Take My Throne: A High School Bully Romance (Boys of King Academy Series Book 3)

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Take My Throne: A High School Bully Romance (Boys of King Academy Series Book 3) Page 11

by Louise Rose

  Enough, Ivy! I shake my head, trying not to be so greedy. I know the time is fast approaching when I’ll have to choose one of the guys over the other. I can’t continue to juggle them like this. Once I manage to get my marriage annulled, I’ll have to pick one, and the thought breaks my heart, but it’s the fair thing to do.

  I am just going to have to make the most of the three of them while I still can.

  I return downstairs, towel drying my hair. Archer is sitting at the dining table, two steaming mugs of coffee in front of him as well as a plate filled with pastries.

  “Help yourself,” he says as I sit down next to him. “Unless you fancy going downstairs to watch a movie? I’ve got a preview copy of the latest Liam Hemsworth film. It’s an action adventure where he’s having to race round the world solving a puzzle to save the life of his girlfriend.”

  “Sounds awesome, but I need to see Milly,” I tell him. “I’d love to hang out with you, but Ally came to me with an interesting proposal last night and I want to discuss it with Mills.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Archer raises an eyebrow. “Sounds intriguing.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s Ally, so I don’t know if I can trust her, but I figured I could run it past Milly and see what she thinks. I mean, she’s had to deal with Ally for years. If anyone knows whether it’s worth making a deal with her or not, it’ll be Mills.”

  “After the way Ally’s treated Milly, I think I can predict what the answer will be,” Archer says.

  “Me too,” I agree, “but I still want to talk about it with her. Besides, I told Lucas I was coming here to see her, so I should at least say hi before I head home to deal with my father. I don’t know what time he’s due back, so I probably shouldn’t stay out too long. You know what he’s like if I’m not there to jump the second he clicks his fingers.”

  Archer nods sympathetically.

  The coffee is just what I need, the jolt of caffeine chasing away the final remnants of my hangover. Sitting there at the table with Archer is a reminder of what life might have been like if I hadn’t been forced into marrying Lucas. He tries hard to make things nice, and he is considerate, but we simply don’t have the connection I have with the boys. I can never fully relax around him because I can’t quite trust him. Not the way I trust Archer with my life.

  “Thanks for that.” I lean over and kiss him. He tastes of coffee and the promise of sex. “Mmm, you are way too tempting, Archer Knight. You make me want to get naked all over again.”

  “I’m not stopping you,” he points out.

  “No,” I sigh. “Much as I’d love to, I’ve got to see Milly and get home. If I walk in stinking of you I think my father will go nuts. As it is, since they suspect you are the one that’s been snooping around, I’m going to have to tread carefully to make sure they think they have nothing to worry about. If they think I was with you instead of your sister, my father will probably call in the interrogators. He’s made it very clear that just because I’m his daughter doesn’t mean I can expect any special treatment.”

  “That’s Solomon for you.” Archer walks me to his door. “If he crosses the line, call me. I don’t care where you are. I’ll burn down the house to get to you if I have to.”

  “Thanks, Archer. I appreciate it.” We kiss one last time and I get on my bike to travel the short distance to Milly’s house.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I veeeeeeee!” Milly squeals and throws her arms around me when she sees me standing on her doorstep. “What are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you. Something interesting happened.”

  “Sounds serious,” Milly says. “Anything I need to worry about?”

  “I don’t think so,” I reply. “But that’s why I wanted to talk to you. I figure you’d know better than I would what’s really going on.”

  “You better come in then.”

  I follow Milly into her quirkily decorated lounge. “Coffee?” she offers.

  “No, thanks. I’ve just had some at Archer’s.”

  “Oh, you went to see my brother before you came to see me?” She fixes me with a glare.

  “I’m sorry, Mills.”

  “It’s okay.” She laughs. “I’m just kidding. If I were you, I’d take any opportunity to visit my boyfriend too.”

