My Father's Universe

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My Father's Universe Page 3

by Mitch

  Spike added, “That’s a guarantee. It must have heard us making noises, I know it can’t see this far.”

  Kedar was frantically trying to finish getting oil on Mart while Spike was hurriedly cutting the web ropes. Kedar bellowed, “We’ll never get Mart free before that creepy web maker gets here.”

  Spike yelled, “Get down and start a fire.”

  “With what?” cracked Kedar.

  "Behind you are more flint. Get two pieces, strike them together while holding them close to the dry grass. I believe it is dry enough to burn. The wind will blow the flames in the direction of the katipo. Even though it may hear the cracking and roaring of the fire, he will not see it or realize what is happening until it is too late, guaranteed. Careah, break open a couple reeds and pour oil on the dry grass in front of Kedar.

  “Kedar, don’t just stand there with your teeth in your mouth, start striking two pieces of flint together. Keep the sparks close to the dry grass, when the flame touches the oil, it will burn like wildfire. Hurry! I’ll keep cutting the web around Mart.”

  Kedar was trembling like a harp string that had been plucked. He was racing against time, pounding the flints together, but nothing was happening.

  Spike yelled, “You have to strike the flint sideways a little, sparks will burst into a flame, guaranteed.”

  The first strike, he got sparks. The next strike, more sparks. Soon, he had a nice flame, it moved like clouds on a windy day. The flame was hungry, eating up the grass as fast as it touched it, then it started to die out. Careah rushed to see if there was something she could do to help keep the fire going.

  Mart replied, “Lady, lay a little more dry grass close to the oil, then the wind will take over. The fire will move faster than hot lava flows. Okay, take some of the embers from the fire and put them by that large rock, also some by that dead stump.”

  “Yeah, the fire will spread all around the katipo, that should be the end of Satan’s cohort forever, and that’s a guarantee,” snapped Spike.

  From where they were standing on the web, Mart and Spike could see the fire encircle the katipo.

  Mart yelled, “Oh, oh! I see its mate and young ones coming right behind the critter.”

  It was all over before Mart was completely free. The fire had burned itself out. Spike saw an army of ants gathering and waiting for the ashes to cool so they could get to the crispy Carcasses.

  “They will have the roasted carcasses cleaned up before sundown, that’s a guarantee.”

  As soon as they got the sticky goo off everyone, they sat down to recuperate. Careah’s curiosity got the best of her and she asked Spike, “I am curious to know how you got in that web? Did you fly accidently into the web or were you walking and slip into it as we did?”

  “A little of both, I was walking because my wings were wet, every now and then, I would flap them to get them dry. A gust of wind picked me up and slammed me into the web. Before I knew what hit me, I was stuck fast.”

  Then she asked Mart, “How did you get caught?”

  “Well, you know me, I was praying with my eyes shut. I slipped and bounced into the web.” Everyone chuckled.

  After resting, they all hugged, shook hands, and said their goodbyes, wishing each other a safe and speedy journey. As they were leaving, Spike turned around and told Kedar and Careah that he loved them, and that’s a guarantee.

  “Amen,” added Marty.

  Waving goodbye, Kedar and Careah headed for the city of Glory.

  Aquatic World

  The Red Nano people of Glory are of the tribe Hugs. They got this name because they hug everyone going through their city. When you are hugged by one of them, you know you have been hugged. They are the most lovable, hospitable Nanos anyone would care to meet. There is absolute peace in their city such as exists nowhere else in the world. The city was built sometime after the flood of Noah. It was finished after God’s friend Job built the great pyramid in Egypt. Job had much of the granite and sandstone taken from there to build the pyramid.

  This made a perfect place for the Hugs to build their city, carved in the granite and limestone walls. The city complex is ten square miles which is completely surrounded by high, sheer canyon walls of granite and limestone. They built elaborate apartments several stories high, giving the appearance of rock-hewn apartments built into the mountainside. There are high-rise flights of steps going to the upper apartments, and to reach the higher apartments, there are several elevators which work with perfect balance by gravity. Glory is a beautiful picturesque city. Even though the occupants are very hospitable, strangers do not get in without permission.

