackled her legs. Pushing down on a lever, he tilted the table upright and pulled her legs around his waist. With one hard shove, he planted himself balls deep inside her. Two thrusts later, she came all over his cock and triggered his own orgasm.

  They collapsed together. Damian’s knees were like jelly, and they were held up only by his weight pressing Mellissandra into the table while the shackles still held her arms.


  “So, tell me what brings you here today, Sire?” Dr. Servo met Anton’s eyes across her large desk.

  “I spent the night with Mellissandra,” Anton said baldly.

  Dr. Servo didn’t say anything. She waited for him to continue.

  “Damian walked in on us this morning, and he got angry,” Anton said, his voice subdued, as he slouched in the chair. “Nothing happened. She was upset, and I held her until she fell asleep. My cock didn’t so much as twitch”

  “Are you concerned because you didn’t achieve an erection?” Dr. Servo flipped through her notebook. “I can’t recall if you’ve ever recounted having an erection in conjunction with the princess.”

  “I haven’t had an erection since the babies were born,” Anton said. “Something about hearing Mellissandra screaming in pain took all the desire out of me.”

  “Do you find that odd, considering your previous predilections?”

  “Well, let’s not mince words,” Anton snorted derisively. “You mean, do I find it odd that her screams of pain didn’t turn me on, considering I could only get off if I was causing a woman to scream and bleed?”

  “Since you brought it up, let’s talk about Jenalynn.”

  “I didn’t bring it up. I’m here to talk about Mellissandra and Damian.”

  “Well, let’s pretend you did and talk about Jenalynn,” Dr. Servo said gently. “Tell me about the months during her recovery.”

  Anton sighed heavily. “She isolated herself from everyone. She would only talk to Damian, not even Mel could get through to her.” He paused and remembered Jenalynn’s screams as she delivered a child not her own into the world.

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “I wanted to apologize,” Anton said. “To tell her just how much I regretted the damage I did to her, but every time I entered her room, she would flip out. Eventually, I accepted that it was better for me to stay away.”

  “Yes, but how did that make you feel?” Dr. Servo probed.

  “I don’t know.” Anton pushed his hands through his hair in frustration. “Angry, I guess. I was mad that she wouldn’t even let me try to make things right.”

  “How does that make you feel now?”

  “I understand why she was afraid of me, why she didn’t want to hear what I had to say,” Anton said. “Would you want to talk to the man who whipped you nearly to death? The man whose crazy…lover?” Anton looked at Dr. Servo, who nodded at him to continue. “Whose crazy lover slash sister impregnated you with their child? He shook his head. “I had Damian set her up with a new identity and money, but I don’t know if it’s enough.”

  “She certainly has more now than she did before she came here,” Dr. Servo noted.

  “More scars,” Anton retorted. “Lifelong pain and a hideous reminder of me.”

  “What more would you do for her?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “It’s just not enough. If I could, I would go back in time and stop myself.”

  “But you can’t,” Dr. Servo said. “It’s up to you to find a way to live with the damage you’ve caused. You’ve acknowledged that your actions were wrong, and you feel remorse. You took steps to make reparations as best as you are able.”

  “What’s your point?” Anton demanded. “I’m sorry for what I did to her, but that doesn’t change anything.”

  “No, it doesn’t change the past. Nothing can change what has already happened, but you have changed,” Dr. Servo said. “That’s my point. You said you held the princess all night but didn’t feel any sexual desire. Why do you think that is?”

  “I’m sure you’ll say it’s because I don’t see Mellissandra that way,” Anton intoned. “But the truth is, she was crying and upset over my brother acting like an ass. I don’t think very many men would have felt like fucking a woman while she cried over another man.”

  “You might be surprised.” The doctor smiled sadly. “It’s not that uncommon for men to take advantage of women who are vulnerable.”

  “She wasn’t giving off any fuck-me vibes,” Anton snapped. “If she’d have given me any indication that she wanted me—”

  “You still wouldn’t have responded,” Dr. Servo said.

  “I don’t know why I come here!” Anton shouted, leaping to his feet. “You seem to think I’m this great person, and I’ve changed my ways. It’s bullshit. If she had wrapped her arms around me and kissed me, I’d have been inside her before she had a chance to change her mind!”

  “I guess we’ll see when the situation presents itself.” Dr. Servo smiled.

  “You’re crazier than I am,” Anton said before storming out of the office.


  Alondra stood in front of the vanity mirror and debated. After the night she’d had, she desperately wanted to make herself up and spike her hair. It made her look tough, shielded her from her own weakness. But she’d listened when Mildred said that she’d been put off by Alondra’s appearance. Alondra didn’t want to intimidate these people so much that they wouldn’t talk with her.