  “Archer’s not my-” I break off. Who am I kidding? “Okay, but maybe he’s not my boyfriend, so much as my lover, what with my being married. But I didn’t come here to talk about my stupidly complicated love life.”

  “Oh yes. What’s this interesting thing that’s happened?”

  “Ally came to me last night and suggested we come together to make a girls’ House group.”

  “I see.” Milly’s face falls. “Well, I suppose you and Ally will make a powerful team.”

  “No, you don’t understand. When she said we, she was talking about her, Taylor, Nicola maybe, me… and you.”

  “Me? Ally wants to be in an alliance with me?”

  “Yeah. She says that the time has come to change how things are done in King Town and I agree with her. This place is archaic-–and I should know. It’s time the women stepped into their power. If we come together, we can stop the men running the show by themselves. We can compete in the Bomber Derby. I think anyone should be able to compete, regardless of gender or status. We can stop all the stupid secret squirrel stuff everyone’s got going on and bring the Houses together. We can put an end to the mind games my dad’s a master of, and get people to talk. I mean, can you imagine that? People actually communicating with each other?”

  “That’s pretty out there,” Milly agrees.

  “But it means working with Ally and Taylor, and I know they’ve made your life hell for years,” I remind her. “I’m not going to do it without you, but I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to. If you think Ally and Taylor are up to something and this is just another scheme to get at us, then I’ll tell Ally no, and that’ll be the end of it.”

  “I think we should do it.” Milly’s reply surprises me.

  “Really? Are you sure?”

  “Very,” Milly says.

  “You’re a better person than I am,” I admit. “I don’t think I could ever forgive Ally for treating me the way she treated you.”

  “It’s not about forgiveness,” Milly tells me. “It’s about what we can achieve together. Ally doesn’t have your status, but she does know how to play the social game of King Town better than anyone I know. It’s why she made Head Girl. Pilkington knew that she was the best person to look after House Archaic’s interests and she’d made sure that the Archaics were top of the House table because she’s so ruthless.”

  “But aren’t you worried she’ll turn that ruthlessness on us?”

  “It’s always a possibility,” Milly says. “But I don’t think that’s what’s going on here. Ever since you came to King Town, you’ve changed things. I don’t think you realise how much influence you have on the people around you. I’m not surprised you’ve got my brother tailing after you like a little puppy dog. I’ve never seen him like this with anyone. And it’s not just him. Romy has suddenly stopped playing the field. He won’t even look at another woman. Declan is clearly head over heels in love with you. Anyone with any sense would want to be on your team, and Ally’s not stupid.”

  “But I stole Declan from her,” I point out.

  “No, you didn’t.” Milly shakes her head. “Ally’s been cheating on him their entire relationship. It was only a matter of time before he found out and left her. I don’t even think she really liked him. She was only with him because he was an heir and it helped boost her social standing. Everyone can see that Declan’s head over heels in love with you. You’re a much better match for him.” Milly looks me straight in the eye. “If she’s proposed a truce, she means it. And she’s right. Us girls could start a revolution, make things better for everyone. It’s not just the women who’ll benefit from a more equal community. Don’t you think the boys ar
e just as tired of all the petty little games? I say we give her a chance. If she turns out to be playing us, we’ll find a way to get back at her, but I don’t think she is. Your victory last night did a lot to shake things up. Anyone with any sense would be on your side.”

  “All right.” I never thought I’d say these words, but that was how weird my life is. “I guess we’re going to work with Ally and Taylor. It’s about time people saw what girl power can do.”

  “And you know what the first rule I want to introduce will be?” Milly asks.


  “No cheating or stealing boyfriends from each other. Not that I’m likely to have a boyfriend any time soon. The one guy I like is already taken. But if we’re going to support each other, we have to really support each other. That means if a boy comes on to us and we know he’s got a girlfriend we immediately tell her. Let’s flush out the rats in this place. It would do a lot to stop all the bitchiness and bickering.”

