HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series

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HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series Page 125

by Lily Harlem

  The aisle was long and a flutter of petals, newly settling from behind Samantha’s voluminous dress, floated around my high heels as I moved. I stared at the back of the bride’s head, studying the intricate lace on her veil. Then I looked at the petals, at my bouquet. I looked everywhere except the pew at the end of the aisle. The groom and his best man were not my concern. I was only interested in Samantha; she was my responsibility.

  Eventually the aisle ran out and Samantha turned to Darya and handed over her flowers.

  Still I stared straight ahead. A fat church candle, the flame shivering in a draft, held my attention.

  “Harmony,” Samantha said, a slight frown creasing her brow.

  “Yes,” I said, a smile automatically forming on my lips.

  Must not look to the right.

  He was there. I could see his massive outline and sense his overwhelming presence. I stepped forward and carefully, still holding my flowers, lifted Samantha’s veil over her head. Cautiously, as though it was the most important job in the world, I then smoothed it flat and neat so that it hung just tickling her tanned shoulders. My hands were trembling but I hoped anyone who noticed would put it down to the nerves of my vital veil job and not Jackson’s proximity.

  I started to turn away, but like a magnet my gaze was drawn to him.

  He was staring straight at me. Eyes darker than sin and a mouth that was made for kissing...and more.

  My stomach rolled and my heart sped up. For a split second it was like we were the only people in the church. Everyone else faded into the background.

  Jackson Price was as gorgeous and dangerous as I remembered him to be. His black hair was freshly cut, and his mouth held a cocky half-grin. How could he look so chilled, so unruffled when I felt as though my skin was on fire and my nerves were jangling?

  He dropped his gaze down my body and one side of his mouth curled a little more.

  Oh fuck!

  Was he remembering me naked? Naked and on my hands and knees with him driving into me, fucking me hard and fast? Or was he thinking about how he’d wrapped my legs around his shoulders and feasted on my pussy until I’d cried out with the exhaustion of multiple orgasms.

  “We are gathered here today...”

  The Reverend’s voice brought me back to the present. Quickly I stepped away from Samantha and Vadmir and took my place next to Darya in the pews.

  I settled my gaze on Vadmir, refusing to let Jackson think he was the only man I wanted to look at, even though it was true.

  Vadmir was gazing down at his bride. Adoration was written all over his features. On the ice he had a grim expression—his eyes were like chips from a glacier and the hard angles of his jaw and cheeks only added to the dangerous, bad-boy image he projected. But, I’d noticed, as soon as Samantha walked into a room that all changed. He was like a big fierce Rottweiler whose beloved owner had returned home and now all he wanted was his belly tickled. Suddenly he didn’t look so dangerous anymore, though I dreaded to think what he’d do to anyone who upset his woman.

  Love from a man like that was something I longed for. But, working on the airlines as an international stewardess had limited my relationships and I was a one-night stand kind of girl. Though with Jackson I would have happily changed that rule to a two or three-night stand. He was something else. A genius goaltender, looks that models would hurl themselves off the catwalk for, and sexual techniques that put a smile on my face whenever I remembered them.

  Damn, I was looking at him again. But that was okay because he was facing forward and offering the rings for blessing. I dropped my gaze to his butt. Beneath the suit jacket, which skimmed the bottom curve of his ass cheeks, I knew the view would be very nice indeed. Remove the pants and it would be damn near perfect. He had such a hot ass. Neat, tight buttocks just a fraction paler than the rest of his sun-tanned skin and a lovely dip in the small of his back that had been just right for stroking my tongue along. His skin was soft, slightly salty and he’d trembled as I’d teased him with my mouth.

  I suppressed a shiver of desire. The memories of that night did that to me. Caught me unaware at times and released a shot of lust into my bloodstream. I remembered biting his right ass cheek. He’d actually had a crescent of tiny bruises the next morning. We’d laughed about it then he’d thrown me over his knee, slapped my butt and evened up the score with a mark on my ass, too. My buttocks tingled now and I clenched my cheeks

  together. Damn, that had been hot. No guy had ever done that to me before but Jackson hadn’t hesitated. A swift slap and then a kiss that took my breath away. That was right before we’d had to say goodbye and I’d headed to work and he’d hit the rink.

