HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series

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HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series Page 113

by Lily Harlem

  I reached over and pressed my hand on his arm, over his jacket. “You don’t need to ask me, you’re here to spend time with him. I’m just hanging on for the ride and enjoying meeting your family.”

  “They’re enjoying meeting you.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Oh, look, we are here,” he said.

  A small clearing with a snow-covered bench and trashcan lay just ahead.

  “This was one of my favorite places to bring my girlfriend, Alena, when I was a teenager,” he said. “It was a long bike ride but on a sunny day it was worth the trip. You rarely see anything here except moose and the odd black bear.”


  He laughed. “Do not worry, I will protect you.”

  “I’m not so sure.” The thought of a bear attack didn’t appeal. I’d seen those documentaries where people out on strolls or camping trips were mauled and their innards spilt over the woodland floor.

  “Hey, don’t look so scared. We won’t see bears today, they’re… what do you call it…asleep, for the winter.”


  “Yes, hibernating.”

  “That’s a relief.”

  “But even in the summer, they’re more scared of us than we are of them. They run a mile when they smell a human. They’re not like those big grizzlies you get in Canada. Now those I would run from.”

  “Me, too.”

  He pulled the car to a halt, the front facing a gap in the trees that allowed a long, uninterrupted view into the valley.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said, unbuckling and leaning forward.

  “It sure is.” He pulled the keys from the ignition. “You want to walk?”

  “Yes, definitely.”

  “Wait there.”

  As usual he rounded the car and opened my door for me. I placed my gloved hand in his and he squeezed it and didn’t let go as he shut the car and clicked the fob to lock it.

  “We’ll go this way,” he said, tugging me to the right. “But not too far, it is really cold today.”

  The air was already nipping my cheeks and I was glad of the warm layers I had on.

  As we walked down a winding track our boots squeaked in the deep snow. The forest was perfectly still and absolutely silent. Not a breath of wind, no sign of life.

  “Footprints,” Vadmir said, suddenly pointing downward.

  I looked at the enormous dents in the snow. There were signs of life. “What are they from?”


  “Wow, big feet.”

  “Yes, they are big. Luckily they don’t herd.”

  “Don’t they?”

  “No, they live alone, and they’re usually…er…grumpy.”

  “I didn’t know that. Are they dangerous?”

  “No, not if you avoid them and don’t go out of your way to anger them.”

  “Hey, look,” I said, pointing at a flash of red running up a tree. “A red squirrel.”

  “They wake up sometimes for food in the winter, cute to see.” He released my hand and put his arm around my shoulder. “Are you warm enough?”

  “Yes, thanks to my new coat and hat.”

  “And the boots? Your feet are warm, yes?”

  “Yes, very.” I reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek. He hadn’t shaved and his bristles were soft on my lips. “Thank you.”

  He smiled and hugged me closer. It felt so natural to be like this with him, natural and comfortable.

  We carried on walking. The sharp fresh air and the peace was good for my soul after hours of working at thirty-five thousand feet, and I enjoyed the space around me.

  “Watch this,” Vadmir said, stopping and reaching for a low bough.

  He gave it a good shake and the whole pine tree seemed to shiver under his energetic yanking.

  A flurry of snow spilled down, covering him and me.

  “Hey,” I laughed, brushing it from my shoulders.

  He took no notice and shook harder, reached for another branch and tumbled a big lump down that skimmed the tip of my nose and covered the front of my coat.

  “Watch it,” I said, laughing again.

  “Or else what?” he said. His cheeks were reddening and plumes of hot air puffed from his mouth.

  “Or this.” I quickly stooped, gathered a bunch of snow in my hands, formed a ball and threw it at him.

  Surprise flashed over his eyes when it hit him right in the center of his chest. The white splattered outwards on his dark coat and the noise of the hit a sudden whump echoing into the forest.

  “Right,” he said, pursing his lips and bending over. “You’ve started a war now.”

