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Royally Tamed

Page 28

by Diana Ames

  “How long has it been since you’ve been home, dear?” Ms. Smith asked kindly. “Perhaps things have changed and he hasn’t wanted to tell you of his discontent over the phone?” she suggested.

  “He has always tried to protect me,” Arabella mused, fussing with her bright red hair. “When my parents decided that I would be going away to school, he had a fit. He even tried to insist on coming with me.” Arabella frowned then. “They refused, even my aunt and uncle stepped in and forbid his leaving the country.”

  “He sounds like a fabulous and devoted brother,” Ms. Smith remarked. “I hope to get a chance to meet him someday.”

  “You should come home with me for holiday break,” Arabella suggested. “We have plenty of room, your family could come as well.”

  “How lovely of you to invite me,” Ms. Smith said, “but I’m afraid I already have plans for break that just can’t be rearranged.”

  “Oh,” Arabella said. “I should have realized.” Uncomfortable now she shifted in her seat.

  “Quite all right my dear,” Ms. Smith said with a loving smile. “I would love to join you, and ordinarily I would. But some things just can’t be put on hold, you know.” The older woman stood and approached Arabella. She placed a hand on her shoulder and met her eyes. “You know, if I were ever blessed to have children, I would want my daughter to be just like you.”

  “I wish my mother were more like you as well,” Arabella whispered. “She never listens to me like you do. I feel like I can’t even talk to her.”

  “Well I’m always here for you,” Ms. Smith said pulling Arabella into a warm embrace. “Even when you’re on break, you have my personal phone number. Use it if you need someone to talk to, or if you just want to chat. I’m always here for you.”

  Arabella hugged the woman back and smiled a little for the first time that day. She knew she wouldn’t have made it through this college experience no one else in her family had been forced to endure without Ms. Smith.


  Dominic sat in his uncle’s office and wished for the millionth time that he were anywhere else. He loved being in charge, making decisions, and solving problems. But at twenty years old he didn’t feel he was ready to tackle the responsibility of an entire country. He wanted to be young and free, perhaps go to college like his sister, anything to live life before he was locked in this castle for good.

  “Look, Uncle Anton,” Dominic began only to stop when the older man’s face twisted up as though he’d tasted something sour. Dominic knew it drove Anton crazy when he called him uncle, considering he was actually Dom’s biological father; but Dominic did it when he was irritated with the other man and wanted to get under his skin. “I just don’t think I’m ready for this kind of responsibility.”

  “I wasn’t much older than you, Dom,” Anton said, “and I didn’t have anyone to guide me. You won’t be on your own with this.”

  “Why not Arabella,” Dominic suggested even though he knew the answer. “She’s the one who loves this country. She’s miserable being away from here.”

  “It’s your birthright,” Anton told him through gritted teeth. “There is a place for her here, you know that. But it isn’t as crown princess and someday queen.”

  “Well what about one of the adopted?” Damian asked. “I know a couple of them would love to be given a chance at all of this. And any of them would probably do a better job than I.”

  Damian watched Anton shift uncomfortably in his chair and he felt the sudden urge to run from the room. Anton never hesitated or pulled his punches when it came to speaking his mind, that he was doing so now made Dominic nervous.

  “Damian and I have been discussing things,” Anton began, “and well we were going to wait a while to tell you, but…” he hesitated.

  “Spit it out for god’s sake,” Dominic snapped. “You’re never like this, so I’m sure it’s bad. Just give it to me straight.”

  “Fine,” Anton said with a sigh. “We have decided that it would be best for you to marry Elektra. She’ll make an excellent and devoted queen and a good wife and mother for your children.”

  “What?” Dominic shouted jumping up as though his chair had bitten him on the ass. “Have you lost your ever-loving mind? You want to arrange a marriage for me, to someone I consider a cousin, and who is just a kid?” Dominic’s frustration was evident as he ran his hands through his long, dark hair. “My God she’s practically my sister!”

  “But she’s not,” Anton said firmly. “The fact is you share no blood and she will be an asset to this country.”

  “So I’m to be a sacrifice, then?” Dominic yelled and began pacing the confines of the office. “My God what is she like twelve? This is just fucked up, Anton!”

  “She turned eighteen two weeks ago,” Anton said with a sigh. “Look no one expects you to get married tomorrow. Take some time, get to know her on a more,” he hesitated again, “personal level.”

  “You want me to fuck her?” Dominic said with outrage and horror. “Are you pimping out your adopted daughter now? This is un-fucking-believable,” he said.

  “Get used to the idea, Dominic,” Anton said rising to his feet. “You will take over the throne and you will marry Elektra!”

  Dominic glared at Anton a moment before slamming out of the office.


  First and foremost, I have to thank my husband, Scott. Thank you for putting up with a messy house and fast food while I worked. You are the biggest part of making this book happen.

  My beautiful children. Thank you so much for putting up with Mom being glued to her computer. A mother has never been as blessed as I am.

  Jovana Shirley, as always, I would have been lost without you. You went above and beyond to help me get this book out.

  Catherine Grey, there are no words to express how grateful I am for all you do for me. Your unselfish giving of your time and talents has been a huge help in getting this book out to the public.

  To the wonderful ladies who’ve joined my street team, we might be small in numbers but our voices are loud. Your support is a gift that I can never, ever repay.

  To the beta readers who took the time to proofread, check for consistency, and give me feedback. Brian and Megan you both make it seem like I’m favoring you, but in reality, I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you so much for taking this journey with me.




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