Filthy Little Pretties

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Filthy Little Pretties Page 9

by Trilina Pucci

  I give a sly smile hearing Liam use our old motto. I’m about to say something sarcastic when fingers brush the curve of my neck, pulling my hair aside to make room for the warm lips that grace my cheek. My head turns to see Grey, and I smile, moving my bag so that he can sit next to me. Kai is behind him and grins at me before he walks around the table to Liam’s side.

  “Notebook please,” I shoot out, and Kai nods.

  He swipes it from the table and hands it to me, shaking his head.

  “What?” I question, taking the notebook back. “And thank you.”

  “Not even a flinch. That could’ve been some random dude kissing your cheek. How do you always know it’s one of them?”

  Liam stretches his arms above his head, yawning. “Nobody would dare touch her, or we’d break them.”

  “Oh yeah,” I laugh. “You’re super threatening.”

  Kai laughs and pulls out a calculus book. “He’s serious. You’re off-limits, gorgeous. Everyone is too scared to even try.”

  I give a quiet giggle, but their faces stay serious. Grey slides in next to me with a pleased expression, and I twist to face him. “You’re telling me, every guy in this school is afraid that he’ll become some poor beat-up bastard if he tries to hit on me?”

  He places The Scarlet Letter on the table and runs his fingers under the base of my hair, leaving his hand there. “No, Cherry. There are plenty of guys at this school who’d be more than willing to take a beating to have a piece of you.”

  “So then why am I off-limits?”

  “Because they know it would be their reputation, future, and spirit that I’d have the most fun destroying.”

  His voice is a quiet threat. Liam should take notes, because this is what intimidating looks like. I believe Grey with every fiber of my being. And as much as I should push back, I don’t want to.

  “Well, the male population of Hillcrest should be safe, considering I have zero interest in dating anyone here.”

  “Damn. Scorched.” Kai laughs quietly.

  Grey smirks. “We’ll see.”

  I push from my chair to stand and look down at Grey. “Truth?”


  “Any man who can’t make it through you and Liam doesn’t deserve a seat at my table. So, I guess anyone interested will either sink or swim.”

  Grey tugs at my bracelets, holding up his book for me to take. “True. But it might be hard to swim with my foot holding them under.”

  I shake my head as Liam laughs and wags his eyebrows at me.

  “It goes upstairs,” Grey offers, nudging my hand holding the book.

  “Okay, but only because you’re cute.”

  Starting to walk, I pause with one hand on the back of his chair, curiously peering down at him. “This isn’t on the reading list. Did you pick this one for fun?”

  “I’ve read it plenty of times, but it’s a favorite.”

  “Why? Looking for shaming ideas?” I half laugh.

  “That book’s not about shame. It’s about sex. You’re reading it wrong, Cherry.”

  “That’s enough of you today.”

  Laughing quietly, I leave the table and walk further into the library, toward a pile of books on top of the welcome desk, hoping to shed the goose bumps I get every time Grey says something borderline dirty. I start typing the name of the book I need on the kiosk next to the desk and memorize the section information.

  There are rows of tables with kids with headphones on and others quietly reading as I pass before I come to the staircase that leads me up to the second floor. American Literature and all the classics are located upstairs, probably because it’s the least used section.

  This library could be the envy of any college campus with its selections and spare-no-expense décor. It’s all dark woods and iron, books stacked from twelve feet up and plush couches placed sporadically for comfortable reading. I walk down my row, letting my fingers trail over the spines of the books, searching for what I need. Stopping, I look over the books, but the one I need must’ve been checked out because I don’t see it. Damn.

  I switch Grey’s novel to my other hand and squat down, hoping that my book was put back in the incorrect space, but nothing. As I stand, a familiar set of eyes stares back at me from the other side of the stack, making me jump, gasping.

  “Grey. You scared the shit out of me.”

  “Shhh. This is a library.”

  “What do you want?” I grin as he just stands on the other side, eyes on me.

  “I’m still deciding.”