  His hastily made snowball was suddenly hurtling toward me. It collided with my right shoulder, breaking up instantly.

  Again I stooped, created my next weapon and hurled it back.

  He was gathering another lump of snow and as he looked up the one I’d just thrown hit him on his forehead, over his hat, covering his face in snow.

  I yelped. “Whoops!”

  “You’re too good,” he said, throwing his ball at me but missing. “So I’m not going to take it easy on you anymore just because you’re a girl.”

  Another snowball was already whizzing toward me. I dodged to the left, made a half-hearted attempt at returning another one and then turned and ran.

  He got me in the back, the snowy missile colliding with a soft thump. “Vadmir,” I shrieked, suppressing a giggle. “No.” I increased my speed, the cold air rushing into my lungs.

  “Come back,” he shouted as another ball skimmed past my ear.

  I picked up the pace, but it was no good. I could hear him behind me, his footsteps hard and fast. His breaths loud.

  Big arms wrapped around my waist and suddenly I was flying through the air, held tight against him.

  We landed with me on top in a huge drift of snow.

  He was grinning, snow flakes covered his hat and sat in his eyelashes.

  “You big bully,” I said, slipping my gloved hands up his jacket to rest at his collar.

  “You started it,” he said.

  “Only because you covered me in snow from the tree.”

  He licked his lips. “So let’s call it quits and make up with a kiss.”

  I pretended to think about it, rolling my eyes upward and twisting my mouth.

  “Go on, you know you want to.”

  He was right. I did. Ever since that sweet kiss the night before I’d wanted to kiss him again. Feel him against me, like this, sample his flavor and become the focus of his attention.

  “I guess,” I said.

  He cupped my face, the palms of his gloves cold, and tugged me closer. Our lips touched, a spot of warmth on otherwise cool skin.



  “I really like kissing you. I like doing lots of things with you, but kissing.” He brushed his mouth over mine again. “That I really like.”

  I smiled and he captured me again, this time for a more intense kiss. Some of the heated passion I knew he kept inside seeped out. There was a hint of urgency to him now and taste of desire.

  He held me tighter even though our clothing was bulky. The hardness of his body, lying beneath mine pressed into me—chest, belly, thighs.

  I had a sudden desperate wish to be back in the privacy of a warm hotel room. Somewhere we could give in to our carnal desires. Let our lust run free and get naked and sweaty.

  “We should go back to the car,” he said, shifting. “Before you get cold.”

  “I’m okay.”

  He smiled. “Even so, you are not used to these sub-zero temperatures.”

  He stood as though I hadn’t been sprawled on top of him, hoisting me up at the same time as he got to his feet. He took an awkward step forward and grimaced.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, suddenly worried that he’d twisted something in the fall. Damn, what if he’d injured himself and wouldn’t be able to play? We shouldn’t have messed around like t

  “Yeah.” He straightened to his full height and pulled in a breath.

  “Vadmir? You’re not. Have you hurt yourself?”

  He huffed. “No, it is just…having you on top of me has created a problem in my pants.”

  “Oh…” I smiled. “Sorry.”

  He shrugged and smiled. “You can’t help being a sexy minx.”

  “Let’s go back to the car,” I said, winding my arm around the snowy waist of his jacket. “If you can make it that far.”

  “You are cheeky, too,” he said, looping his arm around my shoulder.

  Before we got back in the car we brushed off our coats and hats and put them, along with our gloves, in the rear seats.

  Vadmir turned the heater up and found a classic radio station. He set it to a low background noise. It wasn’t a piece I recognized.

  He rubbed his hands together and turned to me. His nose was a little pink and his eyes all the bluer in the sheer whiteness of our surroundings. “Shall we go?”

  “But what about the problem in your pants?” I asked. I’d had a wicked thought and with it came a flutter of excitement in my belly.

  “It’s still there.” He shifted on the seat.

  “Do you want me to help you out with that before we head back?”

  He tipped his eyebrows. “What?”