  There’d been no exchange of numbers. We both knew it for what it was—one night of fun and as much sex as we could handle.

  “You may kiss the bride!”

  I startled a little as the church erupted in a round of applause. Vadmir took Samantha into his arms and kissed her with a passion that was not suitable for a place of worship. But it seemed neither of them cared and nor did the Reverend. On and on they held each other, kissing deeper and deeper until Samantha eventually pushed her new husband’s shoulder and broke away with a giggle.

  The organ music started up again and the bride and groom linked arms. Vadmir was looking as though he might strip his new wife naked right now. Darya passed me Samantha’s bouquet. Quickly I stepped from the pew, passed the bride her flowers and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Congratulations,” I whispered.

  “Thanks.” She smiled and in all my life I’d never seen anyone so happy. It melted my heart. She deserved everything and more.

  Vadmir took a deep breath, straightened his tie, then walked his bride away. I stared at their backs and Samantha’s dress disturbing the petals on the aisle once again.

  “Shall we?” said a deep voice to my left.

  “Mmm?” I looked up.

  Jackson was holding out the crook of his arm. Damn, I was supposed to be walking out with an usher called Glen, one of Samantha’s cousins. I glanced around and saw Glen glance up at Jackson and then step back with a defeated expression.


  “He’s going with the other girl.” Jackson jerked his head at Darya. “I’ve got you.”

  “Oh, okay,” I managed, switching my flowers to the other hand and then slipping my hand through his arm.

  He’s got me?

  Chapter Two

  The sunlight outside the church was dazzling and the mid-afternoon heat intense. Luckily the photographer appreciated this and kept photographs to a minimum. There would be more later for a glossy magazine, but these were for Samantha and Vadmir’s personal album, not for the press.

  After smiling on demand and bustling in and out of shots with several players who I’d admired for years, including Raven Starr and Todd Carty, it was time to head to the Russian-themed reception.

  Vadmir and Samantha climbed into the lead car, a white limousine with pink ribbons, amidst much confetti throwing and laughter.

  Darya and I were traveling in the next car, another limousine, smaller than the bride and groom’s.

  “Shall we go now?” Darya asked.

  “Yes,” I said, “Samantha might want help freshening up before she greets everyone.”

  “I agree. She has no lipstick left after that kiss.”

  We climbed into the welcome cool of the car. The leather was soft on the back of my bare thighs and I carefully placed my bouquet to one side, relieved to be out of the sun.

  Suddenly the door pulled open. “Wait.” It was Jackson. “I’m coming with you,” he said.

  “But you’re in the car with the ushers,” I said, blinking at the bright light he’d let in.

  He grinned and dropped next to me. “Not now I’m not.”

  I frowned. This wasn’t the plan. But it seemed Jackson wasn’t good at sticking to plans.

  “Hey,” he said, holding his hands up. “There’s not enough room in that one. Nine of
us in an eight-seater and look how much space you girls have.”

  “Yes, it makes sense you travel with us,” Darya said. “You are my brother’s best man, after all.”

  The car began to move and as it did I slid slightly on the seat and my leg came into contact with Jackson’s. I held my breath as a tingle shot up my thigh and created a tug in my stomach. He was so solid and dense with muscle, and his presence, next to me, felt huge and consuming. It didn’t help that I couldn’t stop thinking of him naked and rubbing against me. Ripping at my clothes and then...

  “So have you and Vadmir been friends since he came to America?” Darya asked Jackson, interrupting my racy thoughts.

  “I only started playing for the Vipers this season. But we get on well, he’s a great guy and a brilliant player.” Jackson slid his hand down his leg, the leg that was now pressed up against mine. His fingers skimmed my naked flesh right down to my knee and back again.

  I sucked in a breath. What the hell was he messing around at?

