Take My Throne: A High School Bully Romance (Boys of King Academy Series Book 3)

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Take My Throne: A High School Bully Romance (Boys of King Academy Series Book 3) Page 7

by Louise Rose

  “I have a feeling that taking out the current Head of House is the Archaic way,” I tell him. “If anything, my father should be proud that I’m following in his footsteps.”

  “Okay.” Declan nods slowly, satisfied.

  “Well, now we’ve finished planning, Ivy, send a text to Lucas and let him know he can come pick you up. While we’re waiting for him to arrive, who’s for some champagne to celebrate?”

  I tap out a message on my phone as Archer went to get the bottle of champagne. He pours out four flutes and passes them out.

  “To Ivy, soon to be a single woman and Head of House Archaic!”

  “To Ivy!”

  We clink our glasses together. As I sip my champagne, I gaze round at the three men standing with me. I am so lucky to have them on my side. I’d be utterly lost without them.

  There’s only one problem with the thought of being a single woman again. Which of these three would I choose? I love them all so much, I can’t imagine picking one over the others.

  I put the thought aside for the moment. One day, that will be the worst of my problems and it isn’t a bad one to have. Many girls would be more than happy to have three gorgeous guys in love with them, and when the time comes, I’ll just have to follow my heart.

  For now, we need to deal with my father once and for all.

  Chapter Eight

  “Have fun?” asks Lucas, as I climb into the passenger seat next to him.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “What did you two talk about?”

  I almost correct him, then think better of it. If he believes I was only hanging out with Archer, he’s less likely to suspect there is a conspiracy against my father.

  “It was like you said, he was worried about me,” I tell him. “He wanted to know how I’d been over the weekend and if there was anything he could do to cheer me up. We ended up watching a few episodes of the latest season of Brooklyn Nine Nine and had some champagne. He called it a belated wedding toast.”

  “That was nice of him.”

  There doesn’t seem to be any guile behind Lucas’s words as he drives me back home.

  As we pull into the garage, I see my father talking to Isabella in front of the garage while the staff loads suitcases into one of the limos.

  “Ah, Ivy, Lucas. I’m glad you’re back before I leave. I would have hated to go without saying goodbye.”

  My father strides towards us, arms outstretched, and I suffer an embrace.

  “While I’m gone, you’ll be the man of the house,” my father continues. “This means you are the interim head of House Archaic.”

  “Aren’t I supposed to be the head of House Archaic?” I point out.

  “My dear Ivy.” My father practically pats me on the head, his tone is beyond patronising. “I would love to leave you in charge, but I have yet to see evidence of your loyalty to your House and family. In comparison, Lucas has worked diligently for me, following my every command to the letter. Moreover, his upbringing means he has an innate understanding of what to do in any eventuality without needing to seek my approval first. At this moment in time, your husband is the best person to take care of House affairs. Perhaps when you have proven your worth, I will be able to trust you with the duties which are your birth right, but as it currently stands, you are nowhere near ready for such responsibilities. Sit back and let Lucas do the heavy lifting. Go play your guitar, get Isabella to arrange a visit from a masseur. You’re far too uptight.”

  “I might just do that. Thanks, Dad.” I do my best to sound grateful, but in my mind I am puking. Anyone would be uptight in my position. “Where are you going, anyway?”

  “I’m off to Italy.” He sighs dramatically. “My partners are insisting on an in person visit and it’s a good opportunity to stock up on fine Italian wine. Would you like me to bring you back anything, Ivy? Lucas?”

  “Surprise me,” I say.

  “I don’t need anything, Dad,” Lucas tells him. “But thanks for offering. Is there anything I need to know about while you’re gone?”

  “There are a few little details that would be useful for you to know. Walk with me.”

  My father leads Lucas away, out of earshot, leaving me and Isabella on our own together.

  “How can you bear working for that sexist pig?” I ask.