  Eagles build nests close to the top of the mountains, raising their young year-round; they are the watchful eyes of the Hugs. Their shrill cry alerts the whole area of anyone approaching from the outside. This amazing city spreads into a wide, flat valley, with paved roads of flawlessly cut cobblestone. Every joint fits together with immaculate precision. Many of the stones have inlaid picturesque images leading to the amphitheater, a modern temple, a cathedral of learning, a vocational and guidance center, several well-stocked marketplaces, and modern water treatment plants to recycle water before it is released back into the lake. Every building is designed to have natural air conditioning. Air circling through the building keeps the temperature at an even 78 degrees, even when the wind is not moving.

  Their main road branches off into side roads leading to a deep blue lake that is fed by underground springs and discharges the same way. All farmland is well manicured and groomed to produce five crops a year. There are flower gardens as far as the eye can see. Nowhere does the fragrance and aroma fill the valley as it does here. It is hard to believe the only way into the metropolis is through one of two tunnels, one east and the other west, each large enough for two or three Nano people to enter abreast. Steel doors are locked and if tampered with, a hidden alarm goes off. Young Hugs are trained in school for jobs and serve as apprentices. They are also taught to be responsible for caring for others. After graduation, each one is ready to hold a full-time job which enables them to support a family. All are taught to rule their home as a servant of God, how and what to look for in a mate; most of all, to have and keep a loving marriage strong; also take part in running their government; teaching children to respect the laws of their land; moreover, bringing them up in the fear of the Lord.

  Widows, especially with children, are well-taken care of. People attend church to worship God Almighty and learn about their loving God by going to church school. If there should be a dispute between two parties—each tells a different story or tells a lie—the Judge gives them each a glass of pure water with a secret chemical in it. After drinking the water, without a doubt, they know who is telling a lie. The only other person known to have had this secret chemical was Moses. He used it to settle disputes while they were in the wilderness. He used the chemical undiluted, that he put in the water making it stronger, which meant the one who told the lie would be dead several hours later. You may never believe this, yet the innocent party was miraculously never harmed. The Hugs’ Judge cut the chemical to a lower dosage, making the guilty party violently sick and their eyes turn a deep red.

  No one believes in gossiping, yet if told something, it is never repeated until the subject is thoroughly checked out. Careah was concerned, “Are you sure we will be allowed to go through their land? How will we get through the guarded gates?” Kedar assured her that they probably saw us coming across the plain and will open the gate as well as their hearts. Entering the tunnel, Careah saw how narrow it was in several places and realized an enemy would never get through with full war armor.

  They were met at the gate by a guard who asked them what their business was. After explaining, the guard let them in, and they were on their way to Bethlehem to see the newborn Savior. Once out of the passage, Careah’s eyes widened seeing a country of untold beauty, a dream land of enchantment. Anyone looking at her would have thought she was in a trance. The beaut
y was so fantastic it would take more than a thousand words to describe the artistry displayed in front of her. She wondered to herself, “Is heaven more beautiful?” Everything looked so peaceful and the tranquility had her intoxicated. “Kedar, who would want to leave a place like this?”

  He smiled, “It is very beautiful, but you would still get homesick, you have too many friends you would miss.”

  When the hugging and introductions were over, a scrumptious banquet was made ready. King Sole asked the blessing, then the eating and toasting began. Table after tables of prepared foods Careah had never heard or seen. All looked delicious. Kedar and Careah were treated like royalty. Toward evening, Queen Sofa asked Careah if she would like to accompany her and some of the other ladies to enjoy the evening at the lake which was the entrance into the Aquatic World. She was thrilled that the Queen had personally invited her. As they were approaching the lake, Careah noticed there were many different kinds of fish and sea mammals in the lake.

  Suddenly, she stopped, her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open; not a sound came out, not even a murmur. Maybe a slight weak gee passed over her teeth. Her brain was telling her eyes, believe it. Not even a pleasant dream could be this alive. She was astounded at what she saw but remained speechless. Facing Queen Sofa in bewilderment, she placed her hand to her mouth, mumbling, “It can’t be, it isn’t possible.”