  Three innocent words that feel anything but. I’m suddenly hyperaware of everything. It’s quiet where we are, nobody around, no sound other than the crinkle of the leather as I pull a book out. He does the same, creating a tiny window that shows his hand brush through the pages of his book. I can see the calluses on his palm and the way his fingers pluck at the pages with each flip, making me wonder what that would feel like on parts of my body. How deft his fingers would work me over until I was breathless and happy. I place my book back, feeling myself heating up in places I don’t want a fire, and turn my back to him.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I don’t say anything as he pushes his book back into the space and follows me as I stroll down the row browsing books that I don’t need, me pulling them out, Grey doing the same, giving me another peep show. The whole scene unfolding begins to feel like a dangerous liaison. Foreplay before we fuck in the stacks like animals, leaving our marks on the books and each other.

  I turn and move into the hall, giving him my back as I walk, sensing him behind me. I turn into the last row tucked into the very back of the library where the lighting is dimmed, giving it a feeling of anonymity. Grey’s hand grips my waist, stilling me. He’s so close behind me that I can feel the heat from his body. It makes me feel as if I’m burning.

  “For someone who refuses to date anyone, you play a mean game of chase.”

  If he knew that he makes the “anyone” part feel impossible, I’d be lucky to make it out alive.

  “I need to put your book back,” I answer, breathier than I’d like.

  Grey spins me around slowly, searching my face before he speaks.

  “I wouldn’t want to stop you, but first, I have a question.”

  I raise my brows for him to continue, then wave him off, thinking back to Liam’s question from earlier. “If you’re going to ask me who my first kiss was, you’ll get the same answer as Liam.”

  I begin to walk off, but Grey splays his hand on my stomach, pressing my back against the books. “Not so fast. One, you’ve never been kissed, not really. Two, why are you ignoring our texts?”

  His hand feels like it’s burning through my shirt, so I push it away and step forward, but he closes in on me with both hands on the side of my head, forcing me back again.

  “Wanna know how I know? That you haven’t been really kissed? It’s because your mouth begs for it.”

  My mouth begs for it? Jesus. I can’t answer. I’m fuzzy. Turned on and stupid. His eyes drop to my lips, and I realize that my tongue is sweeping my bottom lip.

  “See. Begs.”

  I clear my throat quietly and look at him. “What texts?” Grey’s hand runs down the side of my body, bringing him flush to me as he dips inside my blazer pocket and pulls out my cell, holding the message up to my face.

  Bert: You have one minute to hide. Then we come to find you.

  My eyes shoot up to Grey’s. “I’m not playing hide-and-seek in the library.”

  I take my phone from him and turn the ringer back on.

  He shifts back, smirking. “Come on, Cherry, it’s like when we were kids. Except now when we catch you—”

  “What? What happens when I’m caught?”

  My heart ticks up, waiting, anticipating his answer.

  “I’m still deciding.”

  The way he says that gives my memories a whole new flavor. Hide-and-seek just got dirty. And yet, not, all at the same time. He stares at me l
ike he’s waiting for an answer; except, he didn’t bother to ask a question. Shit. Fidgeting with my bracelets, I look around.

  “You know I’m upstairs. It’s unfair.”

  “Thirty seconds,” he whispers, leaning in closer.

  I duck under his arm and walk backward, smiling at him as I do. The moment I lose his face, I turn and start walking faster, searching for a hiding space. My phone buzzes, and I look at it quickly as I dart around.

  Ernie: Ready or not, here we come.

  My entire insides freeze as panic sets in. We played this all the time when we were kids, but the best was when we got to go to the Met with Liam’s mom. The museum hated us because children hiding in displays isn’t well liked.

  I search as I walk faster toward the other side of the library, where all the classics and first editions are kept. A stream of light catches my attention, and I slink between two stacks to find a small seating area that’s tucked behind them. Perfect.

  I stifle a laugh, my feet moving quickly to a large cabinet full of plaques that has room next to it and the wall. I slide into the shadowed space and stay completely still, trying not to even breathe.