  “I have my own agenda.” Isabella shrugs. “Besides, men like him think they’re in charge, but you and I both know where the power really lies. There’s always a woman behind the throne and we’re always the ones pulling the strings.”

  “Is that right?” I look at Isabella with new respect. “So how would you advise I manage my father?”

  “Simple,” Isabella says. “Do exactly what he wants you to do-–for now. While you were estranged, he always talked about his perfect little girl. He had an image in his mind about his princess, a girl who loved pink and unicorns, a girl who spent hours playing with her dolls. When his spies brought back reports of a tomboy who had a major rebellious streak running through her, he didn’t want to believe it, so he continued in his fantasy of the girl he wanted you to be until the time came to bring you here. It was harder for him to keep up the picture perfect daughter with you standing right in front of him. So instead, he’s done his utmost to force you into the vision he has for you.”

  “Tell me about it.” I roll my eyes.

  “I get it. I really do,” Isabella says. “It’s frustrating when we’re forced into living up to someone else’s idea of who we ought to be.”

  “It sounds like you have personal experience of that.”

  “We’re not talking about me right now,” Isabella snaps. I make a mental note to find out more about her background later. “We’re talking about you and how you can manipulate your father into giving you more freedom. I’m not saying you have to jump to his whims permanently. Just do enough to create the illusion he has the daughter of his dreams. Once he buys into that, you’ll be surprised at what you can get away with. For example, when he asked you to shoot Claude Dauphin, you didn’t have to actually aim at him. You could have sent the shot way over his head. No one would have been hurt, but you would have demonstrated pure loyalty. Your father didn’t have to know you missed deliberately. He was expecting you to miss. You have no experience with firearms. What he wanted to see was you obeying without question. Instead, you fought him-–and make no mistake, he would have given the order for you to be stabbed. Anything less would have made him weak in the eyes of his men, and Solomon will never do anything to make himself look weak.

  “But I promise you, it would have broken his heart.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.” I laugh bitterly. “My father doesn’t have a heart to break.”

  “Still, the things he does don’t bring him any pleasure,” Isabella tells me. “But that’s what it takes to be head of House. Which is why he’s left Lucas in charge. Do not underestimate that boy. He can be absolutely ruthless if need be. That’s why your father likes him so much. He sees a lot of himself in Lucas. In many ways, he thinks of Lucas as more of an heir than you.”

  “Well, duh.”

  “But that’s only because Lucas knows how to play the game,” Isabella says. “If your father had asked him to shoot Claude Dauphin, he’d have done it in a heartbeat. And he’d probably have missed deliberately and no one would care. Ivy, haven’t you figured it out yet? This town is nothing but a game. The players dance around each other, but it’s all about appearances. Your father gave you good advice when he told you to relax. If you stop going around looking for reasons to be offended, you’ll have a much easier time of it.”

  “If you say so.”

  I don’t like to admit it, but I can see the wisdom in what Isabella is saying. I just hate the thought of sucking up to my father like that. I detest him, and that is never going to change.

  Speak of the devil…

  Lucas and my father come back to join us, a broad grin on both their faces.

  “Isabella-–I want you
to treat Lucas as you would me. His word is your command, understood?”

  “Yes, sir.” Isabella nods.

  “Ivy-–be a good girl for once?”

  Isabella and I exchange a quick glance.

  “I’ll do my best,” I say.

  “That’s what I like to hear. Now I’ll be back before you know it, so don’t have too much fun while I’m gone.”

  My father turns and gets into the back of the limo. Lucas puts his arm around me as we wave him off.

  I inhale deeply, blowing the air out in one long, relieved stream. “Thank goodness that bastard’s gone and I don’t have to see his smug little face anymore.”

  “Don’t let his guards hear you talking like that,” Lucas warns.

  “I don’t care,” I say. “I’ve had enough. I tell you something, Lucas. You’re welcome to House Archaic. If I could, I’d walk away from it all today. I’m done with all these mind games.”