  “The problem?” I directed my gaze at his groin. “Do you need helping out?”

  He’d been right, there was an uncomfortable issue going on there, and it seemed to be getting worse by the second. I could make out the long thick line of his cock pressing against his pants. The zipper looked fit to burst.

  “I’d be damn grateful if you would.” He kept his face deadly serious but there was a sexy, naughty glint in his eye that made my pussy tremble.

  I pushed my hair behind my ears and sidled closer to him. “How about if we do this?” I found the top button on his pants and released it. “Does that help?”

  “Not really,” he said, placing one hand on the door as if he were relaxing as he drove along on a sunny day.

  “How about this?” I searched for his zipper and then slowly drew it down.

  He groaned as the release eased over his shaft.

  “That must be better,” I said, brushing my lips over his chin and then kissing to the angle of his jawline.

  “Yes.” He continued to sit very still, as though enjoying the fact I was taking the lead, teasing him.

  “I can feel the root of this problem now,” I said, cupping him through the material. “It’s quite a big one.”

  “Sammy,” he said, breathily. “Fuck.”

  “No, we’re not going to fuck here, it’s too cold to get naked.”

  He swallowed. “So don’t get me going.”

  “Oh, I’m not going to leave you with a problem.” I met my lips with his. “Don’t worry about that.”

  I stroked along his length, found the tip and squeezed. “How about we slip these pants down a bit?”

  He didn’t need asking twice. A quick shift and his pants were at his thighs and his cock free and proud, jutting upward.

  I wrapped my hand around the shaft, set up a slow push-pull motion and licked my lips. “You keep watch for anyone,” I said. “While I get to work.”

  He opened his mouth, as if about to say something but then shut it again. His eyes were a little glazed. He was breathing heavily.

  I dipped downward, glad of the space the large car had given us. The tip of his cock was a dark mauve color, at odds with the pallor of the rest of his skin. The slit was deep and wide and as I rubbed his shaft from base to tip again a tiny sheen of moisture developed.

  “Sammy,” he said, resting his free hand on my head. “I dreamt of your mouth on me again. Last night. This is what I dreamt of. This.”

  A thrill went through me at his confession. “Was it a good dream?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  “Did I do this?” I opened up and took him on a fast, deep ride to the back of my throat.

  His hips bucked. “Ahh…dah,dah. Yes, yes. Just like that. Fuck.”

  I sucked up, using my fingers to massage his erection as it was exposed.

  His fingers tightened in my hair.

  Allowing him to drop completely from my mouth, I lifted my head a little. “There isn’t anyone around, is there?”

  “No, damn it. No, don’t worry about that, not here. It’s deserted. Don’t stop.”

  I smiled. I’d just wanted to hear the desperation in his voice. I knew there wouldn’t be anyone out there. “I’ll carry on then, shall I?”

  “Yes… I think you should.”

  I set to work. Industriously maneuvering him in and out of my mouth. My hands and my tongue were both busy. He tasted how he smelled. Manly and woody and the scent reminded me of all the screaming orgasms we’d shared on our two wild nights together. I’d taken him in my mouth on the second night, but he’d been in control, now it was me calling the shots.

  My heart raced and my panties dampened. Damn, if we’d been in a bed now I’d turn around and get my pussy over his face so he could lick me at the same time as I fellated him. That would sort me out perfectly.

  I trembled as a delicious shiver ran up my spine at the erotic image.

  “Oh, yeah…” he gasped. “It’s too good.”

  I didn’t let up. Salty pre-cum was basting my tongue and I wanted more. I wanted his seed, his pleasure.

  He pushed my head down onto his cock. Not hard but enough for me to know his restraint was reaching the limit.

  Increasing the speed of my hand jerking the base of his erection, I laved at his glans.

  He tensed beneath me and barked out several sharp Russian words.

  I was breathing fast, so was he. His cock was so hard in my hands and in my mouth. My jaw ached, as did my wrist, but I didn’t let up.