  She settled for light makeup, enough to make her eyes look smoky and mysterious, but not too much as to look like she was ready for a night out on the town. She compromised on her hair as well, brushing a temporary navy color through her black locks, giving her an inky look. She didn’t tease it up. Instead, she exchanged spikes for soft waves around her face. She didn’t feel as confident as she would have with her New York style, but it was better than a bare face and flat hair.

  A glance out the window showed her that the sun was beginning to rise. Alondra grabbed her bags and made her way down to the kitchen, praying Mildred had already made coffee.

  “Hello, dear,” Mildred said as Alondra entered the room. “You’re just in time for some breakfast before James gets here.”

  “I’m not very hungry this morning, but I’d love a cup of coffee,” Alondra said, collapsing into a chair.

  “Get that in a to-go cup if you’re coming with me,” a voice said from behind her.

  James entere
d the kitchen and swept Mildred into a big hug.

  “Have you been taking care of this little lady for me?” James asked Mildred while looking at Alondra.

  Mildred faltered and looked uncomfortable.

  “She has been a tremendous help,” Alondra said quickly.

  “Great,” James said with a big smile. “You ready to go? I need to be at another village before this evening.”

  Alondra stood and moved to shake Mildred’s hand. Mildred had none of it though and drew her into a warm embrace.

  “You take care, dear,” Mildred said softly into her ear. “I hope you get everything you want and need in your life.”

  For one second, Alondra heard her mother’s voice whispering the words. Alondra swallowed uneasily and returned the old woman’s embrace.

  “Thank you for everything,” Alondra whispered back to her.

  Pulling apart, the women smiled at each other, and each wiped moisture from their eyes. Alondra turned to see that James had her bags in hand.

  “Let’s go,” she said, already compartmentalizing the tender emotions the old woman had evoked.


  Gilly sat in the office, waiting. She had been handed an opportunity by that reporter yesterday, and she was going to follow up today. She could see her release on the horizon.

  “Gillian,” Stephen said, entering his office. “You wanted to meet with me?”

  “Yes, Dr. Steve,” Gilly said softly, trying to make herself sound innocent and contrite. “I realized something after speaking with that reporter yesterday.”

  “And what was that?” Stephen took a seat behind his desk.

  Gilly knew that several inmates regularly requested private meetings with Stephen. She hoped that since this was the first time she had done so, he would be intrigued.

  “Well,” Gilly said slowly, “I think that I am too isolated. In my life, I was accustomed to the hustle and bustle of a busy medical facility. Everyone would come to me for decisions and solutions to problems.”

  “I am aware of your prior position, Gillian,” Stephen told her. “Part of the reason you were able to commit the crimes you did was because of the power you had as head of medical in the castle.”

  “Yes,” Gilly agreed, lowering her eyes. She hoped the move made her look ashamed, but she was really trying to hide the fury she was feeling. Who does this village psychiatrist think he is?

  Reining in her temper, Gilly composed herself. “I think that the extreme change has hampered my rehabilitation and healing,” she told him. “I’m so lonely. The group sessions are very difficult for me because I just can’t relate to the other people here. The one-on-one sessions with the various therapists have helped, but something is still missing.”


  Leaning back in his chair, Stephen stroked his jaw. There was something different about her today, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on the change. Shackled to her chair, she was in the required jumpsuit, and she’d pulled her shoulder-length hair into the same ponytail as all the other female inmates. He shook his head slightly and focused on her face again.

  “What is it you think is missing? What could aid your progress? We only want what is best for all the residents here, Gillian. Tell me how to help you,” Stephen said.

  “I think you are what is missing, Dr. Steve…Stephen,” Gilly said, lowering her voice. She met his eyes briefly and then demurely lowered them. “Everyone expects me to forget about Anton and move on, but my heart is broken. He made love to me and introduced my body to physical pleasure, and I’m just supposed to forget all of it.”

  Stephen cleared his throat and pulled at his tie, uncomfortable with the direction of the meeting. He’d had female inmates come on to him before with the hopes that he would give them special privileges, but until this moment, he’d never been tempted to forget his duty and give in. There was something about Gillian, a fragility surrounding a core of steel, that appealed to him.

  “Gillian—Ms. Portsmith—” Stephen began. He tried to remain aloof and caring yet distant.

  “You don’t have to say anything,” she said quickly. “I know there’s no reason you would want me. I’ve murdered two people in my deluded belief that they were keeping me from a real relationship with Anton. I’m not beautiful. I don’t have a wonderful body. I’m nothing.” She sighed loudly.