  “And you have met Harmony before?” Darya asked Jackson, then glanced between us and gave me a quizzical look.

  “No,” I said.

  “Yes,” Jackson said at the same time.

  Darya gave a slow nod and her eyes sparkled in the same wicked way her brother’s did on occasion.

  “What I mean is...” I said, “we’ve met once before. Only once.” Heat was spreading over my chest and onto my neck. “Just by chance, really. Nothing to talk about.”

  “No,” Jackson said, tipping his head and studying me with that cocky tilt of his lips again. “Not much talking was there?”

  I frowned and spoke to Darya. “We just, you know, hung out for a bit. Samantha and Vadmir, it was they who got together, hit it off, we just kind of...” My brain fuddled and my words ran out.

  Jackson was thoroughly enjoying my ruffled state, I could tell. He was waiting for me to continue digging, become more of a bumbling fool than I already was.

  Fuck it. I’d just say it. What did it matter? We were both free agents. “The thing is Darya, Jackson and I spent an entire night, about three months ago, fucking each other stupid and then in the morning we parted ways. That’s it, the sum total of our history, except today that is, when it seems he’s everywhere I turn.”

  Darya’s mouth opened and shut and then she let out a hoot of delight. “Oh, I love honesty,” she said. “And I could tell, you know.” She tapped the side of her nose. “I can tell these things between people.”

  Jackson chuckled, his big shoulders shifted against mine and the material of his suit was soft on my skin. “Yeah, baby,” he said looking at me. “You’re right there, we did fuck each other stupid.”

  I folded my arms, unfolded them, then fiddled with my new necklace. “Except those shrimp were bad,” I said, tutting. “The ones you ordered at about two in the morning. I was laid up for a week.”

  “Ah, I didn’t eat any of them, just the pizza,” he said, “but damn, I’m real sorry.” He frowned and a modicum of his cockiness evaporated. “That must have sucked, being ill for a week.”

  “Yeah, I made it as far as New York on my flight and then spent four days in an airport hotel thinking my guts were going to come up.”

  He grimaced. “Nice.”

  Yeah nice, Harmony! Here’s the hottest guy ever sitting next to you and you’re talking about puking up shrimp.

  “Never again,” I said. “Damn takeouts.”

  “But the shrimp is your only complaint of that night?” he asked, doing that thing with his hand again, pretending to slide it down his leg but actually stroking mine.

  I glanced at Darya, heat popping in my cleavage and on my temples despite the air-conditioning. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He leaned closer and the scent of his musky, black pepper cologne invaded my nostrils. “I mean was everything else to your taste?” He swept his tongue over his bottom lip.

  I pushed at his shoulder and pulled my leg away. “Oh, grow up, will you?”

  “Not in this lifetime,” he said with a laugh. “And it’s hard to be serious with you around, baby. I keep having all these dirty flashbacks.”

  I huffed and stared out of the window. God, what would Darya think of me?

  The reception went like a dream. The welcome cocktails were apple juice and Smirnoff laced with edible gold leaf, the venue a luxury boutique hotel that had been filled with snow-white flowers. A harpist, who looked like an angel, played in the corner of the room.

  Thankfully, I’d orchestrated it so I wasn’t sitting next to Jackson during the wedding breakfast—one advantage of helping plan the wedding with Samantha and offering to draw up the seating plan. Though when we arrived I saw him glance my way as we took our seats. I wouldn’t have put it past him to try and switch so that he could irritate me further.

  But why? Why did he want to torment me? I just wanted to get through the day with a scrap of dignity and not fall for him any more than I already had. Because falling for him was exactly what had happened when we’d spent the night together. How could it not? I’d been lusting after him for so long; checking him out at every game I’d attended and eagerly drinking up any gossip I could find online about him. Spending a night with the object of my affection had only served to make me more obsessed. Which was why I’d hoped for a clean break. One night of fun and then cut the ties. Except my best friend had gone and married his best friend, which meant we were thrown together again, here, at a goddamn wedding.