  What feels like hours is really only minutes, but I’m lulled into a sense of comfort, thinking I may have beaten them, so I peek out only to jump back as “Back here” is whispered by someone, making me hold my breath again.

  My body is shaking, trying to hold in my excited laughter as I hear the footsteps grow closer. What happens when I’m caught? I press my body against the wall, trying to disguise every bit of me in the shadow.

  “Cherry. I know you’re in here.”


  “Dude, she’s not here. I bet she went back downstairs.”


  The room goes silent again, but I wait. This could be a trick. But it’s so quiet, there’s no way they’re still here. I wait a few more seconds before taking a slow step forward, bringing my face into the light.


  Grey grabs my waist, and I scream, covering my face with my hands. Liam begins to howl with laughter and tugs my hands down, bringing his nose close to mine.

  “You lost your touch, Van. That was too easy. What should she pay for getting caught, Grey?”

  Tears streak down my face from laughter, as I stare at Grey for a verdict, but before he answers, the bell rings. I wipe a hand over my flushed cheeks as Grey hauls both of our bags over his shoulder and takes the book I’m still holding.

  “Saved by the bell. I’ll have to think of your payment next time, troublemaker. Class beckons.”

  Liam walks ahead, waving off an irritated librarian and smiling back at us. My eyes dart down to the book as Grey and I begin to follow Liam out.

  “Sorry, I didn’t get to put the book back before our little game.”

  His chocolate browns crinkle at the sides before he winks. “It’s from my personal collection. It doesn’t belong here.”

  “You set me up.”

  All I get is a smile as his answer.


  “DUDE, I’VE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER for a Saturday. The old man finally left. My mother is preoccupied with her auction, and I can finally fucking breathe again. I never thought I’d make it.”

  Gripping the oars in my hand, I stand clear for Liam to lift himself out of the boat. “That bad, huh? How long was he back from the West Coast offices?”

  “Too long. He wouldn’t stop hounding me about universities. Going on and on about Harvard and how one day I would take over the family business. I mean the idea of building…owning half the damn city. You’d think I’d be down, but it makes me want to jump from the top of one of those metal towers. Grey, he’s already planning my summer out.”

  Liam pulls the boat out of the water and slides it onto the dock, as I walk ahead, speaking loud enough for him to hear.

  “At least he wants to share it with you. I think you’re looking at it all wrong. Trust me, it could be way fucking worse.”

  He jogs up next to me and blows out a long breath of air.

  “It’s not what I want, man. Your dad is a dick. The biggest one. But the pressure can be felt in the reverse. My dad is shoving all his plans down my fucking throat, and I’m choking to death. He’s already talking graduation, and we’re only three weeks into the first month of school. I tell him to stop, but he doesn’t fucking listen to anything I say. Every conversation is about legacy and responsibility.”

  Fuck if I don’t understand that. The pressure is enough to drive Atlas into the ground. We walk into the boathouse, and I drop the oars down, turning around to go back for the boat.

  “What’re you going to do?”

  “I don’t know yet, but what I do know is that I need to fucking chill and blow off some steam. Lake house night. We’ll grab everyone and go.”

  I nod my head and grip one side of the boat as Liam grabs the other. We hoist it up over our heads and walk back to the boathouse. After hanging and securing it, I turn to Liam and laugh. “Who tells Caroline? Not inviting her would mean all-out war. And we’ve punished her long enough.”

  “Punished? She acts like we don’t exist. She won’t even speak to me.”

  We stand grinning, before lifting our fists for paper-rock-scissors, but I stop short. “Kai.”

  Liam nods, clapping his hands together, and I continue, “He’s the only one of us she likes right now anyway.”

  “Hell yes. Clutch, Grey. That little viper is still sour as hell about Donovan. I gotta say though, she’s hot when she’s pissed.”

  My head drops forward, before I give him a disgusted expression. “Fuck you. Come on.”

  He unzips his bag, pulling his sweats out.

  “I’m human.” He shrugs and points to his dick. “It’s his fault, not mine.”