  Queen Sofa and the ladies were all smiling, enjoying themselves because they knew what was holding her spell-bound. She never felt so dumbfounded before in her life. Not even a skeptic could deny the incredible, spectacular, wondrous sight in front of her. She stood in awe, afraid if she closed her eyes and opened them, the unbelievable fantasy would be gone. Finally, being able to speak, she whispered, “Please tell me, are they real? What and who are they?”

  Queen Sofa replied half-laughing, “Oh yes, they are real and very much alive. Would you like to meet them?”

  “My oh my, yes, yes, very much so! I would be thrilled. Are you sure they wouldn’t mind?”

  Queen Sofa chuckled, “No! They won’t mind a bit.”

  Careah mused, “God never ceases to reveal his wonders.”

  The Queen explained, they are Mer-people, and these are Mermaids. “Come, I’ll introduce you to them.”

  Careah was introduced to the Queen of the Aquatic World, living in a paradise all their own. "This is Queen Airet and her daughters Cala and Pala.

  Queen Airet greeted Careah, “Hello! It’s so nice to meet you.”

  Careah being flustered answered, “I’m very glad to make your acquaintance.”

  Queen Airet asked her, “May I ask how is your husband, Kedar? Is he as funny as he used to be? We enjoyed his amusing comical sayings.”

  “What? You know my husband?”

  “Yes, I met him and his dad when Cala was a baby.”

  Cala replied in a soft velvety voice, “Yes, mother told me all about Kedar. We are thrilled to see you.”

  Careah smiled, “I’m the one who is thrilled to meet all of you! As for my husband being funny, sometimes he overdoes it.”

  Kedar accompanying King Sole, came to see Queen Airet and Princess Cala. Kedar was more than happy to meet little Pala who had not been born before his previous visit. Queen Airet greeted him, “Nice to see you again, ‘funny boy.’ How’re your parents?”

  Kedar’s face blushed crimson, “They’re fine and they’re looking forward to seeing everyone again. In fact, they should be here before we return from Bethlehem.”

  Queen Airet, eyes watering, said above a whisper, "I heard that you two are going to Bethlehem to see God’s unique son. We know He has come to give His tall people a better life, but I’m afraid there’s bad news. One of our wise Mermen who read the winds of times tells us some of the tall people do not want Him as their king.

  Reading a little deeper, the wise Merman became very angry, the rulers are searching for ways to kill Him. They are refusing to accept Him as their king. It is too bad they will not recognize him as the true King and Lord. God, the Father, will not have pity on their choice."

  Careah whispered, “I do not see any Mermen.”

  Kedar whispered back, “Believe me, they see us.”

  Careah marveled, “This is truly an Aquatic World in all of its splendor.”

  King Sole asked Kedar if they would be staying for a few days?

  “We will spend the night, then we must be on our way.”

  “You are welcome to come here and live,” invited the King.

  “Thank you, we appreciate your invitation but once our journey is over, we must return to our tribe,” Careah graciously replied. “However, we would love to come here for a vacation.”

  King Sole asked, “Would you give us one of the Golden Barley Seeds? We have no barley here.”

  She replied, “I’m sure the Lord wouldn’t mind another seed for a good cause.”

  The sun was peaking over the horizon as they were leaving Glory. Their new friends had hugged and wished them a speedy trip to Bethlehem.

  The Dragon

  They traveled without any difficulty or delays for a few days; however, that was about to change. Just as they were rounding a bend in the path, Kedar spotted a large, repulsive worm. It was in a hungry, contemptible mood; it looked more dangerous than a king cobra. No other creature on Earth resembled its features of a long, jointed body with a spiral nose and three eyes, one larger in the middle of its peculiarly shaped head. Kedar called the hideous worm a screwworm.