  “Oh, boo hoo, Ivy,” Isabella sneers. “Next you’ll be saying you didn’t ask to be born. We all get it. You’ve got it tough. We all know your father’s treated you badly, but instead of focusing on what you don’t have, look at what you do. You’ve got more money than most people can ever dream of. You’ve got a husband who is kind, caring and considerate. Who wants nothing more than to make you happy if only you’d let him. I’ve told you how to handle your father. It’s not rocket science. But if you’re not even willing to help yourself, then I’m done. Be miserable, Ivy. That’s clearly what makes you happy.”

  She stalks off, leaving me gaping after her.

  “I hate to say it, Ivy, but she does have a point,” Lucas says, giving me a sheepish smile.

  I glare at him and he steps back a little, putting his hands up in a gesture of surrender.

  “Hear me out,” he says. “I don’t agree with what your father’s done to you, but you can turn it around. It’s like Isabella says. Play the game. Learn the rules and then bend them. Do that, and you could have the whole of King Town in your hand. Now, I’ve got to go and do something for your father, but I want you to think about what I’ve just said. If you want my help, you only have to ask and it’s yours. It’s time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and make a change.”

  If only he knew what I’d been discussing earlier tonight. I am going to make a change all right. And by the time I’m done, this town will be reeling.

  Chapter Nine

  “A re you looking forward to the Bomber Derby tonight?” Lucas asks me over breakfast.

  “Sure. I want nothing more than to ride pillion while you do your best to win, only to come in behind Archer yet again.”

  “Actually, I was talking more about whether you were looking forward to competing in the Bomber Derby?” Lucas side-eyes me, grinning.

  “What do you mean?” I don’t dare to believe that he’s actually telling me I’m allowed to compete.

  “Well, since your father’s away and I’m the interim head of House, what I say goes. You even heard him say that. And I say that my wife should be allowed to compete on her own terms as the amazing biker she is. Only heirs to a House are allowed to compete in the Bomber Derby, but technically we’re both heirs, so I figure we might as well take advantage of the opportunity to give us two chances for House Archaic to take the crown.”

  “Thank you!” I squeal and throw my arms around his neck.

  “Now, just because you get to compete doesn’t mean you’re going to win,” Lucas warns me. “I’m not going to slow down to let you go ahead of me. Nobody’s going to give you any slack. You’ll be lucky to come in third.”

  “We’ll see.” I smile enigmatically, already running over the route in my head. Tonight, our House is in charge and Lucas and I spent ages plotting out the perfect route to challenge the racers. I knew it like the back of my hand, because we’ve ridden round it a few times to make sure it was as challenging as we wanted it to be. The others didn’t stand a chance. If I’m competing, Lucas and I are going to take the first two spots-–and I am going to cross the finish line first.

  “I’m going to oversee the preparations for the race tonight,” Lucas says. “You can come with me if you like, but it’s going to be pretty boring.”

  “Because sitting around in our suite all day is so exciting,” I point out.

  “True, but that’s not the only option you’ve got.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you I’m not your father, but maybe actions speak louder than words. You can do whatever you like while he’s away. If you want to go and see your friends, I don’t care what House they belong to. They’re your friends, and if you want to visit them, that’s fine. Just because we’re married doesn’t mean we have to be joined at the hip. Why don’t you go and see Milly? The two of you are well overdue for some chill time together. I’m sure she’d love to see you.”

  “Are you sure?” I like this side of Lucas, although the cynic in me wonders whether he is getting me out of the way so he can do something without me knowing. Those thoughts can drive you mad, though, and I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  “If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have suggested it.”

  “Thanks, Lucas.” I lean over and kiss him on the cheek, unable to wipe the smile off my face as I polish off the rest of my breakfast burrito.