  Then it was there, the first spurt of his release.

  “Yebat', vot eto,” he cried out, hunching over me and trapping me in his groin.

  A second wave of pleasure burst from him.

  I drank him up. The thickness of his semen sliding down my throat in waves.

  “Please,” he said, “that’s it. Oh… Sammy…”

  It wasn’t and I kept on sucking him as his final jet of cum flooded my mouth.

  Only when I was sure he was spent and his cock had lost its rigidity did I raise my head.

  I rubbed my tongue around my lips. They were swollen and hot. “Has that sorted out the problem?”

  “I think we…can say yes…it has.” He blew out a breath, adding to the mist that had fogged the windows, then he kissed me, hard.

  Chapter Fourteen

  We stopped at a grocery store on the way back to the apartment and Vadmir stocked up on supplies for watching the game with his father. Cheesy nachos were a must, apparently, and an acquired taste Ruslan had developed since Vadmir had introduced them to him several years ago.

  “You want to watch it with us?” Vadmir asked as we hung our coats in the hallway and kicked off our boots. “It will be a good one.”

  “No, you have time with your father.”

  “You would make his day if you did.”

  I frowned. “Really?”

  “Yeah, he likes you.” He touched his lips to my temple and pulled me close. “But not as much as I do.”

  It made me feel warm inside when Vadmir let his voice go all low and husky and he said such nice things. It was something I could get used to. “Well, okay then. But you’re going to have to explain the rules. I’m not exactly a hockey expert.”

  “Ah, it’s easy, nothing to it. Puck either goes in the net or it doesn’t.”

  “I’m sure there’s more to it than that.”

  He grinned and released me. “A little bit.”

  We set up trays of food and went into the bedroom. Ruslan was sitting up, a small plastic tube beneath his nose and a black oxygen tank at his side. He was a much brighter color than the day before. His lips h
ad lost the blue tinge and his cheeks glowed pink instead of sallow gray. There was a definite healthier vibe about him, as though he’d had an injection of energy.

  “Samantha,” he said, smiling.

  I grinned back. “You look much better,” I said.

  Vadmir translated.

  “He feels much better,” Vadmir said, “and he’s just informed me that your beautiful presence has made this a perfect day.”

  I laughed and touched Ruslan’s shoulder. “You old charmer.”

  Again Vadmir translated and Ruslan nodded and laughed.

  I suspected it was having his son at his side that had improved Ruslan’s mood so much, not my being here. But it was wonderful to see him looking so much better than when we’d arrived. The treatment the doctor had prescribed and Vadmir’s idea to bring the hospital to him was clearly doing the trick.

  Vadmir pulled us both a chair up, beside the bed. He then scrolled through the television channels until he found the pre-recorded game he and his father wanted to watch.

  I joined the two men in a bottle of beer and nibbled at the nachos.

  The game started loud and fast. Horns, cheers and shouts from the crowd as the teams skated onto the ice with a great blast of Sex on Fire.

  Vadmir spoke to his father and then to me. “Speed is in goal but I expect Jackson will get a chance.”

  “Jackson, isn’t he the guy—?”

  “Your friend hooked up with, yeah.”

  “I wonder if he’s recovered.”

  “From her?”

  “Well, yes, but she’s been ill from the shrimp they had. I’d imagine he got it, too.”

  Vadmir pulled a face. “I haven’t heard but then I’ve been pretty out of touch these last few days.” He leaned close. “And distracted.”

  I breathed deep, his body scent was laced with sex, to my nose at least, and heat from his skin drifted onto my cheeks.

  He grinned and returned his attention to the game, slugged on his beer.

  The on-screen music changed, a chant like song in English. I guessed it was lyrics from some heavy metal band.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please bring your attention to me. A spectacle for your eyes to see. A whirlwind of catastrophe. Like nothing you’ve witnessed before. Watch closely as I open this door. Your jaws will be on the floor. After this you’ll be begging for more, more, more…”


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