  Stephen sat silently, trying to figure out her angle. She wasn’t asking him for special treatment—yet—but he didn’t trust her words at face value. In the maximum-security unit, female and male prisoners were kept separated, so he could see how she would be lonely and having trouble getting over her obsession with Prince Anton. Stephen didn’t see how her self-esteem could be so low. She had to know she was gorgeous with her sexy little body that would make any man want to wrap her up in his arms and protect her.

  “I don’t think a relationship is something you should be looking for, Gillian,” Stephen said to her. “You are in prison for life. There is no future for you beyond these walls. Even if you find someone here, you’re not going to be able to share a life with him.”

  “I’m not talking about a relationship,” Gilly snapped at him. “I’m talking about knowing I can feel physical pleasure with another man. I want to feel attractive and desired and know that Anton isn’t the only man who could make me feel that way.”

  “So, you’re talking about some sort of sex therapy?” Stephen asked.

  “Well, if you want to be clinical about it,” Gilly said. “I’d prefer to think of it as moving on.”

  “I’ll consider your request,” Stephen told her. “This isn’t something to be taken lightly, Gillian. What you’re asking could be construed as unethical in more ways than one.”

  Stephen stood and moved around his desk to kneel in front of her. He unlatched the shackles from the chair and assisted her to her feet. He wanted her out of his office so that he could digest her request without the distraction of her sexy body and come-hither glances.

  “Dr. Steve?” Gilly asked quietly.

  “Yes, Gillian?”

  “I only want you to do it,” she whispered before standing on her tiptoes and softly kissing his lips.


  “I can’t thank you enough for the room,” Alondra told Lynn as she dragged her bags into the tiny boarding house.

  “Don’t mention it,” Lynn told her, holding open the door. “Any friend of James is a friend of mine, and I always have room for a friend. Just leave your bags there, and we’ll grab some lunch and chat,” Lynn instructed. “If you don’t mind, that is. It’s been a while since I’ve had a girlfriend to gossip with.”

  “I’d love a cup of coffee,” Alondra said. “I’m feeling a little ragged at the moment.” She was already planning on pumping Lynn for information. She’d hit pay dirt with the last boarding-house owner, and she was hoping to do so again.

  Lynn led her through the house and out the back door into a lovely garden area. She gestured for Alondra to have a seat, and she went back inside. When she returned, Lynn had a tray with a carafe, two mugs, and sandwiches. She poured coffee for Alondra before sitting in a cozy chair across from her.

  “How long have you been running the boarding house?” Alondra asked casually.

  “Oh, just a few months,” Lynn said. “It’s a new…investment.”

  Alondra caught the hesitation in her answer.

  “Well, it’s certainly beautiful,” Alondra told her, gesturing to the gardens surrounding them.

  “It’s my favorite part of the property,” Lynn said. “It’s so vivid and colorful, yet it’s peaceful at the same time. I spend most of my afternoons out here.”

  “Family-owned?” Alondra asked. She wanted to get Lynn talking and keep it light before she hit her with questions about the Portsmith situation.

  “No,” Lynn said. “I don’t have any family. What about you? What brings you to our little country?”

  “Work,” Alondra said. “I’m writing an article on penal sys
tems and prisons, focusing on countries that have low crime rates and comparing them with the U.S.”

  “Did you have any luck getting interviews at the prison? I know their security is pretty tight.”

  “They were locked down,” Alondra agreed. “But I got lucky and ended up with an interview with the head of the psychiatric evaluations as well as a few inmates.”

  “So, how do we rate with the United States?” Lynn asked.

  “Well,” Alondra began, “your punishments are harsher and swifter, and your crime rate is very low in comparison. While I don’t agree with life imprisonment for everything, I do have to say that it’s been an effective tool against crime.” She grinned. “And you have absolutely no repeat offenders.”

  “What’s your next step?” Lynn asked.

  “I need to get information from your census department regarding population per square mile and that type of thing. I’d also like to get an interview with someone directly involved in the trial process here, but I’m not sure whom that would be,” Alondra explained. “I was given the name of one person to look up.” She gave Lynn a sideways glance.

  “Oh, who is that? I’ll point you in the right direction if I can,” Lynn told her with a smile.

  “I was told to speak with a woman by the name of Jenalynn Felix.”


  Wally watched in awe as Mellissandra skillfully nursed both babies simultaneously.

  When Mel and Damian had returned the previous evening, they’d both been glowing, and Wally knew they’d made up. She’d excused herself and promised to return the next day.

  “You do that real slick,” Wally said.

  “Practice and necessity.” Mellissandra laughed. “They’re both hungry at the same time, and when one cries, the other gets upset and doesn’t want to nurse.”


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