  Sniffing the air, their scent gave them away. The freak of nature began grinding its teeth and licking thick red lips. With a low grumbling growl, it began moving in their direction. Why it lowered its head is a mystery. Using the point of its nose, it plowed a slight furrow in the ground moving toward them. Raising its head, it blew ground out of its nose over Kedar and Careah. There was no advertisement of its next move, but they knew the groveling worm intended to make a meal of them.

  Suddenly it charged like a mad bull, only its movements were more like a speeding turtle. The crude body seemed to be made of heavy steel plate. As it moved, the sun shining on the armor-like body made it look like something from outer space. One of the three eyes cast a spell on Kedar and Careah, keeping their movements in slow writhed motion. Even their brains had slowed to the point of not thinking straight. It had an uncanny power to attract and hypnotize other creatures physically.

  There wasn’t much of a chance that the screwworm would leave them alone. Careah and Kedar closed their eyes hoping it was only a vision. They missed seeing a much larger creature, which looked more like a beautiful dragon, approaching the three-eyed worm from the rear. Just as the screwworm was about to snatch Careah, the dragon pounced on it. The dragon’s talon claws dug into the screwworm’s neck, making it emit a shrieking scream, breaking the control of external force causing the trance that Kedar and Careah were in. The worm never had a chance. The Dragon picked it up, looked at it as if to say, “You should be careful who you pick on.” While the Dragon was busy with the screwworm, Kedar grabbed Careah’s hand and headed behind a death cap mushroom. Kedar knew flesh-eating creatures would never go near the death cap mushroom. It would be the safest place to be.

  Peeking out from behind the trunk of the deadly mushroom, they were astonished at the sight of the creature. Its features amazed them. The dragon had the head of a cobra and a jaw of a lion. The crown on its head was something supposedly only a horned toad had. It had a set of matching ram horns. The long body seemed to be of an authentic diamondback rattlesnake but without rattlers, legs of a camel, and its talon claws resembled that of an eagle.

  Kedar whispered, “That’s the most sinister thing I’ve ever seen on this Earth. And it is apparent that every part of its body has been tooled for the purpose of destruction of anything it comes in contact with.”

  Not being good to eat, the dragon stomped on the deformed worm, raised its head high, smelling the air, and let out a loud, belching roar. Then it hit the grou
nd with its tail, attempting to scare them into running from under the cursed mushroom. Kedar was right, it looked right at the deadly mushroom but didn’t go near. Instead, it blew smoke out of its nostrils and began shaking its head back and forth in frustration. Being mighty hungry, it looked at the mushroom and snorted before searching for something else to eat. There was nothing anywhere to satisfy its immense hunger. In anger, it raked its head from one side to another.

  They watched puffs of smoke shoot out of the Dragon’s large nostrils. Being so upset, it struck a tree with its tail, twice the size of its body. The tree splintered, sending pieces of wood flying through the air. Fortunately, the dragon decided to give up and, blowing more smoke, trotted into the woods. Kedar and Careah, both petrified, never took their eyes off the creature until it completely disappeared.

  Kedar shuddered, “I hope we never have to face that thing in the future.” His wife, thinking the same thing, hoped its mate wasn’t nearby. The sun was breaking the start of a new day. They felt safe enough to continue their journey and decided to travel until the noon hour, hoping to make up some lost time. This journey was more dangerous than either thought it would be. Perilous things happened too often. Feeling quite safe, they ventured into an open field. A dark shadow hovered overhead. Looking up, they saw an odd-looking black bird swooping down with the intention of scooping them up for a quick meal. Without hesitating, Kedar grabbed Careah and dashed under a large rock, just in the nick of time. Kedar groused, “See, I told you things like this would happen. We should never have left home.”

  Careah was just as uptight as Kedar but intended to reach her goal of seeing baby Yesuah. She jokingly asked Kedar, “Would you like some cheese with your ‘whine’?”

  Kedar pretended he didn’t hear her jesting remark, knowing if he said something back in the slightest of bad humor, he would regret it. In all of the years of knowing Careah, never once had he gotten ahead of her wisdom. He also was wise enough to know when to speak his mind and when not to. This was one time he thought it was better to remain silent.


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