  Samantha’s father tapped a silver spoon against a glass and stood. The room fell silent. “I apologize in advance for my lack of Russian language,” he said. “Though I am grateful, beyond grateful, for my new son-in-law’s mastery of English and that of his family who have joined us today. I’m sure next month when we travel to Sokol for more wedding celebrations I will be feeling as bemused as some of you are today.” I smiled politely and glanced up the long table I sat at.

  Samantha was smiling up at her father. Vadmir was twisting his hands together, no doubt a little nervous about making his speech next, and Jackson. Damn, Jackson was staring straight at me.

  The chink of glasses told me toasts were being made. I tore my gaze from Jackson and raised my champagne flute. “To Mr. and Mrs. Arefyev,” I said along with everyone else.

  Vadmir stood and cleared his throat. “On behalf of my wife and I, I’d like to thank you all for being here.”

  A chorus of whoops and whistles rang out from the table that held the Vipers captain, Rick “Ramrod” Lewis, the team’s best forward, Phoenix, and all-round mayhem causer Brick. A child let out a squeal and I noticed Phoenix’s wife, Brooke, gathering a toddler onto her lap.

  Vadmir sat down abruptly.

  There was a moment of hush, of expectancy, then Jackson stood up, whacked Vadmir on the back. “Thanks for that, buddy, I always knew you weren’t a man of many words and that just proved it.”

  There was a gentle ripple of laughter.

  “Shall I?” Jackson said, indicating to several bunches of flowers set behind the top table.

  “Oh, crap, yes, I forgot,” Vadmir said, shaking his head. “Sorry,” he mouthed at Darya and then turned to me and shrugged with an apologetic expression.

  Jackson reached for one of the large bunches of flowers, all white, and then raised his glass. “To the beautiful bridesmaids,” he said with a grin. “Who’ve made a beautiful day even more so.”

  “To the bridesmaids,” everyone said.

  A blush crept over my cheeks and I glanced down at my name card.


  I looked up.

  Jackson was looming over me, his shadow blocking out the light from the window and his scent once again swirling around me. He stooped, got closer and closer and pressed a kiss to my cheek. His lips were a little damp and the designer stubble on his jawline scratched my face.

  I shut my eyes. For a moment there was only us in the room. No, we were back in his apartment, clothes a thing o
f the past and pleasure the only objective.

  He lingered over that delicate kiss, I was sure he did, and pulled in a deep breath, as though my perfume was taking him back to another time and place, too.

  Then he was gone, passing Darya her flowers and quickly pecking her cheek.

  My heart fluttered. I reached for my drink. The urge to stroke my face, where his mouth had just been, was almost overwhelming but I resisted. The whole room would guess how he affected me if I did that. Damn, they could probably already tell.

  Chapter Three

  “Ladies and gentlemen, could you please gather ’round for the first dance,” the DJ boomed.

  The lights dimmed and in their place the disco ball flashed red and green, swooping a spotlight across the floor as Samantha and Vadmir took to the center.

  “I love this Bryan Adams song.”

  I glanced to my right. It was Carly, Brick’s wife. “Yes,” I said, “Everything I do, I do it for you. Very appropriate for a wedding.”

  “I went to see him live once.” She smiled at me. “Years ago, though.”

  I nodded and again fiddled with the pendent at my neck. It was strange after being a Vipers fan for years to suddenly be immersed in the team and have their wives and girlfriends just wander up and chat. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get used to it, but then, I probably wouldn’t have to, not after today. Samantha wasn’t working anymore. She didn’t need to, but I did. I had flights next week. I’d miss my best friend, though, desperately. In fact, it was something I was trying not to think about.

  “Hey, I was looking for you.” Brick walked up and put his arm over Carly’s shoulder. “I thought I was going to miss out on my dance.”

  “I was right here waiting for you,” she said.

  The music changed and two other couples took to the floor, joining the bride and groom. Carly and Brick melted together and began to sway in the lights.

  I stepped backward but my shoulders hit something hard and solid.


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