  I AGREE to meet Lucas at the Bomber Derby later and get on my motorbike to go visit my best friend. Buzzing down the road, no guards looking over my shoulder, I feel free for the first time in I don’t know how long. If I want, I could simply ride off into the distance, but where I might have been tempted to do that just a few days ago, now that I have a plan to depose my father, I need to stick around. I am not going to abandon the town to the evil machinations of Solomon Archaic. I don’t know what’s behind all his trips to Italy, but whatever it is, it can’t be good. Someone has to stop him once and for all, and the only person who has a chance of doing that is me.

  I am staying in this town for the time being.

  Just like her brother, Milly has her own house on the grounds of the Knight estate. From the outside, it looks just like Archer’s, so I wasn’t expecting what greets me when I walk inside.

  “Wow, Milly. This place is amazing!”

  Archer’s house is very much a typical bachelor pad, with simple furniture and sleek lines. But Milly’s home is the complete opposite. The walls are painted with intricate murals, swirls of pastel colours sweeping across the surfaces. But over the murals are countless hand drawn images from manga comics, creating a mind-blowing montage I could look at for hours.

  “Did you do all these?”

  Milly nods. “Yeah. I wanted to take art A-level, but my dad wouldn’t let me. He says there’s no future in making comics and nobody wants to read my comics, anyway. I guess he’s right. I mean, I’m supposed to be a representative of House Knight. Comic illustrator isn’t exactly a popular career choice for my family.”

  “I had no idea you could draw like this,” I say, still fascinated by the images surrounding me. “I wanted to do art as well, but my father made me choose between that and music.”

  “I’m not surprised you went with music,” Milly says. “Your songs are so beautiful. And if you hadn’t chosen that subject, you and Declan would never have started writing together. I loved that song you sang at the concert about forbidden love. It filled me with emotion-–I’ve never had a boyfriend, let alone anyone who would look at me the way Declan was looking at you while you were singing.”

  “So you know about Declan too, huh?”

  “Everyone does,” Milly says. “I didn’t want to say anything because I figured you’d talk to me when you were ready. And obviously, I knew you had a thing with Archer, so I wasn’t sure if you wanted to discuss it with me in case I took my brother’s side against you.”

  “And? Do you take his side?”

  Milly shakes her head. “He’s absolutely head over heels in love with you, Ivy,
but just because he has strong feelings for you doesn’t mean you have to reciprocate. I mean, I wouldn’t say no to a date with Declan. The way he tosses his hair gives me goosebumps!”

  “Declan is pretty darned gorgeous,” I agree. “But then Archer’s just my type. If you asked me to describe my dream man, I’d give you a photo of him and call it done. The problem is, I like them both. They’re so different-–how can I choose between them? Declan’s really sweet. He’s never pressured me to do anything I didn’t want, and he really seems to care about my happiness. Like, if I choose Archer over him, he’d be sad, but he wouldn’t do anything to change my mind. He’d rather I was happy with Archer than miserable with him. Not that he’d make me miserable. Argh!” I could tear my hair out with frustration.

  “And then there’s Romy. What’s the deal with you guys? I thought he’d be devastated when you married Lucas, but he seems to be fine.”

  “That’s because everyone thinks Romy’s a player,” I remind her. “He’s good at putting up a front so no one knows how he really feels. That’s what I like about him. He intrigues me. He puts up a huge front so people think he’s nothing but a Casanova, but underneath all of that he’s really sensitive. He was devastated when I married Lucas, but he understood it wasn’t my fault. My marriage is a sham, so it’s not like anybody should take it seriously. I know who I want to be with, even if I tried to push them away. They know it too.”

  “You don’t think you can figure something out with Lucas and make it work?” Milly asks. “I mean, plenty of arranged marriages turn out perfectly fine and you’ve got to admit that Lucas is really good looking.”

  “You think?”

  “Oh yes,” Milly gushes. “All the girls at school think so. If he didn’t have that ring on his finger, he’d have his pick. As it is, a few have tried to make a move on him.”


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