  “I didn’t know you liked someone.”

  Milly blushes. “It’s just a dumb crush.”

  “Don’t be silly, Mills. If you like someone, you like someone. There’s nothing dumb about it. Who’s the lucky guy?”

  “Sorry, Ivy, but I can’t say.” She looks away. “Like I said, he’s already in a relationship, so it’s pointless talking about it. I’m never going to be the other woman, not for anyone.”

  “Good for you, Milly.” I smile and nudge her with my elbow. “That’s the kind of self-respect I’m talking about. If we work together with the other girls instead of against each other all the time, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  A s I walk through the door at home, Isabella comes out to meet me.

  “You took your time, Ivy.” She frowns disapprovingly.

  “As I told Lucas, I went to see my best friend,” I say. “I’m sorry that we lost track between girly giggles and gossip.”

  “Solomon’s home,” Isabella says. “And he’s waiting for you. I suggest you go straight to his study and don’t keep him waiting any longer.”

  “Yes, sir.” I salute sarcastically and head in to see my father.

  I knock on the door and wait for the command to enter. Nothing. I knock again. Still no reply. I knock one last time and am about to give up and go to my suite when the door suddenly swings open, the guard on the other side finally letting me in.

  “Why so impatient, Ivy?” My father glares at me. “You know full well that I don’t take kindly to people attempting to beat down my door. Knock once and wait for me to be ready to see you.”

  “I’m sorry, Dad. I just missed you so much, I couldn’t wait to see you again.”

  I know I’m lying. He knows I was lying. But the appearance of loyalty seems to mollify him a little, and he motions to me to take a seat at his desk opposite him.

  “How was your trip?” I ask.

  “It could have been better,” my father replies, “but I got the business done I went out to do, which is all that matters.”

  “I guess you’ll miss having all those trips to Italy,” I say. “I’ve heard it’s a beautiful country.”

  “It is,” my father agrees. “And no doubt one day your husband will take you to see it. But why do you say I’ll miss my trips to Italy?”

  My heart sinks as I realise I’d put my foot in it. “Oh, just that if you’re selling the plane, it’s going to be difficult for you to keep going out there. Unless you’re selling it to get an upgrade? It can’t be that your business is in trouble. I know how good you are at what you do.”

  I am babbling, trying to cover my nerves, but it is no use. My father can see straight through me.

  “Selling my plane? Interesting. How did you find out about that?”

  “I can’t quite remember. You must have told me,” I say. “Either that or I overheard you and Isabella talking about it. I definitely got it from you.”

  “Is that right?” My father arches an eyebrow, motioning to the guard standing by the door. “Gary, go fetch Dave for me.”

  “Yes, sir.” Gary nods curtly, turns and leaves the room.

  “What’s happening? Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, no, Ivy.” My father smiles, making a calm down gesture at me. “You haven’t done anything wrong. In fact, you’ve behaved exactly as I’d hoped you would. I owe you a debt of gratitude.”

  This doesn’t sound good.

  A couple of minutes later Gary comes back in accompanied by Dave, one of my favourite guards. Whereas most of the guards would barely even look at me, Dave was always happy to say hello and tell me stories about his wife and two little girls.

  “You wanted to see me, sir?”

  “Yes, Dave. We have something important to discuss.”

  “Do you need me to do something for you?”

  “Not anymore. You’ve already done it.”

  I frown and Dave looks a little worried as my father stands up and slowly walks round his desk to lean against it, facing Dave.

  “You see, I have long suspected that I have a leak in my security,” my father says. “But that can’t be possible, can it? After all, my guards are all loyal to me. None of you would betray me, would you?”

  “No, sir.”

  “So then why would you tell my enemies information I gave you in confidence?”

  Without warning, my father lunges forward and grabs a fistful of Dave’s hair. Pulling on it hard, he forces Dave down to his knees.