  I toss one of his slides at him, and he dodges it, laughing until it skates over the wood decking and smacks the side of a boat, splashing into the water.

  “You’re fucking dead.”

  Squaring off, I laugh as he charges me with his shoulder, lifting me off the ground. My elbow connects with his shoulder blade, and he grunts his laughter, dropping me. I shove his shoulder, making him jump back on one foot a couple of times, and take a step forward, thinking I might shove his ass in the water to find his shoe, until Liam points behind me, straightening himself and stifling his laughter.

  I glance over my shoulder, and an older couple is staring at us like we’re crazy, as they admire the boats inside. I walk back to my bag, giving them a nod, and shake my head at Liam, who’s barely keeping it together.

  “Your fault,” he whispers, walking past me as his laughter pushes through.

  “Degenerate,” I counter and grab my shit, following him out.

  The minute we exit, we both lose it. Liam’s phone begins to ring, and he digs through his bag and pulls it out, answering, “Just who I needed to talk to.” He looks at me and mouths, “Kai,” before walking up the grassy hill next to the boathouse.

  I reach inside my bag to grab my phone, overhearing Liam speaking animatedly to Kai. They begin making plans for tonight for who to invite and how they’re going to convince Caroline to come as I zip my duffle.

  “Keep it small,” I call out, knowing Kai will try and make it an event.

  Swiping my phone open, my fingers quickly type out a message to Donovan.

  Me: Lake house tonight. You’ll be picked up by three. Don’t be late. We’ll be back tomorrow.

  Cherry: Ooo sleepover camp. At the lake? Didn’t they make a movie about that?

  Me: Yeah but you have to pay extra for it at the hotel.

  Cherry: I was thinking Friday the 13th…but yours sounds scarier. Who’s picking me up?

  Me: The guy you like the most.

  Cherry: Yay! Tell Kai I’ll see him soon.

  “Are you very disappointed?”

  Her long bangs ruffle over her face as she swings her head to look at me from the passenger seat of my car.

Yes. I was promised Kai.”

  I lean into her smiling face and kiss the tip of her nose. “You’re a brat, you know that.”

  She giggles and pulls her shades down as I pull my convertible Porsche Speedster out into traffic, making her jump. Donovan’s hand smooths the soft camel-colored leather dash as she shifts her body toward mine.

  “God, it’s a beautiful car, Grey. I bet you could strip the paint with the speeds it goes.”

  Nodding, I shift gears and dart around a car. Her head leans back on the seat, but it doesn’t stop her hair from whipping around with the wind. But she doesn’t seem to mind while her hand rides an imaginary roller coaster as we drive out of the city. Damn, she makes it hard to take my eyes off her.

  My blinker lights up just as I switch lanes to avoid the car that was moving slower than necessary. As I do, the car in front hits their brakes, slowing down too. What the fuck? I lean my head out, eyes searching for a faster lane, but all I see are red brake lights. I slow down even more, glancing at Donovan, who seems to feel my same sentiment. She sits up, looking behind us and back to me until we’re at a full stop.

  Donovan grabs hold of the windshield and stands up to scope out the problem as I pull the brake.

  “You aren’t going to be happy,” she warns before plopping back down. “It’s brake lights as far as I can see.”

  I twist around, looking behind me. “Damn, we’re boxed in. Sooo…fuck this. I’m out.” Grinning, I open the door and act as if I’m leaving.

  “What are you doing? Get back in here.”

  She reaches across me, laughing, and pulls the door closed. We sit looking at each other, people exiting their respective cars to assess the holdup. Donovan gathers her bag onto her lap, and I grab my cell to pull up my maps.

  “Shit, there’s an accident a few miles up. All the lanes are closed off. Fuck it. We’ll walk. Fly. I don’t care. Anything to avoid waiting in this traffic.”

  I toss my phone onto the dash, running my fingers through my hair.

  “Someone’s grumpy. It’s a good thing I brought snacks.”

  She holds up some fucking granola bars, and I shake my head, scoping out the perfect solution. “Hold on.”


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