  “Urgh!” Dave grunts. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I swear! I haven’t told anyone anything.”

  “Oh, Dave, Dave, Dave.” My father tuts. “It’s pointless trying to maintain this façade. I have irrefutable proof that you are the mole. The only thing I want to know is why? Why turn your back on me when I’ve treated you like one of my own, cared for you and your family? You’d have wanted for nothing if you only stayed loyal.”

  “But I have!” There are tears in Dave’s eyes from the pain of my father twisting his hair.

  “I suppose I’ll have to spell it out.” My father sighs dramatically. “I knew that someone was passing on my secrets, but I didn’t know who, so I gave out a number of false stories to different people. Depending on which story made it out to the rumour mill, I’d know who couldn’t keep their mouth shut.” He casually slaps Dave across the face. “And it turns out that the lucky winner is you. You are the only person who thought I was going to sell my plane.” He looks up at me with a smile on his face that says, isn’t that ridiculous? “Like I would ever be without my plane when I’ve got so many more trips to Italy planned. I knew my darling daughter was still talking to my enemies, so I relied on her to let me know which story had made it back to them. The second she told me, I knew it was you. And I have to say, Dave, I’m disappointed. Of all my guards, you were the last I thought would betray.”

  “But I didn’t, I promise.” Dave is begging, and it breaks my heart to see him so pitiful. “All I did was have a chat with Archer Knight during the party. I didn’t tell him anything he didn’t seem to already know.”

  “And yet no one else thought I was selling my plane.” My father shrugs. “But thank you for your honesty. I suspected Archer was still managing to weasel information out of my daughter and it doesn’t surprise me he was able to play you like that, although I had hoped you had sense enough to resist.”

  He let go of Dave’s hair and helps him up, kissing him on both cheeks.

  “So I’m forgiven?” Hope shone in Dave’s eyes.

  “Of course.” My father pulls out a gun from his shoulder holster and shoots Dave square in the forehead. “Not.”

  I scream as Dave collapses to the floor.

  “Let that be a lesson to you, Ivy.” My father calmly returns to his chair as if nothing happened. “Be careful who you trust. Not everyone is who they appear to be. And now that you have a husband, I have a second heir, so be careful who you choose to associate with in the future
. It would be better for you if you became pregnant sooner rather than later to guarantee the continuation of my line. Take that as a simple piece of fatherly advice. You may leave.”

  He waves me away, and I am glad for the opportunity to escape. I edge round Dave’s body, trying not to get any blood on my shoes as I practically run to the door and up to my suite.

  “Is everything okay, Ivy?” Lucas is already in our rooms and he immediately comes over to hug me when he sees my face.

  “No, everything’s not okay.” I am shaking uncontrollably. “My father just shot Dave.”

  “Dave? Security guard Dave?”

  “Yes, Dave. Dave with the two kids who was one of the few people in this prison who treated me like a half decent human being. That Dave.” I am practically screaming hysterically. I know my father is a monster, but this is something else.

  “Calm down, Ivy.” Lucas holds me by the shoulders, looking me straight in the eye. “Breathe with me. Come on. In… and out… In… and out…”

  I hate having to rely on Lucas, but without him there to bring me back down, I probably would have done something really stupid. As it was, although I am still traumatised by what I’d witnessed, I’m not as lost.

  “Feeling better?”

  I nod, still feeling shaky as Lucas guides me over to the couch.

  “I’ll get you a brandy.” Lucas walks over to the fully stocked drinks cabinet we had in our room and pours me a generous dose of alcohol. He presses it into my hands, keeping hold of me, guiding it up to my mouth so I can take a large sip. “Now, tell me what happened.”

  “As soon as I came home, I went to see him,” I say. “I made a stupid comment about him selling his plane and he called Dave in. Apparently, it was a story he’d made up to find out who he can trust, and because Dave told Archer about it, my father shot him right in front of me.”

  “Wow. That’s rough. But Dave brought it on himself.”


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